How do i get active minutes? - jawbone

I am trying to get active minutes out of Jawbone API's but haven't find anything. Is there a way to get to know active minutes of a user? Does jawbone supports and shows active minutes?

Take a look at the documentation for the moves endpoint. One of the pieces of data that comes back for a move event is active_time, which is the total active time in seconds.


How to repeatedly start an Alexa Skill in a certain timeframe

​Hi people!
I hope someone can help me out:
I'm searching for whether (and if, then how) it's possible for a skill to start at a certain time, ask questions e.g. every 90 minutes and stop at a certain time.
Scenario would be:
"Alexa, please start my Survey at 9 AM and stop at 8 PM for 7 days. Ask me every 90 minutes."
And the skill would then activate every 90 minutes in the selected timeframe, ask a question that would e.g. be answered with yes/no and why and then stop after 7 days.
Hope I explained my problem well enough for you to understand what I want to do.
Thank you very much for your help!
Have a nice day,
It is not possible to invoke any Alexa skill from back-end. The obvious reason for that is that Alexa is completely based on user initiated conversation and this feature violates the privacy of the user. Even the notifications service that Amazon is bring to Alexa device soon does not invoke Alexa device, it will just show a yellow light ring on devices to show that there is a pending notification for the user.

Google Drive Push notifications limitations

I've created an application which receives push-notifications (watches) of changes made to the spreadsheet in Google Drive. Everything is working fine! But when I make another change (within 30 seconds or so) in the Google Drive spreadsheet, Google is not sending another notification to my application. After some minutes it works again, but in the meantime Google is not sending notifications.
Is there an limit on the amount of changes wihtin a specific time-range?
Any help / ideas are welcome!
#Niek Jansen I have tried these and what I have noticed is that for excel docs it takes upto 2 minutes to send a notification again when the anything changes. For word, its ~30s and for ppt its around 2-3 minutes

New Instagram Rate Limits

We have created an app to display our own feed on our own website. However, we're now exceeding the new rate limit of 500 requests per hour. Instagram says our app does not need review and therefore cannot be upgraded to a "Live" app and take advantage of the higher rate limit. How do we get around this? On a side note, this is a lot of trouble to display our own feed on our own website. Sheesh.
If I got it right, you datafeed is seen by all users, but it's always the same datafeed. So instead of caching it for each user, you could request data each 30 seconds (or less) and store the results in a DB. You should then try always to read feed data from DB but if 15 seconds have passed you should request data from Instagram again.
That would make pretty transaparent to your users

How to get 5 hours back trend in Twitter?

I know how to get the current trends of Twitter for a specific location, but is there any way to get 5 hours back trend in Twitter using API ?
The Twitter REST API does not support this sort of inquiry. To accomplish this, you would need to have your application poll the trends every hour (or so) and store them in a database. You could then query that database however you like.

What Is The Time Range For Google Analytics Real Time API

I'm having no issues using the API with PHP, but when I look at my dashboard on Google Analytics, it says I have 1 real time user, but the data I get back from my API call shows far more than that. This leads me to believe this is over a period of time. What is the time period it is calling? The last 15 mins, 30?
Thanks for your help!
For real time reports, the session duration of a user is 5 minutes. More info can be found here under "Active User Metrics". I'm not sure if this would be any different if the data was accessed through the API though.
I discovered that the answer is 30 minutes. Realtime displays pageviews back 30 minutes, not as a snapshot as I had thought.