I am using PureLayout to put a UISlider between 2 buttons as below:
[self.slider autoPinEdge:ALEdgeLeading toEdge:ALEdgeTrailing ofView:self.leftButton withOffset:10.0f];
[self.slider autoPinEdge:ALEdgeTrailing toEdge:ALEdgeLeading ofView:self.rightButton withOffset:10.0f];
[self.slider autoAlignAxisToSuperviewAxis:ALAxisHorizontal];
Is it possible that the UISlider automatically sets its width between the leftButton and the rightButton ?
To autolayout the width of UISlider you should provide the width of left and right button. Also, you have to pin them to the superview edges. Then you're able to pin LEFT edge of slider to RIGHT edge of leftButton, and RIGHT edge of slider to LEFT edge of rightButton.
Example code :
rightButton.autoSetDimension(.Width, toSize: 100)
rightButton.autoSetDimension(.Height, toSize: 50)
leftButton.autoSetDimension(.Width, toSize: 100)
leftButton.autoSetDimension(.Height, toSize: 50)
slider.autoPinEdge(.Leading, toEdge: .Trailing, ofView: leftButton, withOffset : 5)
slider.autoPinEdge(.Trailing, toEdge: .Leading, ofView: rightButton, withOffset : -5)
On my storyboard I've placed a UIViewController that has an image on half it's height and the other half has a scrollViewController with other controls in it like labels buttons segments etc.
when running the app, the scroller doesn't scroll, I have user interaction enabled on as well as scrolling enabled and show vertical indicator.
//sview.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 568, 320);
sview.contentSize = CGSizeMake(4500, 320);
[sview setScrollEnabled:YES];
You need to set the contentSize of your scrollview. Otherwise it won't scroll.
I am fairly new to this and I'm trying to use pinch gestures to zoom in on a UIImage and be able to zoom into any specific part of the image. However, when I zoom it only zooms from the upper left corner of the UIView. So I only get to see the upper left corner of the image zoomed in. I'd like to be able to zoom/pan the image similar to how the Photos app works. Here is my code so far:
In ViewDidLoad:
// Load the image to be viewed into the UIImage
self.theImage.image = self.theNewImage;
UIPinchGestureRecognizer *pinchGestRecog = [[UIPinchGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(twoFingerPinch:)];
[theImage addGestureRecognizer:pinchGestRecog];
[theImage setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
imageCurrentScale = 1.0;
imageMaxScale = 2.0;
imageMinScale = 0.5;
And then in my twoFingerPinch method:
- (void)twoFingerPinch:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *)aPinchGesture
if (imageCurrentScale * [aPinchGesture scale] > imageMinScale && imageCurrentScale * [aPinchGesture scale] < imageMaxScale) {
imageCurrentScale = imageCurrentScale * [aPinchGesture scale];
CGAffineTransform zoomTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(imageCurrentScale, imageCurrentScale);
[[aPinchGesture view] setTransform:zoomTransform];
[aPinchGesture setScale:1.0];
Is panning somehow the answer? I'm not really sure how panning works.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
The reason why you zoom to your upper left corner is because the center of your scale transformation is the UIView.layer.anchorPoint which is default the upper left corner (0,0).
If you want to zoom correctly you somehow have to figure out the center of your pinch gesture and then set your anchorPoint to that position.
But you shouldn't do that anyway. The recommended way to zoom into a UIImageView is to place the the image view into a UIScrollView and set the contentSize and maximumZoomScale and minimumZoomScale values accordingly.
Set yourself as the delegate of your UIScrollView and return the UIImageView in the viewForZooming delegate method.
The scrollview will handle the pinching and zooming for you.
As per my iPad app requirement, i've to show the UISlider vertically.
I'm using iOS7 compiler and deployment target is iOS6.
In the story board I added horizontal UISlider of width 600 pixels. I created IBOutlet in my view controller. I didn't set any auto layout constraints. I'm using the below code to rotate and make it vertical.
self.slider.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI_2);
After and before rotation I'm printing the frame size of the slider which is correct. But the slider is not looking proper. Its just showing only knob in the center. How can I rotate the UISlider?
I got a vertical slider working with iOS 8 and Xcode 6 with only 3 constraints in the storyboard and one line of code. Here's a cropped screencap of the interface:
There are 3 constraints between the vertical slider and the UIImageView next to it:
vSlider.Center Y = Image View.Center Y
vSlider.Width = Image View.Height
vSlider.Center X = Image View.Trailing + 16
And of course the one line of code is:
self.vSlider.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat(Double.pi / 2))
It's easy to set up these constraints in the storyboard in Xcode 6, but I think it should be simple to write these constraints in code to support iOS 7 or 6.
I got it to work this way:
In viewDidLoad: I added
[self.slider removeConstraints:self.slider.constraints];
[self.slider setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES];
so that it's called before rotating the slider with
and there is no need to remove and re-add it to superview.
This is an old topic, but here is a Swift solution with autolayout constraints in storyboard and nothing else.
1/ You need to add rotation to the IBOutlet:
#IBOutlet weak var mySlider: UISlider! {
didSet {
mySlider.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: -CGFloat.pi/2)
} // didSet
} // IBOutlet
2/ Define in storyboard the constraints, keeping in mind that the Slider will be rotated around its center.
For instance if you want to locate mySlider on the left side of myView, you need three constraints.
myView.Leading = mySlider.CenterX - 20
mySlider.width = myView.Height (with a multiplier of 0.8 for instance)
mySlider.CenterY = myView.CenterY
mySlider will of course appear horizontal in storyboard, but will have the correct sizing, and the center will be correctly positioned.
Uncheck Auto-Layout on your ViewController, there is no other option under the SDK 7.0 to make it work vertically :(
There are so many possible solutions around about putting UISlider vertical. Here is my summary for iOS7 in XCode5 with autoLayout enabled(defaultly in storyboard):
in viewDidLoad add method
self.slider.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI_2);
define your autoLayout constraints about slider explicitly in storyboard as whatever you like
In your viewDidLoad, try:
UIView *superView = self.sizeSlider.superview;
[self.sizeSlider removeFromSuperview];
[self.sizeSlider removeConstraints:self.view.constraints];
self.sizeSlider.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = YES;
self.sizeSlider.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI_2);
[superView addSubview:self.sizeSlider];
It does not work with constraints, so the trick is to remove the constraints for your uislider.
You might have to resize it manually by setting its frame property.
You can't use storyboard to build up a UISlider.
Build up UISlider by coding.
slider = [[UISlider alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(640, 150, 600, 400)];
[slider.layer setAnchorPoint:CGPointMake(0.0f, 0.0f)];
slider.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI/2);
[self.view addSubview:slider];
Try this :-
Try below code to Rotate the UISlider in Vertical Position..
//To rotate the slider in Vertical Position
CGAffineTransform sliderRotation = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
sliderRotation = CGAffineTransformRotate(sliderRotation, -(M_PI / 2));
For me a two-step process worked best (incorporating some of the previous solutions)
Autolayout step)
I added a vertical view in IB and used autolayout to link it to neighboring views. Then I added a slider in the view and simply hooked it up to the center of the view. Then hooked up the width of the slider to the height of the view. Finally control-dragged the slider outlet to my ViewController code (as slider)
Code step)
Then simply added the to my viewWillAppear (swift-code):
let trans = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI_2));
slider.transform = trans;
I have an cocos2D app that runs in 4/3 ratio and I want to enter fullscreen mode resizing the view to maintain the aspect ratio without showing black bars at screen sides. So, when the app enters fullscreen, I do this:
NSRect aFrame=[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
[glView_ setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(aFrame.size.width,aFrame.size.height*1.2)];
This way I got fullscreen wide but (as I wanted) the ratio is untouched. My problem now is that the glview is not centered on screen. It extends from left bottom point so I got my game unevenly clipped (all clipping is done at top). I've trying to use [glview setFrameOrigin] and similar to select the visible portion of the view without success.
I just want to displace my view a certain number of pixels down so it shows the center area of whole view. Is it possible?.
Thanks in advice.
You are changing the dimensions of glView_, but not its origin.
NSRect aFrame=[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
CGFloat x = 0.0f;
CGFloat y = aFrame.size.height;
CGFloat width = aFrame.size.width;
CGFloat height = aFrame.size.height * 1.2f;
glView_.frame = NSRectFromCGRect((CGRectMake(x, y/2 - height / 2, width, height));
My application uses a UINavigationController and the final view (detail view) lets you view an external website within the application using a UIWebView.
I'd like to free up some additional screen real estate when the user is viewing a webpage and wanted to emulate how Safari on iPhone works where their URL bar at the top scrolls up and off the screen when you're viewing content in the UIWebView that's below the fold.
Anyone have ideas on how to achieve this? If I set the navigationBarHidden property and roll my own custom bar at the top and set it and a UIWebView within a UIScrollView then there are scrolling issues in the UIWebView as it doesn't play nicely with other scrollable views.
Based on #Brian suggestion I made this code:
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
CGFloat height = navigationBar.frame.size.height;
CGFloat y = scrollView.bounds.origin.y;
if (y <= 0) {
CGRect frame = navigationBar.frame;
frame.origin.y = 0;
navigationBar.frame = frame;
} else if (tableView.contentSize.height > tableView.frame.size.height) {
CGFloat diff = height - y;
CGRect frame = navigationBar.frame;
frame.origin.y = -y;
navigationBar.frame = frame;
CGFloat origin = 0;
CGFloat h = height; // height of the tableHeaderView
if (diff > 0) {
origin = diff;
h = y;
frame = tableView.frame;
frame.origin.y = origin;
frame.size.height = tableView.superview.frame.size.height - origin;
tableView.frame = frame;
CGRect f = CGRectMake(0, 0, tableView.frame.size.width, h);
UILabel* label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:f];
tableView.tableHeaderView = label;
[label release];
My code has a UITableView but should work with any scrollable component. If you have other components than the navigationBar and the UIScrollView subclass, you should change the way the height of the scrollable component is calculated. Something like this:
frame.size.height = tableView.superview.frame.size.height - origin - otherComponentsHeight;
I needed to add a dumb tableHeaderView to have the desired behaviour. The problem was that when scrollViewDidScroll: is called the content has an offset, but the apparience in Mobile Safari is that the content is not scrolled until the navigationBar fully disappears. I tried first changing the contentOffset.y to 0, but obviously it didn't work since all the code relies on the scrolling mechanism. So I just added a tableHeaderView whose height is exactly the scrolled offset, so the header is never really seen, and the content appears to not scroll until the navigationBar fully disappears.
If you don't add the dumb tableHeaderView, then the scrollable component appears to scroll behind the navigationBar.
With the tableHeaderView, the scrollable component is actually scrolling (as seen in the scrollbar), but since there is a tableHeaderView whose height is exactly the same than the scrolled offset, the scrollable content appears to not be scrolling until the navigationBar fully disappears:
Have a delegate for the scrolling events in the UIWebView and when you initially start scrolling the UIWebView, have the UIWebView increase in height and have it's Y position decrease at the same time while simultaneously shifting the nav bar up in the Y direction. Once the nav bar has been completely shifted out of view, stop increasing the size of the UIWebView and just allow normal scrolling to occur.
This will give the illusion of the nav bar being part of the UIWebView as it scrolls off the screen.
Also, you'll need to do the reverse when you are scrolling in the opposite direction and are reaching the top of the content of the UIWebView.
Can't give you a straight answer, but have a look at iWebKit. Maybe that provides a solution. The demo, at least, contains a "full screen" item.