MDX currentMember get me error - ssas

This MDX function raise error :
with member measures.x as
[Date].[Date].[Date].&[20160101] : [Date].[Date].[Date].currentmember.value
[Measures].[current balance]
select measures.x on columns,
[Branch].[HeadOffice Branch].[Head Office Code] on rows
from MyCube
Error is :
The CURRENTMEMBER function expects a hierarchy expression for the 1 argument. A member expression was used.
But when I use
[Date].[Date].[Date].&[20160101] : [Date].[Date].[Date].&[20160131]
It works good

This is valid mdx:
[Date].[Date].[Date].&[20160101] : [Date].[Date].currentmember
Although this is not:
WITH member measures.x AS
[Date].[Date].[Date].&[20160101] : [Date].[Date].currentmember
[Measures].[current balance]
It is not valid because round braces (...) signify a tuple but a tuple requires exact co-ordinates so the first argument cannot be a set.
You could add an aggregation such as SUM:
WITH member measures.x AS
[Date].[Date].[Date].&[20160101] : [Date].[Date].currentmember
[Measures].[current balance]
This is valid mdx but if you do not have [Date].[Date] in context i.e. in the WHERE or SELECT clause then all it is returning is the All member.
Why are you using [Date].[Date].currentmember ?

CURRENTMEMBER works on an attribute hierarchy (in your case [Date].[Date]). So [Date].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER will work.
Also you will need to take out the value selector, as your expression returns a set of dates (member : member returns a set of all the members between those two members).


How to insert a string literal as a new column in an mdx query

In the following MDX query, I want to set the value of [Measures].[Label] as the string literal "Net Value" instead of NULL (i.e. using a string literal to populate the values in the label column). I'm scratching my head about how to do this in MDX. Tons of background with SQL, but a relative newbie with SSAS.
Member [Measures].[Label] AS NULL
Member [Measures].[Value] AS [Measures].[Net Amt]
{[Time].[Work Week].[Work Week]},
{[Customer].[Region Cd].[Region Cd]},
{[Product].[Cd Nm].[Cd Nm]}
) ON Rows,
) ON Columns
FROM [Reporting]
{[Segment].[Segment Nm].[Segment Nm].&[SEG VALUE]}
If I try a value in double quotes, the query just times out without finishing. Just using a null like this only takes 2 seconds to return.
Member [Measures].[Label] AS "Net Amt"
The problem with putting a constant is that the NON EMPTY now returns every combination of Time, Customer and Product.
Instead you want to return a constant but only on rows where the Net Amt measure is not empty.
Member [Measures].[Label] AS IIF(Not(IsEmpty([Measures].[Net Amt])),"Net Amt",Null)
Alternately you could use a constant but use the NonEmpty function instead against the Net Amt measure only:
Member [Measures].[Label] AS "Net Amt"
Member [Measures].[Value] AS [Measures].[Net Amt]
SELECT NonEmpty(
{[Time].[Work Week].[Work Week]}*
{[Customer].[Region Cd].[Region Cd]}*
{[Product].[Cd Nm].[Cd Nm]}
[Measures].[Net Amt]
) ON Rows,
ON Columns

MDX linkmember equivalent in DAX

Is there any equivalent of linkmemeber from MDX to DAX?
I am trying to migrate the following script from MDX to DAX
member TauxdetransformationQuartileRegion as ([Measures].[Taux_de_transformation_Region],[Bon Envoi].[Bon Envoi].&[True])
member Annees as [Date Creation].[Année]
select {
} on 0
FROM ( select strtoset(#Region) on 0 from test)
linkmember(strtotuple(#DateFin),[Mois Publication].[Mois de publication])
,[Perimetre Ebusiness].[Périmètre E-Business].&[O]
,{[MER_Publication].[Detail Type Visiteur].&[Prospect],[MER_Publication].[Detail Type Visiteur].&[Client direct]}
,( - { [Origine_Marketing].[Entree Parcours].&[SiteAgent] } )
MDX query parameters are typically strings with member unique names ("[Dim].[Attr].&[Key]") which you must convert to a member with StrToMember(#Param). And if you need to switch hierarchies you the use LinkMember.
DAX parameters are just the values. So the parameter will work against any dimension. Thus LinkMember isn’t needed.
Here is an article about DAX parameters. For Date type parameters I forget if you just say 'Date'[Date] = #DateParam or if you have to say 'Date'[Date] = DATEVALUE(#DateParam). My recollection is that it depends on whether the parameter is Date type (use the first approach) or String type (use the DATEVALUE approach).

How to pass a parameter in mdx?

I have a parameter value 'SF - LYON' while trying to pass in where condition:
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Organization].[Organization].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION
MEMBER [Measures].[Parametervalue] AS [Organization].[Organization].CurrentMember.UNIQUENAME
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Organization].[Organization].CurrentMember.LEVEL.ORDINAL
SELECT non empty {[Measures].[ParameterCaption]
, [Measures].[ParameterValue]
, [Measures].[ParameterLevel] } ON COLUMNS
WHERE STRTomember('SF - LYON', CONSTRAINED) //#parameter=SF - LYON`
But I am getting this error:
Query (10, 1) The restrictions imposed by the CONSTRAINED flag in the STRTOMEMBER function were violated.
When I try it like this:
WHERE STRTomember('[SF - LYON]', CONSTRAINED) //#parameter=SF - LYON
it is working.
So my question is: How do I pass the square brackets [] through a parameter to get the desired result?
You can build up the parameter string with square brackets before passing it to the strToMember function

How to build a dynamic MDX formula for a calculated member?

I am trying to create a Calculated Member to get a sum up to last week.
No problem to get the week value (I need it to be two digits i.e. '05', so adding 100-1 )
Member [Measures].Week as
'right(str(int(99+datepart ( ''ww'', Now()))),2)'
-- That works as expected
member [Measures].SalesUpToWeek as
"aggregate(periodstodate([Dim].[2015],[Dim].[2015].[" + ([Measures].Week) + "]),[Measures].[Sales])")'
I get the literal value
What I need is the value of this MDX calculation.
All other attempts end up with a syntax error. Just as an example
member [Measures].SumToWeek as
[Dim].[2015],[Dim].[2015].[' + strtomember([Measures].Week) + '])
Lexical error at line 2, column 0. Encountered: after : "[\n"
Any idea?
[Measures].Week is already a string entity. You don't need to put StrToMember around it. Instead you should have it outside the string you dynamically defined.
Member [Measures].Week as
"right(str(int(99+datepart ( ''ww'', Now()))),2)"
member [Measures].SumToWeek as
StrToMember("[Dim].[2015].[" + [Measures].Week + "]")
This is your error:
Let us say that [Measures].Week is equal to 15 then you are trying to do this:
So there are two errors in the above:
You're feeding a numeric into a functions that converts Strings to Memebers
You need to feed in the full string representation of the member i.e."[Dim].[2015].[15]"
Maybe try putting the strToMember function around the string that is the representation of the member:
MEMBER[Measures].SumToWeek AS
strtomember('[Dim].[2015].[' + [Measures].Week + ']', constrained)
Here is the MSDN reference for the function strtomember:
Looking at this previous post: (StrToMember does not accept calculated measure (mdx)) need to create the member before feeding it into the new measure, so:
MEMBER [Measures].[Week] AS
Str(Int(99 + Datepart('ww',Now())))
MEMBER [Dim].[2015].[TargetWeek] AS
'[Dim].[2015].[' + [Measures].Week + ']'
MEMBER [Measures].SumToWeek AS
Ok if you wish to use PeriodsToDate then we need to use StrToSet and then use the member in this set inside the function. This is because custom members lose their family ties and are therefore useless inside some mdx functions.
Here is a working script in AdvWrks illustrating the approach I'm suggesting:
MEMBER [Measures].[Wk] AS
Str(Int(99 + Datepart('ww',Now())))
SET [TargetWeek] AS
'[Date].[Calendar Weeks].[Calendar Week].[Week ' + cstr([Measures].[Wk]) + ' CY 2007]'
MEMBER [Measures].[SumToWeek] AS
[Date].[Calendar Weeks].[Calendar Year]
,([Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])
{[Measures].[SumToWeek]} ON 0,
[Product].[Product Categories].[All] ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];
I got an interesting suggestion on Pentaho forums that pointed me to a nice blog post which allowed to write an elegant solution:
member [Measures].sm as aggregate(
currentdatemember([Dim],'["Dim"]\.[yyyy]'), -- current year
currentdatemember([Dim],'["Dim"]\.[yyyy]\.[ww]').lag(1) -- previous week

MDX with IIF parameter

I'm tyring to discern an amount based on a parameter. I currently have the #ClientType defaulted to 'C'.
[Measures].[Amount] AS
#ClientType ='C',
[Measures].[Total Client Amount] ,
-[Measures].[Total Client Amount]
Regardless of changing the #ClientType I'm still only returning the FALSE.
Try adding in these two measures inspect their values:
MEMBER [Measures].[ClntTypParam] AS #ClientType
MEMBER [Measures].[ClntTypParamC] AS
#ClientType = "c"