Click on link based on text and href attribute protractor - selenium

This question might be easy for some people.
I want to click on a link based on href value and text in link.Below is what i am using to search for text in link.
var elementselected = this.coinDataTable.element(by.css('a[href*='+CoinLink+']'));
I tried below code but it is not working. Can someone please suggest correct usage?
var elementselected = this.coinDataTable.element(by.css('a[href*="'+CoinLink+'"][text='CoinText'));
var elementselected = this.coinDataTable.element(by.css('a[href*='+CoinLink+']')).element(by.linkText('CoinText'));
var elementselected = this.coinDataTable.element(by.linkText('CoinText')).element(by.css('a[href*='+CoinLink+']'));
This link is inside a table. Below is HTML for whole row. There are 2 links in this row. I want to select 2nd one which has CoinText in it.
<td><img border="0" src="../../../images/pc_cdlibrary_side_icon_img_lighterbg.gif"></td>
<td>S-12 </td>

You could use the by.cssContainingText to find the element by text and attribute:
by.cssContainingText('[href*="CoinLink"]', 'CoinText')

This code helps me to solve the issue


Unable to find correct Target selector to click an element

Please see the image below which shows code of the web page in Developer Tools window and advise me the correct selector for 'Depreciation Models'. Text highlighted in red is constant, however the surrounding text is dynamic. So I tried using contains selector to locate but unsuccessful. I want to avoid XPATH as number of before and after div elements may keep changing.
I am using Selenium IDE hence the C#/Java code for RC/Webdriver won't help much.
Selenium IDE generated target path is this:
css=#dhxId_rgWATog7lC3E_27572|6059|6152 > td.sub_item_text > div.sub_item_text
I tried
css=contains('27572') > td.sub_item_text > div.sub_item_text
but it didn't work.
Kindly suggest. I am stuck. Thanks.
As you tried the Locator Strategy as :
css=contains('27572') > td.sub_item_text > div.sub_item_text
Reasons for not working
From the snapshot of the HTML you have provided, 27572 is not the innerText but partial string of the id attribute.
As per selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException with “span:contains('string')”:
The :contains pseudo-class isn't in the CSS Spec and is not supported by either Firefox or Chrome (even outside WebDriver).
You can use the following xpath as per the existing DOM Tree:
xpath=//tr[#class='sub_item'][contains(#id,'27572')]//td[#class='sub_item_text']/div[#class='sub_item_text'][contains(.,'Depreciations Models')]
I guess this would be the right approach:
[id*="27572"] > td.sub_item_text > div.sub_item_text{
<tr id="dhxId_rgWATog7lC3E_27572|6059|6152" class="sub_item">
<td class="sub_item_icon">
<i class="fa fa-user epc-down-circled-2"></i>
<td class="sub_item_text">
<div class="sub_item_text"> Depriciations Models</div>
It will set all elements that have an id attribute value containing "27572" and inside of it.

How to find an item in Selenium WebDriver?

I want to find the following item using Selenium. The value of the class changes whenever there is a change. This is inside a complex page (multiple iframes, and other items loaded dynamically). The only unique id is itemid, which is dynamic value and title combination. If I click on this Action, am getting another new set of complex items. I am new to Selenium. How to do that?
<td itemid="xxyyy.as123" title="Actions" nowrap="" class="text-button">Actions <img src="../row.gif"></td>
<td itemid="xxyyy.as123" title="Actions" nowrap="" class="text-button button-active">Actions <img src="../row.gif"></td>
<td itemid="xxyyy.as123" title="Actions" nowrap="" class="text-button button-hover">Actions <img src="../row.gif"></td>
The code I tried:
Find by Xpath
var element=driver.FindElement(By.XPath("html/body/div[id='pageContent']/iframe/#document/ht‌ml/frameset/frame[name='detailsDisplay']/#document/html/body/form[name='tableForm‌']/div[id='divToolbarContainer']/div[id='divToolbar']/div[1][class='toolbar']/tab‌​le/tbody/tr/td[title='Actions']"));
Find by Link Text
var element = driver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Actions"));
Any help would be appreciated.
Create Dynamic CSS Selector.
For Example:
Note: In dynamic Elements, there is always a part of locator wich is fixed. we need to generate the locator using this part.
If fixed part is at starting - Use Carrot Character (^)
If fixed part is at Middle - Use Asterisk sign (*)
If fixed part is at End - Use Doller sign ($)
Finally I was able to achieve it, by using the frame names.
var element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[#id=\"divToolbar\"]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]"));
Thanks everyone.

How to select the drop-down items which is out of tag using xpath

I've tried several xpath's for choosing the dropdown list. But nothing is worked.
Some of the xpath's I used are as follows:
By.xpath("/td[2]/span[contains(text(),'NATIONAL IDENTITY DOCUMENT')]").click;
Please find the below html tags, I need to select the value either 'ASYLUM SEEKER PERMIT DOCUMENT' or 'NATIONAL IDENTITY DOCUMENT'.
<tr id="jP2Qrg" class="z-comboitem">
<td class="z-comboitem-img"/>
<td class="z-comboitem-text">
<span class="z-comboitem-spacer"/>
<tr id="jP2Qsg" class="z-comboitem z-comboitem-over">
<td class="z-comboitem-img"/>
<td class="z-comboitem-text">
<span class="z-comboitem-spacer"/>
When I try to take xpath using firepath, it is dynamic. Every time the xpath and the id is keep changing. So please suggest the xpath which works.
The text is not inside the span text and it is in second td tag. you can try with small change in your code as given below.
By.xpath("//td[contains(text(),'NATIONAL IDENTITY DOCUMENT')]").click;
Can you check this..,
By.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'NATIONAL IDENTITY DOCUMENT')]").click;
By.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'ASYLUM SEEKER PERMIT DOCUMENT')]").click;
Try to use below XPath to match required option:
By.xpath("//td[normalize-space()='ASYLUM SEEKER PERMIT DOCUMENT']").click;
By.xpath("//td[.='ASYLUM SEEKER PERMIT DOCUMENT']").click;
As #Murthi said, text node is not a child of span, but td. Note that there are some specifics in locating text nodes
Here is the Answer to your Question:
To click on ASYLUM SEEKER PERMIT DOCUMENT you can use the following xpath:
By.xpath("//td[contains(.,'ASYLUM SEEKER PERMIT DOCUMENT') and not (#class='z-comboitem-spacer')]").click;
Let me know if this Answers your Question.
How about this xpaths,
Updated code
(//td[2])[1]//*[starts-with(#class,"z-com")]; // Selects ASYLUM..
(//td[2])[2]//*[starts-with(#class,"z-com")]; // Selects NATIONAL..
This should work if it doesn't have same class name in the same position.
Old xpath's
driver.findelement(By.xpath("(//td[2])[1]")); // selects ASYLUM SEEKER PERMIT DOCUMENT
driver.findelement(By.xpath("(//td[2])[2]")); // selects NATIONAL IDENTITY DOCUMENT
Find out the solution for selecting the dropdown options.
By using List method, I took the list of options available in that field and selected by using clicking the index value of list.
List<WebElement> Idtype = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//tr[2]/td[2][#class = 'z-comboitem-text']"));

How to click the image link by selenium webdriver?

I have the following html page source, and I tried to click the image by xpath/cssselector. none can work, could you help me to find the issue with my code? I use IE9.
<pretable border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="700">
<td rowspan="2" width="120">
<a href="#" onclick="oCMenu.m['top1'].b.moveIt(8,60); oCMenu.showsub('top1'); "
onclick="return false" class="FontNormal">
<img border="0" src="images/shim.gif" width="112" height="73"></a></td>
my code is:
With the available DOM Structure we can always go with CSS Selector.
CSS Selectors
Then Perform
You are trying to provide a full xpath and yet it does not match up with your html provided.
'table' is not the same as 'pretable', and you don't need to supply the full path anyway. Instead just try this for your xpath:
Here, xpath will search for any link with the class 'FontNormal' attached. If there is only one, this will select your element. If there is more you may need to be more specific.
First write proper xpath to identify that webelement where you want to perform click operation
driver.findElement(By.Xpath("//img[# src='images/shim.gif']")).click();
Use Firebug with Firepath for Mozilla Firefox. This will automatically generate xpath for you.
Webelement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("*xpath here*");;
click on image link by using xpath.
You can change the image path depending on your image source.

Selenium RC link locator cannot find link inside table

I has a page as follow:
<th>Company Name</th>
<td> What Ever Company</td>
The company name is placed arbitrary in the table, so I can only use the link's text to locate the link:"link='What Ever Company'");
However, it says: ERROR:Element link='What Ever Company' not found.
What is the problem here? Is there any other way to click on the link?
Many thanks.
Seem that the problem is I have several links with the same text (my bad). After making the link's text unique, I use"//a[contains(text(),'Test Campaign 1756237989')]") and it works.
Could this be because you're forgetting the space at the start of the link?"link=' What Ever Company'");
Another possible way of clicking the link, is to use an XPath expression:"//a[contains(.,'What Ever Company')]");
This will match all links with 'What Ever Company' in it.
If you want it more exact:"//a[.=' What Ever Company']");
This will only match if the anchor equals ' What Ever Company'.
Another option is to make the search more specific (i.e. tell the locator this link is always inside a <td> with an <a> inside):"//td[a]/a[contains(.,'What Ever Company')]");
The //td[a] looks for all <td> elements with <a> inside. (Differs from //td/a in that if you look for elements with //td[a][2] you get the second <a> which is inside a <td>, while //td/a[2] on the other hand gets the second <a> of the first <td>.)
EDIT: I thought using . as a reference to text() in the XPath expressions should work, but if it doesn't, try using text() instead.
Try these XPaths:
"//a[contains(text(), 'What Ever Company')]"
Should work.