IntelliJ Plugin Development: How to preview the plugin.xml result? - intellij-idea

I am developing an IntelliJ plugin and want to upload it into the IntelliJ Plugin Repository. But I want to be on the save side and would like to get a preview of the resulting description text. Especially I would like to see the arrangement of Lists, Links and Images.
It looks like IntelliJ doesn't provide such. So do I really have to upload, check, modify, reupload?
Thanks and best regards.

Building a .zip and add it manually into my IDE worked fine. There I see resulting layout of my own plugin description.
Thanks and best regards.


How to attach 'enhanced image' plugin within ckedior5?

here I've successfully used ckeditor in my project. But I need to use ckeditor: enhanced-image (image2) which is not provided in their built. So I need to create a custom built to achieve my target. I'm trying a lot to figure out this but I can not achieve my goal.
Please help me to create a ckeditor with 'enhanced-image' plugin. Thanks in advance
The Enhanced Image plugin is dedicated to CKEditor 4 only and there is no way to run it in CKEditor 5 (and there won't be; v4 and v5 features are not interchangeable).
As of yet, there's no CKEditor 5 plugin that would provide the exact editing experience. You can check out some discussions about setting image dimensions and the image resizer feature we plan to release to learn more, though.

How to configure PhpStorm to show API namespaces documentation panel as in phpDesigner8

I would like to change from phpDesigner8 to JetBrains PhpStorm IDE.
But I would really miss phpDesigner8's sidepanel with its fast and easy access to different API namespace documentations (for PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, even WordPress and so on) with drag and drop use of code.
See this screenshot:
How should I configure PhpStorm 2016 to get similar sidepanel view?
Note: actually I open one of external library files, then look at its structure view in the sidepanel which is somehow close, but far from a optimized workflow.
Any suggestions?

It is possible to mute project name as presented in IntelliJ?

On the image below, i have a module datastore as part of the IdeaProjects project.
For display purposes, the name of the project is irrelevant for me. Is there a way i can chose to not display it?
Folder name can be hidden if you switch to the Packages view. It's not ideal as you might want to see other files as well, but I'm afraid it's the only way right now.
You are welcome to submit a request to make it configurable.

How to develop a webapp which allows the user to add markup to text files?

I need to develop a simple webapp that allows the user to highlight a couple of words in the file (text or HTML) that he can load from the screen, and then right-click and have some options show up to choose from.
When she chooses the option , the text of it is added to the file shown on the screen,right after the highlighted text, inside some parenthesis or similar.
Is Ruby on Rails a suitable platform for developing such an app?
Is Grails more suitable ?
(Assuming similar level of knowledge in Groovy and Ruby)
In both cases, I'd appreciate pointers to gems/libraries I should be looking into for these tasks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand your requirements, but have you considered integrating a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor into your web app? Something like CKeditor is open-source, and effective.
You could load the file into the editor and setup a custom context menu like described in part 6 of this tutorial. So when the user right clicks in the editor, the custom context menu item could be configured to facilitate the insertion you are looking to accomplish.
I agree with corroded's advice to choose a language/framework you know and can work better in, as you'll be able to achieve your desired functionality through a variety of languages/frameworks.
Best of Luck!
Find a language/framework you know and can work better in. Also, you're gonna need some javascript magicks so I suggest using jquery. Here's a link on how to do your right click action: How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery
I think the function you describe is more about client user-friendliness than server processing. I think it's can only be done with javascript/jQuery or similar tools.
Same as tmarsden, I think a good way to do that is integrating a WYSIWYG free editor. I have done it before with TinyMCE, by writing a custom plugin for this tool. If you choose using Grails as server technology, you can take a look at TinyMCE plugin for Grails.

How to generate an ICO file from an SVG using maven?

In my project I need an icon file (.ICO) for the Windows executable. I'd like to generate that file from an SVG, so it contains several images for different sizes. Is there a maven plugin that can do that for me?
I know I can just put an icon file in my repository, but the source file is an SVG image, so I'd like to avoid that.
I don't think there is some Maven plugin for that. And also the problem goes a bit beyond maven itself.
What you can do is:
Transform SVG to PNG using Apache Batik Rasterizer
Transform PNG to ICO using ImageMagick and JMagick wrapper
Create Apache Ant script that will call 1 and 2, and add it to one of the maven lifesycle phases using AntRun plugin.
I came across your question looking for a solution to a very similar problem. None of the answers given really suited me as I didn't want to get tied into running executables, so I wrote a pure Java Ant task (using Batik and image4j under the covers)
I've open sourced it at - maybe you could call it from Maven?
You can rasterize an SVG to a PNG on a web page by using Google's canvg to push it into a Canvas, and then using toDataURL() on the canvas to get base64-encoded PNG data. You'd then need to decode that.
Or, you could use any number of server-side SVG-to-PNG converters.
Not a better answer than #Andrey's, but showing more options for the first step.
The batik-maven-plugin will at least let you generate a PNG from SVG. Not sure how to generate the ICO, though.