Get missing auditlog from Management Activity API in Office365 - api

Our application calls out-of-the-box Office 365 Management API to retrieve activities and events on files stored in SharePoint Online. However per our experiment, the application can’t seem to retrieve not enough logs.
Example: We upload 1000 files to document library in Sharepoint Online. We receive 8 subscriptiona. Each subscription, we only get maximum 100 logs. Total call API get logs to retrieve 600 logs. Not enough!
Here my code to get subscription
List<SubscriptionsContent> GetSubscriptionsContents(AuthenticationResult authenticationResult, ManagementAPI m, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, bool proxyRequired = false)
string jsonSubscription = string.Empty;
string url = string.Empty;
string logType = "Audit.SharePoint";
if (authenticationResult != null)
url = string.Format(UrlFormat, m.TenantId, string.Format("subscriptions/content?contentType={0}&startTime={1}&endTime={2}", logType, startDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString(DateFormat), endDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString(DateFormat)));
jsonSubscription = ExecuteRequest(url, HttpMethod.Get, authenticationResult);
var listContent = Common.GetListSubscriptionsContent(jsonSubscription);
Log.Info("Common.GetListSubscriptionsContent(jsonSubscription); Count: " + (listContent != null ? listContent.Count.ToString() : "IS NULL"));
return listContent;
catch (Exception ex)
return new List<SubscriptionsContent>();
Here my code to execute Request
public string ExecuteRequest(string url, HttpMethod method, AuthenticationResult token)
var responseStr = "";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, url);
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token.AccessToken);
HttpResponseMessage response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;
Log.Info("ExecuteRequest(string url, HttpMethod method, AuthenticationResult token): response.StatusCode: " + response.StatusCode + " ; response.ReasonPhrase: " + response.ReasonPhrase + " ; response.RequestMessage: " + response.RequestMessage);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
responseStr = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
catch (Exception ex)
return responseStr;
Here my code to get audit log from each subscription
List<AuditLog> listAudit = new List<AuditLog>();
foreach (var item in listSubscription)
var jsonAudit = ExecuteRequest(item.ContentUri.ToString(), HttpMethod.Get, authenticationResult);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonAudit))
var listAuditLog = Common.GetListAuditLog(jsonAudit);
Here my code to parser JsonString
public static List<AuditLog> GetListAuditLog(string jsonString)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<AuditLog>>(jsonString);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error("public static List<AuditLog> GetListAuditLog(string jsonString)", ex.InnerException);
return new List<AuditLog>();

I think that you need to use the pagination header.
If the amount of data is too big, the API will return a header entry named NextPageUrl containing an address to be used to request the next page of results. This link (representing the query) will be available for 24 hours.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
So, if the response contains this header entry, just use the value of NextPageUrl to request more data.
Repeat the process until this header entry doesn't exists anymore.
You can find more information in the Office 365 Management API reference


Storing An Image In SQL Server

I need to create a procedure in SQL server that takes a web URL of an image and converts it to VARBINARY, and after that: store in a column called "personqr_Image" in table "tblPersons".
I created a procedure "getPersonQrCode" that returns a URL of a unique QR code (450x450 image), and using that URL I need to convert it to VARBINARY data type in order to store it in my SQL DB.
Unfortunately I haven't really found a solution online, maybe because I am not very familiar with the subject.
You can't do this purely in TSQL, as it doesn't have any functions for browsing the web and handling http requests and responses. If you have to do this IN SQL Server, you'll need to write a CLR procedure.
Here is a CLR function that will allow you to submit HTTP requests
public class RestClient
[SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]
public static string Submit(string url, string data, string contentType, string
method = "POST",
string httpHeaderCredentials = "")
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls |
SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
var request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url);
//Add header credentials if required
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpHeaderCredentials))
request.Headers.Add("Authorization: " + httpHeaderCredentials);
request.ContentType = contentType;
request.Method = method;
if (request.Method == "PATCH")
request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
if (method == "POST" || method == "PATCH")
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
var httpResponse = request.GetResponse();
using (var responseStream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream())
if (responseStream != null)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
return reader.ReadToEnd().Replace("\n", string.Empty);
catch (Exception ex)
if (SqlContext.Pipe != null)
return "";

PostAsync request with Array parameter on MVC Web API

I have Xamarin application that has POST request with array list of parameter and on my MVC WEB API we used code first Entity framework. Both was separated project solutions (.sln).
On my Xamarin project, I have PostAsync request which supplies List of array values.
using (var client = new HttpClient())
Parameter = string.Format("type={0}&param={1}",type, param[]);
var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters);
var content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
using (var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content))
using (var responseContent = response.Content)
result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync();
Then In my Web API controller I have same parameter with my client side also.
[System.Web.Http.AcceptVerbs("GET", "POST")]
public BasicResponse applog([FromUri] ProfilingType type , List<string> param)
if (ModelState.IsValid == false)
throw new ModelValidationException("Model state is invalid.");
if(type == ProfilingType.Login)
var command = new SendDataProfilingCommand(param);
var command = new UpdateDataProfilingCommand(type,param);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);
return new BasicResponse
Status = true,
Message = Ok().ToString()
Since I'm not with the API, I want to test it first on Postman or even in the URL. but my problem was when i Try to test it using this url below
http://localhost:59828/api/users/applog?type=1&param=[1,Caloocan,Metro Manila,Philippines,0,0]
I received this message : No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ......
My Question is, How can I test my Web API with List Parameter on URL or in the Postman ? and What Format I can use when sending a post request into my Xamarin PostAsync request?
You don't need to send as Content.
using (var client = new HttpClient())
Parameter = string.Format("type={0}&param={1}",type, param[]);
url = url + "?" + Parameter;
using (var response = await client.PostAsync(url))
using (var responseContent = response.Content)
result = await responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync();

How to send 1 million of push notification (APNS) within few second using PushSharp as webservice?

to do that i made a web service to send push (by referencing PushSharp library). I request web service through my web application. i retrieve list of device token from database(using web application) send to web service using for loop to send push. and get result/exception for each one. This process is very slow and take long long time to send notification. If anybody suggest me to what should i do i will be grateful to you.
public ActionResult SendNowToken(int certificateInfoId, string message, string certificate, int badgeNo, int pushtype, string password, string countryJsonString)
if (IsPushParameterValid(certificateInfoId, message, certificate, badgeNo, pushtype, password, countryJsonString))
var countryObject = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Country>(countryJsonString);
var errorList = new List<ErrorList>();
byte[] certificatePath = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Content/certificate/" + certificate));
foreach (var aDeviceToken in countryObject.DeviceTokens)
var serviceClient = new PushServiceSoapClient();
string serviceResult = serviceClient.SendPushNotification(message, badgeNo, pushtype, aDeviceToken.Token, certificatePath, password);
if (serviceResult != "Sent Notification")
var delimiters = new[] { ' ' };
string[] errorResult = serviceResult.Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string errorMessage = ConvertErrorCodeToErrorMessage(errorResult[0]);
var error = new ErrorList
CountryName = countryObject.CountryName,
ErrorTime = DateTime.Now,
ErrorMessage = errorMessage,
Token = aDeviceToken.Token
catch (Exception ex)
var error = new ErrorList
CountryName = countryObject.CountryName,
ErrorTime = DateTime.Now,
ErrorMessage = ex.Message,
Token = aDeviceToken.Token
if (errorList.Count != 0)
ViewBag.Message = "Push Notification does not send to country... ";
return PartialView("_SendAllError", errorList.ToList());
return View();

How to receive a response package from GET request for OneNote API

I'm getting a acknowledgement but no response message (details) i.e. list of notebooks from the OneNote API. Below is my code. I am able to receive the header and JSON details from a POST message but not the GET. I have tried to convert the POST code in order to submit a GET request.
private async void getRequestClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
await GetRequests(true, "test");
async public Task<StandardResponse> GetRequests(bool debug, string sectionName)
Uri PagesEndPoint1 = new Uri("");
var client = new HttpClient();
//// Note: API only supports JSON return type.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
//// This allows you to see what happens when an unauthenticated call is made.
if (IsAuthenticated)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authClient.Session.AccessToken);
HttpResponseMessage response;
HttpRequestMessage createMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, PagesEndPoint1);
response = await client.SendAsync(createMessage);
tbResponse.Text = response.ToString();
return await TranslateResponse(response);
private async static Task<StandardResponse> TranslateResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
StandardResponse standardResponse;
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
dynamic responseObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
standardResponse = new CreateSuccessResponse
StatusCode = response.StatusCode,
OneNoteClientUrl = responseObject.links.oneNoteClientUrl.href,
OneNoteWebUrl = responseObject.links.oneNoteWebUrl.href
standardResponse = new StandardErrorResponse
StatusCode = response.StatusCode,
Message = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
// Extract the correlation id. Apps should log this if they want to collcet the data to diagnose failures with Microsoft support
IEnumerable<string> correlationValues;
if (response.Headers.TryGetValues("X-CorrelationId", out correlationValues))
standardResponse.CorrelationId = correlationValues.FirstOrDefault();
return standardResponse;
My POST messages are working OK. I can create a new page etc.
I think you need to change the expected status code from HttpStatusCode.Created to HttpStatusCode.OK for Get requests, since they return a 200 and not a 201. Try doing that in your TranslateResponse method.

ProtocolError while calling HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

I have a page containing links to some files.
I basically need to access the source of the page for parsing it then and obtaining all the hyperlinks to the files.
My code is something like this (some piece of code I've found in many places on the net ..):
"private static byte[] ReadImageFromUrl(string url)
var myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
myReq.Timeout = 10000;
WebResponse myResp = myReq.GetResponse();
Stream stream = myResp.GetResponseStream();
List<byte> bytesList = new List<byte>();
using (var br = new BinaryReader(stream))
while (true)
var b = br.ReadByte();
catch (Exception)
return bytesList.ToArray();
Now the problem is I get "System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." when calling "myReq.GetResponse()" - examining the error I see that the status is 'ProtocolError'.
The response property of the WebException object contains some server error ..(although when opening it from the browser it opens correctly) ...also when I call this function with the url of one of my files I get the same ProtocolError status, but the 404 error ...
Please give any hint how could I solve it... or any other possibility of accomplishing this task.
Thanks !
My new code after using Fiddler is:
private static byte[] ReadFileFromUrl(string url)
var myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
myReq.Accept = const_AcceptHeader;
myReq.Headers.Set(const_AcceptLanguageHeaderName, const_AcceptLanguageHeader);
myReq.UserAgent = const_AcceptUserAgentHeader;
myReq.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
myReq.KeepAlive = true;
myReq.Timeout = Int32.Parse(ConfigSettings.RequestPageTimeout) * 1000;
WebResponse myResp = null;
List<byte> bytesList = null;
myResp = myReq.GetResponse();
Stream stream = myResp.GetResponseStream();
bytesList = new List<byte>();
using (var br = new BinaryReader(stream))
while (true)
var b = br.ReadByte();
catch (Exception ex)
return bytesList.ToArray();
All variables that start with const_ are taken from Fiddler.
Well, I solved that using Fiddler ... I passed to my request object the headers as I have seen them in Fiddler ...& it worked, no error