List of all environment variables for a Pod - openshift-origin

I have a web app on OpenShift v3 (all-in-One), using the Wildfly Builder Image. In addition, I created a service named xyz, to point to an external host+IP. Something like this:
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": { "name": "xyz" },
"spec": {
"ports": [
{ "port": 61616,
"protocol": "TCP",
"targetPort": 61616
"selector": {}
I also have an endpoint, pointing externally, but that is not relevant for this question.
When deployed, my program can access an environment variable named XYZ_PORT=tcp://
However, I cannot figure out how to see all the values of all such variables either via the web-console, or using the CLI. Using the web-console, I cannot see it being injected into the YAML.
I tried some of the oc env options, but none seem to list what I want.

Let's say you are deploying kitchensink, then the below CLI should list all the environment variables:
oc env bc/kitchensink --list


Rate limit policy settings is not applied using AspNetCoreRateLimit

I am using AspNetCoreRateLimit version 4.0.1 and I have done all the setup in .net core 6 web api. I can see rate limit is working when I send a call via postman.
However, when I add IpRateLimitPolicies with specific IP address, the settings won't be applied.
I use postman and this time in the proxy I added the ip address to I can see the ip hitting the api is set correctly when I use Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress;
I registered them as follow in program.cs:
_serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IIpPolicyStore, MemoryCacheIpPolicyStore>();
_serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IRateLimitCounterStore, MemoryCacheRateLimitCounterStore>();
_serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
_serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IRateLimitConfiguration, RateLimitConfiguration>();
Also added:
My appsettings also looks like:
"IpRateLimiting": {
"EnableEndpointRateLimiting": false,
"StackBlockedRequests": false,
"RealIPHeader": "X-Real-IP",
"ClientIdHeader": "X-ClientId",
"IpWhitelist": [ ],
"EndpointWhitelist": [],
"ClientWhitelist": [],
"HttpStatusCode": 429,
"GeneralRules": [
"Endpoint": "*",
"Period": "10s",
"Limit": 1
"IpRateLimitPolicies": {
"IpRules": [
"Ip": "",
"Rules": [
"Endpoint": "*",
"Period": "20s",
"Limit": 2
But apparently the settings under IpRateLimitPolicies won't be applied.
I wonder if I have missed anything here?
Thank you
After testing, I think the AspNetCoreRateLimit package is not compatible in .net5 and .net6. Maybe the .net core3.1 version will be more stable.
You can submit issues on github.
Apparently I have missed some configuration in program.cs or startup.cs:
Since we are using startup I have added the following in Configure method
var ipPolicyStore = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService();

How can i custom config using standard-version npm package?

I'm using the command standard-version each time I want to publish new version, but the yielded changes in the look like this:
### [10.1.9]( (2021-03-29)
### [10.1.8]( (2021-03-29)
### [10.1.7]( (2021-03-29)
first the links do not work - the github url is not correct and i want to configure it to the right url, and second, I'd like to configure the link that's shown in the changeslog file (there are some types)
I tried to use this documentation but didn't find anything that can help me
so how do I configure the way standard-version works on the ? can someone provide example?
according to doc:
You can configure standard-version either by:
Placing a standard-version stanza in your package.json (assuming your project is JavaScript).
Creating a .versionrc, .versionrc.json or .versionrc.js.
If you are using a .versionrc.js your default export must be a configuration object, or a function returning a configuration object.
Any of the command line parameters accepted by standard-version can instead be provided via configuration.
Please refer to the conventional-changelog-config-spec for details on available configuration options.
"types": [
"type": "feat",
"section": "Features"
"type": "fix",
"section": "Bug Fixes"
"type": "chore",
"hidden": true
"type": "docs",
"hidden": true
"type": "style",
"hidden": true
"type": "refactor",
"section": "Refactor"
"type": "perf",
"section": "Performance"
"type": "test",
"hidden": true

How do I automate adding a custom Iot Hub Endpoint (and route to it)?

In order to receive Azure IotHub Device Twin change notifications, it appears that it's necessary to create a custom endpoint and create a route to send notifications to that endpoint. This seems straightforward enough on the Azure Portal, but as one might expect we want to automate it.
I haven't been able to find any documentation for the the az cli or even the REST API, though I might have missed something. I didn't find anything promising looking in the SDKs either.
How do I automate adding a custom endpoint and then setting up the route for device twin notifications?
You can check IotHubs template to see if it helps.
"routing": {
"endpoints": {
"serviceBusQueues": [
"connectionString": "string",
"name": "string",
"subscriptionId": "string",
"resourceGroup": "string"
"routes": [
"name": "string",
"source": "string",
"condition": "string",
"endpointNames": [
"isEnabled": boolean
Consumer group:
"apiVersion": "2016-02-03",
"type": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/eventhubEndpoints/ConsumerGroups",
"name": "[concat(parameters('hubName'), '/events/cg1')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.Devices/Iothubs/', parameters('hubName'))]"
For more detailed information you can reference:
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs template reference
Create an IoT hub using Azure Resource Manager template (PowerShell)

Set a custom domain for an azure Storage Account through an ARM template

I'm trying to setup an ARM template to set a custom domain for an Azure storage account. I am only running this portion of my ARM template after the storage account is initially setup and a DNS record has been created, but it still fails with this error:
: The custom domain name could not be verified. CNAME mapping from to does not exist.
I've replaced my domain in the error, but the rest is exact. I notice that it looks suspicious since it doesn't list the name of my storage account, but the storage account is named, so I can't figure out how to affect that. Here's the resource definition (again, the account name and domain are replaced, but all else is the same)
"resources": [
"name": "myStorageAccount",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"apiVersion": "2017-06-01",
"sku": {
"name": "Standard_LRS"
"dependsOn": [],
"tags": {
"displayName": "Storage Account"
"kind": "BlobStorage",
I can set it to the same custom domain through the Azure portal. It validates fine there. I'm sure I could do it through a separate PowerShell script, but I prefer to do it in the ARM, so as to minimize the need for additional scripts when setting up my environment.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

RequireJS script error when requiring "ReleaseaManagement/Core/RestClient" on TFS 2015 and 2017

I'm creating an tfs hub Extension (2015/2017) and need to read the projects' release defs and create releases also. I know, I could make direkt Rest Calls instead of using the methods of the rest clients. But they seem more comfortable to me.
When I try to get the Restmanagement RestClient, I get:
Script error for: ReleaseManagement/Core/RestClient
In both TFS.2015.2 and TFS.2017
Doesn't the client yet exist on-premise?
You can refer to this article for how to use Rest API in extension to read a release definition: Writing a ReleaseManagement extension for cloning an existing release definition.
The code to read a release definition:
VSS.require(["VSS/Controls", "VSS/Service", "ReleaseManagement/Core/RestClient"],
var rmClient = VSS_Service.getCollectionClient(RM_WebApi.ReleaseHttpClient);
And if you are using typescript, you need to include "ms.vss-releaseManagement-web.release-service-data-external" in the contribution like following:
"contributions": [
"id": "release-status",
"type": "ms.vss-web.hub",
"includes": [ "ms.vss-releaseManagement-web.release-service-data-external" ],
"description": "A hub to show release status",
"targets": [
"properties": {
"name": "hello",
"order": 99,
"uri": "app.html"