Datagridview - fill row from Combobox -

I have set a combobox to be visible in column1 of my Datagridview. Now I'm trying to fill same row of Datagridview where Combobox appears, from Combobox_Key_Down event. This is my code for showing combobox:
Private Sub My_DGV_CellMouseClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles MY_DGV.CellMouseClick
If e.RowIndex >= 0 Then
With My_DGV
If .Columns(.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).ColumnIndex).Name = "Column1" Then
.CurrentCell = .Rows(.CurrentRow.Index).Cells(.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex)
Show_Combobox(.CurrentRow.Index, .CurrentCell.ColumnIndex) 'function that shows my Combobox in that cells
Combo.Visible = True
Combo.Visible = False
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
I tried many things, but I don't know how to determine in which row Combobox appears and how give that Datagridview row my Combobox values. Someone please give me a clue of what should I do. Thanks in advance !

The first problem with your approach is that the DGV can have only one DataSource: it can either show the m:m association table or the related elements. If you include columns from one of the tables into the query for display, the table becomes non updatable and users can be confused why they cannot edit something they can see. It seems of little value they way you describe it, since they cannot see the detail data until after they make a selection.
Next, it requires another datatable to supply the details for CboColB. Since you want the DGV bound to a DataTable easy updates, you end up having to poke data into cells over and over.
Finally, consider what the user is confronted with. Using a Country table (200+ countries/locales with ISO code and name) and a list of flag colors, a table for CountryFlagColors will have hundreds and hundreds of rows (at just 2 colors per flag).
A better display might be to filter the m:m table (flagcolor) to a selected item so the user is only confronted with the data subset they are currently interested in:
The datatable used in the DGV is built from the m:m table:
The Country column is hidden.
When they choose from the CBO at the top, that is used as a RowFilter to limit the rows to the relevant ones.
In the RowValidating event, when the country cell is DBNull, copy the SelectedValue from the country combo to the DGV cell to fill in the blank
I would probably really make the user click a button and manually add a row so I could seed the country value then rather than depend on events.
It uses a DataAdapter and after adding X number of flag definitions, da.Update(dtFlagColors) applies/saves all the changes.
Ok, so that provides the core functionality to assign N color selections to define the flag colors for a country. The missing element is the 'details' for the Color item.
I added a meaningless int and string item to the Color table, one way to display these would be to create an alias in the SQL with the important details. Displaying them as discrete elements can either make the query non updatable or invites the user to edit things they cannot edit here. My silly SQL:
"SELECT Id, Name, Concat(Name , ' (' , intItem , ' ' , stritem,')') As Info from FColor"
Then use 'Info' as the display member on the CBO column in the dgv:
dc = DirectCast(dgvCF.Columns(0), DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)
dc.DataSource = dtFlagColors
dc.DisplayMember = "info"
dc.ValueMember = "id"
dgvCF.DataSource = dtSample
The combo column has its own datasource of course, in order to display one thing and use another for as the Value to give back to you. Result (the values are silly):
It is not exactly what you want, but comes close and is much simpler. It also requires almost no code for driving the associative entity. Another alternative would be to use a DGV as the second picker so you can show the extended data and manually add rows to a DGV:
If you set the dropdown style to Nothing, it looks like a text column.


Select combobox intem after bounded with SQL Query in Access

I have the following pair of combobox that are used for two inserts in two different access tables from a single form.
The problem I have is that I am not able to make anything else load the form is selected both in Name_OT and in Year the first value that contains corresponding combobox.
I think the solution is with:
Combobox1.Selected (0) = True 'First value
But the combobox goes blank, no text or anything appears.
Solved with this
Cuadro_combinado79 = Cuadro_combinado79.ItemData(0)
Cuadro_combinado85 = Cuadro_combinado85.ItemData(0)

Get value in textbox depending on combobox

I have searched high and low for an answer to this. Lots of places come close to what I need but try as I might I can't find exactly what I need. So, here goes. I have a combo box on a user form that reads values from a table. when a user makes a selection, depending on how far down the table the selection falls, I would like a textbox to display one of two strings. I'm currently using a toggle button which seems a bit 'clunky. I'm fairly new to vba so be gentle with me.
Me.textbox.Value = Me.combobox.Value
will give you the value of the bounded column of the selected row, usually the first one (e.g. if your combobox shows data like ID;LastName;PreName, it shows the ID)
If you want to show other colums than the bounded one, use
Me.textbox.Value = Me.combobox.Column(n)
(n stands for the column, beginning at 0 for the first, 1 for the second, ...)
So if you want to show the LastName of the previous example, go with
Me.textbox.Value = Me.combobox.Column(1)
If you just want to show the string when it doesn't fit in the combobox column, I'd make it like
If Len(Nz(Me.combobox.Column(1))) > n Then
Me.textbox.Value = Me.combobox.Column(1)
Me.textbox.Value = Null
End If
There might be another solution, but this would be an easy one

Can't clear a DataGridView combobox without 100s of errors

I'm using VB.NET to make a stand-alone executable containing an unbounded DataGridView.
One of its columns is a combobox. I add rows to the combobox with some simple code
like this:
For r As Int16 = 0 To eachLine.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim dgvcbc As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn = grd.Columns(col)
' Errors: dgvcbc.Items.Clear()
Next r
Works great the first time, but when I try to clear it, in order to add some different
items in the combobox, I get this error 100s of times:
> DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid
Any ideas on how to fix this and why it occurs?
The issue is that, if you clear the Items in that column, every cell in that column becomes invalid. Every value in that column has to match one of the items in the drop-down list and, if there's no items, no value can be valid. It doesn't make sense to clear the drop-down list. You must leave at least the items that match the values in the cells of that column.

Is there a way to allow only unique values in a column of an Infragistics UltraWinGrid?

I'm using an Infragistics UltraWinGrid with a column of drop-down boxes. I don't want the user to be able to select the same value for multiple rows in that column. Is there a simple (or heck, I'd settle for advanced) way to do this?
I'm using VB.NET
I tried setting a filter on the data source for the drop-down box. But when I did that, the values in the other boxes in that column started disappearing (not the values themselves, but the descriptions that they were supposed to represent, so instead of reading "Information", it just said "1"). All of the cells in a column refer to the same combo box, so if you filter out a value from the data source for one of them, you filter it out for all of them.
I'm currently trying to catch a CellChange event and check against all other currently-used values. If it was already used, I would put up a message saying as much and revert back to the old value. However, the value comes back as the previously-saved one, so... not helpful. About to see if I can use the "text" property.
Since you're using Infragistics, you could use an UltraDropDown which is bound to a DataTable (or something similiar) which you can add a "Selected" column in addition to a column holding the values you want to show.
As each value is selected (via AfterCellUpdate or AfterCellListCloseUp for instance), you could update the "Selected" column in that data source and use a column filter to only show items which haven't been marked as selected. That way as items are selected or removed, the contents of the drop-down would be automatically updated.
To clear the selected flag from the old value, you can use the BeforeCellUpdate event to access the cell's current value then perform a lookup on the data source bound to the UltraDropDown using that value to clear the flag.
Solved it:
The trick was to use BeforeCellUpdate whose BeforeCellUpdateEventArgs has a "NewValue" and a "Cancel" member. I just look through all of the items in the column to see if any of them match the new value. If one does, I notify the user and cancel the operation.
And that's it. Here's the code:
Private Sub myUltraWinGrid_BeforeCellUpdate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BeforeCellUpdateEventArgs) Handles myUltraWinGrid.BeforeCellUpdate
If e.Cell.Column.Key = "myColumn" Then
Dim newValue As Integer = CInt(e.NewValue)
For Each row As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridRow In myUltraWinGrid.Rows
If row.Cells("myColumn") IsNot e.Cell _ 'So I'm not checking against the current cell
AndAlso CInt(row.Cells("myColumn").Value) = newValue Then
MsgBox("That value has already been used in this column")
e.Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub

Can I page through grouped data in DataGridView?

I have a simple VB.NET 2008 app that helps users to edit fields in the database. Simple enough as a first "real" project in .NET, right?
For one table, I am currently using a DataGridView so it can be edited straight up. However, instead of offering the user the entire table, I'd like to group the data by the 'CompanyNumber' column and use a navigator to page through. In other words, I'd like the DataGridView to show me all the lines related to one company, then click the "next" arrow to show the next company, etc.
(I know I could do this with Xceed DataGrid, but I'm using Windows Forms not WPF, and I'd really prefer to do this with "pure" ADO.NET for this project.)
Update 2009-09-28:
So I have created a ComboBox filled from the same BindingSource, and configured its SelectedIndexChanged to change the Filter value on the DataGridView.
But still, filling the ComboBox--which should be easy!--continues to be a problem. I can either:
(a) fill it from the BindingSource, in which case I see multiples of each 'CompanyNumber' and I can't figure out a way to show only distinct values, or
(b) create another TableAdapter in the data source which is just a "Select DISTINCT CompanyNumber..." query, which mostly works, except that that first value of the list changes when I change the selection (e.g. if the ComboBox shows "100, 101, 102, 103" and I pick "102", then the list will show as "102, 101, 102, 103").
Any recommendations?
(Also, bonus if you can suggest how to make the BindingNavigator's arrows page through the 'CompanyNumber' filters instead of the items in the DataGridView... which is what I'd really like to see.)
What you could do is just force the DataGridView to sort CompanyName, this way all rows with the same company name are next to each other and the user can navigate the data grids with the paging that comes with it.
Alternatly, you could follow through with your combobox/DropDownList idea, which would be best. From what I understand when you select an item in the combobox everything in it changes?
Another way is to create two separate buttons, "Previous" "Next", that when clicked, will change the DataGridView's binding source to only show a certain company. You would need to store an array of company names, then store what the current DataGridView's binding source is displaying.
I ended up figuring it out myself, and the solution is clean and simple. Here are the basic steps:
create a DataView off of the table out of the DataSet
use the DataView.ToTable() method to create a new table filtered to only distinct values from the needed column ('CompanyNumber')
create a BindingSource which uses the new DataTable as its DataSource
bind the ComboBox to the new BindingSource
bind the BindingNavigator to the new BindingSource
Because the ComboBox and the BindingNavigator use the same BindingSource, they will update each other with the changes automagically.
Here's the rough code:
Private Sub CoNumsComboxBox_LoadData()
Dim dvCoNums As DataView, dtCoNums As DataTable
dvCoNums = New DataView(Me.ODBCDataSet.Tables("CompanyFundProfile"))
dvCoNums.Sort = "CompanyNumber ASC, FundNumber ASC"
dtCoNums = dvCoNums.ToTable("CompanyFundProfile", True, "CompanyNumber")
CoNums_BindingSource.DataSource = dtCoNums
CoNumsComboBox.DataSource = CoNums_BindingSource
CoNumsComboBox.DisplayMember = "CompanyNumber"
CoNumsComboBox.ValueMember = "CompanyNumber"
'attach handler which changes DataGridView1's filter when this changes
AddHandler ToolStripComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf CoNumsComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged
CompanyFundProfile_BindingNavigator.BindingSource = CoNums_BindingSource
End Sub