Podio API limit - podio

I am working on one product which is fetching all the organization/workspace and app details of the customer. The customer can refresh them any time.
So let’s say I have one customer who has 100 applications across multiple workspaces so around it is making around 110 calls to get each application detail, workspace details and organizations.
Now if that customer refreshed the applications multiple times like 10 times in an hour so the action only for that is 1000 API calls. If I have 50 such users active and doing this thing then it will be something 50000.
AFAIK I can not make so many API calls in an hour so how to handle this scenario. I know a lot of applications are doing such things so want to understand how everyone is handling this.

If you need a higher rate limit, I would encourage you to contact Podio support and ask specifically for what you need. We have internal guidelines for evaluating these kinds of requests and may increase the limit for your user and client ID if appropriate.
In general, though, I would expect your app to implement some kind of batching, transient storage, and/or caching layers, especially if your customers are interacting with Podio exclusively or primarily through your system.
Please see our official statement here: https://developers.podio.com/index/limits
The general limit is 5,000 API calls per hour, but if the API call is marked as "Rate limited" in the API reference the call is deemed resource intensive and a lower rate of 1000 calls per hour is enforced. If you hit the rate limits the API will begin returning 420 HTTP error codes for all API calls. Rate limits are per user per API key.
Contacting support:
If you have a project that requires a higher rate limit contact support#podio.com with a brief description of your project, your estimated usage and the client_id of the API key you are using.
Usage tips:
Tips for reducing API usage
Avoid making API requests inside loops. Instead of fetching individual objects inside a loop, fetch a collection of objects in one API operation. E.g. filter items
Cache results whenever possible. This is especially true when you are displaying data to the public (i.e. every sees the same output).
Don't poll for changes. Instead of polling Podio to see if your content has changed use webhooks or push to receive a notification. This might save you thousands of requests: https://developers.podio.com/doc/hooks
Use logging to see how many requests you're making
Bundle responses with "fields" parameter

You might want to build an API proxy app; you would need a messaging queue and a rate limiter. This would lets you keep track of the api calls consumptions across apps and users.
Also worth noting: some API routes are more expensive than others if they are more resource intensive on the Podio side… The term in use is rate-limited: rate limited api route are bound to 1k calls an hours, so in effect costs 5 times as much as regular routes.
Hope this helps!


How many requests per seconds

We use the REST API to check the last 20 transactions for a specific user
What is the max number of requests per seconds we can make using the Elrond REST API ?
The rate limits for the official api aren't known as far as I'm aware.
If you plan to have a lot of requests each second you might want to consider setting up your own observer squad and api so you can be independent from the elrond infrastructure. This not only gives you greater control over the response times (and downtimes), but you will also reduce the load on the official servers so others won't be affected by the amount of requests you make.

ibm visual recognition limits

I was not able to find any information about the maximum number of concurrent requests and maximum number of requests in one second to the Visual Recognition service.
Can you provide me with information or link where I can read about limits in general?
There is not a hard limit on concurrency per user. The service is designed to support many users simultaneously, and therefore has capacity to process many requests in parallel. During periods of heavy use however you may occasionally receive a 500 return code, in which case the request should be resubmitted.
Unfortunately there is a legacy error message in the system that tells users they may be submitting too many concurrent requests , but it is very unlikely that the error is actually caused by a users' concurrency. They should be treated like a 500 error code - just resubmit the request.
You should have no problem submitting 30 or 40 requests concurrently.
Standard API keys are limited to 25,000 events per day by default to prevent something like an infinite loop from generating a huge bill. You can have that limit increased by creating a bluemix support ticket. If you really want to do some large scale processing in parallel it would also make sense to get in touch with Support with a bluemix ticket so that we can guide you in the most cost effective and efficient way to use the service.

Shopify API Request Limit, Multiple stores?

If I may ask, I was wondering how the API request limit handles multiple store calls?
We have one backend service "polling" a store with one core request and 'x' number of requests for images by productId for each item in "LineItems" (I doubt this will be an extraordinary figure) every 5 seconds, but I'm curious to know if we had Five stores and Five background service polling respective stores, would this total to the request limit? I.E how is this tracked, by IP?
I'm hoping that it's on a per store basis thus other stores have there own "Bucket". I have read through "Some" documentation but not sure that info is giving the knowledge I require.
There a lot of older posts and articles, all with conflicting info.
I fully appreciate this is not a programming issue per-say but was hoping this was the place for such a question. As ever, appreciate everyone's time.
All shops are provided with a two API calls per second limit, after you've hammered your bucket for 40 other calls. If you are polling a shop every 5 seconds, then you are in no danger of hitting any limits. Any one App can call N stores and this limit is per store, not per App.

API call request limit

I have been looking into various different APIs which can provide my the weather data I need in JSON format. A lot of these API's have certain limits such as: in order to get more requests per minute, you need to pay more money per month so that your app can make more API requests.
However, a lot of these API's also have free account which five you limited access to them.
So what I was thinking is, wouldn't it be possible for a developer to just make lots of different developer accounts with an API provider and then just make lots of different API keys?
That way, they wouldn't have to pay anything as they could stick with the free accounts. Whenever one of the API keys has reached the maximum daily request calls, the developer could just put a switch statement in their code which gets their software to use a different API key.
I see no reason why this wouldn't work from a technical point of view... but, is such a thing allowed?
Thanks, Dan.
This would technically be possible, and it happens.
It is also probably against the service's terms, a good reason for the service to ban all your sock puppet accounts, and perhaps even illegal.
If the service that offers the API has spent time and money implementing a per-developer limit for their API, they have almost certainly enforced that in their terms of service, and you would be wise to respect those.
(relevant xkcd)

How does LinkedIn Throttling count my calls?

I've been using LinkedIn API in my application and I noticed that the call count for profile requests in LinkedIn dashboard is significantly higher than the amount of calls I'm doing (something like 10 times the amount of calls I've been doing).
I'm using bulk calls and field selectors.
Did anyone else have such experience? Any idea why this happens?
From the Throttle Limits documentation:
Note: Bulk requests are throttled as if you make multiple individual requests, so they provide efficiency, not extra information.
So each part of your bulk requests counts as one request.
But without knowing what exactly you are doing, there's no chance to say if this really is the reason for what you experience.