Repeating with custom elements performance issues in IE - aurelia

We have some performance issues with IE10/11. The following plunker explains some of our degrading performance while repeating table rows with custom elements.
Plunker Example
In this plunker example, we get a total of 68 ms in chrome to render the entire table.
In IE11 we get 280ms and see a 100% increase in render speed per row. While chrome do up to 3 rows per ms, IE does one every 2ms.
This plunkr is a basic model of our application. In our application we repeat the following template which is alot heavier. It involves style calculation and show/hide bindings depending on the users settings and permission level.
It's in swedish so don't mind the text.
The second row (expanded information) is if.bound so it's not drawn initially.
In our application, if we render a view with 100 rows of our template, chrome renders the entire table in 587 ms. IE11 does it in 3779ms. Edge does it in 1283ms, and Firefox 909ms.
Each row takes about 30ms in IE11,
Is there any reason IE11 should perform so much worse with the aurelia-template? What can we do to improve IE render speed? I have tried setting bindings to oneTime but that didn't do much. Is there something you should avoid doing in custom elements that doesn't work well with repeating and IE.
We want the custom elements because of reusability and code management since the template is pretty big.

Make sure you're using an up to date version of Aurelia, and make sure that you're using Bluebird if you need to support IE or older versions of Edge, as their Promise implementations are atrociously bad.
If you replace the index.html in your Plunkr with this:
<!doctype html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<body aurelia-app>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Then the last row's draw time on my desktop is 278 ms in IE 11 on Window 10. See here: plunkr

I have posted an issue with the aurelia team and a github project reproducing my issues.
Aurelia team closed the issue so there might not be any fix for IE11 for now.
Edit: The aurelia team found an issue and it is now fixed


What is the best way to embed a SoundCloud widget in react-native-webview?

So basically as the title suggests. I have a react-native-webview component in my app and I want it to show a SoundCloud player via the SoundCloud widget. I also want to use the available methods exposed by the widget API (for example getDuration), add listeners to events, etc. I have tried 2 approaches to accomplish this, but each approach ends with a different issue that I haven't been able to resolve.
Option 1:
The source prop that I pass to the WebView is a static HTML string:
<script src=""></script>
That works well with the API and everything, but I can't seem to make it look good on-screen. It looks like this:
The red border marks the WebView component. I want the video to take up that entire space, which I can do with setting the width & height attributes of the iframe to 100%. The problem is, that when I do that, the elements inside the iframe retain their size (e.g the track/artist name, the progress bar at the bottom, etc). See here:
If I could somehow make it all scale by the same proportions, that would be amazing. Injecting JS scripts that scale each and every element individually seems like a bad solution.
Option 2:
The source prop that I pass to the WebView is a SoundCloud link, for example:
That makes the video player look just right:
But, it won't allow me to use the API exposed by SoundCloud. The reason is that, as mentioned in their API reference, there needs to be some iframe element that I need to to pass into SC.Widget in order to be able to use all the methods and listeners that I need. There is no iframe here! The HTML content that renders inside the WebView is actually the exact inner document that would render inside the iframe if I used the static HTML that I put in Option 1. If I could make the API work like that somehow, that would be amazing.
So, basically, I'm wondering which option presents the more-easily-solved issue, if they're solvable at all. Any help would be much appreciated.
Solved, used this static HTML:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src=""></script>
style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"
The meta tag was the key to success here (

IOS7 ignoring view port meta

I'm having a real hard time trying to trouble shoot this issue. I've seen others with the same problems but all seemed to find a fix, none of which work for my clients site. I've tried a number of different combinations but nothing works.
The site is completely responsive on desktop, android, and IOS6 / below, but after the release of IOS7 it no longer displays correctly on any of the IOS7 browsers and defaults to the desktop layout (although fits all on the screen, still not ideal). It's like it's ignoring the viewport settings for retina.
The website in question is
I really appreciate any help as I've already spent hours trying to fix it!
This is probably the 6th variation of viewport I have tried now, still not working :(
What combinations have you used? I have used this in the past and it works for me.
<!-- standard viewport tag to set the viewport to the device's width, Android 2.3 devices need this so 100% width works properly and doesn't allow children to blow up the viewport width-->
<meta name="viewport" id="vp" content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1,width=device-width">
<!-- width=device-width causes the iPhone 5 to letterbox the app, so we want to exclude it for iPhone 5 to allow full screen apps -->
<meta name="viewport" id="vp" content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1" media="(device-height: 568px)">
There is in fact an extra meta tag. Here it is and here's its id. <meta name="viewport" id="sv-meta" content="">
It doesn't show up on desktops, so it's probably being generated by this script <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>. You should look into the settings for that plugin, but if you can't find any, then you might be able to use this javascript at the end of your header:
<script type="text/javascript">
var svMeta = document.getElementById('sv-meta');
if(svMeta){ svMeta.parentElement.removeChild(svMeta) }

Flexslider - what am I doing wrong?

I had a really simple question.
I'm trying to implement Flexslider ( onto my page but it does not seem to work (the images appear really large and are listed).
I followed all of the directions on the page. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Use jquery library above the flexslider.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/flexslider.css" type="text/css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="styles/jquery.flexslider-min.js"></script>
And dont use another jquery library in that page. It create the conflict of both jquery library.
Always Use jquery latest.. It improve the efficiency and performance
of the site
Learn jquery

Grails Resources Plugin resource scope

I am struggling to understand the scope of resources defined with the Grails resources plugin.
I have created a small project (Grails 2.0.4) with a single domain item of Book and generated the associated Controller and Views.
I have then modified the main layout as follows:
When I run the app I get no styling as expected.
I now add the following to the head list.gsp
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<r:require modules="jquery-mobile"/>
When I go to the list page now I correctly get the jquery-mobile styling as expected but when I go to the create page I also get jquery-mobile styling but was expecting no styling, as this page does not contain the tag.
It seems that the resources selected for one page are being used for all other pages. Is this expected behaviour?
Use Resources 1.2, it sounds like this might be an old bug.

How can I make the HTML5 iframe seamless attribute work within my Rails 3 app?

I've setup my Rails 3 app with only
<%= yield %>
in the application.html.erb and pages.html.erb layout files (Pages is my controller), and I have a view with only the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Title</title>
<iframe src="" seamless="seamless" width="100%" height="1949px"></iframe>
But the iframe still has a border around it and does not completely fill the page when I look at it in my browser (I tried several). According to W3Schools
the seamless attribute should have no borders nor scrollbars and " should look like it is part of the parent document."
I'd also like to not have to tell the iframe what width/height to be, and just have it take up as much space as it needs.
Why does the seamless attribute seem to not be working right?
That's probably because your browser doesn't support seamless iframes. As far as I know it doesn't work in either Firefox 4 or Google Chromium 11, you'll have to wait until someone actually implements it. As for the iframe taking as much space as it needs I don't think that there is currently a way to do this without JavaScript. For a JavaScript solution just search the web, there are several tutorials about this.