Recordset Query - Excel - sql

strQuery = _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source1.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source2.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source3.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
I have the above inside a Module in VBA (the code itself is sourced from here ). My question is, my columns in each file starts from row 15 and data goes down from row 16. How do I make it so that each file, it would look to UNION from row 15?
Thanks in advance!

With Excel workbook SQL queries via ADO or DAO, you can specify the regions of a worksheet by setting a range in the fashion: [Sheet$A1:Z2]. First find the last named column (recall for UNION they must be same lengths and types) and add rows sufficient for valid querying. Below uses Z999:
strQuery = _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A15:Z999] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source1.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A15:Z999] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source2.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A15:Z999] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source3.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _


Having issues with how to use ' or " in sql statement and query using concatrelated function

I have the following code using the ConcatRelated function. the current sql works with 1 where condition but I can't figure out how to get the sql to work with 2 conditions. It works when use it in a query. I get issues and the code does not debug.
ItemsShpdInvSQL = "SELECT InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipmentID, InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipType, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo, InvoiceAllShippedItems.CustID AS Consignee, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.PayMethod, InvoiceAllShippedItems.PaidInFull, " _
& "First(InvoiceAllShippedItems.Units) AS Units, " _
& "'Freight Charges - Ref. WR: ' & (ConcatRelated('[WR]'," _
& "'[InvoiceAllShippedItems]','[BillTo] =' & [BillTo])) & " _
& "' - (' & Sum([Chargeable]) & ' ' & [Units] & ' " _
& ") - Number of Pieces: ' & [NoPieces] AS InvDetails, " _
& "Sum(InvoiceAllShippedItems.[# of Pieces]) AS NoPieces, " _
& "Sum(InvoiceAllShippedItems.Chargeable) AS Charge, " _
& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]) AS CustomerRate, " _
& "IIf(([Charge])<6.1,20/[Charge],[CustomerRate]) AS RateMin " _
& "FROM InvoiceAllShippedItems " _
& "GROUP BY InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipmentID, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipType, InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.CustID, InvoiceAllShippedItems.PayMethod, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.PaidInFull, InvoiceAllShippedItems.Units, " _
& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]) " _
& "ORDER BY InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo;"
'& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]);"
with this it works in a query but not in the code above:
'concatrelated("[WR]","InvoiceAllShippedItems","[BillTo]&[PayMethod] ='" & [BillTo] & [PayMethod] & "'")

add a row to query in MS-ACCESS SQL

I'm trying to add to the following query:
strSQL = "SELECT fldName, blkName, CDbl(fldValue) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2 as S " & _
"WHERE " & _
"S.isin='" & Code & "' " & _
"AND " & _
"S.fldName='" & fldName & "' "
A row that makes the sum of the fldValue like:
strSQL = "SELECT fldName, blkName, CDbl(fldValue) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2 as S " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT Sum(fldValue) AS fldValue " & _
"WHERE " & _
"S.isin='" & Code & "' " & _
"AND " & _
"S.fldName='" & fldName & "' "
the error is:
Run -time error '3141'. The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect
I found this is working:
strSQL = "SELECT fldName, blkName, CDbl(fldValue) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2 as S " & _
"WHERE " & _
"S.isin='" & Code & "' " & _
"AND " & _
"S.fldName='" & fldName & "' " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT '' AS fldName, 'Total' AS Total, Sum(CDbl(fldValue)) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2 AS B " & _
"WHERE " & _
"B.isin='" & Code & "' " & _
"AND " & _
"B.fldName='" & fldName & "' "
This should run as expected:
strSQL = "SELECT fldName, blkName, CDbl(fldValue) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2 AS S " & _
"WHERE " & _
"S.isin='" & Code & "' " & _
"AND " & _
"S.fldName='" & fldName & "' " & _
"UNION ALL " & _
"SELECT TOP 1 "", "Total", Sum(CDbl(fldValue)) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2"
If you have Null values, use Nz:
strSQL = "SELECT fldName, blkName, CDbl(Nz(fldValue, 0)) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2 AS S " & _
"WHERE " & _
"S.isin='" & Code & "' " & _
"AND " & _
"S.fldName='" & fldName & "' " & _
"UNION ALL " & _
"SELECT TOP 1 "", "Total", Sum(CDbl(Nz(fldValue, 0))) " & _
"FROM dbSecurities2"

Why does my Access SQL VBA code jump out of the Sub?

My code is exiting out of the sub on the line that says "CurrentDb.Execute strSQL_Insert_Data". Do you know why this is happening?
Local_Array = Array("dbo_Tape_Capture_Local_tbl", "dbo_Tape_Local_tbl", "dbo_Tape_Memo_Local_tbl")
Server_Array = Array("dbo_Tape_Capture", "dbo_Tape", "dbo_Tape_Memo")
For i = 0 To UBound(Local_Array)
strSQL_Insert_Data = "INSERT INTO [" & Local_Array(i) & "] " & _
"SELECT [" & Server_Array(i) & "].* " & _
"WHERE (LEFT([" & Server_Array(i) & "].header__situs_loan_id," & _
Len([Forms]![Login Page]![CBO_Job_Select_Login]) & ") = " & _
"[Forms]![Login Page]![CBO_Job_Select_Login]);"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL_Insert_Data
Next i
--Added Printed out code--
INSERT INTO [dbo_Tape_Capture_Local_tbl] SELECT [dbo_Tape_Capture].*
WHERE (LEFT([dbo_Tape_Capture].header__situs_loan_id,14) = [Forms]![Login Page]![CBO_Job_Select_Login]);
There is missing FROM TableName in your query. Replace TableName with Actual Table Name
strSQL_Insert_Data = "INSERT INTO [" & Local_Array(i) & "] " & _
"SELECT [" & Server_Array(i) & "].* " & _
"FROM [" & Server_Array(i) & "] " & _
"WHERE (LEFT([" & Server_Array(i) & "].header__situs_loan_id," & _
Len([Forms]![Login Page]![CBO_Job_Select_Login]) & ") = " & _
"[Forms]![Login Page]![CBO_Job_Select_Login]);"

ms access 2007 update error run time error 3464, data type mismatch in criteria expression

i cannot update the data, it says that data type mismatch in criteria experession
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE PC_Details " & _
" SET Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo & _
", PC_Brand='" & Me.txtBrand & "'" & _
", PC_Model='" & Me.txtModel & "'" & _
", Status='" & Me.txtStatus & "'" & _
", Description='" & Me.txtDesc & "'" & _
", Staff_ID='" & Me.txtID & "'" & _
" WHERE Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo.Tag
Do this to debug:
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "UPDATE PC_Details " & _
" SET Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo & _
", PC_Brand='" & Me.txtBrand & "'" & _
", PC_Model='" & Me.txtModel & "'" & _
", Status='" & Me.txtStatus & "'" & _
", Description='" & Me.txtDesc & "'" & _
", Staff_ID='" & Me.txtID & "'" & _
" WHERE Serial_No=" & Me.txtNo.Tag
Debug.Print SQL
CurrentDb.Execute SQL
Then study the resulting SQL and post it here.
If all values are present, one or more is text but is handled as number or vice versa.

I'm trying to UPDATE some fields in my table in Access VBA

I need some help with this, sorry, I am new in VBA and I am trying to run a update query which should obtain a value from a variable and update an already existing table. This is done using VBA. On executing no error message is shown but the table isn't updated with the new value. The code is as follows:
Query = "UPDATE Results " & _
"SET fk_Report='" & Report & "'" & _
",fk_Name='" & Namevar & "'" & _
",fk_Age='" & Agevar & "'" & _
",fk_Sex='" & Sexvar & "'" & _
"WHERE [Count]='" & Countvar & "'" & _
",[Positives]='" & Posvar & "'" & _
",[Negatives]='" & Negvar & "'" & _
",[Unknow]='" & Unkvar & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute (Query)
If somebody can help...
You don't need the commas in the where clause
Query = "UPDATE Results " & _
"SET fk_Report='" & Report & "'" & _
",fk_Name='" & Namevar & "'" & _
",fk_Age='" & Agevar & "'" & _
",fk_Sex='" & Sexvar & "'" & _
"WHERE [Count]='" & Countvar & "' " & _
"AND [Positives]='" & Posvar & "' " & _
"AND [Negatives]='" & Negvar & "' " & _
"AND [Unknow]='" & Unkvar & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute (Query)
use AND instead of , (comma) after WHERE clause