EasyRTC - How to allow automatically user media permission - webrtc

When easyrtc connect in browser appear permission to active webcam and microphone,
my question is how to set allow automatically user media permission every single browser ?

In Firefox you can select Always in the popup.
In Chrome, you can start it with --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream. There are some policies too: VideoCaptureAllowed and VideoCaptureAllowedUrls.


safari notification permission always return 'default' after relaunching even the website has allowed notification before

My safari version: Version 12.1.1 (14607.
Say I am on website A, and I use Notification.requestPermission() to allow the notification on it.
Then I quit safari, relaunch it and open website A again, I use Notification.permission to get current permission, it always return 'default', even though I can see in the Preferences->Notifications that website A has allowed notification.
Ultimate purpose: I need to know correct permission to determine if I need to show some toast for user.

iOS 11 Public beta 5 getUserMedia not working

I'm trying to experiment with the getUserMedia API that should be enabled in the ios11 beta as this questions seems to suggest: question
I'm trying to setup the same on my iPad with the latest public beta (5) but I can't get it to work. The error I get is:
NotAllowedError (DOM Exception 35): The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.
A popup that asked for permission never appears so I didn't deny this, I don't know what is going wrong. I tried enabling/disabling the experimental feature 'Remove Legacy WebRTC API' in the browser settings, but this has no effect either.
Do I need the developer beta to access this feature?
getUserMedia requires HTTPS unless you use the "allow media capture on insecure sites" shown in the first screenshot of this webkit blog post
You must be getting this error on Safari. iOS11 stops autoplay audio and Chrome will do the same in January, 2018.
How to enable autoplay on Safari?
- Go to Safari > Preferences > Auto-Play
- Instead of "Stop Media with Sound", pick "Allow all Auto-Play" option for your website and try again. The error will not pop-up on your machine.
How to permanently enable autoplay on Safari?
- Handle the case with a script and inform your user to allow your website
- Or change your interface.

Can I Show Windows Authentication Dialog When Trying To Connect To Un-Authenticated Network Path

In my application, it allows users to remotely connect computers and folders within the internal network for troubleshooting, etc.
My problem is that some of these computers that they are trying to connect to haven't yet been authenticated for them, so when I plug the UNC path into a new process for explorer, it doesn't error but simply returns some random local folder (My Documents I think).
My question is... Is there a way I can make a call to the windows authentication dialog to allow the user to authenticate against the remote PC? If the user simply enters the same address into a normal explorer window, the authentication screen will appear, however, using my app it doesn't.
Is there anyway I can force this to show up for the user?
Any help appreciated, thanks.
Based on this discussion:
Prompting for network credentials in VB.NET
You can have a look at CredUIPromptForCredentials API, in vb.net, just P/Invoke it. For more information:

Login authentication failed

I have been using phpmyadmin web-login for several years and never had any issues. Recently I haven't been able to login although I am able to login to our server by FTP. My mate is able to use the web-login. I have tried login in with Android phone, HP laptop, desktop (both win 7 prof.), several different browsers Chrome, Opera, Safari, explorer and firefox.
The message I get is: Authentication required. The server http://www.example.com:80 requires a username and password. The server says: phpMyAdmin localhost.
When I enter username and password the window disappear and reappears after a few seconds. I can see the status goes from connecting to waiting just before the window reappears.
No changes to the server has been made recently.
Any suggestions on how to solve the issue?

ios: How to display "choose wireless connection" popup?

If there is no internet connection and you start for example the safari app with Ipad or Iphone, a popup appears saying: "Choose wireless network"
Is there a way to force this popup to show up in my app when I want to?
The problem is, I have a button in my app which connects the user to facebook. After pressing the button the safari browser opens and shows the facebook authorization page. If there is no internet connection this popup appears, but there is no way to turn back to the app from there. So currently I check internet connection before allowing this authorization page to appear, but I also want to show this popup.
It will show up automatically if your app tries to access internet-based resource and there's no wifi connection established but there is a wifi access point nearby.
This dialog appears automatically if you have "Application uses Wi-Fi" set to YES in your ...-Info.plist and if there is no connection.
This is not possible. The pop-up you have seen before is in Settings -> Wi-Fi -> Ask to Join Networks -> ON/OFF
Setting this to ON allows the OS to prompt the user to join a Wi-Fi network if it finds any in reach and you are not currently connected to one.
Apps cannot show this prompt, it's a system-level prompt.