Is a DTO with an ID property considered an Entity? - oop

I am trying to clarify my understanding of a DTO and an Entity object. It seems like an Entity can hold it's identity even if its attributes change as long as it has an id.
Isn't it possible for Data Transfer Object also to have the same definition?

What you mean by Entity here? You mean POCO? If yes then NO DTO and POCO both are not same. A POCO can maintain state and have it's behavior but DTO's are just for transferring the state and have no behavior doesn't maintain any behavior. See Martin Fowler Blog on DTO


when should assign responsibility to service instead of entity object?

Is there any rule of thumb that when should assign responsibility to service object instead of entity object? I really get confused about it.
I would argue that there's no rule of thumb here. Working out the responsibilities of classes is the skill in designing OO software.
That said, your class design should give you some hints. For example, if you had planned to create a method as part of an entity but that method needs data that's not part of the entity, that would suggest the method is operating on a level above the entity, potentially a domain service.
As far as I know about domain driven design, entity objects are the representation of some complex data. Most probably they do not have any business logic around it.
So if you are thinking about the responsibility of just data holding then it would go in Entity Object. Service Objects are the one who would own the responsibility of complex logic on given Value or Entity object with provided context.
Use domain services when you need to operate on multiple aggrigate roots.

Repository design for complex objects?

What is the best way to design repositories for complex objects, assuming use of an ORM such as NHibernate or Entity Framework?
I am creating an app using Entity Framework 4. The app uses complex objects--a Foo object contains a collection of Bar objects in a Foo.Bars property, and so on. In the past, I would have created a FooRepository, and then a BarRepository, and I would inject a reference to the BarRepository into the FooRepository constructor.
When a query is passed to the FooRepository, it would call on the BarRepository as needed to construct the Foo.Bars property for each Foo object. And when a Foo object is passed to the FooRepository for persistence, the repository would call the BarRepository to persist the objects in the Foo.Bars property.
My question is pretty simple: Is that a generally accepted way to set up the repositories? Is there a better approach? Thanks for your help.
In domain-driven design, there is the concept of a "root aggregate" object. The accepted answer to a related question has good information on what it is and how you would use it in your design. I don't know about the Entity Framework but NHibernate does not require the usage pattern you are describing. As long as all the nested objects and their relationships are properly mapped to tables, saving the aggregate root will also save all its child object. The exception is when a nested object has specific business logic that needs to performed as part of its access or persistence. In that case, you would need to pass the "child" repositories so you are not duplicating that business logic.
Repository pattern helps grouping of business transactions among related entities. Meaning if you have two domain objects foo and bar and have a common transactions like GetList(),Update() then a common repository like FoobarReporsitory can be created. You can even abstract that to an interface called IFoobarReporsitory to make application loosely coupled.

NHibernate Architecture and Business Logic

Just started developing a project using NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate for the mapping and I'm confused. Since the project is going to get more complex over the next months I would like to structure the code into logical layers such as Persistence Layer and Business Logic layer.
I have a business object called Patient that contains logic and validation.
Should Patient class be mapped with the Fluent NHibernate mapping class?
Or should the mapping class map to some Data Access Object, such as PatientDAO and Patient class somehow use PatientDAO?
If 1, isn't my Business logic layer and persistence layer the same?
If 2, having the two layer is separate projects, should I the BL project contain the Patient object and some IPatientDAO and the PL have the PatientDAO object?
Or am I doing it all wrong? :-)
You should map your entities using Fluent NHibernate, since that is where you map to/from your database structure to your object model.
As for DAO, this is a matter of personal taste. Generally folks like to use a DAO of some sort (even though folks like to call them Repositories these days). These classes will utilize the NHibernate ISession to read/write the data to and from the database. Generally the current means of working with these is to define a generic interface with Get<T>(int id), GetAll<T>(), 'Delete()type methods defined to handle CRUD ops, withT` being the entity type.
It is, however, also possible to use the ISession directly in your presentation code, since it is already providing an abstraction for reading/writing data. If you go this route then you are exposing NHibernate to the rest of your app, but your also removing one level of abstraction.
As for which layer is which, NHibernate is 95%-100% of your persistence layer. You can add some abstractions of your own on top of it to create an API that makes you happy, but that is totally up to you.

What's the difference between entity and class?

Is entity an instance of class?
A class is a template for an object (among other things), and is a very general concept.
An entity has more semantic significance and is usually tied to a concept (possibly about a real object for example, an Employee or a Student or a Music Album) and is linked to business logic.
Entities are usually used to establish a mapping between an object and to a table in the database. Entities are also known as domain objects. Like I mentioned before, entities will be used in situations where there is business logic and as such it hold information about the system (or part of the system) that it is modeling.
To add one more point
Class is a syntactic i.e. A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality.
Entity is a semantic i.e. relating to meaning in language or logic. An entity is something that exists in itself, actually or potentially, concretely or abstractly, physically or not. It needs not be of material existence.
Object is a in-memory value referenced by identifier, it is an instance of a Class.
An entity usually refers to something, anything really, that has a unique and separate existence.
In software development this word is almost only used to denote that one instance is different from another instance and they are independent of each other.
A class, on the other hand, defines or contains the definition of an object. Once that object is constructed based on the definition, then you get your instance or object instance.
Short -- yes.
Entity is more a concept from real world.
Instance (alias is object) -- from programming world.
In programming world we also has an "entity" concept, but here it's more a child of an instance. So any entity is a child of instance. Also entity has it's links to other things but programming -- for example, as people said -- entity can have table in DB.
Instance can't have table in DB. As instance is always connected to class.
An object is an entity that has state, behavior, and identity. The structure and
behavior of similar objects are defined in their common class. The terms instance
and object are interchangeable.
From Grady Booch book.
So we could say, that entity, object and class instance are interchangeable.
An entity is a lightweight persistence domain object. Typically an entity represents a table in a relational database, and each entity instance corresponds to a row in that table. The primary programming artifact of an entity is the entity class, although entities can use helper classes.
The persistent state of an entity is represented either through persistent fields or persistent properties. These fields or properties use object/relational mapping annotations to map the entities and entity relationships to the relational data in the underlying data store.
Entity classes have a stereotype of entity. An entity class is essentially an object wrapper for a database table. The attributes of an entity are transformed to columns on the database table. Entities can have various data maintenance operations such as read, insert, modify, remove, readmulti (read multi reads multiple records from a table based on a partial key).
Entities can have attributes, operations, dependencies, inherits relations, and aggregations. A set of rules is associated with each of these constructs.
Entity class rules
Entities must have at least one attribute. The exception is if the entity is a subclass of another entity, in which case the entity must have no attributes. Entities are not allowed to aggregate other classes.
Entity attributes
Entity attributes correspond to columns with the same name on their associated database table.
Entity operations
Entity operations can be divided into two categories as determined by their stereotype: database and non-database operations.
Entity outputs
Entity classes are transformed into classes with operations and no attributes. The attributes from the entity in the input meta-model are transformed into one or more structs.
Entity class options
The options available for entity classes are entity class abstracts, allow optimistic locking, audit fields, enable validation, last updated field, No Generated SQL, and replace superclass.
Optimistic locking for concurrency control
Using optimistic locking for concurrency control means that more than one user can access a record at a time, but only one of those users can commit changes to that record.
Table-level auditing
Use the Database table-level auditing option to enable table-level auditing.
Exit points
An exit point is a callback function that you write. It is executed at a predefined strategic point by the server.
Entity inheritance
Input meta-model entity classes can subclass other entity classes.
Last updated field
The last updated field is a field that you can add to database tables to contain extra information about the modification time of each record for reporting purposes.
Also you can check this link and this link for more information!
I copy from this paper, "Entity based Programming Paradigm", Nimit Singhania. University of Pennsylvania:
An entity is an abstract unit that represents a group of
nodes or sub-entities. It uses the services provided by its
sub-entities and collaboration between these sub-entities to
achieve its required goals. It has its own identity and appears
as a single unit to the external world just as in real
life a team or an organization is a whole unit and not just a
collection of individuals. A distributed system is essentially
a hierarchy of entities where each entity has a specific role
and provides specific services [...]
[...]The entity abstraction is very similar to an object in object
oriented programming. The key difference between an object
and an entity is that an entity is an active and a live
unit while an object is passive. An entity consists of live subentities
interacting with each other to provide a service and
can possibly interact with the other entities. Whereas, an
object consists of only static fields and properties that can be
queried and manipulated by the external world. But, many
insights from object oriented programming can be carried
over to this programming paradigm. We can have classes
and types of entities, where a class might provide specific
services and functionality to the rest of the system. Also,
we could define abstract entities which implement the core
structure and some basic protocols for interaction between
nodes and these could be extended further to realize the actual
entities. Similarly, we could define interfaces that define
a set of services. These interfaces could be implemented by
multiple entities with different guarantees and based on the
requirements, one of them could be chosen by the programmer
to provide the required service.

Where should I be creating the entity objects?

I have an entity class and an entity DAO class.
Should it be the responsibility of the DAO class to create instances of the entity class, or should there be an entity creator/manager class that uses the DAO class only to get the data from the database to create the entity class.
It should be the responsibility of the DAO to load a persistent object from the datastore and returning a transient instance. Why add another layer of abstraction here?
For creating new Entities, a Factory (or Assembler) might be involved. However, usually this is only justified when entity creation is complex enough. A simple constructor fits the bill just fine in most cases.
I usually let the DAO know about the entity assembly and return a fully hydrated entity. Why? Because, usually the DAO only exists to support that entity. If its role is isn't bound to supporting that entity or related entities, then you may want to look at an intermediate layer.
I'm assuming you're talking about a persistent entity and something that manages that persistence. In my opinion, there is no value in using a factory to simply create the POJO. Use conventional means and then use a DAO, an EntityManager, whatever, to deal with the persistence. I think the key point is not to let the persistence strategy/implementation bleed past your business API.