Add column with data from another stdinfo5table into viewtable in sql query - sql

select name into viewtable from stdinfo5
My error is:
There is already an object named 'viewtable' in the database.
Can someone explain: I want column with data (adding) into viewtable from the stdinfo5 table.

select ... into SomeTarget from SomeSource will create a physical table with the name SomeTarget!
You can use DROP TABLE SomeTarget to delete this table (carefull with real data!!!) or, what might be better, use select ... into #SomeTarget ....
The # before the name will create this table as temp table which is deleted automatically when it gets out of scope.
In your case it seems, that you do not want to delete the table, but you just want to add one more column. In this case you'd need something like ALTER TABLE viewtable ADD TheColumnName TheColumnType; and then use an UPDATE statement to fill this column. If possible, it was easier to delete the table and re-create it with the missing column...


How to populate dummy data into an existing table?

I have a large table with given number of rows in which I'd like to replace personal informations with dummy data. I've written functions for this but actually struggling with how to implement it.
I'd like to do something like:
Help would be appreciated.
Instead of dropping and adding a column, just do an UPDATE.
If you just want to update the actual data with dummy data , why can't you use update statement as below. We do almost similar in our day to day work. For ex. if we would like to sanitize actual email address of users while restoring the data in my local or test machine (in column SomeName) and in another column we just want to update it with 'XXX' .
UPDATE SomeTable
SET Email_address= SUBSTRING(Email_address,0,CHARINDEX('#',Email_address)) + '',
SomeName2= 'XXX',

Deleting entire data from a particular column in oracle-sql

Recently I have started learning Oracle-sql. I know that with the help of DELETE command we can delete a particular row(s). So, Is it possible to delete entire data from a particular column in a table using only DELETE command. (I know that using UPDATE command by setting null values to entire column we can achieve the functionality of DELETE).
The DELETE statement removes entire rows of data from a specified
table or view
If you want to "remove" data from particular column update it:
UPDATE table_name
SET your_column_name = NULL;
or if column is NOT NULL
UPDATE table_name
SET your_column_name = <value_indicating_removed_data>;
You can also remove entire column using DDL:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
In SQL, delete deletes rows not columns.
You have three options in Oracle:
Set all the values to NULL using update.
Remove the column from the table.
Set the column to unused.
The last two use alter table:
alter table t drop column col;
alter table t set unused (col);
Use Invisible Type, which is from an oracle 12cR2.
It is a better than drop of a particular column.If you need to visible you can get back by altering with an VISIBLE of a column name.
update employee set commission=nvl2(commission,'','')
this will remove all the data from the column

Rename table via sp_rename or ALTER SCHEMA

I am going to perform a table-wide update on a huge table (+200Millon records) so I am going to populate the data via SELECT into a separate table, than drop the original and rename the new one.
In one of the articles someone mentioned that it is better to create the new table with the same name in a temporary schema (e.g. 'clone') and switch it to the used one (e.g. 'dbo'), than to use the original schema with a temporary name and call sp_rename after the data is in place and the old table is dropped.
I was looking into this, but I cannot think of anything why the schema switch is better than the sp_rename. Can anyone find any good reason why is better to use the first or the second approach?
EDIT: I want to update the values in a specific column
EDIT2: Ultimately my question is, if I decide to go down the way of creating a new table to transfer data to which alternative to use:
CREATE TABLE dbo.newTable
DROP TABLE dbo.originalTable
EXEC sp_rename N'dbo.newTable', N'dbo.originalTable'
CREATE TABLE clone.originalTable
DROP TABLE dbo.originalTable
ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER clone.originalTable
By the way, I would suggest that you WON'T populate the table by using SELECT * INTO. This will lock your source table for everyone else during the insertion, which could take quite a time.
Just a suggestion, try this instead:
SELECT TOP 0 INTO [newTable]
FROM [oldTable]
INSERT INTO [newTable]
SELECT * FROM [oldTable]
By the way, you can use sp_rename to rename your table to another name. But it won't change the schema. If you try to change the schema too it will produce a buggy table name.
You can instead try to move the table to another name. Example below:
EXEC sp_rename N'oldTable', N'oldTable_Backup'
EXEC sp_rename N'newTable', N'oldTable'
Hopefully this will help you.
Based on your edited answer the quickest way to do that is:
If you have to include default value to the column
and then drop the old column from the table.
If you have to update table column based calculated values
Disable index on the column which you are updating
Create index on the column which are in WHERE clause
Update statistics
Use WITH(NOLOCK) table hint [if you are fine with dirty read]
As per edit 2, your first statement is about changing table name and second statement is about changing schema. They both are different and does not related to moving data or updating value. In this case, changing schema would be the best bet
If locking was an issue before it still is regardless of what version SQL Server that you are using. When you drop and rename you are also losing all the rights on the table.

Push deleted items into temporary table after MERGE

A simple query on the INTO clause. When i try the below statement, the items get pushed into CustomersBackup2013 whether the table exists or not.
INTO CustomersBackup2013
FROM Customers;
However, when i try using the into clause in a MERGE like
MERGE TargetTable tt
USING SyncTable st on <condition>
OUTPUT deleted.* INTO #Sometemptable;
I get an error saying invalid object name '#Sometemptable'
Isnt it supposed to create the table if it does not exist? Is there something I am doing wrong.
Is there any way i can modify the clause to push items into #Sometemptable?
No, the table has to exists for the output clause to work.
First create the #temp table and then you can output deleted values in it. Columns in the temp table must match columns from output by ordinal and type.
select into table creates a table if required. it is much like oracle's create table as select. see here select into table
merge only inserts, updates or deletes

Create a replica of a sql table

I need a query to create a table which is the exact replica but with different table name and without any data from the source table using a sql query!
You can try this
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
where 1=2
It will create a empty table with the same structure.
SQL Server Management Studio
Object Explorer
Connect -> Your server
Databases -> Choose Database
Right Click Your Table
Script Table as -> Create To -> New Query Editor Window
Jonathan has it (upvoted), and you should probably go with that because it's more portable. I normally use something similar:
SELECT TOP 0 * INTO [New_Table] FROM [Old_Table]
I think this better expresses what you're doing, but I like Jonathan's because 'TOP 0' is SQL Server specific, and so his is more portable.
For MySQL, you can call SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name;
It will display a CREATE TABLE query. Simply change the table name in that query and you're good to go.
If you use Postgresql:
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
where 1=2
This worked very well, when i tried to create a replica of the table without any data's.
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
This will create a replica with the data's too.
This can help you:
Read more here
select * into newtablename from sourcetablename
truncate newtablename
That will result in an exact copy but it also copies the data at first which you remove with the truncate statement.
create table <new table name> as select * from <old tale name from which you would like to extract data>
It will create a new table with a different name but will copy all existing data from the old table to new table.
in postgres you can use INHERITS or LIKE keyword to make replica of a table(only copies structure of the table)
CREATE TABLE client_new (LIKE client);
CREATE TABLE client_new () INHERITS (client)
Use of INHERITS creates a persistent relationship between the new child table and its parent table(s). Schema modifications to the parent(s) normally propagate to children as well, and by default the data of the child table is included in scans of the parent(s).
LIKE clause specifies a table from which the new table automatically copies all column names, their data types, and their not-null constraints.Unlike INHERITS, the new table and original table are completely decoupled after creation is complete. Changes to the original table will not be applied to the new table, and it is not possible to include data of the new table in scans of the original table.