Google vision API giving sporadic 403 errors - api

I have a very basic python app that calls the google vision API and asks for OCR on an image.
It was working fine a few days ago using a basic API key. I have since created a modified version that uses a service account as well, which also worked.
All my images are ~500kB
However, today about 80% of all calls return "403 reauthorized" when I try to run OCR on the image. The remainder run as they always have done...
The google quotas limit page lists:
MB per image 4 MB
MB per request 8 MB
Requests per second 10
Requests per feature per day 700,000
Requests per feature per month 20,000,000
Images per second 8
Images per request 16
And I am way below any of these limits (by orders of magnitude) - any idea what might be going on?
It seems strange that simply running the same code, with the same input images, will sometimes give a 403 and sometimes not....perhaps the error is indicative of the API struggling with demand?

Thanks Dave - yes, I have. After much debugging at my end, it seems it was the API that was up the spout :-) All fine now...


Receiving 403 (rate limited) errors from Google Calendar API

We are using the Google Calendar API to keep a sync between our app and events in our users' google calendar.
We have started regularly getting rate limiting errors (403).
However our usage according the APIs and Services page of the google cloud console is well below the stated limits (10,000 queries per minute and 600 per user per minute). We are also using the batch API to send our requests so cannot implement exponential backoff
Anyone got any advice on avoiding these rate limiting errors?
Rate limiting errors with google are basically flood protection you are going to fast. Dont hold to much stock in what the status shows on the Google developer console the numbers in those graphs are guesstimates at best and they are not Realtime.
The main cause for rate limit is that when you send a request there is no way of know which server your request is going to be run on. There is also no way of knowing what other requests are being run on the same server. So your request may run faster or slower than you would expect sometimes which makes it hard to track down exactly what 10,000 queries per minute and 600 per user per minute actually is.
10000 requests run on an overloaded server may run in 2 minutes while on a server that is not being overloaded it could be run in 30 seconds meaning the next request you send will blow out the quota.
As there is really no way of avoiding it you you should just ensure that your application is capable of responding to it by sending the request again. I wrote an article a number of years ago about how i would track my requests locally in my application and then ensured that it kept things at the right speed flood buster
Really as long as your application responds by sending the request again you should be ok.

Youtube Data API quota exceeded

I am developing an app locally and I just integrated the Youtube data api v3 to query videos.
Last night I received the 403 error that said my daily quota has been exceeded. If I look at the chart under quotas in the developer console, it says there was 10,000 requests yesterday. This is totally impossible as I am only using this locally.
Here is the quota chart
If I click on credentials in the left hand menu and select the API key page, it says only 309 requests for that API key in the last 30 days. That is the only API key I have activated. It can't be API theft, as it only says 309 requests for that key.
I am totally confused. What is happening here? Is there a way to see the IP address where these requests are originating from?
Those 2 stats are different from each other. 1 request could have a quota cost of one to over a hundred. That quota cost reflects to the queries per day stat. So it's not surprising for you to hit 10,000 with 300 requests.
To get around this issue, you may need to optimize your API request to retrieve only the resource that you need. If the default quota (10,000) isn't really enough, then you probably need to request for quota increase through the console or through this direct apply for higher quota link.
Complete info can be found in the youtube documentation
You can check how to calculate on link

New Instagram Rate Limits

We have created an app to display our own feed on our own website. However, we're now exceeding the new rate limit of 500 requests per hour. Instagram says our app does not need review and therefore cannot be upgraded to a "Live" app and take advantage of the higher rate limit. How do we get around this? On a side note, this is a lot of trouble to display our own feed on our own website. Sheesh.
If I got it right, you datafeed is seen by all users, but it's always the same datafeed. So instead of caching it for each user, you could request data each 30 seconds (or less) and store the results in a DB. You should then try always to read feed data from DB but if 15 seconds have passed you should request data from Instagram again.
That would make pretty transaparent to your users

Twitter Streaming API limits?

I understand the Twitter REST API has strict request limits (few hundred times per 15 minutes), and that the streaming API is sometimes better for retrieving live data.
My question is, what exactly are the streaming API limits? Twitter references a percentage on their docs, but not a specific amount. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
What I'm trying to do:
Simple page for me to view the latest tweet (& date / time it was posted) from ~1000 twitter users. It seems I would rapidly hit the limit using the REST API, so would the streaming API be required for this application?
You should be fine using the Streaming API, unless those ~1000 users combined are tweeting more than (very) roughly 60 tweets per second at any moment.
Using the Streaming API endpoint statuses/filter with the follow parameter, you are allowed up to 5000 users. There is no rate limit except when the stream returns more than about 1% of the all tweets being tweeted at that moment. (60 tweets per second is 1% of the average rate of tweets, which is always fluctuating, so don't rely on that number.)
If your stream does go above the 1% threshold, you can detect this. (See the LIMIT notice.) Then you would use the REST API to find missed tweets.
Twitter simply will not allow multiple streams from one registered app/account. Doing so will result in the older one being closed.
Also too many connection tries are not allowed as well and will result in a user being blocked.
Reference docs: Public Streaming API (outdated)

How to get unblocked after exceeding the Google Geocode API usage limit?

Have searched for answers on this for 2 days now with very little luck.
I'm developing a Drupal 7 site which has a Geofield field being autopopulated from an address field using the Google Geocoder API, but as of a couple of days ago this stopped working:
Exception: Google API returned bad status.\nStatus: OVER_QUERY_LIMIT in geocoder_google() (line 52 of /home/.../modules/geocoder/plugins/geocoder_handler/
I can remove the proximity search filter that is sending too many requests to the Google API but I can't progress because I run into the above error every time I try to add a new record to the database (which just does one lookup to get a geocode from an address field but fails). Is there any way to unblock my site from Google's API or reset my usage? I've added an API key but to no avail. This was all working fine up until very recently, which I guess is when I unknowingly exceeded the usage limit.
I have limited API experience and am a Drupal/PHP beginner so please be gentle! Happy to provide more info, code, error messages etc if needed. Relevant Drupal 7 modules being used are OpenLayers, OpenLayers Proximity, Geofield, GeoPHP and Geocoder. Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
From Google Geocode Documentation:
Use of the Google Geocoding API is subject to a query limit of 2,500 geolocation requests per day. (User of Google Maps API for Business may perform up to 100,000 requests per day.) This limit is enforced to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of the Geocoding API, and this limit may be changed in the future without notice. Additionally, we enforce a request rate limit to prevent abuse of the service. If you exceed the 24-hour limit or otherwise abuse the service, the Geocoding API may stop working for you temporarily. If you continue to exceed this limit, your access to the Geocoding API may be blocked.
So, I guess you have to wait 24 hours, or upgrade to the business version.