Excel: Background of cell not recognised - vba

Hopefully a quickie.
I have a bizarre case of a cell having a background colour, but excel not recognising it as such.
Upon right click > format cell, no fill is shown, no rgb value assigned to this cell. but the cell is coloured and it can be copied only with VBA's .copy or the Paste Specials Keep Source Formatting and Values & Source Formatting
I would really like to know whats going on, as well as how to edit Tim's code here to copy this colour.
Thank you for your time.

Conditional formatting is not recognized as a background color in VBA.


Adding a background image to a particular cell

I tried to insert the background image using following code:
Pic = "C://Picture/Logo1"
Activesheet.SetBackgroundPicture Pic
This inserts the picture to full sheet but I want to add it to particular cell or a range of cells. Please help
As far as I know excel doesn't support appending the image to a cell (with or without VBA).
The background of a single cell supports colors/gradients/fill-patters, but not the pictures.
It is possible however, to "place" the picture (shape) object with the same width and height right above the cell and make it locked and move around together with the cell if somebody attempts to resize cell widths. I personally wouldn't go that way, too much to code and too much risk of breaking the structure.

Find/replace conditionally formatted cells

I've been using a conditional format formula =OR(B2=B1,B2=B3) to highlight consecutive duplicates. I then use format painter to copy the formula to all columns in my excel table.
I have set up a button that will, amongst other things, copy a workbook into a new workbook. I now want to include the above formula in this macro. My final objective is to replace all of the cells found with this formula with an asterisk (*).
I first tried to just pop the formula into the macro as a starting point -
For Each sh In Destwb.Worksheets
With sh.UsedRange.FormatConditions _
.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=OR(B2=B1,B2=B3)")
.Interior.Color = RGB(198, 239, 206)
End With
Next sh
But this just makes a mess of seemingly randomly highlighted cells. I'm not sure where I've gone wrong. Even column B highlights are all wrong. Could the header in B1 affect this? It doesn't when I use the CF normally. How can I expand the CF into all columns uniquely?
Finally, how do I go about working a replacement of formatted cells into this formula? Or is there a quicker/easier way to meet this end-goal?
I didn't realise I could add custom text in that way. That's moved me a good couple of steps forward.
Taking Balinti's suggestion into consideration I've tried a workaround. I was making a couple of assumptions that turned out to be wrong. I have been able to enter the CF into the Array of data that I have in my original workbook. It's not as simple as putting it into a table, but by manually selecting the range in each column and inputting the CF I have made it work.
I also wasn't sure if the formatting would carry through to the new worksheet as I have used the Paste Special command to convert the array formula to values in the new sheet. It does, however, carry the formatting across which is very handy.
It's not the perfect solution for me but it appears to be working so far. I still need to test what happens when I change the date and get updated data. It would still be interesting to know if I can move this formatting into my macro though. Any tips?

VBA for changing font and colour of a cell if a certain word is typed in it

I have a somewhat large spreadsheet with a type of summary page that follows a calender layout.
On this page I manually change the font and color of cells to make it easy for me to find certain things on it. For example, (I lecture mathematics) if I have revision on a certain lesson, I make that cell bold and green. (exact type of green I can sort out myself). I want a VBA code if possible so that if I type the word revision into a cell on that sheet only, not whole workbook, that it would automatically change it to green.
Realistically, I don't manually type in the word revision always. Some of it uses lookups of various types to find what happens on that day to display a word (for example revision) in that given cell.
I don't know if this is possible to do. I realize that if "revision" is shown due to a lookup then the contents of that cell is not equal to "revision" but a formula which simply displays "revision"
Any assistance would be appreciated. If I have a basic code I can manipulate to get it right.
Maybe you're looking for something along the lines of:
Sub CheckRevision()
Dim CurCell As Object
For Each CurCell In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1:AZ500")
If CurCell.Value = "Revision" Then CurCell.Interior.Color = RGB(0,204,0)
End Sub
Or equivalently, you can probably use conditional formatting. Home Tab > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Text that Contains. From there, type the value "Revision" into the value box and you can change the format of the cell to how you like it.

My Excel VBA conditional formatting (background color) isn't updating

I have an application which opens an Excel workbook and in this workbook there is a sheet which has some cells with conditional formatting (background in red when 1, orange when 2 etc ...).
When there are no values in these cells and I then choose a value from a combobox, it should change the background color but it doesn't. However, when I copy and paste a value from another cell (with conditional formatting), the background color is updated and I have the same problem afterwards (background color doesn't update when I change values).
So I want to create a macro in VBA which allows this update when I change values.
N.B. There are protected cells in the workbook but no protection on these cells.
N.B.2: There are 4 cells with the right background color but they are filled before or during Excel opening (it's not my application).
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'not working
Application.Calculate 'not working too
another weird thing : if i copy/paste all the values (1,2,3,4) from a cell to another + a ctrl + z, then the conditional formatting works fine for all the cells ...
I've found a solution using Cells.ApplyOulineStyles. It works for the first update of the values. I think i will clear the background for each change and call it again.

Assigning a background color to a cell, given a condition on another cell

I am trying to create a formula in Microsoft Excel 2010 to accomplish the following algorithm:
If A1=10, then A2 has a background color of red.
I have basic knowledge of if/then statements in Excel, so I have this so far:
=IF(A1=10, x)
...where x would be the formula for changing the background color of the cell. However, after conducting some internet research on the subject, the consensus seems to be that I should instead use conditional formatting to accomplish this task. I have never used conditional formatting and am having trouble understanding how to utilize it so that a condition on one cell would affect another cell.
This is the conditional formatting screen that I am faced with:
So I guess I have two questions:
Is using conditional formatting the best way to accomplish this?
If so, how can I utilize it to assign a background color to a cell, given the truth of a condition on a different cell?
You can do it using conditional formatting, so you're on the right track. One thing I'm assuming here is that you want to format the cell to the right of the cell with the value - is that correct? If so, you actually don't need to use an if formula (though your logic is correct). In that dialog box, make the formula:
And then when you click OK, change the Applies to range by clicking on the little chart icon next to it and clicking cell B1. Then do apply, etc., close out the box and try typing 10 in A1. When you need to expand the range, you can just change that Applies to range to encompass everything you want affected. In the example below, cells B1:B26 will all change if 10 is entered in the cell directly to the left (column A).