JBoss Forge IDEA Plugin - No Spring Boot Option? - intellij-idea

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 with the JBoss Forge IDEA Plugin.
I saw a video of using it, http://vimeo.com/180053437 at 3:17 you can see the menu with Spring Boot included. When they select "Project:New", it shows the "Project Type" drop down menu, including a "Spring Boot" option. I don't see that option in my menu. Here is a video of the behavior on my machine - youtu.be/TJ3aWf0wlX8
I do have the Spring Boot plugin v1.0 installed as well, and it works from the IntelliJ new project menu. Any ideas on getting this option?

I 've had the some problem but with eclipse.
I've installed the fabric8 forge plugin https://fabric8.io/guide/forge.html
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:camel,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:camel-commands,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:devops,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:kubernetes,2.3.80
and now works

I'm doing this now and it looks like it's been renamed to "microservice"


Where to find Quarkus run configuration in Intellij IDEA?

Some time ago I used to run Quarkus projects in Linux as any other proyect, this means by clicking "Edit Configurations" and selecting "Quarkus (Maven)" as you can see in this picture:
But now I´m using Windows and those menus have disapeared:
As an alternative currently I´m running my Quarkus projects from Maven tab, which isn´t a fashion way:
So at the begining I thought this was due to a bug in Quarkus Tools plugin that I created a new issue, however that plugin does not offer such feature. Could anybody give a hand on how to run Quarkus projects as any other project? Thanks in advance.
Run configurations are offered by this plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14242-quarkus-integration
Looks like it is discontinued though, marked as "deprecated" and it's not showing in the Plugin marketplace (within IntelliJ) for me, so I had to install it via the website.
AFAIK there are plans for the official JetBrains bundled plugin to support it (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-228507), but it's not done yet.

Flutter Plugin issue in IntelliJ IDEA 17.2

I am trying to add plugin for flutter as recommended by flutter in their site and i am facing two different issues in it
I couldn't find plugin named Flutter in their plugin directory even though they have in their site
if I download the plugin via the sit and install it the plugin referring from disk in IntelliJ, it say it is incompatible.
Anyone facing same kind of issue or anyone found a workaround for this.
I am using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 17.2
As far as I know Flutter plugin doesn't yet support EAP versions of IntelliJ.
There is an open issue https://github.com/flutter/flutter-intellij/issues/400
Thanks Gunter. Appreciate your feedback. Finally after creating a second flutter app and loading it in IntellJ , if automatically recognized flutter plugin available to be download and it installs the plugin after i accept the download and installation which followed by a restart for it get activated.
Try updating your Android Studio: Documentation
Open preferences (Android Studio > Check for Updates)
If dart or flutter are listed, update them.

How to access the Fabric (Twitter) plugin in Intellij 13?

I have just installed the Fabric (Twitter) plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 13, following the steps found here.
I installed the plugin, restarted IntelliJ and the next step suggested by the guide is this:
However, I couldn't find that button anywhere, not even in the menus on the top. The plugin shows up as installed in Settings -> Plugins.
How can I access the Fabric plugin after installation in IntelliJ IDEA?
Please enable View -> Toolbar and you can see.

IntelliJ 12 Grails 2.1 Configuration - Grails SDK not configured

I feel like I'm missing something simple at this point. I upgraded to grails 2.1.1 from 1.3.7 while running IntelliJ 10, recently I upgraded to IntelliJ 12 and imported all settings. Somehow in the project in IntelliJ 12, I have no grails SDK.
My Global Library has grails 2.1.1 defined with all the correct .jars included, however, the Tools menu is missing the "Grails" sub-menu, and attempting to run the app gives the error message that Grails SDK is not configured.
If I create a new project for grails, the SDK configures correctly and Grails shows in the Tools menu. What am I missing preventing me from adding the Grails SDK to this project? Thank you, community, for your time and suggestions.
You do not have to create a new project.
Had the same problem, and it took me quite some search to resolve it:
right click your Grails module
click "Add framework support"
select "Groovy"
The dropdown next to "Use library" will allow you to choose a grails library.
If the dropdown is empty press "create" and choose your grails library directory.
Grails SDK is configured then
With Intellij 16 right click on your project in the right hand project pane.
Choose Grails->Configure Grails SDK.
If you're using the grails wrapper I would point to that SDK:
/Users/your user/.grails/wrapper/2.5.2/grails-2.5.2
I have the IntelliJ 12 too, to run app i just click in 'File' -> 'Create Project', select 'Grails Project'
Click Next,
Click em Create, select the folder, who contain the Grails 2, and Voila. :-)
If you has the project before, run in project 'grails integrate-with --intellij' or run import project, and create a Grails SDK
I found a symlink that points to the latest version in:
I'm using SDKMAN 4.0.37
Pointing Intellij at that location will allow you to switch versions using sdkman.
Not really an "answer" here, but after seeing similar troubles with IDEA I went ahead and just created a new project and copied my source in and resolved my issues, if not solving the actual problem.
I am working with IntelliJ 12.0.1 ultimate.
I have installed Grails 2.3.1 on my computer, but always got errors when trying to specify it as a Grails SDK-
"failed to create library. Looks like Grails distribution in specified path is broken. Cannot determine version."
I tried with Grails 2.3.0, but got the same error.
Then, I tried my luck with Grails 2.2.4, and I could finally get it work.
Creating a New Project will actually not overwrite any existing code; just point it at your existing project directory, select Grails and open it up.
Your project will now complain that there is no Grails SDK; just point it at your Grails dist and you are good to go.
Recently, I've encountered a similar type of issue. I have the grails SDK folder, but OK Button not enabled when trying to configure from the project. Then we have installed the Grails Plugin in IntelliJ. Then OK Button enabled and grails SDK is configured into project.

Force.com IDE - Eclipse Plugin doesn't work?

I'm new to Apex and have just downloaded Eclipse to get to work
Eclipse SDK 3.3.2
I've followed the instructions on
and have added the Remote site:
but i get a dialog telling me
"No features found on the selected site(s). Choose a different site or site category"
Any ideas what i've done wrong??
Try that process from a clean eclipse install, and repeat the installation steps, making sure that before clicking on "Finish" you unselect the checkbox at the lower left: "Ignore features not applicable to this environment".
Also, check if http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/ is accessible from your workstation.
Please check your proxy setting by accessing "http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/" URL in any of browser and update proxy setting in eclipse.
Force.com now has a standalone development environment that you don't need to download Eclipse for. Just putting it out there for people who stumble across this post.
Install the latest Eclipse Ganymede and try that.
Another good news for you is, force.com is coming with Eclipse galileo plugin in coming release.