Display 12 months of data from the past 5 years - sql

I am currently creating a script that will pull 5 years of invoice data and will summarize the invoice amounts by month of that year for a specific customer. Example
Year jan feb mar
2011 800 900 700
2012 700 800 900, and so forth
I am having issues getting my output to be like this though. My current code
select MAX(cust) as customer,year(invoicedate) as y, month(invoicedate) as m, sum(amount) as summary
from #tquery
group by year(dinvoice), month(dinvoice)
having MAX(ccustno) ='WILLAMETTE'
order by y asc,m asc
select * from #tquery
gives me this. which i just need to find a way to reformat it.
customer year month amount
WILLAMETTE 2012 11 500
WILLAMETTE 2012 12 600
WILLAMETTE 2013 1 600

No need to go through a Pivot. It is only 12 columns. A conditional aggregation would be more efficient
Select Customer = cust
,Year = year(invoicedate)
,Jan = sum(case when month(invoicedate) = 1 then amount else 0 end)
,Feb = sum(case when month(invoicedate) = 2 then amount else 0 end)
,Dec = sum(case when month(invoicedate) =12 then amount else 0 end)
From #tquery
Group by ccustno,year(dinvoice)
Order By 1,2

You must using PIVOT to reformat rows to column

select customer
from (select cust as customer,year(invoicedate) as y, month(invoicedate) as m,amount
from #tquery
where ccustno ='WILLAMETTE'
pivot (sum (amount) for m in ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12")) p
order by y


How to get data from date

Hi I would like to get data from date for users. I ve got a table with all months but i would like to get how much they earn on month
And result should be:
Assuming you want a column for every month, or a certain subset of months:
SUM(CASE month WHEN 'january' THEN money ELSE 0 END) As money_on_january,
SUM(CASE month WHEN 'february' THEN money ELSE 0 END) As money_on_february,
If you only want columns for the months which exist in the table, then you'll need to use dynamic SQL instead.
If you are using MS SQL, Try PIVOT
SELECT * FROM [Your Table]
FOR [month] IN ([january],[april],[march])

How to calculate a growing or decreasing percentage between rows usign group by

Let's suposse that I have this table_1:
Year Item Qty_sold
2013 1 3
2013 2 2
2013 3 5
2014 1 2
2014 2 3
I'll perform something like this
select year , sum(Qty_sold) as Quantity
from table_1 inner join table_2 on .... inner join table_n
where Year = 2014
The final result depends mostly on the filter by year, but there are other tables involved.
But as a result I need something like this:
Year Quantity Diff_Percentage
2014 5 0.5
Because during the previous year (2013) the final quantity of items sold was 10.
You seem to want something like this:
select year, sum(Qty_sold) as Quantity,
lag(sum(qty_sold)) over (order by year) as prev_Quantity,
(1 - Quantity / lag(sum(qty_sold)) over (order by year)) as diff_percentage
from table
group by Year;
Of course, this returns the info for all years. If you really just want the year 2014 and 2013 then use conditional aggregation:
select year,
sum(case when year = 2014 then Qty_sold end) as Quantity_2014,
sum(case when year = 2013 then Qty_sold end) as Quantity_2013,
(1 - sum(case when year = 2014 then Qty_sold end)/
sum(case when year = 2013 then Qty_sold end)
) as diff_percentage
from table
where Year in (2013, 2014);
I'm sort of guessing on the formula for diff_percentage, but I think that's what you want.
As per your requirement, please try this
select t.year,qty, (1-qty/prev_qty)
(select year, sum(Qty_sold) as qty,
lag(sum(qty_sold)) over (order by year) as prev_qty
from tbl group by Year) t where t.year=in_year --in_year whichever year record you want.
Hope it works for you.

more than one AVG column with diffrent conditions

I have a table as follows:
id year value
1 2012 10
2 2013 7
3 2013 7
4 2014 8
5 2014 10
6 2015 6
7 2011 12
I need to write a query which gives the AVG value of the last 4 years from today. Meaning that if today is 2016 then the AVG is on 2015,2014,2013.
Basicly this could be done with 3 queries:
Select avg(value) as a
from tab
where year=2015
Select avg(value) as b
from tab
where year=2014
Select avg(value) as c
from tab
where year=2013
The results based on the given values should be:
2013 7
2014 9
2015 6
Since all of them is on the same table... How can I do that in one query (postgresql)?
it should be without a WHERE.
Something like:
Select avg(with condition) as a, avg(with condition) as b, avg(with condition) as c
from tab
You can group by year and constrict to the years you want in your where clause
select avg(value), year
from tab
where year in (2013,2014,2015)
group by year
The query above will give you 3 separate rows. If you prefer a single row then you can use conditional aggregation instead of a group by
avg(case when year = 2013 then value end) as avg_2013,
avg(case when year = 2014 then value end) as avg_2014,
avg(case when year = 2015 then value end) as avg_2015,
from tab
where year in (2013,2014,2015)
avg(case when year = date_part('year', NOW()) then value end) as avg_2016,
avg(case when year = ((date_part('year', NOW())) - 1 ) then value end) as avg_2015,
avg(case when year = ((date_part('year', NOW())) - 2 ) then value end) as avg_2014,
avg(case when year = ((date_part('year', NOW())) - 3 ) then value end) as avg_2013
from tab

How to subtract result of 2 queries grouped by a field

I have a table in this form:
id year type amount
1 2015 in 10
2 2015 out 5
3 2016 in 20
4 2016 out 1
The followin query will give me the sum of the amount of type = 'in' grouped by year:
SELECT year, sum(amount)
FROM table
WHERE type = in
How am I going to get the following result?
year sum(in) sum(out) "in-out"
2015 10 5 5
2016 20 1 19
sum(in) is the sum of the 'amount' where type='in'.
Use a CASE statement to handle the values of type.
SELECT year,
SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'in' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS sum_in,
SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'out' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS sum_out,
SUM(CASE WHEN type = 'in' THEN amount ELSE -amount END) AS in_out
FROM table
GROUP BY year;

SQL - Comparing and Grouping Data on multiple rows

I'm trying to query my database to find which products sold less in October than in either November or December.
I thought something like below would do it but I have a feeling the sub query will be returning the mininimum quantity for the whole database rather than for the specific product.
There must be some way of doing this using GROUP BY but I cant figure it out.
SELECT Category, Product
FROM Sales
WHERE SaleQuantity < (SELECT MIN(SaleQuantity)
FROM Sales
WHERE MonthNumber > 10)
AND MonthNumber = 10
Data looks like:
Category Product MonthNumber SaleQuantity
---------- ----------- ------------- -----------
11 14 10 210
11 14 11 200
11 14 12 390
15 12 10 55
15 12 11 24
17 12 12 129
19 10 10 12
try something like this
SELECT Category,
SUM( s.SaleQuantity ) AS saleOcotber,
SUM( ISNULL( son.SaleQuantity, 0 ) ) AS saleNovember,
SUM( ISNULL( sod.SaleQuantity, 0 ) ) AS saleDecember
FROM Sales s
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales son ON son.Category = s.Category
AND son.Product = s.Product
AND son.MonthNumber = 11
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales sod ON sod.Category = s.Category
AND sod.Product = s.Product
AND sod.MonthNumber = 11
WHERE s.MonthNumber = 10
GROUP BY Category,Product
WHERE SUM( s.SaleQuantity ) < SUM( ISNULL( son.SaleQuantity, 0 ) )
OR SUM( s.SaleQuantity ) < SUM( ISNULL( sod.SaleQuantity, 0 ) )
I have no tested this select but i think it will do the job if there is something not clear
please ask
Best Regards,
PS. I presume you are using some version of MSSQL if not try to rewrite it by yourself int SQL you are using
Your table already appears to be summarised by Category, Product and MonthNumber, for SalesQuantity. If so, try this:
select distinct Category, Product
from Sales s11_12
where MonthNumber in (11,12) and
not exists (select null
from Sales s10
where s10.Category = s11_12.Category and
s10.Product = s11_12.Product and
s10.SalesQuantity >= s11_12.SalesQuantity)