Odoo 9 Log in internal note in crm lead - odoo

I have a question about option in CRM > LEAD "Log an internal note", when switch on Log an internal note and send message my followers also receive this message on email. I won't that.
In module stay: "Log an internal note which will not be sent to followers, but which can be read by users accessing this document.
Note: I won't remove this user from folower list!
Any solution?

Log internal note is a functional feature that you put comment without disturbing followers and if you want to notify all then you must send a message. Although if you want to notify person discussion list in your notes then user must use mention feature (# #) If you user # (at) sign then you can alter some specific user and if you user # (hash) will give you discussion list to be notified.
If you still want to force do that then using development you can set comments (mail.message) type from comment to email by over-riding def create for mail.message.


password reset email is not receiving? [duplicate]

I am new to firebase and I am trying to handle firebase user authentication in React.js. I did manage to create users with email and passwords. But, now I would like to send the user an Email link to reset their password.
My code currently look like this.
// This line of code belongs to the top
import { auth } from '../firebaseConfig'
//This part goes under the React component
<p onClick={async () => {
await sendPasswordResetEmail(auth, // My Email Id)
alert('Password reset link has been sent to your email')
>Forgot your Password ?</p>
However, I do not get any error messages and I do get the alert message that says "Password reset link has been sent to your email." Unfortunately, I didn't receive any email. Note that I have given my own email id as the parameter for testing purposes.
firebaser here
Did you check your spam folder? We recently see a lot of the emails from Firebase Authentication ending up in the user's spam folder or being marked as spam in a system along the way. This is being tracked in this status message on the Firebase dashboard and in public issue #253291461.
To reduce the chances of the messages getting marked as spam, consider taking more control of the email delivery yourself.
As a first step, consider using a custom domain with your project. Email that comes from a custom domain has less chance of being marked as span.
As a second step, consider setting up your own SMTP server.) for delivering the email, so that the emails are not being delivered from Firebase's shared infrastructure anymore.
While these steps are more involved, they typically will drastically reduce the cases where the messages from Firebase Authentication are marked as spam.
Full Guide Based on Frank's Answer
Firstly create a new email account you can use to relay the Firebase emails through the SMTP server with. I personally chose Gmail, but I tested with Outlook and it also works.
You can now find an SMTP server host that will work for your scenario. If you're sending less than 1000 emails per month you can find free and reliable hosts. I chose SMTP2GO's free option.
Now you've found the SMTP host, add the email address you've chosen as a single sender email (note that if you do own a domain, you can alternatively use that to send emails).
Note that you will have to verify the email, usually by your host sending a link to the email's inbox. Make sure to check spam.
Once verified, navigate to where you host allows you to add SMTP Users and add a new user. This will allocate an SMTP username and password.
Navigate to the Firebase console, and choose the Authentication option from the sidebar (within the Build product category).
Go to Templates → SMTP Settings and enter the details of your SMTP server. The username and password fields are to be filled with the SMTP user login you created in the step above.
It is better to use TLS, but I believe SSL should work too but it is untested.
Click save, and you're all set up - but there may still be steps to perform depending on your email provider.
Provider Specific Steps
If the emails are being sent to an account managed by Google you will have no issues with your emails being quarantined by anti-spam policies and it will work immediately.
If you are using Outlook, you will have a different problem on your hands. Outlook's built in defender will most likely have auto-quarantined your email under multiple policies - that bit is important.
These policies are likely to be both spam and phish policies. If you unblock one of them, the other will catch it and re-quarantine.
Unblock both policies for the email address, and test. You can see the status of quarantined messages in Microsoft 365 Defender app under Review → Quarantine. Please note that you will need to be an administrator to add global allow policies to your email accounts.
If this still doesn't work it is likely that your company has an additional external filter (as mine did), and you will have to add the IP's manually to the Tenant Allow/Block Lists spoofed senders tab.

Is it possible to blacklist user form using telegram bot?

I'm new to do this kind of project. My goals is to build a telegram bot to forward user(s) message from the bot to a channel. Right now I'm facing that some users abuse to send junk message that disturbs a lot. So, is it possible to blacklist some user from using the bot?
My sourcecode is here Go to GitHub
Bots can't block users (like users can block bots), but you can choose to just not handle updates that come from a specific user id. What I usually do in such cases is to use a telegram.ext.TypeHandler(telegram.Update, callback) where callback looks something like
def callback(update, context):
if update.effective_user and update.effective_user in blocked_users:
# This stops any other handlers in higher groups from running
raise DispatcherHandlerStop
Then register it to a low group for the dispatcher (dispatcher.add_handler(…, group=-1)).
Please have a look at the docs of TypeHandler, DispatcherHandlerStop and add_handler for more info :)
One way to keep track of the blocked_users is to store that list in context.bot_data.
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot.
There isn't any native way to do that, however you can have a list of blocked users (preferably a separate JSON file for that extra modularity) and every time the bot is used, check if the user is in that list:
def start(update, context):
if update.effective_user.id in blacklist:
pass # or do whatever you want

GetstreamIO Chat Moderation

I'm using Getstream.IO to implement a Livestream type chat.
I see that in the Getstream.IO docs under Default Permission Policies a moderator is able to update and delete a message.
When I set a moderator on a channel and login, though, a moderator is only able to update their own messages. I need a moderator to be able to edit and delete another user's message.
I see that in the docs for Object Ownership Getstream.IO says, "If applicable, ownership of the entity is taken into account. This parameter allows you to grant users the ability to edit their own message while denying editing others’ messages. Permission policies are organized as list ordered by priority. A permission policy has the following fields ..."
How can I list existing permission policies or create a new permission policy using the python API?
At a higher level, using the server side python API or the client side API, is there a way to make it so that Moderator roles do not have the ownership of the entity taken into account?
Using client.get_channel_type("livestream") I can see that channel_moderator has ability to UpdateMessage and DeleteMessage and owner is False as I expect:
Unfortunately, that is not the behavior I see when I log in as a user where I have performed channel.add_moderators([user_id]) for that user, which shows that the changed user has is_moderator set to True, but the user has the role of user. Do I also need to add a role to the user of channel_moderator? Is this documented anywhere?
I see that in stream-chat-react, Message.canEditMessage and Message.canDeleteMessage are determined by this.isMyMessage(message) || this.isAdmin();, so it appears that unless one overrides the Message component, the moderators need to be Admin in order to edit a message they do not own.
I can see that in the tests for channel_permissions in stream-chat-js that a moderator is indeed supposed to be able to edit and delete a message, just as the permissions matrix in the documentation specifies. I still cannot find a way to get stream-chat-react to allow moderators to update or delete a message, however; it's not easy to understand how best to override Message.canEditMessage, since MessageList.render() automatically constructs using the default Message class.
I was able to get a user added as a moderator to be able to edit and delete posts, but only after making that user a global admin. I have users that I want to be moderators in a channel but not have the abilities of an admin. I've cross-posted an issue to stream-chat-react: Allow Moderators to Edit and Delete Messages Without Being Admin.

Why is the User verification required?

I am very curious to know some of the points regarding registration and login related points as a developer points of view. Please see below the steps for any online account which is publicly open for all,
CREATE USER ACCOUNT : Insert the data entered by user along with a column activate which default value is 0
SEND A LINK TO ACTIVATE : a link has been sent to user email at the time of registration
ACTIVATE THE ACCOUNT : user clicks over the link and the link is verified and update the column 'activate' with value 1
Why to sent a link & verifying is necessary which I supposed that is not utmost required. I asked to clients why u want such verification and i get the answer almost same e.g. checking the authenticity of the user and it'd be helpful to stop the duplicity of the user.
but practically at the time of user login, i suppose it is useless to verify each time the activate column along with password for every user.
I would appreciate if u explain the points which is very important regarding my concern.
This is really a slippery slope, but there are reasons. Obviously spam users will try to create accounts as quickly as possible, for spam reasons. Email and captcha verification will handle this.
Another is the issue of clumsy or accident-prone users that will forget their passwords, which can be worked around by email reminders/resets. Sadly, users may try to add fake email addresses(or mistyped ones) and lose access to their accounts, requiring admin intervention. Simple verification can force users to get their account into a self-rescuable state before adding any data.

How can I detect if the user (JID) is already logged in on login when using XMPP?

In my chat application I want to implement a functionality that whenever a user is already logged in and if he/she wants to login again in some other device using the same username & password, it should revert the user back a message - "You are already logged in somewhere else"
I only know this method to check the logged in status -
But this will not server my purpose.
Alex answer is correct, but let me elaborate it a little bit:
After a successful login your XMPP-IM client will send a presence stanza to the server. The server then replies with the presence stanzas of ever JID in your roster with subscription status 'from' and 'both' (RFC6121 XMPP-IM 4.2.2 and 4.4.2).
Section 4.4.2 also states:
The user's server MUST also send the presence stanza to all of the user's
available resources (including the resource that generated the presence
notification in the first place).
This means that you will get the presence information from every other connected resource of your JID. If you receive here a presence stanza from a different full JID then you used with your current connection you know that a second (or third,...) client is connected with your JID and you display the "You are already logged in somewhere else" message.
Note that this is not really what you want do when using XMPP, as multiple clients simultaneously connected using the same bare JID is a core feature of XMPP-IM.
When using smack, Iterator<Presence> Roster.getPresences(String user) may be used to retrieve the presence information. The call would look something like this getPresences(XMPPConnection.getUser()). (Note that I have not verified if it really works).
after login when you send your initial presence you get the presences of all your other resources (devices). So check all your incoming presences and you will know all your available connections.