Get xpath for div inside td tag - selenium

I tired a lot to get the xpath of the div which displays as "カーク商品掲載カタログ Online" on screen, but I'm not able to. The application is made using ZK framework hence it has random ID's.
<td z.type="Lic" id="z_mk_qr1" class="activeCatalogVersionTreeItem z-list-cell" z.zcls="z-list-cell" onmouseout="dragHoverClick( $e('z_mk_qr1'), event, true, null, 0);" onmouseover="dragHoverClick( $e('z_mk_qr1'), event, false, 'PerspectiveDND', 500);">
<div id="z_mk_qr1!cave" class="z-list-cell-cnt z-overflow-hidden">カーク商品掲載カタログ Online
<span id="z_mk_rr1" class="catalog-mnemonic-label z-label" z.zcls="z-label"> (STO-O)
I thought the xpath should be something like //div[contains(text(),'カーク商品掲載カタログ Online')], but it doesn't work.

Try the below cssSelector to identify the required element.
td.activeCatalogVersionTreeItem div.z-list-cell-cnt

You may use partial text match in this case as follows:
//div[contains(text(), 'Online')]
Check the link below for more:


Xpath not finding element (parent/ancestor)

<div class="slds-show" data-aura-rendered-by="10155:0">
<div class="footer" data-aura-rendered-by="10156:0">
<div class="slds-grid slds-grid--align-end slds-m-top--large" data-aura-rendered-by="10157:0">
<div class="slds-show" data-aura-rendered-by="10158:0">
<button class="slds-button slds-button--neutral slds-m-left--small" data-aura-rendered-by="10159:0">Cancel</button>
<button class="slds-button slds-button--neutral slds-m-left--small" data-aura-rendered-by="10161:0">Save & New</button>
<button class="slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small" data-aura-rendered-by="10163:0">Save</button>
This is part of page, on which I will have to click on Save button.
Button is not unique and I need to find it throu class attribute from first div (slds-show), or
Can somebody tell me, why this xpath is not finding this element?
//button[parent::div[#class='slds-show'][#class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small']]
I've also try with ancestor, text instead of class and results is the same. Element is not found via Firefox console
To click on Save button once finding it through class attribute from first div (slds-show) you can use a much simpler and effective xpath as follows :
//div[#class='slds-show']/button[#class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small']
Note : The class attribute slds-button--brand is unique for the Save button.
Try to update your expression as below:
//button[parent::div[#class='slds-show'] and #class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small']
Note that predicate [#class='slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small'] in your XPath intend to test #class value of parent div, but not target button
You can try the following xpaths.
//*[class="slds-show"]/button[#class="slds-button slds-button--brand slds-m-left--small"]
An xpath can easily get too complex, you can also try something like this:
//button[text()='Save & New']
These will return the exact buttons you need. If you're looking for a specific ancestor, include it in your xpath:
//div[#class="slds-show"]//button[text()='Save & New']

Not able to identify custom checkbox element/Need relative xpath

I need relative xpath of the span element
<span class="icon"></span>
in selenium web driver.
<span class="custom-checkbox">
<input id="personalization1" name="personalization-terms-check" class="personalization-terms-check required" value="accept" type="checkbox">
<label for="personalization1">
<span class="icon"></span>
<span class="order-ready-text">yes! I double-checked all personalization entered above and i'm ready to order</span>
need relative xpath of the span element
<span class="icon">
in above html and I am getting relative path:
Please help me to get an relative xpath or another way to make an click on the span
<span class="icon">
It can be multiple so I need unique relative xpath.
You can wait for the element visibility before performing any action like below.
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#name='personalization-terms-check']/following-sibling::label/span"));
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 60);
and you can use different xpath or id to locate the element. the above xpath map be unique if only one personalization term checkbox on the page.
Can you try with this xpath?
Hope this helps. Thanks.
Try this:
Try this XPath -
Try this xpath to click on checkbox:
or you can use this xpath
.//span[contains(text(),'yes! I dou')]

Unable to locate the 'Edit' link by using any type of locators in the below snippet

I tried almost every type of locators like xpath, CSS, linktext etc. Please see below snippet:
<td class="actionColumn">
<a class="actionLink" title="Edit - Record 1 - Sarika Mahurkar" onmousedown="searchResultClick.mousedown(this, event)" data-seclkr="1" data-seclkp="/50011000008fykL/e" data-seclki="50011000008fykL" data-seclkh="afd7fe8d662a1ff5858a5a5ca316d1ff" data-seclke="Case" href="javascript:srcUp(%27%2F50011000008fykL%2Fe%3FsrPos%3D0%26srKp%3D500%26retURL%3D%252F_ui%252Fsearch%252F;">Edit</a>
xPath based on Edit word in title of action
//td[#class='actionColumn']/a[contains(#title, 'Edit')]
Also you can add condition that a element has actionLink as a class
//td[#class='actionColumn']/a[contains(#title, 'Edit') and #class='actionLink']

Any suggesstions to locate the below elements in Selenium

Example HTML below. I want to locate the elements which contains the text Person Attributes and Age.
<div id="ext-gen210" class="x-tool x-tool-toggle"></div>
<span id="ext-gen214" class="x-panel-header-text">Person Attributes</span>
<div id="ext-comp-1071" class=" DDView ListView" style="height: auto;">
<p class="dragItem "><i class="icon-Gen"></i>Age</p>
Note: I am looking for a solution without using xpath or id or className as they might change with every new release of my website.
I tried to locate them using
'name' -->"Person Attributes") and"Age") but both failed. would check for the name attribute. What you need is to check the text of an element using By.xpath:
By.xpath('//div[span/text() = "Person Attributes"]')
Or, you can also check that an id element starts with ext-gen:
By.xpath('//div[starts-with(#id, "ext-gen")]')

Selenium webdriver-java: how to get javascript tooltip

I want to get tooltip information enabling on JavaScript. I have tried with below code but its shown null every time.
Java Code:
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='content']/div/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/span/div/a"));
HTML Code is:
<tr class="single" name="Tasks_59c777d9-8d16-694a-7307-52caad36d751">
<td data-type="custom_task_name">
<span class="list" sfuuid="3840" data-original-title="">
<div class="ellipsis_inline" data-original-title="">
Task Testing
Toney Harber
I have tried with span tag but this also shows null.
I am providing you 2 options try both.
Option 1
Please try below. It will return you a list. Loop through it. If there is only one span then you can get the element and then get the attribute value.
Option 2
Instead of
use findElements
It will return a list of web elements. Loop thorough it you might get more than one element.