Is there any advantage of doing .gz.bz2? - gzip

I notice many of the files generated in my team have .gz.bz2 extensions. These are pure text files. The goal is to save disk space. I tried an experiment where I did gzip and gzip + bzip2 on the same set of files:
$ du -h pat0/*
1.6M pat0/p0_c1.diag.csv.gz
1.5M pat0/p0_c2.diag.csv.gz
2.3M pat0/p0_c3.diag.csv.gz
1.8M pat0/p0_c4.diag.csv.gz
3.0M pat0/p0_c5.diag.csv.gz
3.2M pat0/p0_c6.diag.csv.gz
3.0M pat0/p0_c7.diag.csv.gz
3.0M pat0/p0_c8.diag.csv.gz
$ du -h pat0.bak/*
1.6M pat0.bak/p0_c1.diag.csv.gz.bz2
1.5M pat0.bak/p0_c2.diag.csv.gz.bz2
2.3M pat0.bak/p0_c3.diag.csv.gz.bz2
1.8M pat0.bak/p0_c4.diag.csv.gz.bz2
3.0M pat0.bak/p0_c5.diag.csv.gz.bz2
3.2M pat0.bak/p0_c6.diag.csv.gz.bz2
3.0M pat0.bak/p0_c7.diag.csv.gz.bz2
2.9M pat0.bak/p0_c8.diag.csv.gz.bz2
I don't see significant improvement. If nothing significant is expected, then what is the advantage of doing .gz.bz2? Why not just one or the other?

You already did the experiment, and your results are typical. Compressing an already compressed file will provide non-negligible gains only if the original data was so highly redundant that the maximum compression ability of the first compressor was saturated.
If you're going to spend the time to bzip2 those files, you would get far better results by ungzipping them first, and then applying bzip2. Applying xz would be better still.


Reading and handling many small CSV-s to concatenate one large Dataframe

I have two folders each contains about 8,000 small csv files. One with an aggregated size of around 2GB and another with aggregated size of around 200GB.
These files are stored like this to better update them in a daily basis. However, when I conduct EDA, I would like them to be assigned to a single variable. For example.
path = "some random path"
df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f"{path}//{files}") for files in os.listdir(path)])
It would take much less time for me to read the dataset with 2GB in total size than reading it on the super computer cluster. And it is impossible to read the 200GB dataset on the local machine unless using some sort of scaling Pandas solutions. The situation does not seem to improve on the cluster even using the popular open-source tools like Dask and Modin.
Is there an effective way that enables to read those csv files effectively with given situation?
Q :"Is there an effective way that enables to read those csv files effectively ... ?"
A :Oh, sure, there is :
CSV format ( standard attempts in RFC4180 ) is not unambiguous and is not obeyed under all circumstances ( commas inside fields, header present or not ), so some caution & care is needed here. Given you are your own data curator, you shall be able to decide plausible steps for handling your own data properly.
So, the as-is state is :
# in <_folder_1_>
:::::::: # 8000 CSV-files ~ 2GB in total
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| # 8000 CSV-files ~ 200GB in total
# in <_folder_2_>
Speaking efficiency, O/S coreutils provide the best, stable, proven and most efficient (as system tool used to be since ever ) tools for the phase of merging thousands and thousands of plain CSV-files' content :
###################### if need be,
###################### use an in-place remove of all CSV-file headers first :
for F in $( ls *.csv ); do sed -i '1d' $F; done
this helps for case we cannot avoid headers on the CSV-exporter side. Works like this :
(base):~$ cat ?.csv
(base):~$ for i in $( ls ?.csv ); do sed -i '1d' $i; done
(base):~$ cat ?.csv
Now, the merging phase :
###################### join
cat *.csv > __all_CSVs_JOINED.csv
Given the nature of the said file storage policy, performance can be boosted by using more processes for independent taking small files and large files separately, as defined above, having put the logic inside a pair of conversion_script_?.sh shell-scripts :
parallel --jobs 2 conversion_script_{1}.sh ::: $( seq -f "%1g" 1 2 )
As the transformation is a "just"-[CONCURRENT] flow of processing for a sake of removing the CSV-headers, but a pure-[SERIAL] ( for larger number of files, there might become interesting to use a multi-staged tree of trees - using several stages of [SERIAL]-collections of [CONCURRENT]-ly pre-processed leaves, yet for just 8000 files, not knowing the actual file-system details, the latency-masking from a just-[CONCURRENT] processing both of the directories just independently will be fine to start with )
Last but not least, the final pair of ___all_CSVs_JOINED.csv are safe to get opened using in a way, that prevents moving all disk-stored date into RAM at once ( using chunk-size-fused file-reading-iterator, avoiding RAM-spillovers by using mmaped-mode as a context manager ) :
with pandas.read_csv( "<_folder_1_>//___all_CSVs_JOINED.csv",
sep = NoDefault.no_default,
delimiter = None,
chunksize = SAFE_CHUNK_SIZE,
memory_map = True,
) \
as df_reader_MMAPer_CtxMGR:
When tweaking for ultimate performance, details matter and depend on physical hardware bottlenecks ( disk-I/O-wise, filesystem-wise, RAM-I/O-wise ), so due care may take further improvement for minimising the repetitive performed end-to-end processing times ( sometimes even turning data into a compressed/zipped form, in cases, where CPU/RAM resources permit sufficient performance advantages over limited performance of disk-I/O throughput - moving less bytes is so faster, that CPU/RAM-decompression costs are still lower, than moving 200+ [GB]s of uncompressed plain text data.
Details matter,tweak options,benchmark,tweak options,benchmark,tweak options,benchmark
would be nice to post your progress on testing the performanceend-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] AS-IS nowend-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] with parallel --jobs 2 ...end-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] with parallel --jobs 4 ...end-2-end duration of strategy ... [s] with parallel --jobs N ... + compression ... keep us posted

Why is df command showing incorrect size?

I am using a 64 MB QSPI formatted in some UBI partitions.
df is an applet of busybox 1.27.2
~ # df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/ubi0_0 3.1T 1.9T 1.2T 63% /
/dev/ubi1_0 1.6T 21.8G 1.5T 1% /conf
But, obviously, the size cannot be that! Anyway, the use % seems to be correct, for the files contained in the partitions weight few MB.
How do you explain that?
I have been able to fix the issue.
Busybox 1.28.0 commit d1535216 substitutes use of statfs with statvfs (
I applied the commit to my project using Busybox 1.27.2 and, now, sizes are correct!
Thanks anyway.

Setting the photometric interpretation tag for a multi-page tiff

While trying to convert a multipage document from a tiff to a pdf, I encountered the following problem:
↪ tiff2pdf 0271.f1.tiff -o 0271.f1.pdf
tiff2pdf: No support for 0271.f1.tiff with no photometric interpretation tag.
tiff2pdf: An error occurred creating output PDF file.
Does anybody know what causes this and how to fix it?
This is caused because one or more of the pages in the multi-page tiff does not have the photometric interpretation tag set. This is a required tag, so that means your tiffs are technically invalid (though I bet they work fine anyway).
To fix this, you must identify the page (or pages) that does not have the photometric interpretation set and fix it.
To identify the page, you can simply run something like:
↪ tiffinfo your-file.tiff
This will spit out the info for every page of your tiff. For each good page, you'll see something like:
TIFF Directory at offset 0x105c0 (67008)
Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
Image Width: 1760 Image Length: 2639
Resolution: 300, 300 pixels/inch
Bits/Sample: 1
Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 4
**Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white**
FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
Samples/Pixel: 1
Rows/Strip: 2639
Planar Configuration: single image plane
Software: ScanFix(TM) Enhanced ImageGear Version: 11.00.024
DateTime: Mon Oct 31 15:11:07 2005
Artist: 1996-2001 AccuSoft Co., All rights reserved
If you have a bad page, it'll lack the photometric interpretation section, and you can fix it with:
↪ tiffset -d $page-number -s 262 0 your-file.tiff
Note that the value of zero is the default for the photometric interpretation key, which is 262. You can see the other values for this key at the link above.
If your tiff has a lot of pages (like mine does), you may not be able to easily identify the bad page by eye. In that case, you can take a brute force approach, setting the photometric interpretation for all pages to the default value.
# First, split the tiff into many one-page files
↪ tiffsplit your-file.tiff
# Then, set the photometric interpretation to the default for all pages
↪ find . -name '*.tiff' -exec tiffset -s 262 0 '{}' \;
# Then rejoin the pages
↪ tiffcp *.tiff -o out-file.tiff
Lot of dummy work, but gets the job done.

High-res images from PDFS

I'm working on a project in which I need to extract a TIFF per page from multi-page PDFs. The PDFs contain images only and there is one image per page (I believe they were made on some kind of photocopier/scanner, but haven't confirmed this). The TIFFs are then used to create several other derivative versions of the document so the higher the resolution the better.
I've found two recipes, both with helpful aspects, but neither is ideal. Hoping someone can help me tune one of them, or offer a third option.
Recipe 1, pdfimages and ImageMagick:
First do:
$ pdfimages $MY_PDF.pdf foo"
Which results in several .pbm files (named foo-000.pbm, foo-001.pbm), etc.
Then for each *.pbm do:
$ convert $each -resize 3200x3200\> -quality 100 $new_name.tif
Pro: The resultant TIFFs are a healthy 3300+ pixels on the long dimension, (-resize just serves to normalize everything)
Con: The orientation of the pages is lost, and they come out rotated different directions (they follow logical patterns, so probably they are the orientation in which they were fed to the scanner??).
Recipe 2 Imagemagick solo:
convert +adjoin $MY_PDF.pdf pages.tif
This gives me a TIFF per page (pages-0.tif, pages-1.tif, etc.).
Pro: Orientation stays!
Con: The long dimension of the resultant file is < 800 px, which is too small to be useful, and it looks as though there is some compression applied.
How can I ditch the scaling of the image stream in the PDF, but retain the orientation? Is there some more magick in ImageMagick that I'm missing? Something else entirely?
Sorry for the noise on this old topic, but google took me here as one of the top results and it might take others, so I thought I'd post the solution for the TO's question that I found here:
In Short: You have to tell ImageMagick at which density it should scan the PDF.
so convert -density 600x600 foo.pdf foo.png will tell ImageMagick to treat the PDF as if it had a 600dpi resolution and thus output much larger PNGs. In my case, the resulting foo.png was sized 5000x6600px. You can optionally add -resize 3000x3000 or whatever size you require and it will be scaled down.
Note that as long as you only have vector images or text in your PDF-files, density might be set as high as needed. If the PDF contains rasterized images, it won't look good if you set it higher than those images' dpi, surprise! :)
I wanted to share my may not work for everyone, but since nothing else has come around maybe it will help someone else. I wound up going with the first option in my question, which was to use pdfimages to get large images that were rotated every which way. I then found a way to use OCR and word counts to guess at the orientation, which got me from (estimated) 25% rotated accurately to above 90%.
The flow is as follows:
Use pdfimages (apt-get install poppler-utils) to get a set of pbm
files (not shown below).
For each file:
Make four versions, rotated 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees (I refer to them as "north", "east", "south", and "west" in my code).
OCR each. The two with the lowest word count are likely the right-side up and upside down versions. This was over 99% accurate in my set of images processed to date.
From the two with the lowest word count, run the OCR output through a spell check. The file with the least spelling errors (i.e. most recognizable words) is likely to be correct. For my set this was about 93% (up from 25%) accurate based on a sample of 500.
YMMV. My files are bitonal and highly textual. The source images are an average of 3300 px on the long side. I can't speak to greyscale or color, or files with a lot of images. Most of my source PDFs are bad scans of old photocopies, so the accuracy might be even better with cleaner files. Using -despeckle during the rotation made no difference and slowed things down considerably (~5×). I chose ocrad for speed and not accuracy since I only need rough numbers and am throwing away the OCR. Re: performance, my nothing-special Linux desktop machine can run the whole script over about 2-3 files/per second.
Here's the implementation in a simple bash script:
# Rotates a pbm file in place.
# Pass a .pbm as the only arg.
mkdir $TMP
# Dependencies:
# convert: apt-get install imagemagick
# ocrad: sudo apt-get install ocrad
# Make copies in all four orientations (the src file is north; copy it to make
# things less confusing)
file_name=$(basename $file)
cp $file $north_file
$CONVERT -rotate 90 $file $east_file
$CONVERT -rotate 180 $file $south_file
$CONVERT -rotate 270 $file $west_file
# OCR each (just append ".txt" to the path/name of the image)
$OCRAD -f -F utf8 $north_file -o $north_text
$OCRAD -f -F utf8 $east_file -o $east_text
$OCRAD -f -F utf8 $south_file -o $south_text
$OCRAD -f -F utf8 $west_file -o $west_text
# Get the word count for each txt file (least 'words' == least whitespace junk
# resulting from vertical lines of text that should be horizontal.)
echo "$($WC -w $north_text) $north_file" > $wc_table
echo "$($WC -w $east_text) $east_file" >> $wc_table
echo "$($WC -w $south_text) $south_file" >> $wc_table
echo "$($WC -w $west_text) $west_file" >> $wc_table
# Take the bottom two; these are likely right side up and upside down, but
# generally too close to call beyond that.
$SORT -n $wc_table | $HEAD -2 > $bottom_two_wc_table
# Spellcheck. The lowest number of misspelled words is most likely the
# correct orientation.
while read record; do
txt=$(echo $record | $AWK '{ print $2 }')
misspelled_word_count=$(cat $txt | $ASPELL -l en list | wc -w)
echo "$misspelled_word_count $record" >> $misspelled_words_table
done < $bottom_two_wc_table
# Do the sort, overwrite the input file, save out the text
winner=$($SORT -n $misspelled_words_table | $HEAD -1)
rotated_file=$(echo $winner | $AWK '{ print $4 }')
mv $rotated_file $file
# Clean up.
if [ -d $TMP ]; then
rm -r $TMP

split video (avi/h264) on keyframe

I have a big video file. ffmpeg, tcprobe and other tool say, it is an h264-stream in an AVI-container.
Now i'd like to cut out small chunks form the video.
Problem: The index of the video seam corrupted/destroyed. I kind of fixed this via mplayer -forceidx -saveidx <IndexFile> <BigVideoFile>. The Problem here is, that I'm now stuck with mplayer/mencoder which can use this index file via -loadidx <IndexFile>. I have tried correcting the index like described in man aviindex (mplayer -frames 0 -saveidx mpidx broken.avi ; aviindex -i mpidx -o tcindex ; avimerge -x tcindex -i broken.avi -o fixed.avi), but this didn't fix my video - meaning that most tools i've tested couldn't search in the video file.
Problem: I cut out parts of the video via following command: mencoder -loadidx in.idx -ss 8578 -endpos 20 -oac faac -ovc x264 -sws 9 -lavfopts format=mp4 -x264encopts <LotsOfOpts> -of lavf -vf scale=800:-10,harddup in.avi -o out.mp4. Now here the problem is, that some videos are corrupted at the beginning. I think this is because the fact, that i do not necessarily cut at keyframe.
What is the best way to fix the index of an avi "inline" so that every tool can again work as expected with it?
How can i split at the keyframes? Is there an mencoder-option for this?
Are Keyframes coming in a frequency? How to find out this frequency? (So with a bit of math it should be possible to calculate the next keyframe and cut there)
Is ther perhaps some completely other way to split this movie? Doing it by hand is no option, i've to cut out 1000+ chunks ...
Thanks a lot! lists the various options available for splitting accurately.
I would attempt to use avidemux to repair the file before doing anything. You may also have better results using an MP4 Based Container than AVI.
As for ensuring your specified intervals are right at the keyframe, I would suggest encoding with FFMPEG with the: -g 1 option before using the split below to ensure every frame is in fact a keyframe. FFMPEG refers to keyframs as GOP or Groups of Pictures instead.
ffmpeg -i input.avi -g 1 -vcodec copy -acodec copy out.avi
Then multiple splits (with FFMPEG) :
ffmpeg -i input.avi -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:30 out1.avi -ss 00:00:35 -t 00:00:30 out2.avi
Some more options to try:
x264 Mapping FFMPEG encoding in linux