Syntax Error While Calling DB2 Stored Procedure Through JMeter - sql

I am trying to call a DB2 Stored Procedure which has two Input parameters (Timestamp, both) and one Output parameter (Integer). I am trying to do so from JMeter JDBC Sampler and getting sql syntax exception.
Response code: 42884 -440
Response headers:
1272084586, URL=jdbc:db2://<db2IP>:<port>/DB2T, UserName=<someUserName>, IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
From IBM Documentation I got to know that this error happens when either Stored procedure is not present - which is not the case, Schema name incorrect - which is also not the case, mismatching number of parameters - I verified this but I am doubtful at this point because JMeter provides separate fields to be filled up and in one of the fields I might be passing incorrect value.
I have not much knowledge of JMeter but with the help from apache JMeter documentation I have set below values to the Sample Fields.
Query Type: Callable Statement
Parameter Values: ${__time(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,)},${__time(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,)},0
Variable Names:VARCOUNT
Handle ResultSet: Store as a String
Can anyone please figure out where am I making a mistake? Many thanks.

The issue has been resolved. It was literally something else about which I never gave a thought. When I got the same error when I tried to access the same SP using Java code, I contacted DB2 team who wrote the Stored procedure. And issue was with the SP. According to them execute access was given so after drilling here and there they preferred to create a new SP which worked without any issues. Else everything was perfect from JMeter side.


Parameterize a JDBC SQL Query in SOAP UI from a Custom Property

To proceed with a Database validation, I am having a need of comparing a record in the DB along with a data which is dynamically generated in the previous REST response, using SoapUI.
I have already captured the property value using a Property Transfer step and stored the required value in a custom property in Test-Case successfully i.e., using property expansion, say ${TestCase#customerId}
My intention is to use that particular value stored in the custom properties to query the result I am expecting, in the JDBC Request test step.
The query which I have drafted with the parameter is as below :
Select *
Where ABC.SEC_CUST.CUSTOMER_ID = ${TestCase#customerId}
The response I receive after executing is as below.
Error getting response; java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException : ORA-00911: Invalid character.
But, when I run the query without the parameterized value it executes perfectly. Where, I tend the conclusion as there is a syntax issue in the way I have mentioned the parameter in the query.
But, I am unable to find the correct way to mention the parameter in the query in SoapUI.
Can anyone with experience in SoapUI, please assist me on this?
That is not working because of the use of property expansion which is only known to SoapUI, but not for the SQL query.
In order to get it work for the same, you need to define the variables in the top for all the parameters that are going to be used in the sql query.
Here the screen shot which explains how to use the same:
You forgot a '#'
Select *
Where ABC.SEC_CUST.CUSTOMER_ID = ${#TestCase#customerId}
Try this.
Select * From ABC.SEC_CUST
Where ABC.SEC_CUST.CUSTOMER_ID = :customerId

What causes error "Procedure unknown"

So at my company we use a billing system which connects to a Firebird database that we have no back-end access to. I am quite new at this company so my familiarity with the Firebird database is not too great. We keep getting this error :
ERROR: Database Engine Error
Sender Class: TGLPreviewBtn
Exception Class: EIBODBError.
IBO ErrorERRCODE=335544569 SQLCODE=-204
Error Message:
ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -204
Procedure unknown
At line 3, column 60
This has been a recurring thing since I've been hired (I've been here for about 45 days), and we've reported this error to the company which hosts the billing system that we use to access the database. The company keeps saying that it's a network issue on our end, however I cannot see any indication of a connection drop on our end.
I have to reiterate that we have no back-end access to this database so I have no way of going to see what GET_SUB_CONTACTLIST even refers to.
Any help will be appreciated, I am just out of college and this is my first job in a position like this so I will use this as a great learning experience.
This cannot be a network error on your end. The error literally means that Firebird was asked to execute a stored procedure called GET_SUB_CONTACTLIST, and that stored procedure does not exist at that time.
So either someone (or something) is creating and dropping stored procedures on the fly, or part of the application is calling a stored procedure that simply does not exist.
As an aside: error 335544569 (aka isc_dsql_error) covers a broad range of error conditions with 'dynamic' SQL (in other words: most SQL related errors...), unfortunately a lot of client libraries do not communicate the more specific error code 335544581 (or isc_dsql_procedure_err).

How to execute a pre-defined query having parameters (i.e. a PARAMETERS declaration) in a Microsoft Access database over ODBC?

My simple question is as follows:
If I have a Microsoft Access database with a defined "query" in it (i.e. the kind of database object that MS Access calls a Query, just to avoid any ambiguity) defined to take parameters (using a PARAMETERS declaration inside its SQL definition) what is the correct SQL syntax to call it over an ODBC connection, including providing the parameter values?
I just noticed that it could be done by adding curly-braces around the entire CALL command, as follows:
{CALL myAccessQuery ('string1', 'string2', 'string3')}
This was actually exactly what they already did in the other related SO thread that I'm referring to here below, but I just thought that this was some C#-specific magic related to the prepared-statement nature of their SQL statement (using "?" in it), or some other peculiarity of their SQL library (I'm not using that language), so I previously ignored it.
Anyone who will explain what the curly-braces are, and why they allow for execution of more SQL commands than the explicitly stated supported ones in the error message below, will be an accepted answer for this question.
Some more details for my specific case:
My query takes three parameters, defined by a "PARAMETERS" clause in the beginning of the query's declaration, as so:
PARAMETERS myParam1 Text ( 255 ), myParam2 Text ( 255 ), myParam3 Text ( 255 );
SELECT ... <a bunch of not relevant stuff here> ;
Using an (already established and confirmed working) ODBC connection, I want to use this query from an external application, including providing the required three parameters for it.
Running normal queries like SELECT etc works just fine over the connection from my external application, but no matter how much I google, I cannot seem to find out the proper way to correctly provide the parameters for and run my query? So, again, my question is, what is the correct SQL syntax for doing this?
NOTE: I do NOT want any API specific solution for some certain library or similar, since this only solves the problem for a very small part of all developers who want to do this from different programming languages, so for this reason, I won't even bring up what language my external application is written in. I just want the full SQL syntax for doing this, nothing more, nothing less.
Another SO question indicates that this should be done using the "CALL" keyword, but when I try to use this from my application, I just get the following error message:
[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
I.e., this is the "SQL command" (purposely avoiding the ambiguous term "query"...) that I'm trying to execute when getting this error:
CALL myAccessQuery ('string1', 'string2', 'string3')
The only one of the SQL keywords mentioned in the error message that seem likely to be useful is the "PROCEDURE" keyword, but I'm having similarly big difficulties finding any relevant documentation also for this on Google. :-(
I suspect that most of Google's lack of results in regards to this entire scenario comes from the many involved ambiguities regarding more or less all the central keywords in the context, like "queries", "parameters", "execute", "call" and "procedure", so with this SO question my hope is that it will constitute a somewhat more easily identified and indexed answer for this question to be presented by Google in the future.
When you're connecting over ODBC, look at the driver-specific information to see if it supports the various ODBC extensions (indicated by curly braces in the ODBC calls):
ODBC provides a specific syntax for calling stored procedures. For the CommandText property of a Command object, the CommandText argument to the Execute method on a Connection object, or the Source argument to the Open method on a Recordset object, passes in a string with this syntax:
"{ [ ? = ] call procedure [ ( ? [, ? [ , … ]] ) ] }"
Each ? references an object in the Parameters collection. The first ? references Parameters(0), the next ? references Parameters(1), and so on.
The parameter references are optional and depend on the structure of the stored procedure. If you want to call a stored procedure that defines no parameters, your string would look like the following:
"{ call procedure }"
The Access ODBC driver exposes saved SELECT parameter queries as Stored Procedures, so that's why you use this syntax.

SQLException 00604 & 01003 while calling stored procedure from hibernate named query

We are calling a stored procedure ( which calls another inside it) from hibernate.
Query query = session.getNamedQuery("query_name");
query.setParameter('param', 'value');
List returnList = query.list();
The stored procedure is independently running good when we run in SQL developer. But we run this through application it is giving following error.
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01003: no statement parsed
Things we tried :
calling a simple stored procedure from hibernate - working well.
creating the test case to test the method in which the stored
procedure (which throws error) is being called - working well.
Our question is , why the same query is running good in test case, and not while running thorugh application ?
Any ideas?
It was my fault, i was passing the arguments in-correctly. Just swapped the first tow arguments. To anybody facing this issue, please check your argument ordering in the named query.
It was my fault, i was passing the arguments in-correctly. Just swapped the first tow arguments. To anybody facing this issue, please check your argument ordering in the named query.

Update linked SQL server with parameters

I have two linked SQL servers and i am trying to issue an update on the other server but am getting an error "Statement(s) could not be prepared.", followed by "Must declare the scalar variable "#Shipper_Nbr""
The syntax i am using is:
update DBSERVER.DBNAME.DBO.TABLE set Field = #Value WHERE ID = #id
What is the correct way to do this?
I tried using a stored procedure and get the same result. Also, i noticed additional information. The syntax checks out, i only get the error when i attempt to save the stored procedure. Also, i noticed the error also states "OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "WARSQLVS01" returned message "Deferred prepare could not be completed."."
ACK - i figured it out. It was a separate line where i was trying to pass the parameter from within OPENQUERY select statement. Sorry about that! :-\
Not entirely sure what this problem is, but we have had to work round similar kinds of issues by setting up a stored proc on the remote server and calling that, rather than trying to manipulate the items on the remote server locally.
Are you sure the problem is with the server link, and not something about the rest of your SQL statement? Where is the #Shipper_Nbr value assigned?
Se if this works
SET Arrive_DT = #Actual_DateTime
WHERE Shipper_Nbr = #Shipper_Nbr and Container_Name = #Container_Name