I am just working on a site which combines a backside menu flip a la Eric Arbe with some js-based effects. For some reason the backside of these hover effects ist still visible when turning the backside - though it is in the front container that is supposed to be hidden.
Could the transform properties within the effects prevent the hidden disability?
This solution depends on the specific CSS and Javascript for your device
This approach depends on the specific CSS and Javascript compatibility for the device you are running
The CSS transform properties do not behave the same on all devices and you may have to use a fall-back option if the CSS+Javascript compatibility is not the same as the device where you first tested the effect.
When screen sharing a specific window on macOS with Zoom or Skype/Teams, they draw a red or green highlight border around that window (which belongs to a different application) to indicate it is being shared. The border is following the target window in real time, with resizing, z-order changes etc.
See example:
What macOS APIs and techniques might be used to achieve this effect?
You can find the location of windows using CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo and related API, which is available to Sandboxed apps.
This is a very fast and efficient API, fast enough to be polled. The SonOfGrab sample code is great platform to try out this stuff.
You can also install a global event tap using +[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler:] (available in sandbox) to track mouse down, drag and mouse up events and then you can respond immediately whenever the user starts or releases a drag. This way your response will be snappy.
(Drawing a border would be done by creating your own transparent window, slightly larger than, and at the same window layer as, the window you are tracking. And then simply draw a pretty green box into it. I'm not exactly sure about setting the z-order. The details of this part would be best as a separate question.)
I am trying to display multiple key combinations to a MenuItem in cocoa. This is most commonly known as "chords".
For example I want to add a menu item that looks like:
"Action1 Control K, F" or "MenuItem2 K,L"
Would this be possible in Objective-C through the standard API? I've looked around and the closest thing to this on MacOS would be using custom views. Would it be the way to go for allowing this functionality?
The standard API does not support handling chords, thus it does not allow setting chords as key equivalent and thus it also cannot display a chord as a key equivalent.
If you need that functionality, you need to implement entirely yourself. Just make your own NSView object and assign it to the view property of NSMenuItem. As documented, you will then have to draw everything yourself:
A menu item with a view does not draw its title, state, font, or other
standard drawing attributes, and assigns drawing responsibility entirely
to the view. Keyboard equivalents and type-select continue to use the key
equivalent and title as normal.
Source: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsmenuitem/1514835-view?language=objc
Whether this is a normal NSView filled with subviews, created either programmatically or even loaded from a NIB file, or whether this is a subclass of NSView drawing everything itself is up to you, all these variations will actually work. Usually it's easiest to use a NIB file and build you menu look in interface builder and using autolayout.
Yet keep in mind that this breaks Apple Human Interface guidelines. It violates the users expectation as all his other apps don't offer anything comparable since in macOS a menu item has one key equivalent or it has none. It also breaks the ability of users to customize the key equivalent the way he is used to do this for all other applications (System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts).
Generally you should not replace system standard UI with your own UI unless you really have a very good reason for doing so, as that always breaks users expectations, certain system functionality won't work as expected (e.g. accessibility features) and it destroys the uniform look and feel of the system. Also it breaks system automatic, as you can see in macOS 10.14 (Mojave) where all system standard UI automatically supports dark mode, so if you used only standard UI, your app supports dark mode without any modification, yet all custom UI needs to be customized again for dark mode.
Yes, you'll need to use a custom view. NSMenuItem only displays the first character of its keyEquivalent.
I'm using Animate CC 2015 and publishing to Canvas.
Can anyone tell me how to apply a tint to an object on my timeline?
The object has been placed there manually and has an instance name. I simply want to change it from white to red using code that runs in the first frame.
On a related note, do you know of a good JS language reference for Animate CC? I always seem to end up on Actionscript references or the CreateJS site which doesn't cater well for stuff that is created manually on the timeline.
Have you applied a tint already in Animate? Filters in Canvas are particularly expensive, so by default, Animate will cache items that have filters applied. You have a few options:
Every frame, cache the symbol again. This can be very expensive, but it will work.
Instead of transitioning a single filter, cross-fade between a filtered and non-filtered object. This looks very similar (especially with a tint), and has no performance concerns.
As for JavaScript reference, what exactly are you looking for? Mozilla's MDN reference tends to be the goto place for our team when it comes to raw JavaScript. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference
It looks like there is a bug in Bootstrap. If you change resolution, for example with ctrl + (+/-) in your browser the addons are not properly adjusted. It looks like this:
Notice the wrong sizes of addons.
Is there a simple way to fix this?
No, there is no simple way (and quite possibly no way period) to fix problems related to the type of zooming that you're referring to (as opposed to the viewport-width-based zooming that you get when using the pinch gesture on touch-based devices).
Per Bootstrap's documentation:
Page zooming inevitably presents rendering artifacts in some components, both in Bootstrap and the rest of the web. [... these issues] often have no direct solution other than hacky workarounds.
Zooming in and out is not changing the resolution at all its zooming and is completely different from changing the view port's aspect ratio and dimensions.
Give the input area a fixed width like input {width:100px}
I'm in the midst of porting a win32 app to cocoa. Wherever possible, I'm using IB, since... well its way easier in every way possible, obviously. One thing is the designer and the win32 dev set up all the button assets on a massive "sprite sheet" such you move around the viewport to determine button state. Similar to how yahoo does CSS sprites on their home page (http://d.yimg.com/a/i/ww/met/pa_icons/20100309/spr_apps_us.png)
Can IB be setup to handle this type sprite strip with the default buttons, or are we SOL on this one? I can certainly fire something up programmatically that would do this, but would like to incorporate as much of the default button behavior and selector hookup in IB.
This isn't supported in IB because it is really not a Cocoa way of setting button images. I understand why you would use sprites in CSS but in a native program (on any platform) it seems really unnecessary and inefficient.
I honestly think it would be much less work for you to forget about using the sprites. Out of curiosity, are these buttons going to be for standard user interactions, or something more along the line of buttons for a game? If it is for standard user interactions (open file, change font, etc.) then I strongly recommend using the stock buttons as much as possible, although I understand that this might be out of your control. The reason is that the worst ported apps are usually the ones that try to keep visual fidelity with their Windows counterpart.