How to run Domain Controller and Host Controller in single machine in jboss7? - jboss7.x

I have single machine with single IP address( . I copied domain directory as host1.
Changed domain.xml , host.xml to differentiate between domain controller and host controller . Now i have to run both domain controller and host controller in the single machine on single ip address , how can i make this configuration ? Could you suggest what other changes i have to make ?

Download EAP installer. Extract it. Make two copies of domain directories node1 and node2. Then execute these commands:
cp -r ./domain ./node1
cp -r ./domain ./node2
To start this domain instances, you just have to change native port and management port in host.xml.
<native-interface security-realm="ManagementRealm">
<socket interface="management" port="${}"/>
<http-interface security-realm="ManagementRealm" http-upgrade-enabled="true">
<socket interface="management" port="${}"/>
or you can mention them at runtime like:
./bin/ -Djboss.domain.base.dir=./node1/ -Djboss.bind.address= <REST_OF_PARAMATERS>
./bin/ -Djboss.domain.base.dir=./node2/ -Djboss.bind.address= <REST_OF_PARAMATERS>
Also you need to make sure that the servers defined in host.xml must have different port offsets for 'node1 domain' and 'node2 domain'.
Otherwise you would get an Address already in use


Is there a way to dynamically define and register new Dgraphs in Endeca

As far as my knowledge of Endeca goes, any time you want to add a new dgraph definition in your Endeca configuration, you have to run to set the updated configuration on EAC.
I was wondering if there is any way I can do that without running (since it does a lot more than just update the list of Dgraph registered in EAC, and I want to prevent that).
I found the command ./ --update-definition allows you to do configuration changes to a Dgraph, which has already been registered with EAC, but if I add a new dgraph in config and run the command it fails with below error:
[11.17.16 16:00:07] INFO: Setting definition for host 'MDEXLiveHost2'.
[11.17.16 16:00:07] SEVERE: Caught an exception while checking provisioning
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacCommunicationException setDefinition - Caught exception while setting host definition.
Caused by com.endeca.eac.client.ProvisioningFault
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl newInstance0 - null
I can't find any detailed logs of this error being generated anywhere in PlatformServices logs to further debug.
I could, however see in request log that /eac/ProvisioningService gave a HTTP code of 500, which leads me to believe that the script is trying to find current configuration of MDEXLiveHost2 and is unable to find it.
EDITED TO ADD Configuration for:
New host:
<host id="MDEXLiveHost2" hostName="${mdexLive.host2}" port="${mdexLive.eac.port}" useSsl="false" />
New Dgraph:
<dgraph id="DgraphLive2" host-id="MDEXLiveHost2" port="${dgraphLive1.port}"
<property name="restartGroup" value="A" />
<property name="updateGroup" value="a" />
<property name="DgraphContentGroup" value="Live" />
EDITED TO ADD errors after manually adding host using
Host definition file:
<host host-id="MDEXLiveHost2" host-name="" port="9999" useSsl="false"/>
The host is added successfully (validated via describe-app)
$./ describe-app --app myapp | grep MDEXLiveHost2
<host host-name="" port="9999" host-id="MDEXLiveHost2" useSsl="false">
But, running any command I get this error:
[11.18.16 11:00:58] INFO: Updating provisioning for host 'MDEXLiveHost2'.
[11.18.16 11:00:58] INFO: Host name of host 'MDEXLiveHost2' has changed from to . Components on this host will be re-provisioned.
[11.18.16 11:00:58] INFO: Updating definition for host 'MDEXLiveHost2'.
[11.18.16 11:00:58] SEVERE: Caught an exception while checking provisioning.
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacCommunicationException updateEacDefinition - Caught exception while updating host definition.
Caused by com.endeca.eac.client.ProvisioningFault
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl newInstance0 - null
If only this error could be made more verbose, that might give some help.
You do not have to run for every configuration change you make. When you execute other scripts in the control folder, they first check if there are any configuration changes and apply these changes.
As far as the error is concerned, I suspect you either didn't specify the MDEXLiveHost2 in your LiveDGraphCluster.xml or the host that you did specify is not reachable. Verify your configuration.
Lastly your approach to dynamically add more DGraphs into the cluster is not standard practice. When you configure your environment you should do a load test using ENEPerf to simulate the load and then create as many DGraphs and hosts as required. If you are adding more hosts and DGraphs dynamically, you also need to ensure that you add them, dynamically, into your load balancer configuration as well.
My first guess was that maybe the mdex host 2 didn't have Platform services/Mdex installed and Platform services running but it may be that the port you specified is incorrect.
<host host-id="MDEXLiveHost2" host-name="" port="9999" useSsl="false"/>
Is your eac port 9999 and not 8888 (OOB value)? If it is 9999 on your ITL server, you want to make sure that it is also set to 9999 on your new Dgraph server.

Infinispan and jgroups Implementation on Openshift Stack

I am trying run an Infinispan cluster on Openshift Tomcat gears. With nodes sitting on two different hosts.I am using TCP as the data transfer protocol and MPING as the discovery protocol.
If I try to use any of the JGROUPS provided key word for bind address like GLOBAL, SITE_LOCAL, LINK_LOCAL, NON_LOOPBACK, match-interface, match-host, match-address, except for LOOPBACK it binds the service to public IP(64.X.X.X) and for LOOPBACK it binds it to is not what I want to achieve.
I want it to run the JGROUPS service on the custom IP address provided by Openshift which looks some what like this If I am able to run it in the given IP then it will be easy for me to write Port forwarding rules so that the cluster members will be able to discover each other even if they exist in different hosts.
Using environment property
Map<String, String> envKeys = System.getenv();
for (String keys : envKeys.keySet()) {
System.out.println(keys + ":" + envKeys.get(keys));
if (keys.equalsIgnoreCase("OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEWS_IP")) {
System.setProperty("OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEWS_IP", envKeys.get(keys));
It fails while doing above saying could not find the IP address or is an invalid IP address. Please find the sample jgroups.xml I am using in my project.
<config xmlns="urn:org:jgroups"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:org:jgroups /JGroups-3.4.xsd">
<!-- Ergonomics, new in JGroups 2.11, are disabled by default in TCPPING until JGRP-1253 is resolved -->
<TCPPING timeout="3000"
<FD timeout="3000" max_tries="5"/>
<VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500"/>
<pbcast.NAKACK2 use_mcast_xmit="false"
<UNICAST3 xmit_interval="500"
<pbcast.STABLE stability_delay="500" desired_avg_gossip="5000" max_bytes="1m"/>
<pbcast.GMS print_local_addr="false" join_timeout="3000" view_bundling="true"/>
<tom.TOA/> <!-- the TOA is only needed for total order transactions-->
<MFC max_credits="2m" min_threshold="0.40"/>
<FRAG2 frag_size="30k"/>
<RSVP timeout="60000" resend_interval="500" ack_on_delivery="false" />
When Infinispan is successfully started, It runs 2 java processes one on the port 7800 as mentioned in the above config file and other on a port number randomly picked up by Infinispan. I would like to understand more about the processes.
java 5640 1334 44u IPv4 1556890779 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
java 5640 1334 44u IPv4 1556890779 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
Setting bind_addr to bind_addr=match-address=127.2.\* should pick the correct address (
Does show when you do an ifconfig?
The second port is probably opened by FD_SOCK. You can control this by setting attributes bind_addr and start_port in FD_SOCK.

Wildfly 10 not load balancing to other host

I followed these instructions from Stuart Douglas video to enable Wildfly to balance request without the need of apache + mod_cluster, feature that is available since Wildfly 9.
It worked like in the video. But then, instead of adding the 3rd backend server to the same host, I created another host and added the backend3 server to it, which was also added to the backend-servers group.
So I had the following layout:
Server one (host controller and load balancer):
Server two (slave):
I started the 2nd host as a slave and I could access the clustering-demo using its ip and the backend3 port. Besides, the host controller was able to register the slave:
[Host Controller] 10:05:52,198 INFO [] (Host Controller Service Threads - 56) WFLYHC0019: Registered remote slave host "srv217", JBoss WildFly Full 10.0.0.Final (WildFly 2.0.10.Final)
However, when I accessed the main server, the load was still being balanced only to backend1 and backend2.
I tried to stop both and let only backend3 started, but then I couldn't access clustering-demo through the load balancer anymore.
Anyone know if an addicional configuration is required for the load balancer to work with a slave host?
I'm adding my host controller and slave log.
Host controller:
These lines caught my attention:
[Server:backend2] 08:56:58,956 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (remote-thread--p7-t1) ISPN000310: Starting cluster-wide rebalance for cache clustering-demo.war, topology CacheTopology{id=1, rebalanceId=1, currentCH=DefaultConsistentHash{ns=80, owners = (1)[master:backend2: 80+0]}, pendingCH=DefaultConsistentHash{ns=80, owners = (2)[master:backend2: 40+40, master:backend1: 40+40]}, unionCH=null, actualMembers=[master:backend2, master:backend1]}
[Server:backend2] 08:56:59,023 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (remote-thread--p7-t1) ISPN000310: Starting cluster-wide rebalance for cache routing, topology CacheTopology{id=1, rebalanceId=1, currentCH=DefaultConsistentHash{ns=80, owners = (1)[master:backend2: 80+0]}, pendingCH=DefaultConsistentHash{ns=80, owners = (2)[master:backend2: 40+40, master:backend1: 40+40]}, unionCH=null, actualMembers=[master:backend2, master:backend1]}
[Server:backend2] 08:56:59,376 INFO [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (remote-thread--p7-t2) ISPN000336: Finished cluster-wide rebalance for cache clustering-demo.war, topology id = 1
It seems to confirm that slave:backend3 is not detected.
Change on your slave host default interface addresses to be visible for the master.
<interface name="management">
<inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address}"/>
<interface name="public">
<inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address}"/>
<interface name="private">
<inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address}"/>
<interface name="unsecure">
<inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address}"/>
where jboss.bind.address is a real IP of slave host.
And do the same on master host.
I am heaving the same issue.My master and slaves log output looks exactly the same.
I followed the video tutorial and the related project on GitHub:
I have set all public IP addresses on the master and slave servers. The host controller registers the slaves, infinispan displays log messages for cluster rebalancing displaying the 2 slaves. But the load balancing does not work. It also appears that the session replication also does not work, despit the fact that infinispan displays all slaves as members of the cluster.
If I repeat the steps as described in the above mentioned GitHub project on a single machine, that is all servers are on the same IP, but on different ports - everything works.
I also found this:, where he mentions adding the public IP addresses as default-host aliases. Did that too and still it is not working.
Can someone point us in the right direction. I presume it is something small, but substantial that is missing from the documentation and there is no adequate demo/tutorial on the net that demonstrated the set-up when all the slaves and the load balancer reside on different hosts (different IP addresses).

Getting request and creating HTTP response using Tomcat

I am currently trying to use embeded Tomcat for my application and am trying to set it up to get the URL of the http request.
Some Background:
I am using the same code as in the first answer for the post here : Howto embed Tomcat 6?
The only change I have made is :
private String catalinaHome = "/home/xyz/tomcat"; // This dir is created and has full access permissions
Also , I am looking at:
There are no server.xml and tomcat-users.xml that I could find, so I created a tomcat-users.xml since I was getting an exception :Memory database file /home/xyz/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml cannot be read .
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="role1"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
The code uses container.setRealm(new MemoryRealm());
It appears from here : that I should have a server.xml file and there should already be one created by default.
1] Do I need to create a server.xml, what should be the default in it ?
I have put a file with default from here : , but just want to know what is the right thing to do ?
2]When I access http://localhost:8089/mywebapp/index.html, all i get is The requested resource () is not available, though I have an index.html page at the "webappDir" in the code
3] My only need from the embedded tomcat is to intercept so as to get the URL passed to tomcat in my code. I can then parse the URL [do my stuff] and then create a http payload and send an http response back.
I would appreciate any pointers, especially for 3] ?
Ok, for your first question, yo do not need server.xml. If you check the code of your initial post they are setting the parameters there. So that is what server.xml would encapsulate. In reality what happens is that Tomcat will parse server.xml for the properties you are defining on your java file where you instanciate the catalina call to start. But since it is embedded you are setting all those parameters on you class instead.
For your second question, check your logs directory and see what is being parsed. Something is happening after your service starts because it should already redirect you once you call the port. either way, just try http://localhost:8089 and see what you get back in return from tomcat. It should give you some kind of response back from the server itself.
if you do it like this "http://localhost:8089/mywebapp/index.html" you are trying to access a created context, and that might not be configured correctly, but that is just a guess right now.
Try this first and tell me what you get back. we can troubleshoot from this point and see if I can help more in that sense.
Quick question, is this windows or linux you are installing on?
If it is linux the configurations filea are located usually on /etc/tomcat6. (at least on ubuntu they are). Reply back with the version you have installed. I might be able to help you out.
I guess I should also elaborate here a little more. Tomcat is a service in linux as well, so in ubuntu you have to start tomcat in order to access it.
$: sudo service tomcat6 start
then it starts tomcat on port 8080 (usually if not changed) of your localhost. hence you type localhost:8080 to access the website for configuration of tomcat that gives you a It works prompt for you.
Let me know if you have more questions, I will try to respond to the best of my knowledge

Restrict access to specific URL (Apache Tomcat)

How can I restrict access to a specific URL (it is a Tomcat Application Server)? e.g. http://localhost:8081/application cannot be accessed by an user except a specified IP (that is the calling service)
The Remote Address filter, org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve, allows you to compare the IP address of the requesting client against one or more regular expressions to either allow or prevent the request from continuing based on the results of this comparison. A Remote Address filter can be associated with a Tomcat Engine, Host, or Context container.
So, you'd need something along the lines of
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow="<your-ip-here>"/>
For possible values, see
You should be able to set this in the WEB-INF/web.xml for your application, see
Goto following path: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\
Under this path you find "manager.xml" file.
Edit "manager.xml" file, with following content:
<Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged="true">
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow=","/>
<!-- Link to the user database we will get roles from
<ResourceLink name="users" global="UserDatabase" type="org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase"/>
Save and run server. You got it.