Say there is metric that has records from multiple clients
select count(id) WHERE variable
Is there a way to have the metric use multiple variables which are defined in a dashboard? Something like
select count(id) WHERE variable_value1 OR variable_value1.
The metric would appear on a dashboard that has either variable_value1 or variable_value2. I've test using the OR logic, but the metric still shows data from both values instead filtering to whatever variable_value is on the dashboard.
I know a variable as a filter on the dashboard would do the same job, but users (that have unfiltered access to all variables values) want to have a fixed view per variable value in separate dashboard tabs and I'd like to avoid duplicating metrics for each variable value.
This is something that can be done within the metric, but it depends on the data that you are looking at. The metric itself would look something like this:
SELECT <metric> where <attribute> = <attribute_value1> AND <attribute> = <attribute_value2>
You can replace the "AND" with an "OR" within in the metric as well. If you need further clarification, could you please provide a specific example? We would be glad to help you out here.
GoodData Support
I want to create a drop down using which user can get the feature of changing the aggregation level of metrics.
For example we have sum(cost) as a metrics in the report. Now we want User should have functionality to dynamically select at what level they want to see the view.Either at category level or subcategory level or gender level.
We tried doing this with the help of filters but didn't get any success.
I am creating a Dashboard using as a visualization a heat map. Everything was OK until I changed the parameters of my metric, the chart disappeared and I've got this message: 'Filter excludes all data'
The only modification that I've done is to set the Include Distinct Elements to true within the Count Parameter option of the metric.
What could be happening?. Do I need to set another parameter to get the count of distinct elements that I need?
surely the metric is level with some attribute that is not inside the visualization, if the filter has date for example, include it in the visualization.
"Filter Excludes All data" is a default warning message that you will get in MicroStrategy when a reports/visuals/dashboards does not return any data.
There are n number of reasons for a report which cannot return data, please check the following steps to debug the issue,
As per your first image it shows a date range as filter, after you have changed to "Include only distinct" this date range might get affected so please put the objects in grid and apply the date filter and check whether it returns the correct data.
If it returns, check whether all the metrics returns a value.
Check whether candidateID, date and people attributes/metrics are properly related.
These steps will show, where the problem is, still if you could not figure it out export the dashboard and share it with MicroStrategy Tech Support team for debugging.
Hope it helps.
Report Objective: Performance analysis of players by statistics comparison
Desired Report Layout
Please refer to the layout and read on. The player names need to be added from a list which could be anything like entry text box, multicheck box, dropdown etc. If I select Jake Tyler in this list, the report should refresh and show me the statistics from him. Then when I select Adam Smith, he should show up as the next entry below Jake with his respective stats.
I know how to pass individual players as parameters in the query using Pentaho parameters and tagging them in the condition using SQL as:
'where PlayerName = ${playername}'
But I need to know how to pass multiple player names in a similar fashion to generate this report using multivalue String parameters.
Can you please please guide me on how to do this? I have heard things like x-actions which could work but I don't know how to use that. I am sure this will help a lot of people who are trying to achieve something similar which might seem complex to them.
You can simply use where PlayerName IN (${playername}).
The list should be correctly passed from the parameter to query.
and the parameter also should get data correctly.
select 'Jake Taylor' as pn
select 'Adam Smith' as pn
select 'Chris Lawson' as pn
select distinct column_name from table_name
this can be sent to parameter (in Add parameter window) and your main query can be prepared as I explained above using IN
NB: You can use only Display types like: Multi value list, Multi selection box etc. Not drop downs which pass only single value.
I am looking to create and use a gauge chart, but I am trying to figure how to compare selected vs the complete universe. For example, let's say I want to measure a monthly spending average of one department vs. the spending average of the entire organization. How do I make the organization average the segment marker? or make it a static variable that does not change with the selection?
As is the case with a lot of questions that pop up here, you can use set analysis to achieve this. In you gauge expression you could do something like this:
Assuming you are going to select one or more departments in the current state, you could do
percent_of_total_spending = avg({$}spending)/avg({1}spending)
The {} syntax is used in conjunction with the set identifiers $ and 1 to denote the the set of the current selections and the entire universe respectively. So the above expression will give you the percentage of average organizational spending for whatever departments you have selected.
You can use set modifiers in addition to the set identifiers to further customize what population you are including. See here for more information.
All you need to do is use set analysis and tell the expression what to ignore in the selections box.
Sum({<Month=, Year=>}Spending)
What the above is telling you is that it's taking the "Month" field and setting the selection for that specific expression to nothing, as well as the "Year" field. If you were to do the following:
Sum({<Month=, Year={"2014"}>}Spending)
It will calculate for that specific year, or even this
Sum({<Month=, Year={"2013","2014"}>}Spending)
Will make it calculate for both 2013 and 2014. Read up on the helpfile as well by pushing F1 and searching for set analysis.
So something like this will work for you
Sum(Spending) / Sum({<Month=, Year=>}Spending)
it might be possible I'm searching for the wrong keywords, but so far I couldn't find anything useful.
My problem is quite simple: At the moment I get a list of individual Ids through a report parameter, I pass them to a procedure and show the results.
The new request is like this: Instead of showing the list for all individuals at once, there should be a list for each individual id.
Since I'm quite a beginner in srss, I thought the easiest approach would be the best: Create a subreport, copy the shown list, and create a subreport per individual id.
The amount of this IDs is dynamic, so I have to create a dynamic amount of subreports.
Funny enought, this doesnt seem to be possible. This url doesnt show exactly the problem, but it shows the limit of the subreports.
I even ran trough the whole msdn pages starting but I couldnt find anything there.
So is there a possibility, to create a loop like:
For each Individual ID in Individual IDs, create a subreport and pass ONE ID to this?
Or is there another approach I should use to make this work?
I tried to create a 'Fake'-Dataset with no sql query but just for iterating the id list, but it seems the dataset needs a data-source...
As usual, thanks so far for all answers!
Matthias Müller
Or is there another approach I should use to make this work?
You didn't provide much detail about what sort of information needs to be included in the subreport, but assuming it's a small amount of data (say, showing a personnel record), and not a huge amount (such as a persons sales for the last year), a List might be the way to go.
I tried to create a 'Fake'-Dataset with no sql query but just for iterating the id list, but it seems the dataset needs a data-source...
All datasets require a data source, though if you're merely hard-coding some fake return data, any data source will do, even a local SQL instance with nothing in it.