Spark: sum preceding rows - sql

I'm using spark to create a DataFrame. I have a column like this one:
| 0|
| 0|
| 0|
| 1|
| 0|
| 1|
| 0|
And would like to use it to create a new column where each row has the sum value of all the preceding rows and it's own value, so it'd end up looking like:
| 0|
| 0|
| 0|
| 1|
| 1|
| 2|
| 2|


How to add a new column to a Spark Dataframe?

Currently I have a dataframe like below
| id|
| 0|
| 1|
and I want to add a new column called product_id.
| product_id|
| A|
| B|
| C|
For each id in the dataframe, I want to add all product_id:
| id|product_id|
| 0| A|
| 0| B|
| 0| C|
| 1| A|
| 1| B|
| 1| C|
Is there a way to do this?
This is generation of a sample dataframe
df = spark.range(2)
| id|
| 0|
| 1|
Option 1: stack
stack_df = df.selectExpr("*","stack(3,'A','B','C') as product_id")
| id|product_id|
| 0| A|
| 0| B|
| 0| C|
| 1| A|
| 1| B|
| 1| C|
Option 2: explode
explode_df = df.selectExpr("*","explode(array('A','B','C')) as product_id")
| id|product_id|
| 0| A|
| 0| B|
| 0| C|
| 1| A|
| 1| B|
| 1| C|

Pyspark crossJoin with specific condition

The crossJoin of two dataframes of 5 rows for each one gives a dataframe of 25 rows (5*5).
What I want is to do a crossJoin but which is "not full".
For example:
df1: df2:
+-----+ +-----+
|index| |value|
+-----+ +-----+
| 0| | A|
| 1| | B|
| 2| | C|
| 3| | D|
| 4| | E|
+-----+ +-----+
The result must be a dataframe of number of rows < 25, while for each row in index choosing randomly the number of rows in value with which the crossJoin is done.
It will be something like that:
| 0| D|
| 0| A|
| 1| A|
| 1| D|
| 1| B|
| 1| C|
| 2| A|
| 2| E|
| 3| D|
| 4| A|
| 4| B|
| 4| E|
Thank you
You can try with sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed=None) to get the less number of rows after cross join.
spark.sql("set spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled=true")

spark sql spark.range(7).select('*,'id % 3 as "bucket").show // how to understand ('*,'id % 3 as "bucket")

spark.range(7).select('*,'id % 3 as "bucket").show
// result:
| id|bucket|
| 0| 0|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 0|
| 4| 1|
| 5| 2|
| 6| 0|
spark.range(7).withColumn("bucket",$"id" % 3).show
| id|bucket|
| 0| 0|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 0|
| 4| 1|
| 5| 2|
| 6| 0|
I want to know what to make of *, and the whole select statement
Is the bottom of these two ways equivalent?
spark.range(7).select('*,'id % 3 as "bucket").show
spark.range(7).select($"*",$"id" % 3 as "bucket").show
spark.range(7).select(col("*"),col("id") % 3 as "bucket").show
val df = spark.range(7)"*"),df("id") % 3 as "bucket").show
These four ways are equivalent;

Spark: Dataframe pipe delimited doesn't return correct values

I have data frame as below:
| value|
|1009|45|Diamond F...|
|1010|46|DBX Vecto...|
|1011|46|Old Town ...|
|1012|46|Pelican T...|
I need to divide each column wise-
I use below query which works in all the other delimiter but here it doen't ==>
products_df.selectExpr(("cast((split(value,'|'))[0] as int) as product_id"),("cast((split(value,'|'))[1] as int) as product_category_id"),("cast((split(value,'|'))[2] as string) as product_name"),("cast((split(value,'|'))[3] as string) as description"), ("cast((split(value,'|'))[4] as float) as product_price") ,("cast((split(value,'|'))[5] as string) as product_image")).show
It returns -
| 1| 0| 0| 9| null| 4|
| 1| 0| 1| 0| null| 4|
| 1| 0| 1| 1| null| 4|
| 1| 0| 1| 2| null| 4|
| 1| 0| 1| 3| null| 4|
| 1| 0| 1| 4| null| 4|
| 1| 0| 1| 5| null| 4|
It works fine when the file is delimited by comma(,) or (:)
only with pipe(|) and returns above values whereas it should be
product_id|product_category_id| product_name|description|product_price| product_image|
| 1009| 45|Quest Q64 10 FT. ...| | 59.98|http://images.acm...|
| 1010| 46|Under Armour Men'...| | 129.99|http://images.acm...|
| 1011| 47|Under Armour Men'...| | 89.99|http://images.acm...|
Thanks, Guys for the suggestions-
-> It seems selectExpr doesn't work when file is delimited by pipe(|).
so the alternate way is to use withColumn.
Spark 2.4.3 Just adding a neat and clean code
scala> var df =Seq(("1009|45|Diamond F"),("1010|46|DBX Vecto")).toDF("value")
| value|
|1009|45|Diamond F|
|1010|46|DBX Vecto|
val splitedViewsDF = df.withColumn("product_id", split($"value", "\\|").getItem(0)).withColumn("product_cat_id", split($"value", "\\|").getItem(1)).withColumn("product_name", split($"value", "\\|").getItem(2)).drop($"value")
| 1009| 45| Diamond F|
| 1010| 46| DBX Vecto|
here you can get data by using getItem. Happy Hadoop

Spark: How to aggregate/reduce records based on time difference?

I have time series data in CSV from vehicle with following information:
The data looks like this:
trip-id | timestamp | speed
001 | 1538204192 | 44.55
001 | 1538204193 | 47.20 <-- start of brake
001 | 1538204194 | 42.14
001 | 1538204195 | 39.20
001 | 1538204196 | 35.30
001 | 1538204197 | 32.22 <-- end of brake
001 | 1538204198 | 34.80
001 | 1538204199 | 37.10
001 | 1538204221 | 55.30
001 | 1538204222 | 57.20 <-- start of brake
001 | 1538204223 | 54.60
001 | 1538204224 | 52.15
001 | 1538204225 | 49.27
001 | 1538204226 | 47.89 <-- end of brake
001 | 1538204227 | 50.57
001 | 1538204228 | 53.72
A braking event occurs when there's a decrease in speed in 2 consecutive records based on timestamp.
I want to extract the braking events from the data in terms of event start timestamp, end timestamp, start speed & end speed.
| breakID|start timestamp|end timestamp|start speed|end speed|
|0011538204193| 1538204193| 1538204196| 47.2| 35.3|
|0011538204222| 1538204222| 1538204225| 57.2| 49.27|
Here's my take:
Defined a window spec with partition according to trip-id, ordered by timestamp.
Applied window lag to move over consecutive rows and calculate speed difference.
Filter out records which have positive speed difference, as i am interested in braking events only.
Now that I only have records belonging to braking events, I want to group records belonging to same event. I guess i can do this based on the timestamp difference. If the difference between 2 records is 1 second, those 2 records belong to same braking event.
I am stuck here as i do not have a key belonging to same group so i can apply key based aggregation.
My question is:
How can I map to add a key column based on the difference in timestamp? So if 2 records have a difference of 1 seconds, they should have a common key. That way, I can reduce a group based on the newly added key.
Is there any better & more optimized way to achieve this? My approach could be very inefficient as it relies on row by row comparisons. What are the other possible ways to detect these kind of "sub-events" (e.g braking events) in a data-stream belonging to a specific event (data from single vehicle trip)?
Thanks in advance!
Example data file for a trip:
For Pandas users, there is pretty much a common programming pattern using shift() + cumsum() to setup a group-label to identify consecutive rows matching some specific patterns/conditions. With pyspark, we can use Window functions lag() + sum() to do the same and find this group-label (d2 in the following code):
Data Setup:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window
>>> df.orderBy('timestamp').show()
|trip-id| timestamp|speed|
| 001|1538204192|44.55|
| 001|1538204193|47.20|
| 001|1538204194|42.14|
| 001|1538204195|39.20|
| 001|1538204196|35.30|
| 001|1538204197|32.22|
| 001|1538204198|34.80|
| 001|1538204199|37.10|
| 001|1538204221|55.30|
| 001|1538204222|57.20|
| 001|1538204223|54.60|
| 001|1538204224|52.15|
| 001|1538204225|49.27|
| 001|1538204226|47.89|
| 001|1538204227|50.57|
| 001|1538204228|53.72|
>>> df.printSchema()
|-- trip-id: string (nullable = true)
|-- unix_timestamp: integer (nullable = true)
|-- speed: double (nullable = true)
Set up two Window Spec (w1, w2):
# Window spec used to find previous speed F.lag('speed').over(w1) and also do the cumsum() to find flag `d2`
w1 = Window.partitionBy('trip-id').orderBy('timestamp')
# Window spec used to find the minimal value of flag `d1` over the partition(`trip-id`,`d2`)
w2 = Window.partitionBy('trip-id', 'd2').rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
Three flags (d1, d2, d3):
d1 : flag to identify if the previous speed is greater than the current speed, if true d1 = 0, else d1 = 1
d2 : flag to mark the consecutive rows for speed-drop with the same unique number
d3 : flag to identify the minimal value of d1 on the partition('trip-id', 'd2'), only when d3 == 0 can the row belong to a group with speed-drop. this will be used to filter out unrelated rows
df_1 = df.withColumn('d1', F.when(F.lag('speed').over(w1) > F.col('speed'), 0).otherwise(1))\
.withColumn('d2', F.sum('d1').over(w1)) \
.withColumn('d3', F.min('d1').over(w2))
>>> df_1.orderBy('timestamp').show()
|trip-id| timestamp|speed| d1| d2| d3|
| 001|1538204192|44.55| 1| 1| 1|
| 001|1538204193|47.20| 1| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204194|42.14| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204195|39.20| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204196|35.30| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204197|32.22| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204198|34.80| 1| 3| 1|
| 001|1538204199|37.10| 1| 4| 1|
| 001|1538204221|55.30| 1| 5| 1|
| 001|1538204222|57.20| 1| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204223|54.60| 0| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204224|52.15| 0| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204225|49.27| 0| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204226|47.89| 0| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204227|50.57| 1| 7| 1|
| 001|1538204228|53.72| 1| 8| 1|
Remove rows which are not with concern:
df_1 = df_1.where('d3 == 0')
>>> df_1.orderBy('timestamp').show()
|trip-id| timestamp|speed| d1| d2| d3|
| 001|1538204193|47.20| 1| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204194|42.14| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204195|39.20| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204196|35.30| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204197|32.22| 0| 2| 0|
| 001|1538204222|57.20| 1| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204223|54.60| 0| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204224|52.15| 0| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204225|49.27| 0| 6| 0|
| 001|1538204226|47.89| 0| 6| 0|
Final Step:
Now for df_1, group by trip-id and d2, find the min and max of F.struct('timestamp', 'speed') which will return the first and last records in the group, select the corresponding fields from the struct to get the final result:
df_new = df_1.groupby('trip-id', 'd2').agg(
F.min(F.struct('timestamp', 'speed')).alias('start')
, F.max(F.struct('timestamp', 'speed')).alias('end')
, F.col('start.timestamp').alias('start timestamp')
, F.col('end.timestamp').alias('end timestamp')
, F.col('start.speed').alias('start speed')
, F.col('end.speed').alias('end speed')
|trip-id|start timestamp|end timestamp|start speed|end speed|
| 001| 1538204193| 1538204197| 47.20| 32.22|
| 001| 1538204222| 1538204226| 57.20| 47.89|
Note: Remove the intermediate dataframe df_1, we can have the following:
df_new = df.withColumn('d1', F.when(F.lag('speed').over(w1) > F.col('speed'), 0).otherwise(1))\
.withColumn('d2', F.sum('d1').over(w1)) \
.withColumn('d3', F.min('d1').over(w2)) \
.where('d3 == 0') \
.groupby('trip-id', 'd2').agg(
F.min(F.struct('timestamp', 'speed')).alias('start')
, F.max(F.struct('timestamp', 'speed')).alias('end')
, F.col('start.timestamp').alias('start timestamp')
, F.col('end.timestamp').alias('end timestamp')
, F.col('start.speed').alias('start speed')
, F.col('end.speed').alias('end speed')
Hope this helps. Scala code.
| breakID|start timestamp|end timestamp|start speed|end speed|
|0011538204193| 1538204193| 1538204196| 47.2| 35.3|
|0011538204222| 1538204222| 1538204225| 57.2| 49.27|
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
|trip-id| timestamp|speed|
| 001|1538204192|44.55|
| 001|1538204193| 47.2|
| 001|1538204194|42.14|
| 001|1538204195| 39.2|
| 001|1538204196| 35.3|
| 001|1538204197|32.22|
| 001|1538204198| 34.8|
| 001|1538204199| 37.1|
| 001|1538204221| 55.3|
| 001|1538204222| 57.2|
| 001|1538204223| 54.6|
| 001|1538204224|52.15|
| 001|1538204225|49.27|
| 001|1538204226|47.89|
| 001|1538204227|50.57|
| 001|1538204228|53.72|
val overColumns = Window.partitionBy("trip-id").orderBy("timestamp")
val breaksDF = df
.withColumn("speeddiff", lead("speed", 1).over(overColumns) - $"speed")
.withColumn("breaking", when($"speeddiff" < 0, 1).otherwise(0))
|trip-id| timestamp|speed| speeddiff|breaking|
| 001|1538204192|44.55| 2.6500000000000057| 0|
| 001|1538204193| 47.2| -5.060000000000002| 1|
| 001|1538204194|42.14|-2.9399999999999977| 1|
| 001|1538204195| 39.2|-3.9000000000000057| 1|
| 001|1538204196| 35.3|-3.0799999999999983| 1|
| 001|1538204197|32.22| 2.5799999999999983| 0|
| 001|1538204198| 34.8| 2.3000000000000043| 0|
| 001|1538204199| 37.1| 18.199999999999996| 0|
| 001|1538204221| 55.3| 1.9000000000000057| 0|
| 001|1538204222| 57.2|-2.6000000000000014| 1|
| 001|1538204223| 54.6| -2.450000000000003| 1|
| 001|1538204224|52.15|-2.8799999999999955| 1|
| 001|1538204225|49.27|-1.3800000000000026| 1|
| 001|1538204226|47.89| 2.6799999999999997| 0|
| 001|1538204227|50.57| 3.1499999999999986| 0|
| 001|1538204228|53.72| null| 0|
val outputDF = breaksDF
when(($"breaking" - lag($"breaking", 1).over(overColumns)) === 1, "start of break")
.when(($"breaking" - lead($"breaking", 1).over(overColumns)) === 1, "end of break"))
|trip-id| timestamp|speed| speeddiff|breaking| breakevent|
| 001|1538204192|44.55| 2.6500000000000057| 0| null|
| 001|1538204193| 47.2| -5.060000000000002| 1|start of break|
| 001|1538204194|42.14|-2.9399999999999977| 1| null|
| 001|1538204195| 39.2|-3.9000000000000057| 1| null|
| 001|1538204196| 35.3|-3.0799999999999983| 1| end of break|
| 001|1538204197|32.22| 2.5799999999999983| 0| null|
| 001|1538204198| 34.8| 2.3000000000000043| 0| null|
| 001|1538204199| 37.1| 18.199999999999996| 0| null|
| 001|1538204221| 55.3| 1.9000000000000057| 0| null|
| 001|1538204222| 57.2|-2.6000000000000014| 1|start of break|
| 001|1538204223| 54.6| -2.450000000000003| 1| null|
| 001|1538204224|52.15|-2.8799999999999955| 1| null|
| 001|1538204225|49.27|-1.3800000000000026| 1| end of break|
| 001|1538204226|47.89| 2.6799999999999997| 0| null|
| 001|1538204227|50.57| 3.1499999999999986| 0| null|
| 001|1538204228|53.72| null| 0| null|
scala> outputDF.filter("breakevent is not null").select("trip-id", "timestamp", "speed", "breakevent").show
|trip-id| timestamp|speed| breakevent|
| 001|1538204193| 47.2|start of break|
| 001|1538204196| 35.3| end of break|
| 001|1538204222| 57.2|start of break|
| 001|1538204225|49.27| end of break|
outputDF.filter("breakevent is not null").withColumn("breakID",
when($"breakevent" === "start of break", concat($"trip-id",$"timestamp"))
.when($"breakevent" === "end of break", concat($"trip-id", lag($"timestamp", 1).over(overColumns))))
.groupBy("breakID").agg(first($"timestamp") as "start timestamp", last($"timestamp") as "end timestamp", first($"speed") as "start speed", last($"speed") as "end speed").show
| breakID|start timestamp|end timestamp|start speed|end speed|
|0011538204193| 1538204193| 1538204196| 47.2| 35.3|
|0011538204222| 1538204222| 1538204225| 57.2| 49.27|