Populate AtlasConversationsRecyclerView with custom HTTP response - layer

I am working on an Android app, using Layer Atlas for the conversations section. Right now I am trying to populate the conversations list (AtlasConversationsRecyclerView) with my own query:
private AtlasConversationsRecyclerView mConversationsList;
new HTTPRequestManager.VolleyCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String response) {
JSONArray jsonArray = Base.toJSONResponse(response);
JSONArray sortedJsonArray = Base.sortJSONArray(jsonArray, Base.CREATE_TIMESTAMP);
// mConversationsAdapter.setData(sortedJsonArray);
}, Base.mChannelId);
What I normally do to populate an ordinary RecyclerView is write an adapter for it, specifically a setData() method that solves the query-view integration (mConversationsAdapter.setData(..)). This time, I have the query response, but I don't understand how to use it to populate the AtlasConversationsRecyclerView, which has its own adapter.
The code that comes next:
// Atlas methods
mConversationsList.init(getLayerClient(), getPicasso())
.setOnConversationClickListener(new AtlasConversationsAdapter.OnConversationClickListener() {...}
This is what I found on the reference files, but I am missing the query-adapter integration part.
Could you please give me some advice?
Thank you,


How to send data piece by piece using Flux?

I play with baeldung tutorial from github.
I wanted to see how a browser retrieves data piece by piece. So I added my simple controller method:
public Flux<Employee> getFlux() {
return Flux.fromIterable(employeeRepository.employeeData.values())
But when I look at the browser network the data is retrieved in one chunk after 6 second delay.
How to do this correctly?
This is happening because you didn't mention Media type for the response.
Try this code.
#GetMapping(value = "/test",produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE)
public Flux getMapping() {
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(300)).map(f -> "HI");

Extend Office JavaScript API with own Browser Control

I'm trying to write a VSTO-Add-In with a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser-Control enabling something similar to the Office-JS-Add-In model.
The WebBrowser-control would show some HTML/JS-Page and be able to call C#-functions in the VSTO-Add-In from JavaScript via window.external and the ObjectForScripting-property of the WebBrowser-object.
That is in JS the call would be
while there had to be some
class MyFunctionProxy() {
public void DoFancyStuffToMyDocument(string theParam) {
//code here
in the C#-Code an this would be attached to the WebBrowser
myWebBrowser.ObjectForScripting = new MyFunctionProxy();
So far so good. Now comes the catch. I want my HTML/JS-Code be able to also utilize the office.js code and functions like
Word.run(function (context) {
var thisDocument = context.document;
var range = thisDocument.getSelection();
range.insertText('"Hitch your wagon to a star."\n', Word.InsertLocation.replace);
Does anyone see a way of getting this to work?
My initial guess was that the OfficeJS-taskpane-add-ins in Word on-prem use some some similar methode as above with a class derived from WebBrowser and the appropriate ObjectForScripting. This would then suggest that there must be a (hopefully accessible) class which is assigned to the ObjectForScripting-property handling the function calls from office.js. Then I could proxy this ObjectForScripting-class and add my own functions like 'DoFancyStuffToMyDocument()'.

Selenium Web Driver : How to map html elements to Java Object.

As part of Selenium Web-driver learning I came across a scenario. Please let me know the professional approach to proceed.
I am testing a eCommerce application where while I click on Mobile link all mobile phones are getting displayed.I want to check whether they are sorted based on name and price. So basically I need to get Name & price of all elements in the result page.
So My Question is there any way I can map html elements to java value objects ? Any API already available for doing this mapping for me ? Something similar to gson api for converting java objects to their corresponding Json representation ?
Deepu Nair
//Get all the mobile phones links into a list before sorting
List<WebElement> mobilelinks=driver.findElements(("locator"));
Map maps = new LinkedHashMap();//use linked hash map as it preserves the insertion order
for(int i=0;i<mobilelinks.size();i++){
//store the name and price as key value pair in map
maps.put("mobilelinks.get(i).getAttribute('name')","mobilelinks.get(i).getAttribute('price')" );
/*sort the map based on keys(names) store it in a separate list
sort the map based on values(prices) store it in a separate list
/* Using webdriver click the sort by name and compare it with the list which we got after sorting
and also click sort by prices and compare it with the list*/
To catch an assertion and continue with the test after assertion failures override the Assertion class and create your own CustomAssertion or use SoftAssertions
public class CustomAssertions extends Assertion {
private Map<AssertionError, IAssert> m_errors = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
public void executeAssert(IAssert a) {
try {
} catch(AssertionError ex) {
onAssertFailure(a, ex);
m_errors.put(ex, a);
public void assertAll() {
if (! m_errors.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The following asserts failed:\n");
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry<AssertionError, IAssert> ae : m_errors.entrySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
sb.append(", ");
throw new AssertionError(sb.toString());
Instead of using Assertions class to verify the tests use CustomAssertions class
//create an object of CustomAssertions class
CustomAssertions custom_assert=new CustomAssertions();
cust_assert.assertEquals("test", "testing");
//and finally after finishing the test in aftersuite method call
Hope this helps you if you have any doubts kindly get back...

ActivityProfile rest call when using TinCanAPI to update a leaderboard in tetris example

I am trying to update my LMS to be TinCanAPI compliant and while I have been able to capture the statements for the beginning and the end of the Tetris Example game I have been unable to update the ActivityProfile calls to highscores as I am unsure as to what exactly is required to be returned.
I have the following WebAPI controller:
public class ActivitiesController : ApiController
private XAPIBiz xvm;
public ActivitiesController()
MetaLearning.Data.MetaLearningContext dbcontext = new MetaLearningContext(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MetaLearningContext"].ConnectionString);
xvm = new MetaLearning.Biz.XAPIBiz(dbcontext);
// GET api/activity/5
public string Get([FromUri]string profileId, [FromUri]string activityId)
return "[{actor:{name:John Paul}, score:9921, date:2014-04-07T14:42:46.492Z},{actor:{name:John Paul}, score:4000, date:2014-04-07T14:42:46.492Z}]";
//var test = profileId;
//var test2 = activityId;
//return "value";
If I try to view the leaderboard when the course is hosted on Cloud.Scorm.Com then I am able to see the request to /activities/profile?profileId=highscores&activityId=http%3A%2F%2Ftincanapi.com%2FJsTetris_TCAPI
I get the response of
"[{actor:{name:John Paul}, score:9921, date:2014-04-07T14:42:46.492Z},{actor:{name:John Paul}, score:4000, date:2014-04-07T14:42:46.492Z}]"
But If I try to return just the string value of this for testing purposes I get a list of 137 undefined on the leaderboard.
If I return void in this controller action then the leaderboard appears blank.
If I save the text in this file as a json file and save to blob storage and then try to return a URI pointing to the file I get an undefined list of 66 names.
Any help in furthering my understanding of how the ActivityProfile API works would be greatly appreciated. What is the implementation on SCORM cloud?

How do I get Xtext's model from a different plugin?

I've written an Xtext-based plugin for some language. I'm now interested in creating a new independent view (as a separate plugin, though it requires my first plugin), which will interact with the currently-active DSL document - and specifically, interact with the model Xtext parsed (I think it's called the Ecore model?). How do I approach this?
I saw I can get an instance of XtextEditor if I do something like this when initializing my view:
getSite().getPage().addPartListener(new MyListener());
And then, in MyListener, override partActivated and partInputChanged to get an IWorkbenchPartReference, which is a reference to the XtextEditor. But what do I do from here? Is this even the right approach to this problem? Should I instead use some notification functionality from the Xtext side?
Found it out! First, you need an actual document:
IXtextDocument doc = editor.getDocument();
Then, if you want to access the model:
doc.modify(new IUnitOfWork.Void<XtextResource>() { // Can also use just IUnitOfWork
#Override public void process(XtextResource state) throws Exception {
And if you want to get live updates whenever it changes:
doc.addModelListener(new IXtextModelListener() {
#Override public void modelChanged(XtextResource resource) {
for (EObject model : resource.getContent()) {