ADFS claims - return effective AD permissions (members of a group that belongs to a group) - claims-based-identity

I have ADFS configured to deliver AD group information for a logged in user returned as claims.
Claim Language:
(sorry for the screen capture... the schemas were interpretted as URLs that I wasn't allowed to post)
Basic claims to return AD groups user belongs to
This returns groups that the user directly belongs to.
Would like ADFS to return effective permissions for the user.
User MyDomain\Bob belongs to the group Floor3Employees
The Group EntireBuilding contains the groups Floor1Employees, Floor2Employees, Floor3Employees
When getting claims for MyDomain\Bob... would like the groups returned to be:
The web application receiving the claims from ADFS could probably query AD to figure out the hierarchy of groups, but want to avoid the web application communicating directly with AD.


Authenticate AZURE Ad user by App role assigned to the user group

I have created an App role for my AZURE AD Backend Api and assigned this role to a group. Now I want to authenticate user in my .net core backend application on the basis if user has a group which has this role. I am getting the group ids in the access token but how can I get app roles assigned to these groups.
Please check how you enabled group claims in Azure Portal.
If you check the Emit groups as role claims option like below you cannot see application roles, but you can see group ids.
If the above option is enabled, make sure to uncheck the box.
If you use the option to emit group data as roles, only groups will
appear in the role claim. Any application roles that the user is assigned to won't appear in the role claim.
Also, I would suggest you refer to this Microsoft official documentation below which states that if you add a service principal to a group, and then assign an app role to that group, Azure AD does not add the roles claim to tokens it issues.You can modify the “groupMembershipClaims” field in application manifest if you want to include groups claim in your token like below: -
Add app roles to your application and receive them in the token
For more in detail, please refer below link:
Configure group claims for applications by using Azure Active Directory

Azure AD does not return groups on claims

I have an application registered on Azure AD. The application has been configured to include groups claim on Token Configuration section on Azure Portal. When I access to the application, follow the process to authenticate against AzureAD, and access to an Controller endpoint, I see that the Claims for the user property does not have the groups. Instead, I'm getting a property, hasgroups, defined with true.
I'm assigned to 89 groups, I don't know if there's any limitation about the number of groups and for that reason Azure change the claims (instead one for each group, it's emitting one with the boolean value I have told you).
This situation happens with an organization tenant. I have test the same with my own tenant on Azure and I'm getting the groups. But in my own tenant I'm assigned only to 2 groups. This is the reason I've highlighted the number of groups i belongs to in my organization.
There is a limitation to how many groups can be returned due to size limitations of tokens.
You must always be ready to query for user groups from MS Graph API, e.g. with:
Get group members:
Get user groups:
Check group access for user:
If you get the hasgroups claim, you need to query for groups.

What is the difference between the following two LinkedinAPI calls for fetching Ad Accounts of a user?

There are 2 call end points given by the Linkedin API
that are used to fetch ad Accounts of a user. What is the difference between the two although the purpose of those two seems the same?Are there any benefits of one over the other?
Ad Account Users API allows to manage user access to Ad Accounts, read more here.
Ad Accounts API is mainly for Enterprise or Business Ads Account holders, not personals.
When it stands to fetching Ad Accounts by some criteria then those methods performs different jobs and returns different JSON data structure.
If you want to retrieve the business Ad Accounts by ID, name, reference, type, and status fields then you can use /v2/adAccountsV2?q=search call and append to it all the required parameters. See more details here.
If you require to find Ad Accounts by an authenticated user then you will need to call /v2/adAccountUsersV2?q=authenticatedUser and it will return the Ad Accounts associated with a member whose access token is being passed for the API call.

Create and Get Custom Roles and assign them to users

I can't understand how to create custom roles in fusionauth. I want to create my own set of roles and put them in respective groups.
Are roles and groups are synonymous in fusionauth ? I see roleIds object inside groups but can't find much detailed documentation on that.
Also jwt token has roles[]. Is it possible to return those custom roles in jwt token?
Any help is appreciated.
You may use the UI or the API to create roles for an application. When you create an Application in FusionAuth you may create the roles at the same time. The UI link above is a tutorial to create an application in the UI.
The roles for the default application FusionAuth cannot be modified. This application represents the admin user interface. You will create at least one application that represents your application.
Are roles and groups are synonymous in fusionauth ?
No. Roles belong to an Application. An application in FusionAuth represents and authenticate resource. A Group is a logical grouping of users, and a way to manage roles across multiple applications.
To manage roles for an Application once it has been created navigate to the Application Roles. Settings --> Applications --> Manage Roles The Manage Roles button is the dark blue one in the row action.
The FusionAuth Group can be used to assign roles from multiple applications to a user through Group membership.
For example, assume you have multiple Applications, Support Portal and Workday, and each of these applications contains an admin role.
A FusionAuth Group could be created called Admins and it would be assigned the admin role from Support Portal and Workday.
A User can be assigned the admin role for both of these Applications through Group membership. The user will still require a registration to the application to receive the roles assigned to the Group. This mechanism provides a way to manage role assignment for groupings of users.
The roleIds inside of the Group object is how the API will interact with Application Roles. If you utilize the UI you can just point and click.
Also jwt token has roles[]. Is it possible to return those custom roles in jwt token?
The roles assigned directly through a User Registration or by Group Membership will come back in the JWT in the roles claim when logging into a specific Application.

Allow users of a certain group to login with Azure AD B2C

I am using Azure AD B2C and I want a group based user distribution for my application. Lets say I have two subdomains and On the other hand, I have two groups subA and subBin Azure B2C. Now a user wants to signin to, but is not a member of group subA, I would like to deny the user to sign in.
I know that Azure B2C does not include group info in the access token. So I will actually use Graph API to get the group membership of the user. But I am not quite sure if there is an appropriate event where I could intercept the validation process and manually deny a user to sign-in. Also, I thought I could use one of the *Validator methods of TokenValidationParameters but not sure which one.
I have read Authorize By Group in Azure Active Directory B2C. My problem is different because that problem is trying to protect only some actions based on group memberships, I want to prevent the whole login process to fail based on group membership.
You can use a ValidationTechnicalProfile on a page created by the SelfAssertedAttributeProvider technical profile. Using the validation technical profile, you can first authenticate the user, and then call a Rest API that can look up users group membership and return a successfull/fail response.
If the response is successful, the flow will continue. If it's a failure, an error will be shown to the user.