Getting file diff with Github API - api

net project for which I need to detect and parse changes made to a specific single text file in a repository between different pull requests.
I've been successfully able to access the pull requests and the commits using the Github API but I don't know how to retrieve the lines that changed in the last commit?
Is this possible using the API? What would be the best approach?
If not should I try to read the last two file versions and implement a differ algorithm locally?

A pull request contains a diff_url entry like
"diff_url": ""
You can do this for any commit. For example, to get the diff of commit 7fd1a60b01f91b3 on octocat's Hello-World it's
This also works for branches. Here's master on octocat's Hello-World.
The general form is:<owner>/<repo>/commit/<commit>.diff

For private repositories:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.diff" https://<personal access token><org>/<repo>/pulls/<pull request>
Also works with the normal cURL -u parameter.

The crux is in the requested media type. You can pass the Accept header with value
see documentation. For full reference, a GET request with the above and Authorization header to{orgName}/{repoName}/pulls/{prId} does the trick.


How to create custom fields in JIRA, and fetch the fields' data to external program?

I want to create a custom text field in user stories of JIRA. Once the custom field is created, when someone inserts/updates the custom field, I want to fetch the data on custom field to an external program in any format (i.e. String, JSON, .doc, .xls, .csv etc.)
P.S. I'm not a JIRA Administrator.
Thanks in Advance.
This documentation from JIRA provides you simple steps on how to add a custom field on JIRA for your own project, but for this to happen - you have to be a JIRA Administrator. This can't be helped much, as this is a limitation from JIRA itself.
But having said that, if you get it sorted from a JIRA Administrator from your Organization - getting the details of the newly added custom field is not that difficult. JIRA REST APIs will come to rescue in that scenario.
You can simply fire the following REST GET API call to get the details that are intended to known by you!
curl -D- -u fred:fred -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"
The call will further provide you the necessary details! Hope this answers your query!

Unable to add tags to workspace via Asana API

I am using the following command to add tags via the Asana API.
curl -u '<api_key>' -d "name=testing" -d "workspace=15601112094251"
I even get a successful JSON reply with the created tag object. However, I never actually see the tag inside Asana. I also do not see the tag when listing all tags for my workspace.
When I query for the tags specifically by ID, I do see it though.
Bug on Asana's side? Or am I doing something wrong?
See - because of the way the data model works, tags that aren't assigned to anything are hidden.

How can I retrieve a Gitlab Project tag list through the API?

I'm writing a REST client to look at project information available from several gitlab servers at the same time in one consolidated place. I understand REST and am able to pull the project details I need except one: the tags.
I'm not talking about git repository tags, those I'm able to get to just fine. I'm referring to the tags that are set under Project Settings. These are tags that, from what i can tell, are meant to be a form of describing the project, not referencing a particular commit hash.
I submitted a merge request back to the Gitlab folks, if accept, any REST call that involves a Project class will include a "tag_list" field with all the project labels.
The merge request is available here:
EDIT: This was merged in Gitlab version 7.10.0 so now you can just run a GET on the Project and the tag_list will be included with the JSON response.
Try this:{str}/repository/tags?private_token=yourtoken"
Note that in #{str} variable, if you using a group/repository structure, you must replace the dash to %2F, for example, you must set:"
The response to your request will be the body. So you can console log response.body to retrieve the tags.
Not possible: ACCEPTING MERGE REQUEST at: , so feel free to implement it if you need it.
Should be simple: just return the project.tag_list (see: as a JSON list from
Always check the request tracker first for features ;) True, in this case you may have done it an not found because of label vs tag keyword confusion, I think it was renamed at some point, so always search for both.

Google Spreadsheet API: Post request fails

I have a Google spreadsheet published to the web, and I'm trying to read and write list-based feeds. I have not authenticated.
I can read data using a GET request just fine.
However, all my post requests to write data come back with an error
curl --data ''
curl --data '<entry xmlns="" xmlns:gsx=""><gsx:id>1</gsx:id><gsx:status>1</gsx:status><gsx:user_email>1</gsx:user_email><gsx:url domain>1</gsx:url domain><gsx:highlighted_text>1</gsx:highlighted_text><gsx:complete_text comments>1</gsx:complete_text comments><gsx:created_date>1</gsx:created_date><gsx:updated_date>1</gsx:updated_date><gsx:created_by>1</gsx:created_by><gsx:updated_by>1</gsx:updated_by></entry>'
The error I'm getting is: "Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist. Please check the address and try again."
Do POST request require authentication? I can't find anything in the docs that say so.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Two things:
I think you need to use the private feed (.../private/full), not the public one (.../public/full) like you're using now. More on the private-versus-public distinction is in the API docs.
You will need an Authorization header. (That process gets pretty complicated, but there's a lot of good info here. Remember to select the appropriate scopes.)
Both are mentioned in the example about adding a list row in the Sheets API docs. (I'd link directly, but I don't have enough rep to add more than two links. Just search for "Adding a list row".)

Design suggestion for REST PUT without body data

I'm designing a REST API that needs to create a database entry with only two columns, which together is the key. Because the ID is known in advance, I like to use PUT, like
PUT /lists/black/
to black-list an IP. To remove it, I use
DELETE /lists/black/
The problem is, many web servers doesn't allow PUT without a body (additional data arguments), and CURL doesn't send content-length: 0 by default, when doing a PUT request without arguments.
How do you suggest I design such an API?
I've implemented a REST API with a PUT without any content. It works fine. This is on Apache Tomcat v7
For cURL, use the header option -H "Content-Length: 0"
you can do following for sending put without a body:
this.httpClient.put<string>(`url/user/reset-password/${password}`, {});