Which is the correct Disk Used Size information getting from M_DISK_USAGE or M_DISKS view? - hana

There are 2 System Views provided by SAP Hana Database. M_DISK_USAGE and M_DISK
While comparing the two tables I came to know that USED_SIZE information of DATA,LOG,.....Usage Types are different in both tables.
Can someone please help me to understand, If I want to Monitor the Disk Usage of all usage types at the current time which view can I use to get this information?

The question really is what you want to know.
If you want to know how large the filesystems of the HANA volumes is and how much space is left there, then M_DISKS is the right view:
show free disk space in KiB:
/hana/data/SK1> df -BK .
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5 403469844K 134366892K 269102952K 34% /hana
compared to the M_DISKS view (sizes converted from bytes to KiB):
1 113132 skullbox /hana/data/SK1/ mnt00001 xfs DATA 403469844 134366892
2 113132 skullbox /usr/sap/SK1/HDB01/backup/data/ xfs DATA_BACKUP 403469844 134366892
3 113132 skullbox /hana/log/SK1/ mnt00001 xfs LOG 403469844 134366892
4 113132 skullbox /usr/sap/SK1/HDB01/backup/log/ xfs LOG_BACKUP 403469844 134366892
5 113132 skullbox /usr/sap/SK1/HDB01/skullbox/ xfs TRACE 403469844 134366892
M_DISK_USAGE on the other hand shows what the HANA instance allocated in total grouped by usage types.


Janusgraph not using index in production

When performing queries in my production environment, the index is not being used and a full scan is performed, but my development environment works fine and uses the index.
After looking deeper at the problem in production, it also seems that the index information is being saved to the storage backend, but the data is not, and is being stored locally. I have no idea why this is...
I will explain the architecture now:
The following describe my two environments. Important to note, the index in question is a composite index, as such uses the storage backend, but I still included the index-backend in the architecture environment (aka Elasticsearch).
Both local and production environment versions are the same, i.e:
Janusgraph: 0.5.2
ScyllaDB: 0.5.2
Elasticsearch: 7.13.1
Local Environment
Services are running in docker-compose, consisting of a single Janusgraph instance, a single ScyllaDB instance, and a single Elasticsearch Instance.
Production Environment
Running on AWS, kubernetes cluster managed with EKS, I have multiple janusgraph deployments, which connect to a ScyllaDB cluster (in the same k8s cluster), which is done via Scylla For Kubernetes (https://operator.docs.scylladb.com/stable/), and an Elasticsearch cluster.
The following will give the simplest example I can that contains the problems I describe.
I pre-create the index's with the Janusgraph management system, such as:
# management.groovy
import org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.management.ManagementSystem
cluster = Cluster.open("/opt/janusgraph/my_scripts/gremlin.yaml")
client = cluster.connect()
graph = JanusGraphFactory.open("/opt/janusgraph/my_scripts/env.properties")
g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(client, "g"))
m = graph.openManagement()
uid_property = m.makePropertyKey("uid").dataType(String).make()
user_label = m.makeVertexLabel("User").make()
m.buildIndex("index::User::uid", Vertex.class).addKey(uid_property).indexOnly(user_label).buildCompositeIndex()
Upon inspection with m.printSchema() I can see that the index's are ENABLED, in both my local environment and production environment.
I proceed to import all the data that needs to exist on the graph, both local env and production env are OK.
Performing Queries
The following outline what happens when I run a query
Local Environment
What we see here is a simple lookup just to check that the query is using the index:
gremlin> g.V().has("User", "uid", "00003b90-dcc2-494d-a179-ac9009029501").profile()
==>Traversal Metrics
Step Count Traversers Time (ms) % Dur
JanusGraphStep([],[~label.eq(User), uid.eq(... 1 1 1.837 100.00
\_condition=(~label = User AND uid = 00003b90-dcc2-494d-a179-ac9009029501)
optimization 0.038
optimization 0.497
backend-query 1 0.901
>TOTAL - - 1.837 -
Production Environment
Again, we run the query to see if it using the index (which it is not)
g.V().has("User", "uid", "00003b90-dcc2-494d-a179-ac9009029501").profile()
==>Traversal Metrics
Step Count Traversers Time (ms) % Dur
JanusGraphStep([],[~label.eq(User), uid.eq(... 1 1 11296.568 100.00
\_condition=(~label = User AND uid = 00003b90-dcc2-494d-a179-ac9009029501)
optimization 0.025
optimization 0.102
scan 0.000
>TOTAL - - 11296.568 -
What Happened? So far my best guess:
The storage backend is NOT being used for storing data, but is being used for storing information about the indexes
Update: Aug 16 2021, after digging around some more I found out something interesting
It is now clear that the data is actually not being saved to the storage backend at all.
In my local environment I set the storage.directory environment variable to /var/lib/janusgraph/data, which mounts onto an empty directory, this directory remains empty. Any vertex/edge updates get's saved to the scyllaDB storage backend, and the data persists between janusgraph instance restarts.
In my production environment, this directory (/var/lib/janusgraph/data) is populated with files:
-rw-r--r-- 1 janusgraph janusgraph 0 Aug 16 05:46 je.lck
-rw-r--r-- 1 janusgraph janusgraph 9650 Aug 16 05:46 je.config.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 janusgraph janusgraph 450 Aug 16 05:46 je.info.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 janusgraph janusgraph 0 Aug 16 05:46 je.info.0.lck
drwxr-xr-x 2 janusgraph janusgraph 118 Aug 16 05:46 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 janusgraph janusgraph 7533 Aug 16 05:46 00000000.jdb
drwx------ 1 janusgraph janusgraph 75 Aug 16 05:53 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 janusgraph janusgraph 19951 Aug 16 06:09 je.stat.csv
and any subsequent updates on the graph seem to be reflected here, the update do not get put onto the storage backend, and other janusgraph instances on kubernetes cannot see any changes other instances make, leading me to come to the conclusion, the storage backend is not being used for storing data
The domain name used for the storage.hostname and index.hostname both resolve to IP address's, confirmed with using nslookup.
The endpoints must also work, as the keyspace janusgraph is created, and also has a different replication factor that I defined, and also retains the index information regardless of restarting the janusgraph instances.
Idea 1 (Index is not enabled)
This was disproved via running m.printSchema() showing that all the index's were ENABLED
Idea 2 (Storage backends have different data)
I looked at the data stored in scylladb, and got a summary with nodetool cfstats, this does show something different:
# Local
Keyspace : janusgraph
Read Count: 1688328
Read Latency: 2.5682805710738673E-5 ms
Write Count: 1055210
Write Latency: 1.702409946835227E-5 ms
Memtable cell count: 126411
Memtable data size: 345700491
Memtable off heap memory used: 480247808
# Production
Keyspace : janusgraph
Read Count: 6367
Read Latency: 2.1203078372860058E-5 ms
Write Count: 21
Write Latency: 0.0 ms
Memtable cell count: 4
Memtable data size: 10092
Memtable off heap memory used: 131072
Although I don't know how to explain the difference, it is clear that both backends contain all the data, verified with various count() queries over labels, such as g.V().hasLabel("User").count(), which both environments report the same result
Idea 3 (Elasticsearch Warnings)
When launching a gremlin console session, there is a difference in that the production environment shows:
07:27:09 WARN org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient - request [PUT http://*******<i_removed_the_domain>******:9200/_cluster/settings] returned 3 warnings: [299 Elasticsearch-7.13.4-c5f60e894ca0c61cdbae4f5a686d9f08bcefc942 "[node.data] setting was deprecated in Elasticsearch and will be removed in a future release! See the breaking changes documentation for the next major version."],[299 Elasticsearch-7.13.4-c5f60e894ca0c61cdbae4f5a686d9f08bcefc942 "[node.master] setting was deprecated in Elasticsearch and will be removed in a future release! See the breaking changes documentation for the next major version."],[299 Elasticsearch-7.13.4-c5f60e894ca0c61cdbae4f5a686d9f08bcefc942 "[node.ml] setting was deprecated in Elasticsearch and will be removed in a future release! See the breaking changes documentation for the next major version."]
but as my problem is using composite index's, I believe we can disregard elasticsearch warnings.
Idea 4 (ScyllaDB cluster node resources)
Another idea I had was increasing the node resources, even with 7gb RAM, the problem still persists.
I don't know what to try next in order to solve this problem, this is my first time pushing Janusgraph into production and perhaps I have missed something important. I have been stuck on this problem for quite a while, hence now asking the community here for help.
Thank you very much for reading this for, and hopefully helping me to solve this problem
I solved the problem myself, I realised that my K8s Deployment .yaml file I use for deploying needed all environment variables to have the prefix janusgraph., as such the janusgraph server was starting with all default variables rather than my selected ones.
Every-time I was creating a gremlin shell session (which connected to it's localhost server), although I was specifying all the correct endpoints and configuration, it was still saving the data according to default janusgraph variables. Although, even in this case, I don't know why the index's were successfully created on my specified backend.
But none the less, the solution was to make sure environment variables have the prefix janusgraph.

Question about initializing weedfs volume servers (disks) and fid

I have two question about seaweedfs:
in each server I have 10 disks, How can I run weedfs volume servee on them?
should I define 10 times "-dir=" in front of "./weed volume -max=100 -mserver="
or I should make systemd unit file for each disk?
fore example:
for sdb
ExecStart=/home/weedfs/weed volume -max=100 -mserver= -port=8080 -dataCenter=dc1 -dir="/srv/sdb/data"
for sdc
ExecStart=/home/weedfs/weed volume -max=100 -mserver= -port=8080 -dataCenter=dc1 -dir="/srv/sdc/data"
What is the best solution?
Can I create and define fid myself instead of asking master api?
forexample instead of this steps:
a)curl http://localhost:9333/dir/assign
b)curl -F file=#/home/eitaa/weedfs/weed,8e3cf10b7811f43a542cfa34
directly I want to generating fid (I mean this part ",8e3cf10b7811f43a542cfa34" ) with desired volume id (eg:"8") and uploading file?
Or I should use Master api (Assign a file key)?
Either way. Pick the one that is easier for you.
Possibly. You may need to run volume with "-index=leveldb" to optimize memory usage, in case the file keys are not monotonically increasing.

Aerospike cluster not clean available blocks

we use aerospike in our projects and caught strange problem.
We have a 3 node cluster and after some node restarting it stop working.
So, we make test to explain our problem
We make test cluster. 3 node, replication count = 2
Here is our namespace config
namespace test{
replication-factor 2
memory-size 100M
high-water-memory-pct 90
high-water-disk-pct 90
stop-writes-pct 95
single-bin true
default-ttl 0
storage-engine device {
cold-start-empty true
file /tmp/test.dat
write-block-size 1M
We write 100Mb test data after that we have that situation
available pct equal about 66% and Disk Usage about 34%
All good :slight_smile:
But we stopped one node. After migration we see that available pct = 49% and disk usage 50%
Return node to cluster and after migration we see that disk usage became previous about 32%, but available pct on old nodes stay 49%
Stop node one more time
available pct = 31%
Repeat one more time we get that situation
available pct = 0%
Our cluster crashed, Clients get AerospikeException: Error Code 8: Server memory error
So how we can clean available pct?
If your defrag-q is empty (and you can see whether it is from grepping the logs) then the issue is likely to be that your namespace is smaller than your post-write-queue. Blocks on the post-write-queue are not eligible for defragmentation and so you would see avail-pct trending down with no defragmentation to reclaim the space. By default the post-write-queue is 256 blocks and so in your case that would equate to 256Mb. If your namespace is smaller than that you will see avail-pct continue to drop until you hit stop-writes. You can reduce the size of the post-write-queue dynamically (i.e. no restart needed) using the following command, here I suggest 8 blocks:
asinfo -v 'set-config:context=namespace;id=<NAMESPACE>;post-write-queue=8'
If you are happy with this value you should amend your aerospike.conf to include it so that it persists after a node restart.

Aerospike: Failed to store record. Error: (13L, 'AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_TOO_BIG', 'src/main/client/put.c', 106)

I get the following error while storing the data to aerospike ( client.put ). I have enough space on the drive.
Aerospike: Failed to store record. Error: (13L, 'AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_TOO_BIG', 'src/main/client/put.c', 106).
Here is my Aerospike server namespace configuration
namespace test {
replication-factor 1
memory-size 1G
default-ttl 30d # 30 days, use 0 to never expire/evict.
storage-engine device {
file /opt/aerospike/data/test.dat
filesize 2G
data-in-memory true # Store data in memory in addition to file.
By default namespaces have a write-block-size of 1 MiB. This is also the maximum configurable size and will limit the max object size the application is able to write to Aerospike.
If you need to go beyond 1 MiB see Large Data Types as a possible solution.
UPDATE 2019/09/06
Since Aerospike 3.16, the write-block-size limit has been increased from 1 MiB to 8 MiB.
Yes, but unfortunately, Aerospike has deprecated LDT (https://www.aerospike.com/blog/aerospike-ldt/). They now recommend to use Lists or Maps, but as stated in their post:
"the new implementation does not solve the problem of the 1MB Aerospike database row size limit. A future key feature of the product will be an enhanced implementation that transcends the 1MB limit for a number of types"
In other terms, it is still an unsolved problem when storing your data on SSD or HDD. However, you can store larger data on memory namespaces.

How to dump Permgen?

I wanted to take the dump of the Permgen of a application server.
I do not want to use -XX:+TraceClassLoading -XX:+TraceClassUnloading as i do not want to restart the server, Neither i want to use jconsole.
I there any tool like jmap(used to heap dump didnt find any option for permgen) to get the permgen so that i can supply only the pid.
jmap -permstat <pid>
is going to produce an output like that :
30337 intern Strings occupying 2746200 bytes.
class_loader classes bytes parent_loader alive? type
<bootstrap> 2031 7253392 null live <internal>
0x517474f0 1 1760 null dead sun/reflect/DelegatingClassLoader#0x43f95d38
0x4f83f670 1 1744 0x4ebfb8e8 dead sun/reflect/DelegatingClassLoader#0x43f95d38
total = 287 10020 35889952 N/A alive=3, dead=284 N/A
This is not a full dump, but doing that is going to allow you to do some investigation.
I am still looking on how to find more information.
It is not possible to 'dump permgen' as it's done for the heap.
In addition to jmap -permstat as others have presented, you can analyze standard heap dump to shed some light on your permanent generation as described in this blog entry: 'The Unknown Generation: Perm'.
Because a heap dump does not really contain a lot of information about perm space, perm problems are difficult to tackle. Recently, I found this great article by Sporar, Sundararajan and Kieviet. The authors shed some light on the permanent generation. Of course, I had to check right away if and how I can use the Eclipse Memory Analyzer to analyze this “unknown” generation. This is what this blog is about.
jmap -permstat <pid>