How to AND OR aws s3 copy statements with include - amazon-s3

I'm copying between s3 buckets files from specific dates that are not sequence.
In the example I'm copying from the 23, so I'd like to copy 15th, 19, and 23rd.
aws s3 --region eu-central-1 --profile LOCALPROFILE cp
s3://DEST --recursive
--exclude "*" --include "2016-01-23"
This source mentions using sequences
for include.

It appears that you are asking how to copy multiple files/paths in one command.
The AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) allows multiple --include specifications, eg:
aws s3 cp s3://SRC s3://DEST --recursive --exclude "*" --include "2016-01-15/*" --include "2016-01-19/*" --include "2016-01-23/*"
The first --exclude says to exclude all files, then the subsequent --include parameters add paths to be included in the copy.
See: Use of Exclude and Include Filters in the documentation.


How to copy files from S3 using include pattern with underscore on the file name

How can I include the _ (underscore) on the include pattern?
I have a S3 bucket with files with the following format
So, I would like to get all the files that start with 20220630_0840*.
So, I've tried to fetch them using multiple variations on the include pattern, so far I had used the followings:
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET/ LocalFolder --include "20220630_0840*" --recursive
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET/ LocalFolder --include "[20220630_0840]*" --recursive
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET/ LocalFolder --include "20220630\_0840*" --recursive
None of them really work I'm getting all the files that have their name starting with 20220630

Copying files with certain title or a title with the keyword 'log' from an S3 bucket to a folder in another bucket

I am trying to copy pdf files that contain the keyword 'log' on their titles. I have the command below. What am I missing?
aws s3api copy-object --copy-source --key 'Log' --bucket
Finally managed to change things around and ended up with this that worked.
aws s3 cp s3://source-bucket/ s3://destination-bucket/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "log"

How to upload files matching a pattern with aws cli to s3

I need to upload all files matching this pattern console.X.log to s3, where X=0...any
I tried below and getting error.
aws s3 cp /var/log/console.* s3://test/dom0/
Unknown options: /var/log/console.70.log,s3://0722-maglev-avdc-provisions/dom0/
AWS s3 cli doesn't support regex, but there is an exclude and include for s3.
So you should be able to use:
aws s3 cp /var/log/ s3://test/dom0/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "console.*"
Note the order of the exclude and include, if you switch them around then nothing will be uploaded. You can include more patterns by adding more includes.
Currently, there is no support for the use of UNIX-style wildcards in a command's path arguments. However, most commands have --exclude "<value>" and --include "<value>" parameters that can achieve the desired result.
The following pattern symbols are supported.
*: Matches everything.
?: Matches any single character.
[sequence]: Matches any character in the sequence.
[!sequence]: Matches any character, not in the sequence.
Any number of these parameters can be passed to a command. You can do this by providing an --exclude or --include argument multiple times, e.g. --include "*.txt" --include "*.png".
When there are multiple filters, the rule is the filters that appear later in the command take precedence over filters that appear earlier in the command.
For example, if the filter parameters passed to the command were --exclude "*" --include "*.txt". All files will be excluded from the command except for files ending with .txt However if the order of the filter parameters was changed to --include "*.txt" --exclude "*". All files will be excluded from the command.
This is a simple example to upload your source code to S3 and exclude the git files: aws s3 cp /tmp/foo s3://bucket/ --recursive --exclude ".git/*"

Upload only files with no extension in filename

I would like to execute aws s3 sync . s3://<some bucket> and use the --exclude flag to exclude all files with an extension in the filename and change the content-type.
Tried this but does not work. Still finds files with extension.
/usr/bin/aws s3 sync /home/www s3://<bucket name> --dryrun --exclude "*.*" --include "*" --content-type text/html
You just need to use --exclude to exclude files with extensions
aws s3 sync --exclude "*.*" --content-type="text/html" . s3://hernan-test-bucket/
Example execution:
:~# ls
file1 file2 file3.txt file4.txt
:~# aws s3 sync --exclude "*.*" --content-type="text/html" . s3://bucket/
upload: ./file1 to s3://bucket/file1
upload: ./file2 to s3://bucket/file2

Travis AWS S3 SDK set cache header for particular file

In my Travis script is there a way when uploading contents to S3 Bucket as follows :
# deploy:
# provider: script
# skip_cleanup: true
# script: "~/.local/bin/aws s3 sync dist s3://mybucket --region=eu-west-1
# --delete"
# before_deploy:
# - npm run build
# - pip install --user awscli
I also want to set a no cache header on a particular file in that bucket (i.e. sw.js). Is that currently possible in the SDK ?
I am afraid that this is not possible using a single s3 sync command. But you may try to execute two commands using exclude and include options. One to sync all except the sw.js and the other one just for sw.js.
script: ~/.local/bin/aws s3 sync dist s3://mybucket --include "*" --exclude "sw.js" --region eu-west-1 --delete ; ~/.local/bin/aws s3 sync dist s3://mybucket --exclude "*" --include "sw.js" --region eu-west-1 --delete --cache-control "no-cache" --metadata-directive REPLACE
Note: --metadata-directive REPLACE option is necessary for non-multipart copies.