How to format Data Table exported to pdf? - datatables

Please help me to add CSS to the export PDF using Data Table. The exported PDF is not formatted as the HTML table.I need to make td align right in exported pdf.Also how can I merge columns?
Thank you
Here is my code:
"paging" : false,
"ordering": false,
"info" : false,
"searching" : false,
dom: 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
tableTools: {
"sSwfPath": "/javascripts/js/dataTables/tools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "pdf",
"sTitle": $filename,
"sPdfOrientation": "landscape",
"sPdfMessage": $out_name+":" + msg

Use exportOptions of data table.
For details, please visit data table formatting

Follow this links for Customisation of the datatable buttons


i am trying to use a drop down in table but when i try to open i can't see the list and also on keydown list values are changing

my html code is:
<p-dropdown id="ddlMappingProducts" [appendTo]="'body'"
[style]="{'min-width': '100px','color':'white', 'border-bottom':'2px solid white', 'background-color':'white'}"[options]="booleanOptions"
booleanOptions = [
{ label: "true", value: "true" },
{ label: "false", value: "false" }
by default
on key down
how can i solve this... can anyone please help

How to change text to value in data tables

Hi I am trying to export my values into excel but some of them are converting to text I don't know why I am passing integers but the exported excel file is converting them into integer. Is there any way to convert them into integer ?
table = $('#OriTable').dataTable({
responsive: false,
orderClasses: false,
aaData: json["data"],
deferRender: true,
stateSave: true,
bPaginate: false,
searching: false,
aaSorting: false,
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
Attached the image below:
data examples:
[1, "Finca", 6.371, 2378167.48, 0.13]
[2, "Diner", 5.573, 75643343.6, 4.27]

Trying to create a yadcf filter for a column with images

I need to create a filter on a tipical columns created with images: each field is an image with this format:
<img src='' class='notasg'>
I've created a fiddle example here: fiddle
An explication:
there are only 2 diferents status: [assigned/not assigned] although there are 4 diferents images (black, red, yellow and green).
Only black image correspond to not assigned status. The others three ones (red, yellow and green) correspond to assigned status.
As you could see, I've tried to differentiate those status by class HTML tag in img elements (notasg/asgn).
Thanks in advance.
I'm getting data from a json, so I can't put:
<td data-search="notassigned">
directly on HTML code. As a solution, I've used createdCell (columnDefs option) as you could see on the next updated to create data-search attribute on td element fiddle.
In this one, as you could test, your previously created filter doesn't work. I've tried some solutions, but no one has worked.
Please help me again on this one. Thanks in advance.
You can make use of the datatables HTML5 data-* attributes, and then tell yadcf to rely on this dt feature with the use of html5_data
So your td will look something like
<td data-search="assigned"><img src='' class='asgn'></td>
and yadcf init will look like
var oTable = $('#example').DataTable();
yadcf.init(oTable, [
column_number: 0,
html5_data: 'data-search',
filter_match_mode: 'exact',
data: [{
value: 'assigned',
label: 'Assigned'
}, {
value: 'notassigned',
label: 'Not assigned'
Notice that I used filter_match_mode: 'exact', because I used data-search="notassigned" and data-search="assigned", and since the assigned word included inside notassigned I had to tell yadcf to perform an exact search, this can be avoided if you will use unique search term in your data-search= attribute,
See working jsfiddle
Another solution as introduced by kthorngren from datatables forum is to use the following dt init code
var oTable = $('#example').DataTable({
columnDefs: [{
targets: 0,
render: function(data, type, full, meta) {
if (type === 'filter') {
return full[0].search('asgn') >=1 ? "assigned" : full[0].search('notasg') >= 1 ? "notassigned" : data
} else {
return data
and yadcf init (removed html5_data)
yadcf.init(oTable, [
column_number: 0,
filter_match_mode: 'exact',
data: [{
value: 'assigned',
label: 'Assigned'
}, {
value: 'notassigned',
label: 'Not assigned'
third option - look here

yadcf not sorting dropdown list properly

I have tried every option I can think of in configuring both DataTables (capital D) and yadcf but cannot seem to get the select drop down list to list in case-insensitive order.
var dTable=$('#bTable').DataTable({
"traditional": false,
"pageLength": 1000,
"jQueryUI": true,
"stateSave": true,
"stateDuration": 60 * 60 * 24,
"processing": true,
"stateLoadParams": function (settings, data) {;
"ordering": true,
"processing": true,
"paging": false,
"info": false,
"autoWidth": false,
{column_number : 3, column_data_type: "text", filter_match_mode: "exact", sort_as: "alphaNum", filter_container_id: "hs_clu", filter_reset_button_text: false, style_class: "select-style", filter_default_label: "All"},
{ cumulative_filtering: true }
When I click on the column header the column data is sorted properly as:
My dropdown select list is in this order and doesn't seem to be proper:
I have am at my wits end on this after 2 days of fiddling with it. Does anyone out there have any ideas and are willing to share.
Any help is very much appreciated.
I have improved the alpha numeric sorting in yadcf 0.9.1.beta.5 , now it works as expected.
use sort_as: "alphaNum"
Here is a working jsfiddle link

datatables column header reflect value used to sort

I've got datatables set up with about 10 columns, two of which do customized filtering when clicking the column headers.
I'd like to change the column header to reflect which filter is currently active.
To do it, I think I'll need to set up fnDrawCallback and look at the values returned by table.fnSettings()
My current code, trimmed to its essentials for this question:
var table = $('#units').dataTable({
"aaSorting": (popSearch) ? [[8,"asc"]] : [],
"aoColumns":[{ "bSortable": false },
{ "bSortable": false },
{ "asSorting": [ "", "on", "off", "occ", "none" ] },
{ "asSorting": [ "", "revised", "new" ] },
{ "bSortable": false },
{ "bSortable": false }
"oSearch": {"sSearch": searchString},
"sAjaxSource": "/system/units/data.php?1.4.3"
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
/* tweak column headers according to the asSorting value */
The asSorting arrays in the aoColumns array show the list of different filters that may be applied to the data being fed to datatables. If the third column header (Status) is clicked, I'd like its text to match what data was sent, (falling back to "status" if the empty string was sent). The filtering works, fine; I just want the header to reflect the applied filter.
In Datatables fnDrawCallback function, how do I know what values were sent for column sorting?
To enable which Column is being Sorted, and visually see it, all you should have to do is add the
"bSortClasses": true,
To your Data Tables Script. Such as:
"aaSorting": (popSearch) ? [[8,"asc"]] : [],
"bSortClasses": true,
You should see which column, is being used as the sorter. :)