Mercurial: IntelliJ Idea: abort: cannot commit over an applied mq patch - intellij-idea

I'm totally new with Mercurial.
When commiting and pushing my changes through IntelliJ Idea, I've accidently pushed the Commit and Create MQ patch button.
The commit went through, but push didn't. I force pushed my changes successfully (not a very good thing to do), but I cannot commit anything now.
I get this error:
1 file failed to commit: tip fix. abort: cannot commit over an applied mq patch

The fix was very simple:
I had to type these two commands in IntelliJ Idea terminal:
1. hg commit (with your message commit)
2. hg push
Now everything is back to normal.


unable to commit & push reverted commit to bitbucket from InteliJ UI

I am new to InteliJ + Bitbucket integration.
after clicking revert commit on specific commit I pushed before -
local file is changed to the way it looked before the commit
no files appears on the local changes window
while running git status command on the terminal getting:
You are currently reverting commit a3b1cd9.
(all conflicts fixed: run "git revert --continue")
(use "git revert --skip" to skip this patch)
(use "git revert --abort" to cancel the revert operation)
any idea if there is any way to progress with this situation via the Intelij UI to commit and push this reverting to bitbucket?
Solution was to click on push icon on top, and then popup with option to push the reverting commit is presented.
unlike regular commit that right after changing files all of them are ready to commit on local changes window, and push popup appears only after marking them and clicking commit button...

os161 commiting changes via cvs

While I was committing to cvs my connection to the server got reset and I had to close my window now after getting back the connection, I am again trying to commit my changes to cvs and it keeps on saying
cvs commit: [14:18:31] waiting for MYUSERNAME lock in /home/ folder path
I also searched for cvs abort or similar command but there is not any.
what should I do now?

How to update after a rollback in Heroku

If you do a rollback in Heroku it will checkout a previous commit on the Heroku side. We know that. However, how do you restore it to the HEAD commit?
It seems that you actually have to modify your local HEAD, and then push to the repository. Otherwise,
$ git push HEAD:master
Everything up-to-date
and nothing happens, i.e. no new release is created.
The easy solution is just to do some innocuous change like a bundle install, commit, and push. But I was hoping to find someway to bring apps up to the HEAD if they weren't before. Any insight? Am I missing something?
When you do a rollback, you're creating a new deployment to an older change #. The other version is still out there in git. So to go "forward" to the newer change, you'd roll back again, this time to the deployment at that hash number.

Tooltwist Designer Repository Sync is failing

When I sync from the ToolTwist Designer, I select the files I wish to publish, but I get an error when I press OK, saying that the sync failed and to look in the server log file.
If I try again, the files I selected are no longer in the list, but if I check Git I can see they are not pushed to the repository.
In the log file I see that the push failed, and if I go to the webdesign directory and test the push command I get the same error:
$ git push --dry-run
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
I'm using the 'design' branch, so I'm not sure why an error is occurring on the 'master' branch.
In normal circumstances the Designer only uses a single git branch, normally named 'design'. The error message above indicates a conflict on the master branch.
It appears that changes have been committed to the master branch on the local machine but not pushed, whilst elsewhere changes have been committed to the master branch and have been pushed onto the remote repo.
To clear this conflict you'll need to checkout the master branch and do a pull to merge in the changes on the remote, and then the next push will work. Don't forget to change back to the design branch when you're finished.
[stop the Designer]
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
[resolve any conflicts]
$ git push origin master
$ git checkout design
[start the Designer]
By default git tries to push commits on all branches. In this case, you might find that the conflict on the master branch is preventing your web design changes on the design branch from being committed. To prevent this from happening, you can configure git's default behaviour to only push the current branch.
$ git config push.default current
You might also want to investigate why the master branch is being changed (and in two locations).

Xcode 4.2: xcdatamodel is marked as copied

I recently upgraded Xcode to start ios5 development, but for some reason I encounter a very strange
error with xcodes integrated version control. When I add a new model version and try to commit the changes to our repository I just get the following error:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Entry for '/Users/r2d2/Documents/workz/ios/blub iPhone 1.1/blub.xcdatamodeld/blub 3.xcdatamodel/elements' is marked as 'copied' but is not itself scheduled
for addition. Perhaps you're committing a target that is
inside an unversioned (or not-yet-versioned) directory?
I could reproduce the bug on all our machines with Xcode 4.2 here.
I get this from Xcode all the time, but a simple commit from the command line always gets around it:
cd myProjectDirectory
svn commit -m 'My commit message.'
Seems to be a problem with Xcode's SVN support.
a mere formality, but here again is the answer for those who didnt find it yet:
use the subclipse for the eclipse IDE to do source control via subversion... any other client
i tried couldn't commit the changes....