In wso2 Dropbox connectors, getfile will get only xml files not get any other formats like .html, .doc - wso2-esb

****In wso2 Dropbox connectors, getfile will get only xml files not get any other formats like .html, .doc can u please tell me the answer i need all types of formats .**

Please enable/add the relevant message builders and formatters in axis2 configuration (\repository\conf\axis2\axis2.xml).
eg : For HTML files you need to add the following message builder and formatter.
<messageFormatter contentType="text/html" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.ExpandingMessageFormatter"/>
<messageBuilder contentType="text/html" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.BinaryRelayBuilder"/>
Please find more details in documentation and this article.

In addition to that we are doing a new connector to support latest drop box api version. Use the following link to followup.


Can't send a binary attachment to Slack using LogicApp

I'm trying to use a logicapp to get the content of an email and post it to slack. By content I mean:
the body of the email and other elements like From:, Subject:
any attachment in the email (which usually are binary like PDF, Excel, image)
the email itself saved in a blob as .eml file
Slack chat.postMessage API works without any problem to send any text element. This API has some attachment argument but doesn't seemto be designed or binary files (or not for files at all, only strings)
I've tried slack files.upload one but couldn't figure out the syntax, especially the syntax using a regular HTTP POST. Could find examples online using curl, Python, JS and C# SDK but I don't know how to translate them to HTTP POST just like I do with chat.PostMessage
I've tried the API on SOAP UI, using file as argument as per the documentation, and I've used it in different sections: in the header, in the body, and using the Attachment Tab, none of the work and always the same error message : no_file_data
Unfortuatelly slack documentation lacks of details. Here's what it says about files.upload:
You must provide either a file or content parameter.
The content of the file can either be posted using an enctype of multipart/form-data (with the file parameter named file), in the usual way that files are uploaded via the browser, or the content of the file can be sent as a POST var called content. The latter should be used for creating a "file" from a long message/paste and forces "editable" mode.
In both cases, the type of data in the file will be intuited from the
filename and the magic bytes in the file, for supported formats.
I could use alternatives like just saving the attachments in blobs and use Azure functions to send the file, but I want to understand what's the limitations before changing the method.
Any clue?

How to work with PDF in PDF/A1-a format using PHP

I'd like to generate a PDF file strictly in the PDF/A1-a format (to integrate with a government service).
This service does not support PDF/A1-b or PDF/A1-x format. Only PDF/A1-a.
Previously, I used mPDF ( in my work. But this library supports maximum PDF/A1-b.
A search in Google gave no result. But I think that I am not the first one who needed this format. Please tell me if there is something convenient for working with this "rare" format (PDF/A1-a).
Regards, Alexey.

Bad Argument when importing a webpage in Microsoft's QNA Maker

In QNA Maker:
I try to import a webpage:
Received error:
Bad Argument
Failed to extract QnAs from the source - Unsupported / Invalid url(s). Failed to extract Q&A from the source
How do I know what is the problem?
Searched for [QNA Maker] Bad Argument but no solution
The above error means that QnAMaker does not support the file format/URL uploaded. QnAMaker supports a certain set of files and URL data types. As per the documentation, QnAMaker allows the following file formats for creating a knowledge base: PDF,word, xls, tsv and txt. What you can do is convert the .html to pdf/tsv/txt file and then upload it to populate your KB on the QnAMAker portal.
The linked documentation will give you a better idea of what formats the QnAMaker accepts.
Hope this helps!!

Is there a public website that converts swagger json to PDF for HTML?

Has anyone made where, where you just enter your swagger URL .../swagger/docs/v1
and then the website converts it to HTML, pdf, doc or whatever in a nice readable format? I'd think that site would get a lot of traffic (hint)
I know there are some things on github you can download that will convert things, but I'd think someone has made a public site so I can save some time.
You can use this website : Swagger Editor
Copy your swagger file and in the menu, select 'Generate Client' -> 'HTML' (or Dynamic HTML')
You can also use Swagger Code Generator if you want to add this step in an automatic build flow.
Try this one: swagger2html .
The document generated by swagger-codegen is indeed not readable. This project makes a neat appearance(bootstrap css) and shows the fields in the request/response models in a straightforward manner.

saving soap ui results of test with xml

is it possible to save results of run tests in SOAP UI, including xml's of used requests and replies?
i would like to export it and send it to customer, but when i looked i couldn't find no such option
Look in the project file XML, it's all in there. Optionally you can copy/paste any request into a text editor.
Right-click in the XML editor of the request/response and select "Save as.." ;-)