final or val function parameter or in Kotlin? - kotlin

Why does Kotlin removed the final or val function parameter which is very useful in Java?
fun say(val msg: String = "Hello World") {
msg = "Hello To Me" // would give an error here since msg is val
//or final

Kotlin function parameters are final. There is no val or final keyword because that's the default (and can't be changed).

After Kotlin M5.1 support of mutable parameters removed, In earlier versions that can be achieve using
fun foo(var x: Int) {
x = 5
According to Kotlin developers, main reasons of removing this feature are below -
The main reason is that this was confusing: people tend to think that this means passing a parameter by reference, which we do not support (it is costly at runtime).
Another source of confusion is primary constructors: “val” or “var” in a constructor declaration means something different from the same thing if a function declarations (namely, it creates a property).
Also, we all know that mutating parameters is no good style, so writing “val” or “var” infront of a parameter in a function, catch block of for-loop is no longer allowed.
Summary - All parameter values are val now. You have to introduce separate variable for re-initialising. Example -
fun say(val msg: String) {
var tempMsg = msg
if(yourConditionSatisfy) {
tempMsg = "Hello To Me"

And another reason is that val and var differ by only one letter. This can be very confusing. So for function parameters they removed the option completely. Thus eliminating the confusion in this one small area (yet keeping it everywhere else--go figure).

This decision was made to avoid fragile base class problem. It happens when a small change in base classes (superclasses) makes subclasses malfunction.


Kotlin Polymorphism Confusion

I was following a tutorial for learning kotlin and ran into this example.
open class AquariumPlant(val color: String, private val size: Int)
class GreenLeafyPlant(size: Int) : AquariumPlant("green", size)
fun AquariumPlant.print() = println("AquariumPlant")
fun GreenLeafyPlant.print() = println("GreenLeafyPlant")
val plant = GreenLeafyPlant(size = 10)
val aquariumPlant: AquariumPlant = plant
aquariumPlant.print() // what will it print?
Well this apparently prints "Aquarium Plant" instead of "GreenLeafyPlant". I was a bit confused by this so I tested this out with this little snippet of code.
open class Aquarium {
open fun printSize() {
class TowerTank: Aquarium() {
override fun printSize() {
fun main() {
towerTank = TowerTank()
(towerTank as Aquarium).printSize()
So this prints "rawr" and not "hello". My question is why doesn't it print "hello"? Aren't these two examples contradicting themselves? How does the function extensions create this difference in behaviour? Sorry if this may seem like a dumb question, I'm new to Kotlin as you can probably tell.
To understand this we need to understand how extensions work. Extensions don't magically add new members to existing classes. This is technically impossible both in Java and Kotlin. Instead, they work as good old static utility functions in Java. Accessing them as members is just a syntactic sugar.
First example is really similar to these functions:
fun print(plant: AquariumPlant) = println("AquariumPlant")
fun print(plant: GreenLeafyPlant) = println("GreenLeafyPlant")
To make it even more clear, we can rename these functions:
fun printAquariumPlant(plant: AquariumPlant) = println("AquariumPlant")
fun printGreenLeafyPlant(plant: GreenLeafyPlant) = println("GreenLeafyPlant")
Now, it is pretty clear that if we have object like this:
val aquariumPlant: AquariumPlant = GreenLeafyPlant(size = 10)
Then we can only invoke printAquariumPlant() function with it and it will print AquariumPlant, not GreenLeafyPlant. Despite the fact aquariumPlant is actually a GreenLeafyPlant object.
If we move one step back and rename them again to just print, nothing will really change. aquariumPlant variable is of type AquariumPlant (even if it contains GreenLeafyPlant object), so the compiler chooses print(AquariumPlant) function.
This is why we say extensions are resolved statically. Compiler decides which function to call at compile time. Virtual functions are resolved at runtime, taking into consideration the real type of the object.

How do I specify an ActionListener in Kotlin?

I want to add an ActionListener to a JButton in Kotlin. In Java, I would just write this:
JPanel makeButtonPanel() {
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
JButton dirButton = new JButton("Change directory");
dirButton.addActionListener(e -> chooseDirectory());
return panel;
But it's not so simple in Kotlin. I first tried this:
private fun makeButtonPanel() : JPanel {
val panel = JPanel(FlowLayout())
val dirButton = JButton("Choose")
dirButton.addActionListener(e -> chooseDirectory()) // error message here
// ...
private fun chooseDirectory() { ... }
But I'm getting this error message:
Type Mismatch
Required: ((ActionEvent!) -> Unit)!
Found: KFunction1<ActionEvent, Unit>
I understand that the ! means that this is a java method with uncertain nullability, but that doesn't help me understand how to write it. All I want it to do is call the chooseDirectory() method. There must be a clean, simple way to do this, but I don't see it.
As you've discovered, you need to use braces ({ }).
This is because braces are a necessary part of defining a lambda in Kotlin.  (That differs from languages like Java and Scala, where the necessary part is the -> or => arrow.  That's because in Kotlin the arrow is optional if there are one or no parameters; if one, the it keyword is used.)
Without the braces, the code would call your chooseDirectory() function, and try to pass its result to addActionListener() — which obviously wouldn't work.
Braces are also sufficient: they're taken as defining a lambda unless you're giving the body of a function or method or an if/when branch.  (Again, this differs from most C/Java-like languages.  In Kotlin, if you just want a block scope, you have to use a construct such as run.)
As for the parentheses, they're optional here.  You could include them if you wanted:
dirButton.addActionListener({ chooseDirectory() })
But Kotlin has a convention that if a function's last parameter is a function, you can pass it after the parens:
dirButton.addActionListener(){ chooseDirectory() }
And if that would make the parens empty, then you can omit them entirely:
dirButton.addActionListener{ chooseDirectory() }
That's to allow functions that look like new language syntax.  For example, you may have met the with function:
with(someObject) {
itsProperty = someValue
That's just a perfectly ordinary function, defined in the standard library, and taking a function as its last parameter.  Similarly, repeat:
repeat(10) {
// Some code to be run 10 times…
There's one further thing worth mentioning here.  In Kotlin, lambdas are one way to define functions, which are first-class types and can be defined, passed around, and used just like other types.  This differs from Java, which has traditionally used interfaces for those purposes — often interfaces with a Single Abstract Method (‘SAM interfaces’) — and in which lambdas are little more than syntactic sugar for defining an anonymous implementation of such an interface.
As a special case, for interoperability, Kotlin allows a lambda to define an implementation of a Java SAM interface (or, since Kotlin 1.4, of a Kotlin fun interface), instead of a function.
ActionListener is a Java SAM interface, which is why you can use a lambda here.
Okay, I figured it out, and it was pretty simple. I just have to dispense with the parentheses and say
dirButton.addActionListener { chooseDirectory() }
I'm still not clear on when I should use braces instead of parentheses.

Is there a simple null safe operator for Kotlin function references?

I'd like to pass a function reference on a nullable object. To take an Android example, say I want to use Activity#onBackPressed from a fragment that is a child of that actvity.
If I wanted to invoke this function, I could easily do
However, say I wanted to pass that as a reference instead:
val onBackPressedRef = activity::onBackPressed
This gives the familiar null safe error of Only safe or non null assserted calls are allowed...
I can get the error to go away with the following, but using !! is obviously not ideal:
val onBackPressedRef = activity!!::onBackPressed
Attemping activity?::onBackPressed was my first instinct, but this also breaks with several errors, where the interpreter seems confused.
val onBackPressedRef = activity?.let { it::onBackPressed }
This last variation works, but it's a lot more ugly than just using ?::. I checked all the docs I could find, but I feel like I'm missing something. Any ideas?
You are right, there is no ?:: operator in Kotlin.
You have several alternatives:
1. let and run
Thus, you have to use a helper function. Instead of let(), you can also use run(), making the expression a tiny bit shorter:
val onBackPressedRef = activity?.let { it::onBackPressed }
val onBackPressedRef = activity?.run { ::onBackPressed }
But keep in mind that either way, the invocation will be more verbose, too:
Thus you should ask yourself, if this is really what you want, or if a no-op function call is also acceptable.
2. Closures
You could use a closure -- this will change semantics however:
val onBackPressedRef = { activity?.onBackPressed() }
Here, onBackPressedRef is not nullable anymore, so you can call it using the () operator, and in case of null activity it will have no effect.
3. Helper function
If function references with nullable objects are something you encounter a lot, you can write your own little abstraction:
// Return type: () -> Unit
fun <T> funcRef(obj: T?, function: T.() -> Unit) = { obj?.function() }
This trades a different syntax for a non-null function variable:
// activity can be null
val onBackPressedRef = funcRef(activity, Activity::onBackPressed)
// Callable directly

What's the advantage of creating a one line function that contains a string, that wouldn't be achievable by just assigning a string to a variable?

In Kotlin, I understand that a string can be assigned to a function directly, such as:
fun foo(): String = "Hello World"
But you can also assign a String to a variable directly as well:
var foobar: String = "Hello Word"
My question is, why would you ever create a function when you could just create a variable? I can't see the point in the existence of this functionality.
The interesting thing about
fun foo(): String = "Hello World"
is that it is using the expression syntax, and is equivalent to:
fun foo(): String {
return "Hello World"
While just returning a constant isn't very useful, using the expression syntax, avoiding the {block} and return statements allows much more concise function definitions in the case where the entire function can be expressed in one expression.
For example, if foo() was a method on a class, you could say hello with a property of that class:
class Hello(var what : String = "World") {
fun foo(): String = "Hello, $what!"
fun main() {
val hello = Hello()
hello.what = "Universe"
This prints:
Hello, World!
Hello, Universe!
This is more about when to prefer a function v/s a property.
Kotlin coding conventions has a section that describes this.
A property should be preferred over a function when-
the underlying algorithm does not throw
value is cheap to calculate (or caсhed on the first run)
returns the same result over invocations if the object state hasn't changed
In terms of an API use-case, in some cases exposing a function instead of a property might be a good idea as that gives you the scope to change the implementation of this API in future. What might be a hardcoded value today, could be replaced by code that computes the value in future.
It's simple, think about what the word coding means. Coding rules. Rules that are complicated get broken down in rules that are exactly one level below in abstraction, so that the program is as intelligible as possible.
Well, the function name is just one level above the expression. This is even more true in a language as expressive as kotlin where one line can easily be equivalent to several lines of Java.
If you are talking about strings or primitives exclusively then, yes, an attribute is a more natural choice than a function.

Why does Kotlin allow variable declarations with the same name as a parameter inside a method?

Why does Kotlin allow variable declarations with the same name as a parameter inside a method? Then also, is there any way to access the 'hidden' parameter?
For example:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val args = Any()
This is called shadowing and it is useful for decoupling your code from other parts of the system. It is possible because names are bound to the current scope.
Consider this:
You subclass a class Foo from someone else, let's say an API. In your code you introduce a variable bar. The author of Foo also updates his code and also adds a variable bar. Without the local scope, you would get a conflict.
By the way, this is also possible in other JVM bases languages including Java and commonly used within constructors or setters:
public TestClass(int value, String test) {
this.value = value;
this.test = test;
public void setFoo(String foo) { = foo;
Shadowing does not only apply to parameters, other things can be shadowed too: fields, methods and even classes.
Most IDEs will warn you about shadowing as it can be confusing.
Recommendation for our own code:
try to avoid shadowing for two reasons:
your code becomes hard to read as two different things have the same name, which leads to confusion.
once shadowed, you can no longer access the original variable within a scope.
Kotlin does issue a warning about name shadowing which you can suppress with:
val args = Any()
Allowing for such shadowing may be handy in some cases e.g. throwing a custom exception after parameter validation:
fun sample(name: String?) {
val name = name ?: throw CustomArgumentRequiredException()
It is unfortunately not possible to access the shadowed variable.
It is also not possible to turn a warning into an error at the moment.
Something also to note and if it isn't already realized or if anyone else new comes along. In kotlin you don't have access to the params if they are not prefixed with var/val until you add them as properties. So if a basic class was defined as this:
class Person(name: String, age: Int){
you can't use name or age until they are in scope; however it is unnecessary to shadow
with exceptions of desired reasons as miensol pointed out, but for the sake of being basic.
class Person(name: String, age: Int){
var name = name
var age = age
do these in the constructor
class Person(var name: String, private var age: Int){
you also will of course then have access based on the signature you gave on the object created.