Regexp_replace processing result - sql

I have a string with groups of nubmers. And Id like to make constant length string. Now I use two regexp_replace. First to add 10 numbers to string and next to cut string and take last 10 values:
with s(txt) as ( select '1030123:12031:1341' from dual)
select regexp_replace(
regexp_replace(txt, '(\d+)','0000000000\1')
,'\d+(\d{10})','\1') from s ;
But Id like to use only one regex something like
regexp_replace(txt, '(\d+)',lpad('\1',10,'0'))
But it don't work. lpad executed before regexp. Could you have any ideas?

With a slightly different approach, you can try the following:
with s(id, txt) as
select rownum, txt
from (
select '1030123:12031:1341' as txt from dual union all
select '1234:0123456789:1341' from dual
SELECT listagg(lpad(regexp_substr(s.txt, '[^:]+', 1, lines.column_value), 10, '0'), ':') within group (order by column_value) txt
(SELECT LEVEL FROM dual CONNECT BY instr(s.txt, ':', 1, LEVEL - 1) > 0
) AS sys.odciNumberList )) lines
group by id
This uses the CONNECT BY to split every string based on the separator ':', then uses LPAD to pad to 10 and then aggregates the strings to build rows containing the concatenation of padded values

This works for non-empty sequences (e.g. 123::456)
with s(txt) as ( select '1030123:12031:1341' from dual)
select regexp_replace (regexp_replace (txt,'(\d+)',lpad('0',10,'0') || '\1'),'0*(\d{10})','\1')
from s


Oracle query to replace same character with different characters based on position

I have a string in Oracle DB in the format 'a|b|c' , '|' being the separator between characters. Want to write an SQL query to transform it into a string in the format 'a,b&c'. First occurrence of '|' to ',' 2nd occurrence to '&'.
If suppose the string comes in the format 'a|b' then output should be 'a&b'.
I'm using multiple regex_replace queries to achieve this right now.
select REGEXP_REPLACE ('a|b|c', '[|]', ',', 1, 1)
from dual
Is there any other solution using one single query?
Nested replaces (see line #6):
SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select 'a|b|c' from dual union all
3 select 'a|b' from dual
4 )
5 select col,
6 regexp_replace(regexp_replace(col, '\|', ',', 1, 1), '\|', '&', 2, 1) result
7 from test;
----- --------------------
a|b|c a,b&c
a|b a,b
If you want to replace the last | in the list with & and all the preceding |s with , then you can use:
SELECT value,
REGEXP_REPLACE( value, '\|([^|]*)$', '&\1' ),
) AS replaced
FROM table_name;
Which, for the sample data:
CREATE TABLE table_name (value) AS

How to select the list of words containing a particular substring as part of a SQL query (oracle)?

I'm trying to return the list of "words" (separated by spaces) containing a certain substring within a string as part of an Oracle Sql query. Would like to return the result as a comma separated list. Separate rows for each match would also work.
Example String in [text_col] field:
some words 123-asdf-789A and also this one 456-asdf-555A more words etc.
Desired result: 123-asdf-789A, 456-asdf-555A
This is what I have so far but it only returns the first result and the fact that it's two separate regular expressions makes it difficult to concatenate all matches as I would like to do.
CONCAT(REGEXP_SUBSTR(text_col, ''(([^[:space:]]+)\asdf)'', 1, 1, ''i'', 1),
REGEXP_SUBSTR(text_col, ''\asdf([^[:space:]]+)'', 1, 1, ''i'', 1))
You can use some regexp functions together as :
with tab(str) as
select 'some words 123-asdf-789A and also this one 456-asdf-555A more words etc' from dual
), t as
select regexp_substr(str,'[^[:space:]]+',1,level) as str, level as lvl
from tab
connect by level <= regexp_count(str,'[:space:]')
select listagg(str,',') within group (order by lvl) as "Result"
from t
where regexp_like(str,'-');
first split by spaces (through [:space:] posix) and take the ones containing dash characters, and finally concatenate by listagg() function
Use a recursive sub-query factoring clause and iterate through all the matches concatenating the string as you go:
Oracle Setup:
CREATE TABLE test_data ( value ) AS
SELECT 'some words 123-asdf-789A and also this one 456-asdf-555A more words etc.' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'some words without the expected sub-string' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'asdf asdf-123 456-asdf 78-asdf-90' FROM DUAL
WITH matches ( value, idx, cnt, match ) AS (
SELECT value,
REGEXP_COUNT( value, '\S*asdf\S*' ),
FROM test_data
SELECT value,
idx + 1,
CASE idx WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE match || ' ' END
|| REGEXP_SUBSTR( value, '\S*asdf\S*', 1, idx + 1 )
FROM matches
WHERE idx < cnt
SELECT value, match
FROM matches
WHERE idx = cnt;
:----------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------
some words without the expected sub-string | null
some words 123-asdf-789A and also this one 456-asdf-555A more words etc. | 123-asdf-789A 456-asdf-555A
asdf asdf-123 456-asdf 78-asdf-90 | asdf asdf-123 456-asdf 78-asdf-90
db<>fiddle here

Using Oracle REGEXP_SUBSTR to extract uppercase data separated by underscores

sample column data:
Failure on table TOLL_USR_TRXN_HISTORY:
Failure on table DOCUMENT_IMAGES:
Error in CREATE_ACC_STATEMENT() [line 16]
I am looking for a way to extract only the uppercase words (table names) separated by underscores. I want the whole table name, the maximum is 3 underscores and the minimum is 1 underscore. I would like to ignore any capital letters that are initcap.
You can just use regexp_substr():
select regexp_substr(str, '[A-Z_]{3,}', 1, 1, 'c')
from (select 'Failure on table TOLL_USR_TRXN_HISTORY' as str from dual) x;
The pattern says to find substrings with capital letters or underscores, at least 3 characters long. The 1, 1 means start from the first position and return the first match. The 'c' makes the search case-sensitive.
You may use such a SQL Select statement for each substituted individual line
( Failure on table TOLL_USR_TRXN_HISTORY in the below case )
from your text :
select regexp_replace(q.word, '[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '') as word
select substr(str,nvl(lag(spc) over (order by lvl),1)+1*sign(lvl-1),
abs(decode(spc,0,length(str),spc)-nvl(lag(spc) over (order by lvl),1))) word,
nvl(lag(spc) over (order by lvl),1) lg
with tab as
( select 'Failure on table TOLL_USR_TRXN_HISTORY' str from dual )
select instr(str,' ',1,level) spc, str, level lvl
from tab
connect by level <= 10
) q
where lg > 0
and upper(regexp_replace(q.word, '[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', ''))
= regexp_replace(q.word, '[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '')
and ( nvl(length(regexp_substr(q.word,'_',1,1)),0)
+ nvl(length(regexp_substr(q.word,'_',1,2)),0)
+ nvl(length(regexp_substr(q.word,'_',1,3)),0)) > 0
and nvl(length(regexp_substr(q.word,'_',1,4)),0) = 0;
Alternate way to get only table name from below error message , the below query will work only if table_name at end in the mentioned way
with t as( select 'Failure on table TOLL_USR_TRXN_HISTORY:' as data from dual)
SELECT RTRIM(substr(data,instr(data,' ',-1)+1),':') from t
New Query for all messages :
select replace (replace ( 'Failure on table TOLL_USR_TRXN_HISTORY:
Failure on table DOCUMENT_IMAGES:' , 'Failure on table', ' ' ),':',' ') from dual

How to remove duplicates from space separated list by Oracle regexp_replace? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to remove duplicates from comma separated list by regexp_replace in Oracle?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a list called 'A B A A C D'. My expected result is 'A B C D'. So far from web I have found out
regexp_replace(l_user ,'([^,]+)(,[ ]*\1)+', '\1');
Expression. But this is for , separated list. What is the modification need to be done in order to make it space separated list. no need to consider the order.
If I understand well you don't simply need to replace ',' with a space, but also to remove duplicates in a smarter way.
If I modify that expression to work with space instead of ',', I get
select regexp_replace('A B A A C D' ,'([^ ]+)( [ ]*\1)+', '\1') from dual
which gives 'A B A C D', not what you need.
A way to get your needed result could be the following, a bit more complicated:
with string(s) as ( select 'A B A A C D' from dual)
select listagg(case when rn = 1 then str end, ' ') within group (order by lev)
from (
select str, row_number() over (partition by str order by 1) rn, lev
from (
SELECT trim(regexp_substr(s, '[^ ]+', 1, level)) str,
level as lev
FROM string
CONNECT BY instr(s, ' ', 1, level - 1) > 0
My main problem here is that I'm not able to build a regexp that checks for non adjacent duplicates, so I need to split the string, check for duplicates and then aggregate again the non duplicated values, keeping the order.
If you don't mind the order of the tokens in the result string, this can be simplified:
with string(s) as ( select 'A B A A C D' from dual)
select listagg(str, ' ') within group (order by 1)
from (
SELECT distinct trim(regexp_substr(s, '[^ ]+', 1, level)) as str
FROM string
CONNECT BY instr(s, ' ', 1, level - 1) > 0
Assuming you want to keep the component strings in the order of their first occurrence (and not, say, reorder them alphabetically - your example is poorly chosen in this regard, because both lead to the same result), the problem is more complicated, because you must keep track of order too. Then for each letter you must keep just the first occurrence - here is where row_number() helps.
inputs ( str ) as ( select 'A B A A C D' from dual)
-- end test data; solution begins below this line
select listagg(token, ' ') within group (order by id) as new_str
from (
select level as id, regexp_substr(str, '[^ ]+', 1, level) as token,
row_number() over (
partition by regexp_substr(str, '[^ ]+', 1, level)
order by level ) as rn
from inputs
connect by regexp_substr(str, '[^ ]+', 1, level) is not null
where rn = 1
select xmlquery('string-join(distinct-values(ora:tokenize(.," ")), " ")' passing 'A B A A C D' returning content) result from dual

comma Separated List

I have procedure that has parameter that takes comma separated value ,
so when I enter Parameter = '1,0,1'
I want to return ' one , Zero , One' ?
You could use REPLACE function.
For example,
2 SELECT '1,0,1' FROM dual
3 )
4 SELECT str,
5 REPLACE(REPLACE(str, '0', 'Zero'), '1', 'One') new_str
----- ------------------------------------------------------------
1,0,1 One,Zero,One
This query splits list into into numbers, converts numbers into words and joins them again together with function listagg:
with t1 as (select '7, 0, 11, 132' col from dual),
t2 as (select level lvl,to_number(regexp_substr(col,'[^,]+', 1, level)) col
from t1 connect by regexp_substr(col, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null)
select listagg(case
when col=0 then 'zero'
else to_char(to_date(col,'j'), 'jsp')
', ') within group (order by lvl) col
from t2
seven, zero, eleven, one hundred thirty-two
The limitation of this solution is that values range is between 0 and 5373484 (because 5373484 is maximum value for function to_date).
If you need higher values you can find hints in this article.