Aurelia bundling and exporting not works properly - aurelia

It is maybe a trivial question but I am quite lost in topic I don't know.
I am writing my first app n Aurelia using ES2016. I wanted to export my app to server for some testing.
As I learn in Plularsight course that the easiest way to bundle and export is to use Aurelia Skeleton Navigation - by changing all theirs src files to ours and adding all the missing dependencies in package.json, and also adding them to bundle.js and export.js.
When I use
git bundle
git serve
Bundling works fine, and app is running fine.
But when i run
gulp export
The files in export dir not working properly. I have an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" error in almost js file I wrote or added to my App (not in aurelia files :/ I deployed it temporally here so you can check
It looks like I messed it up at all :/ I don't know what files I should show you to help, so please tell me, or give mi a good source where I can learn how to export my app. It is possible to do it without the Aurelia Skeleton Navigation? I think I even don't necessarily need bundling only transpiling (I'm using Babel runtime). I want to check if my app works on server it can work slow at this step.


React-Native, React-Native-Web and React-Navigation/Stack

Has anyone been able to get React-Native 0.7, React-Native-Web and React-Navigation/Stack 6.2.3 to work on web? I have a small app working on iOS and Android which I am trying to enable on web too. iOS and Android portion work fine and using metro.
However, webpack build continues to error out with "Module parse failed: Unexpected token" on the NavigationContainer.
I tried searching both react-native-web and react-navigation Issues on their respective GitHub Repositories. However, could not find something to solve my issue. Also tried modifying webpack.config with several different configurations/loaders.
Used links below as a reference too:
Yes, it happens that I maintain a library that does just that: creates a bare React Native app that also runs on the web: 🌒 Luna -
Here is the live example:
You can find more on the wiki page about how it's implemented and you can also implement it by yourself:
By using react-scripts, you don't have to handle webpack, babel and other hard configs by yourself.
It currently doesn't run on 0.7 (didn't have time to make the update), but it's in plan to support all the latest versions of course ASAP.
EDIT: Updated to 0.70.3 🎉

Error build shows NextJS instead of NuxtJS

I've create a project using
yarn create nuxt-app <project-name>
Then chose to add tailwind to the app. When i run the app i get this though...
I've i run the app on my laptop it works, but if i run it on the desktop it does not work. The gitignore are the same. I'm not sure what is wrong? I've placed a copy of my project here if someone could help me please.
I'd expect to see the nuxtjs logo...
It's just the default boiler plate stuff for a vue, nuxt with tailwind project.
I am very sure you just started the wrong project. Did you run the start command from the wrong folder maybe? The files you provided are the nuxt ones, there is nothing with next in them. Please double check you did the "npm run dev" or the yarn command or whatever you're using from the correct project folder.

Vue Native: Error when running in browser

I've just created a new "vue native" project. I didn't change anything in the default blank app.
I managed to run it on my android device, but impossible to run it on my browser.
I run "npm start" => "metro bundler" opens.
Then I click on "Run in web browser" and I get the error below :
Again, I didn't change anything. I just want to start the default app generated automatically when starting a new project.
Anyone already faced this problem?
Thank you
"This is a known issue, and it seems running vue-native app in web is not possible at the moment, because AppEntry.js tries to import ../../App. The default packager configuration specifies .json as a valid file extension. For some reason, in web, Expo seems to be looking for App.json and ignores App.vue."
See the official statement from vue-native creators 2020 7th of July:
"On iOS and Android, Metro is the only component required in the JS build pipeline. We have a custom transformer (in vue-native-scripts) which Metro uses to convert .vue files into equivalent React Native code, which then effectively gets piped into the default Babel transformer used by Metro (for .js) files.
On web, though, Webpack needs to be used for intermediate transformations so that the code can run on web. Metro is used here too, but not for the transformation.
From my findings, the Expo Webpack config uses the babel-loader for handling .js files. So we'd probably need a custom Webpack loader for .vue files (or maybe some other mechanism which can do the job). My guess is that the transformer exported by vue-native-scripts would help in making a loader. But the loader needs to meet the Webpack loader API requirements and expose raw, pitch etc. as described here. We haven't worked out the details of the implementation yet.On iOS and Android, Metro is the only component required in the JS build pipeline. We have a custom transformer (in vue-native-scripts) which Metro uses to convert .vue files into equivalent React Native code, which then effectively gets piped into the default Babel transformer used by Metro (for .js) files.
On web, though, Webpack needs to be used for intermediate transformations so that the code can run on web. Metro is used here too, but not for the transformation.
From my findings, the Expo Webpack config uses the babel-loader for handling .js files. So we'd probably need a custom Webpack loader for .vue files (or maybe some other mechanism which can do the job). My guess is that the transformer exported by vue-native-scripts would help in making a loader. But the loader needs to meet the Webpack loader API requirements and expose raw, pitch etc. as described here. We haven't worked out the details of the implementation yet."
Good news that devices and on simulator running works with expo, and mostly vue-native was designed to run on mobile devices not on web :)
For the web you can have a similar codebase using vuejs.

How do I check for vue js compilation errors before trying to serve it?

I've just lost a frustrating amount of time trying to work out why npm run serve was hanging when attempting to run my vue js app. Eventually, I tracked it down to one error in a vue file I made, it took me a long time to work this out since the issue manifests itself in a way that the console window just hangs.
Is there some other way developers can get a more descriptive error list from vue js prior to attempting to run/build?
Personally, I find the most useful and essential tools to be (I use VS Code as "IDE")
Vetur: includes syntax-highlighting, snippets, linter (error checking), auto completition, etc.
Vue.js devtools (for chrome): Not sure about other browsers, but this is incredibly useful for chrome. Let's you see what's really going on with vue.js' components, the store, etc (screenshot from the chrome store page).
Hope this helps!

how to build electron app with vue cli 3?

Im building my first electron app and I want to use VueJs, I have installed vue via the cli3.
When i run the app in dev its all fine, however in production (after running a build) there is a warning in the console that vue builds are designed to run over an http-server. This is usually fine since it will be, however to embed vue in an electron app, I wont be using an http-server to serve the vue app.
the net effect of this is that when i build my electron app and run it, I just see a blank screen and none of the js/css/img files get loaded (all 404).
Does anyone know how to resolve this?
I reviewed so many vue/electron tutorials but they only cover dev, none of them seem to go as far as building it and running the finished product.