What is $emit(\'remove\') in vue js - vue.js

I want to make some list item from array and want delete them when i click each list item.When i click each item each item get deleted but here $emit(\'remove\') is actually what in vue js plaese help.
<button v-on:click="$emit(\'remove\')">X</button>

seems it connected to emit event which is bind to that element.
<button v-on:click="$emit(\'remove\')">X</button>
is connected to this piece of code in the declaration, you can see this code is just above in your example
v-for="(todo, index) in todos"
v-on:remove="todos.splice(index, 1)"
here you can see:
v-on:remove="todos.splice(index, 1)"
this is the event so when you click on that button this will be fired and that item will be removed from the list.
and make sure this list items are component so it use that template to render each items.
if you have further question please feel free to ask.


how to interpolate a value into an HTML attribute without binding to anything on the Vue instance

The title was kinda long-winded but the question itself is pretty simple.
So I'm looping over some strings and want to make a button for each. On click, the button will call a Vue method. I want to bind the string into the HTML element somehow - it will be more clear with the code:
<li v-for="(name, idx) in $store.state.lobby" :key="idx">
<button data-name="{{name}}" v-on:click='send_game_request'> request game </button>
so, as you can see, this is very simple. When the send_game_request method gets run, it can read the name off the data-name attribute and do what it needs to with that information.
But, this is invalid syntax, because {{name}} raises an error. I'm really hoping I don't have to wrap each button into it's own sub-component, because that is just extra boilerplate that's not necessary.
I've seen other examples that use v-bind but I don't really have any need to store this information in the component's internal state. I literally just need to know what button was pressed.
You can pass the name as an argument with an inline handler:
<button #click="send_game_request($event, name)">
where $event is the original event data.
In addition to what Tony mentions in his answer,
<li v-for="(name, idx) in $store.state.lobby" :key="idx">
<button :data-name="name" v-on:click='send_game_request'> request game </button>
You could then extract value of name with datasets like so:
function send_game_request(event){
const name = event.target.dataset.name;
NOTE: In this instance you don't need to explicitly pass the $event into your v-on:click function binding, it will already be made available by Vue. So, you can simply invoke your method with the event argument.

v-treeview expand collapse implementation

enter image description here
I am using v-treeview in vuejs. i am getting the items dynamically while clicking in nodes children i am showing the different modules.i want to implement collapse and expand logic. if i am clicking on one node the last update node should be collapsed and clicked node should be expand.
<div class="card card-side-bar">
<template v-slot:prepend="{ item, active }"></template>
You should handle the #update:open event which emits the array of open items. If you want only one item to be expanded - then you should remove all items from this array except the last and assign this array to the open prop of v-treeview.

PrimeNg p-checkbox preselection without model

I'm trying to iterate an array and present it as checkboxs so that the user can later check/uncheck them
I'm not sure how to make the checkbox be preselected since i have an Array of items
but i'm iterating an internal array
so far i have this
<div *ngFor="let privilege of group.privileges" style="text-align:left">
<div class="ui-g-4">
<p-checkbox label="{{privilege.privilegeName}}" [(ngModel)]="{{privilege.show <-- this is not working of course}}" name="fixco-privileges-view" value="{{privilege.privilegeName}}"></p-checkbox>
the checkbox and their label are appearing nice but not preselected...
If show property of a privilege is a boolean, just add binary="true" to your p-checkbox.
Also, remove the square braces in [(ngModel)]="{{privilege.show}}".
So your HTML code becomes
<p-checkbox binary="true" label="{{privilege.privilegeName}}" [(ngModel)]="privilege.show" name="fixco-privileges-view" value="{{privilege.privilegeName}}"></p-checkbox>
See Plunker

prevent paper-listbox selection change

I got a paper-listbox containing a paper-checkbox contained within each paper-item of the list.
<paper-listbox id="groupMembers" multi attr-for-selected="label">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[users]]" as="member">
<paper-item label="[[member.user]]">
<span class="member-user">[[member.user]]</span>
<paper-checkbox checked="[[member.isManager]]"></paper-checkbox>
Whenever the checkbox is clicked it also changes the selected state of the listbox items resulting in an paper-item becoming selected or deselected.
How can that be prevented?
paper-listbox uses Polymer.IronSelectableBehavior and Polymer.IronMultiSelectableBehavior. So, you can use selectable attribute in order to prevent changing the selected state.
selectable is a CSS selector string. If this is set, only items that match the CSS selector are selectable. You can put a random string so that it won't match the paper-item element.
i solved the problem by avoiding it ;)
Moved the checkbox out of the paper-item into the dom-repeat like so:
<paper-listbox id="groupMembers" multi attr-for-selected="label">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[users]]" as="member">
<paper-item label="[[member.user]]">
<span class="member-user">[[member.user]]</span>
<div class="checkWrapper">
<paper-checkbox checked="[[member.isManager]]"></paper-checkbox>
With a bit of CSS positioning magic that works. Added a wrapper div to allow absolute positioning.

Vue.js: Trigger an #click on child component from parent component in

I have a template with several divs, each containing an #click that triggers a specific function and a corresponding visual effect
<div #click="function doThis(param1)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param2)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param3)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param4)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param5)></div>
method: {
doThis(param) {
lightUpDiv(corresponding param)
I'm also calling doThis from the parent via a $broadcast. What if any, is the best Vueish way to trigger the corresponding lightUpDiv call from the $broadcast? (just use getElementById and .click()???). I used individual divs vs a v-for in the hope that this is easier.
I should note that there are several instances of the template On the page. Even if the same visual effect is caused simultaneously on all the templates that is fine. If there is a way to call them on the specific template instances that is even better.
I've spent hours trying to figure this out and cannot seem to do it. Have read all the guide and API. I know there is some way to bind the data to make the template instances unique but can't seem to get it. Definitely couldn't see the #click from $broadcast solution
Thanks for any help!!
<div #click="doThis"></div>
<div #click="doThis($event)"></div>
Both are functionally equivalent, but second version is recommended as it is more explicit.
In javascript,
doThis: function(ev){
//ev is event object and ev.target refers to the div you need.
Event object details