Join from three tables - sql

I have three tables in the database (with the columns I require in brackets);
Alphadata (Invoice, DateRaised, Amount, Staff)
TL Auth (Invoice)
Agents (Team Leader)
The code I'm currently trying to use to get all these columns into one query is this;
SELECT Alphadata.Invoice, Alphadata.DateRaised, Alphadata.Amount, Alphadata.Staff, Agents.TeamLeader, TlAuth.Invoice
FROM Alphadata
INNER JOIN TlAuth ON Alphadata.invoice = TlAuth.invoice
INNER JOIN Agents.Alphaname = Alphadata.Staff;
I think I've missed something. But I've got the AlphaData and TL Auth columns populating when I remove the Agents (last line) but the second I re-add that it goes awry.

You missed the name of table and ON in this line:
INNER JOIN Agents ON Agents.Alphaname = Alphadata.Staff;

SELECT Alphadata.Invoice, Alphadata.DateRaised, Alphadata.Amount, Alphadata.Staff, Agents.TeamLeader, TlAuth.Invoice
FROM (Alphadata
INNER JOIN TlAuth ON Alphadata.invoice = TlAuth.invoice)
INNER JOIN Agents ON Agents.Alphaname = Alphadata.Staff;
Try with the above. If you omit the ON clause this will result in the Cartesian Product of Agents and Alphadata. You can read more about Cartesian Product here.
EDIT 1: From your comment I guess you are using MS Access? If so I found that you need parentheses if you have more than one JOIN - see here. I've added them in the above query. Please try again.

You were missing a join condition for the second and third tables. Also, you get good mileage when writing SQL queries if you use table aliases. Note in the corrected query below that I have aliased the three tables in your query. Then, you can refer to the various columns using these alises, and the query is easier to read.
SELECT t1.Invoice,
FROM Alphadata t1 -- t1, t2 and t3 are aliases, or nicknames
INNER JOIN TlAuth t2 -- for the actual tables in your query
ON t1.invoice = t2.invoice
INNER JOIN Agents t3
ON t3.Alphaname = t1.Staff;


What is the best way to write inner join query in SQL?

First Way:
SELECT ST.PersonID, ST.CustomerID, ST.SaleTypeID, ST.PaymentGatewayID,
ST.CustomerMembershipID, ST.CustomerPaymentGatewayID, P.Currency
FROM ServiceTransaction ST
INNER JOIN dbo.Person P ON ST.PersonID = P.PersonID;
Second Way:
SELECT ST.PersonID, ST.CustomerID, ST.SaleTypeID, ST.PaymentGatewayID,
ST.CustomerMembershipID, ST.CustomerPaymentGatewayID, P.Currency
FROM ServiceTransaction ST
INNER JOIN dbo.Person P ON P.PersonID = ST.PersonID;
I want to optimize this query in SQL. Currently I am using second way and I need expert opinion, which one is best approach.
However, any one can add some new way to optimize this query as well.
As comments suggest, they are identical in many aspects. For a personal note tho if you keep the same format it gets easier to follow so I use the following schema to keep tabs on tables where I always use lower numbered table on left side
SELECT Column_list
ON Table1.ColName = Table2.ColName
ON Table1.ColName = Table3.ColName | ON Table2.ColName = Table3.ColName
This way when you are working with multiple tables and joins it is easier to follow which table is joined where and which table was mentioned first in the query.

SQL SELECT Statement Using Three Tables

I am trying to write a SQL Select statement to port some data from a Sybase environment to a MongoDB environment and I'm just trying to figure out the correct syntax to involve three different tables.
Basically what I need to do is do an INNER JOIN on two tables, and then do a matching check against a 3rd table. The three table names are "ar_notes", "customer_service_xref" and "service_notes_details"
This is what I tried:
SELECT * FROM ar_notes arn
LEFT JOIN customer_service_xref csx ON arn.customer_service_xref_id = csx.id_number
WHERE arn.visit_date = service_notes_details.date_of_visit
This doesn't work. I get a correlation error.
What should the syntax look like when involving three tables like this?
You said you need an INNER JOIN among three tables but your query does a LEFT JOIN between two and tries another join in the WHERE clause without refering that table in the FROM clause.
To just fix your query:
FROM service_notes_details snd, ar_notes arn
INNER JOIN customer_service_xref csx ON arn.customer_service_xref_id = csx.id_number
WHERE arn.visit_date = snd.date_of_visit
This is what you should use in current SQL syntax:
FROM ar_notes arn
INNER JOIN customer_service_xref csx ON arn.customer_service_xref_id = csx.id_number
INNER JOIN service_notes_details ON arn.visit_date = service_notes_details.date_of_visit
To be clear, this will only return lines in ar_notes that have corresponding values in customer_service_xref (joining by customer_service_xref_id) and in service_notes_details(joining by visit_date). Your original query, using LEFT JOIN would return lines from ar_notes even if there was no matching customer_service_xref_id.

SQL Statement for Accessing Data from Multiple Tables

I have 7 Tables as per attached following Image.
I will either enter Engine Number or Chassis Number and it should show the respective tables information (these tables have only mentioned fields) so all fields can be shown as result.
I can use hard coded Engine Number or Chassis Number. Every time of execution of this Query, I will hard code the required Engine/Chassis Number and will get the result.
Can anybody please help me to write this query for me?
Click Here to See the Tables
This might be a starting point for your solution.
SELECT prod.EngineNo AS engNo, prod.ChassisNo, doral.doralNo [, table.column [AS name]]
FROM DOProductSpecsDetais AS prod
ON prod.DOProductSpecsDetailID = doral.DOProductSpecsID
INNER JOIN DOProductDetail AS prodDetail
ON prod.DOProductDetailID = prodDetail.DOProductDetailID
WHERE prod.ChassisNo = '<input>' OR prod.EngineNo='<input>'
Between the SELECT and the FROM Statement, you can select any column out of your JOIN.
You can cascade as many JOINs as you like...
Which DBMS are you going to use?
One suggestion: Try to simplify the names of your columns, if possible.
One more: If you just started to do Database things, it is always helpful to start a test environment and use a client tool.
You can write query something like this:
select * from
DoProductSpecsDetail tbl1 inner join Doral tbl2
on tbl1.DoProductSpecsDetailId = tbl2.DoProductSpecsId
inner join DoproductDetail tbl3
on tbl1.DoProductDetailId = tbl3.DoProductDetailId
inner join ProductColor tbl4
on tbl1.ProductColorId = tbl4.ProductColorId
inner join DoDetail tbl5
on tbl3.DeliveryOrderDetailId = tbl5.DeliveryOrderId
inner join ProductMain tbl6
on tbl3.ProductId = tbl6.ProductId
inner join BPMain tbl7
on tbl5.BusinessPartnerId = tbl7.BusinessPartnerId

Join expression not supported SQL

Trs.itemID, Trs.imtName, Trs.sumQty, Sum(whiQty)
trsitemID AS itemID, trsimtName AS imtName,
Sum(trsQty) As sumQty
tblTransactionSub AS T
trstraID = 1231
AND trsActive = True
trsitemID, trsimtName) AS Trs
tblWarehouseItem AS WHI ON Trs.itemID = WHI.whiitemID)
WHI ON Trs.trswhiID = WHI.whiID
whiActive = True
AND whiCansel = False
AND whiwrhID = 19
Trs.itemID,Trs.imtName, Trs.sumQty
SUM(whiQty) < Trs.sumQty
If you please help me me out since I am new to SQL commands I can not easily find my mistake.
Thanks in advance
The error that occurred when I added the Right Join is:
Join expression not supported
In MS Access, you have to use parenthesises with multiple joins:
select ...
... join table2 on ...)
... join table3 on ...)
... join tableN
As OP question changes its syntax often, then my answer seems out of place :) Initially there were no parens there.
About RIGHT JOIN: You need to use table name (or entire subselect) after JOIN keyword, not skip it or use some other alias. Your query part
WHI ON Trs.trswhiID = WHI.whiID
currently uses alias WHI, which is wrong in two ways: 1) it is not table name 2) it is already used. You need something like this:
tblWarehouseItem AS WHI2 ON Trs.trswhiID = WHI2.whiID
It could be possible that MS Access restricts your kind of JOINs usage (like INNER join should not come after LEFT join); I have currently no possibility to check precise rules.
Your problem is that you have no table name after the RIGHT JOIN:
ON Trs.trswhiID = WHI.whiID
Should be:
ON Trs.trswhiID = WHI.whiID
However, you have already defined Trs and Whi, so I have no idea what table you want there, or why. Perhaps you just want to change the INNER JOIN to a LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN.

How can I exclude values from a third query (Access)

I have a query that shows me a listing of ALL opportunities in one query
I have a query that shows me a listing of EXCLUSION opportunities, ones we want to eliminate from the results
I need to produce a query that will take everything from the first query minus the second query...
SELECT DISTINCT qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients.*
FROM qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients INNER JOIN qryMissedOpportunity_Exclusions ON
([qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients].[ClientID] <> [qryMissedOpportunity_Exclusions].[ClientID])
([qryMissedOpportunity_Exclusions].[ClientID] <> [qryMissedOpportunity_Exclusions].[BillingCode])
The initial query works as intended and exclusions successfully lists all the hits, but I get the full listing when I query with the above which is obviously wrong. Any tips would be appreciated.
EDIT - Two originating queries
qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients (1)
SELECT MissedOpportunities.MOID, PriceList.BillingCode, Client.ClientID, Client.ClientName, PriceList.WorkDescription, PriceList.UnitOfWork, MissedOpportunities.Qty, PriceList.CostPerUnit AS Our_PriceList_Cost, ([MissedOpportunities].[Qty]*[PriceList].[CostPerUnit]) AS At_Cost, MissedOpportunities.fBegin
FROM PriceList INNER JOIN (Client INNER JOIN MissedOpportunities ON Client.ClientID = MissedOpportunities.ClientID) ON PriceList.BillingCode = MissedOpportunities.BillingCode
WHERE (((MissedOpportunities.fBegin)=#10/1/2009#));
SELECT qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients.*, MissedOpportunity_Exclusions.Exclusion, MissedOpportunity_Exclusions.Comments
FROM qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients INNER JOIN MissedOpportunity_Exclusions ON (qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients.BillingCode = MissedOpportunity_Exclusions.BillingCode) AND (qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients.ClientID = MissedOpportunity_Exclusions.ClientID)
WHERE (((MissedOpportunity_Exclusions.Exclusion)=True));
One group needs to see everything, the other needs to see things they havn't deamed as "valid" missed opportunity as in, we've seen it, verified why its there and don't need to bother critiquing it every single month.
Generally you can exclude a table by doing a left join and comparing against null:
SELECT t1.* FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 on = where is null;
Should be pretty easy to adopt this to your situation.
Looking at your query rewritten to use table aliases so I can read it...
FROM qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients c
JOIN qryMissedOpportunity_Exclusions e
ON c.ClientID <> e.ClientID
AND e.ClientID <> e.BillingCode
This query will produce a cartesian product of sorts... each and every row in qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients will match and join with every row in qryMissedOpportunity_Exclusions where ClientIDs do not match... Is this what you want?? Generally join conditions are based on a column in one table being equal to the value of a column in the other table... Joining where they are not equal is unusual ...
Second, the second iniquality in the join conditions is between columns in the same table (qryMissedOpportunity_Exclusions table) Are you sure this is what you want? If it is, it is not a join condition, it is a Where clause condition...
Second, your question mentions two queries, but there is only the one query (above) in yr question. Where is the second one?