Class 'System.DBNull' cannot be indexed because it has no default property -

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim arrimage() As Byte
Dim ms As New MemoryStream()
If (pb1.Image IsNot Nothing) Then
pb1.Image.Save(ms, pb1.Image.RawFormat)
arrimage = ms.GetBuffer
End If
With cmd
.Connection = cn
.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [Example]([PName],[Pic])VALUES(#a2,#a1)"
.Parameters.Add("a0", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = tName.Text
.Parameters.Add("a1", OleDbType.Binary).Value = IIf(pb1.Image IsNot Nothing, arrimage, DBNull.Value())
End With
End Sub

You have multiple issues in your code. In order of appearance:
Dont use GetBuffer()
As noted on MSDN, the buffer can be up to twice the size of the data in the stream. This will bloat the database needlessly with extra nulls. Use ToArray() instead.
Since images in a DB have to be converted to and from a byte array, consider archiving the images to a folder and store just the name in the database. You can then prepend the archive folder name to load an image quickly.
Rather than RawFormat, I would encode it to something like JPEG.
Use Using blocks
Anything which has a .Dispose method usually needs to be disposed. This would apply to the OleDBCommand object (MemStream really doesnt need to be disposed, but that is an implementaion detail).
Using blocks incoporate Dim, New and Dispose in one handy, easy to use block:
Using foo As New FooBar()
End Using
The first line declares a foo variable, and creates an instance of FooBar which you can use inside the block. At the end, it is disposed of automatically.
Don't Use Global DBCommand objects
Your code does not show cmd being declared or created, so it must be a form level object. Don't Do That. There is nothing reusable about a DBCommand object unless all your app does is one thing.
In the code you add 2 parameters. The next time you go to use it, it could still have those 2 and the code will add 2 more which is more than the SQL query requires. In this case, the code disposes of it, but that means the next time you go to reference it you will get an ObjectDisposedException.
As noted, your code calls Dispose before ExecuteNonQuery which will crash - you cant use a disposed object.
DBNull.Value is not a method
As for the compiler error, you have this:
IIf(pb1.Image IsNot Nothing, arrimage, DBNull.Value())
DBNull.Value is a property, not a method, so the parens are not needed. Also, you should use the "new" If operator rather than the old IIF function. The operator is short-circuited so the part/clause that does not apply is ignored:
' should evaluate the data (arrimage) not its source
If(pb1.Image IsNot Nothing, arrimage, DBNull.Value) ' no parens
Revamped code:
Dim arrimage() As Byte = Nothing
If (pb.Image IsNot Nothing) Then
Using ms As New MemoryStream()
pb.Image.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg)
arrimage = ms.ToArray()
End Using
End If
Dim sql = "INSERT INTO [Example]([PName],[Pic]) VALUES (#a2,#a1)"
Using cmd As New OleDbCommand(sql, cn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("a0", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = tName.Text
If arrimage IsNot Nothing Then
cmd.Parameters.Add("a1", OleDbType.VarBinary).Value = arrimage
cmd.Parameters.Add("a1", OleDbType.VarBinary).Value = DBNull.Value
End If
End Using
Since the command object is useless without both the query and the connection, I prefer to pass them in the constructor. It makes the code shorter as well as assures that it has what it needs
Connections also ought to be created, used and disposed of each time
It is also easy to create a handy extension method for converting an image to a byte array


Disposable class keeps reference

I'm using simple DataReader commands very often in my project.
To simplify it, I've created a function:
Public Function DataReaderFromCommand(ByRef uCn As SQLite.SQLiteConnection, ByVal uCommandText As String) As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader
Dim nCmdSel As SQLite.SQLiteCommand = uCn.CreateCommand
With nCmdSel
.CommandText = uCommandText
End With
Dim r As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = nCmdSel.ExecuteReader
Return r
End Function
In my project I use it like this:
Using r As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = DataReaderFromCommand(cnUser, "SELECT * FROM settings")
Do While r.Read
'do something
End Using'this should close the DataReader
In one case, I need to delete my database. However this fails with the error "File is locked by another process".
I tried to isolate the problem, and the locking occurs because of the function "DataReaderFromCommand".
Does anybody see what I'm doing wrong / what keeps the database locked?
I thought that after "End Using" of the datareader, the SQLiteCommand would also be disposed, so there are no further reference to the database.
You should probably be trying to do it this way:
Public Sub UsingDataReader(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal commandText As String, ByVal action As Action(Of SQLite.SQLiteDataReader))
Using connection As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection(connectionString)
Using command As New SQLite.SQLiteCommand(commandText, connection)
Using reader = command.ExecuteReader()
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Then you can call the code like this:
UsingDataReader("/* your connection string here */", "SELECT * FROM settings", _
Sub (r)
Do While r.Read
'do something
End Sub)
This ensures that all of the disposable references are closed when the Sub has completed.
The first problem is that not all the disposables are being disposed of. We are assured that the connection passed to that helper is in a Using block, but the command also needs to be disposed of as it has a reference to the connection:
Dim cmd As New SQLiteCommand(sql, dbcon)
Even if you dont use the overloaded constructor, in order to work, somewhere you set the connection property. This illustrates one of the problems with such "DB helper" methods: the DBConnection, DBCommand and DBReader objects work together very closely, but they are created in different methods with different scopes and you can't normally see if everything is being cleaned up properly.
The code posted will always fail because that DBCommand object - and by extension the DBConnection - are not disposed. But even if you clean up properly, pooling will keep the DBConnection alive for a while as jmcilhinney explains. Here are 2 fixes:
Clear the Pool
Using dbcon As New SQLiteConnection(LiteConnStr),
cmd As New SQLiteCommand(sql, dbcon)
Dim n As Int32 = 0
Using rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader
While rdr.Read
' == DoSomething()
Console.WriteLine("{0} == {1}", n, rdr.GetString(0))
n += 1
End While
End Using
' Clears the connection pool associated with the connection.
' Any other active connections using the same database file will be
' discarded instead of returned to the pool when they are closed.
End Using
The dbCon and cmd objects are "stacked" into one Using statement to reduce indentation.
This will close and discard any and all connections in the pool, provided they have been Disposed - as well as any objects which reference them. If you use Dim cmd ... you will need to explicitly dispose of it.
Force Garbage Collection
I think this is much more ham-fisted, but it is included for completeness.
Using dbcon As New SQLiteConnection(LiteConnStr),
cmd As New SQLiteCommand(sql, dbcon)
Using rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader
End Using
End Using
This also works as long as everything has been properly disposed of. I prefer not to mess with GC unless absolutely necessary. The issue here is that clean up will not be limited to DBProvider objects but anything which has been disposed and is awaiting GC.
Yet a third workaround would be to turn off pooling, but you would still have to dispose of everything.
You are going to need to also close your cnUser connection to the database.
Closing/disposing the reader does not necessarily close/dispose the open connection.

DataAdapter is disposed before reaching "End Using"

I know that I should always dispose DataAdapter instances. In most cases I'm disposing it immediately after closing the connection, but in cases like when user will be modifying DataTable items (displayed in ListBox or DataGridView) I create the DataAdapter, use it to fill the DataTable, but don't dispose it until the user clickes Save which calls DataAdapter.Update(DataTable)... not my main question but is this the right approach?
Back to the main question, I have these two functions:
Public Function LoadCompaniesDT(ByRef dtCompanies As DataTable) As Boolean
Using daCompanies As MySqlDataAdapter = Nothing
Return LoadCompaniesDT(daCompanies, dtCompanies)
End Using
End Function
Public Function LoadCompaniesDT(ByRef daCompanies As MySqlDataAdapter, ByRef dtCompanies As DataTable) As Boolean
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM companies"
Return LoadDT(daCompanies, dtCompanies, sql, Res.CompaniesFailedMsgBody)
End Function
They're used to call LoadDT which fills the DataTable so I have the choice to pass a DataAdapter or not.
Now I'm confused about something: When using the first LoadCompaniesDT function, daCompanies is disposed before reaching End Using.. like this:
Public Function LoadCompaniesDT(ByRef dtCompanies As DataTable) As Boolean
Using daCompanies As MySqlDataAdapter = Nothing
Dim tmp As Boolean = LoadCompaniesDT(daCompanies, dtCompanies)
Console.WriteLine(daCompanies Is Nothing) ' ==> True!!
Return tmp
End Using
End Function
Note: if I use Dim daCompanies instead of Using daCompanies then daCompanies Is Nothing will return False.
LoadDT function code:
Private Function LoadDT(ByRef da As MySqlDataAdapter, ByRef dt As DataTable,
ByVal sqlQuery As String,
ByVal errorText As String) As Boolean
Dim connStr As String = String.Format("server={0}; port={1}; user id={2}; password={3}; database={4}",
DbServer, DbServerPort, DbUserName, DbPassword, DatabaseName)
Dim conn As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection(connStr)
Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = sqlQuery
cmd.Connection = conn
da = New MySqlDataAdapter(cmd)
dt = New DataTable
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(errorText, Res.ServerError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Return False
cmd = Nothing
End Try
End Function
Update: you're right, you don't get an initialized MySqlDataAdapter back from the methods if the ByRef passed instance is used in a Using-statement. Those variables are readonly. In C# you get this meaningful compiler error:
Error CS1657 Cannot pass 'daCompanies' as a ref or out argument
because it is a 'using variable'
It's documented here:
Compiler Error CS1657
Cannot pass 'parameter' as a ref or out argument because 'reason''
This error occurs when a variable is passed as a ref or out argument
in a context in which that variable is readonly. Readonly contexts
include foreach iteration variables, using variables, and fixed
In VB.NET you can do that(so the compiler ignores it which is almost a bug) but the variable is not initialized afterwards. But as mentioned below, you should not use this approach anyway.
According to the the other question:
If you look at the sample on MSDN you'll see that microsoft also doesn't dispose the dataadapter. So it not really necessary. Having said that, it's always best practise to use the Using statement on anything that implements IDisposable.
A DataAdapter is not an expensive object and it does not hold unmanaged resources(like the connection). So it doesn't hurt to create a new instance from it whereever you need one. And you don't need to dispose it, but that's an implementation detail that might change in future or in a different implementation of DbDataAdapter, so it's still best practise to dispose it, best by using the Using-statement.
I wouldn't use your approach because you are passing the sql-string to the method which often leads to a sql injection vulnerabiliy. Instead use sql parameters.
For example:
Private Function LoadDT() As DataTable
Dim tbl As New DataTable()
'Load connection string from app.config or web.config
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM companies" ' don't use * but list all columns explicitely
Using conn As New MySqlConnection(My.Settings.MySqlConnection)
Using da = New MySqlDataAdapter(sql, conn)
End Using
End Using
Return tbl
End Function
Instead of passing an errorText ByRef i'd use a logging framework like log4net.

GUID format not recognized (when is null)

In my application I create a function that allow the user to change the settings of the app. This settings are stored into a table 'cause there's a lot of records. Anyway, the problem's that if the settings isn't valorized yet, when the application start and load the settings from the table take of course a null GUID field and the message:
GUID format not recognized
appear. A code explaination:
Sub LoadSettings()
Using dbCon As MySqlConnection = establishConnection()
Dim MysqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM settings", dbCon)
Dim reader = MysqlCommand.ExecuteReader
For Each row In reader
Select Case row(2)
Case "company_name" = row(3)
Case "company_email" = row(3)
End Select
End Sub
This function is called when the settings form is opened. If the settings aren't inserted yet, I get a message of bad format. I want to know how I can avoid this message.
You are not using the DataReader correctly. Consider this code:
Dim reader = MysqlCommand.ExecuteReader
For Each row In reader
... something
MysqlCommand.ExecuteReader returns a DataReader object, but it is not - nor does it contain - a row collection you can iterate. If you hold the mouse over row you should see that it is a Data.Common.DataRecordInternal object which does have an Item property but a reference like row(2) will only compile with Option Strict Off.
Used correctly, when you Read a row the data in that internal object is available via the indexer (Item) and the various Getxxxxx() methods. This just prints the Id and Name from a table in a loop. I cant quite tell what you are trying to do with your sort of looks like a Name/Value pair type thing maybe.
Dim SQL = "SELECT * FROM Demo"
Using dbcon = GetMySQLConnection(),
cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand(SQL, dbcon)
Using rdr As MySqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
If rdr.HasRows Then
Do While rdr.Read()
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", rdr("Id").ToString, rdr("Name").ToString)
End If
End Using ' dispose of reader
End Using ' dispose of Connection AND command object
Alternatively, you could fill a DataTable and iterate the rows in that. Seems 6:5 and pick-em whether that would gain anything.
Note also that the Connection, Command and DataReader objects are properly disposed of when we are done using them.

Disposing of managed objects

Please have a look at the code below:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim objCommand As SqlCommand
Dim objCon As SqlConnection
Dim p1 As Person
p1 = New Person
objCommand = New SqlCommand
Using objCommand
Dim strConString As String = "Data Source=IANSCOMPUTER;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=True"
objCon = New SqlConnection
Using objCon
objCon.ConnectionString = strConString
objCommand.Connection = objCon
objCommand.CommandText = "select startdate from person "
Dim objDR As SqlDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader
If objDR.HasRows Then
Using objCon
Dim startdate As String = objDR("startdate")
End Using
End If
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
If objCon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
objCon = Nothing
objCommand = Nothing
p1=Nothing 'This line is still needed
End Try
End Sub
I understand that the code in the finally clause is pointless because the connection and command are wrapped in Using statements.
However what happens if you have your own custom classes like Person, which doesn't use unmanaged resources? Surely the FINALLY clause would be needed in this instance to ensure that the reference to the object (on the heap) is set to nothing regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not?
When objects are referenced from a method, there is no need to set the variables to Nothing, since the objects will be "unrooted" and available for garbage collection as soon as the method call ends. When the method call ends all the local variables on the stack will be gone and the object they refer to will have no rooted references to them, making them available for garbage collection. In general you don't need to "null out" (by setting them to Nothing in variables in .NET, since it does not rely on reference counting for managing objects on the heap.
Have a look at this article for an overview of how allocation and deallocation of memory works in .NET.

VB.NET Returning an Object

Will the following statement cause a memory leak:
Imports System.Data.SQLClient
Public Function getConnection () As SQLConnection
return New SQLConnection()
End Function
Public Sub TestConnection()
Dim con As SQLConnection
con = getConnection
con = Nothing
End Sub
How does .close or .dispose get called on the SQLConnection in getConnection?
You're returning a reference type, hence you operate on the same instance in TestConnection so no memory leak here.
At the end you have 2 instances with null (gc will collect them), but the connection is closed.
There will be no memory leak because it will be garbage collected after you've called the method.
But this method does nothing but causing confusion. You should always dispose connections(which closes it implicitely) as soon as you're finished with it (even in case of an exception).
You can do that in a finally of a Try/Finally or (easier) with the Using statement. But since both approaches need to wrap the connection, your method enables the calling method to forget it. Therefore it is bad practise.
So simply do this:
Public Sub TestConnection()
Using con = New SqlConnection("connection string here")
Using cmd = new SqlCommand("sql query here", con)
' do something, f.e. cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() '
End Using
End Using
End Sub