I am trying to implement AutoMapper in an ASP.NET Core MVC application using the techniques described in https://lostechies.com/jimmybogard/2016/07/20/integrating-automapper-with-asp-net-core-di.
Here is my startup.cs
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Autofac configuration
return ConfigureAutofacContainer(services);
Here is my AutoMapper.Profile implementation
public class AutoMapperProfile_NetCore_DtoFromDao : Profile
#region ctor
public AutoMapperProfile_NetCore_DtoFromDao()
#region Methods
protected void CreateMaps()
if (Mapper.Configuration.FindTypeMapFor(typeof(AddressType),
typeof(AddressTypeDto)) == null)
CreateMap<AddressType, AddressTypeDto>();
AutoMapperProfile_NetCore_DtoFromDao.CreateMaps() is being called by ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddAutoMapperClasses():
public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions
private static void AddAutoMapperClasses(IServiceCollection services,
Action<IMapperConfigurationExpression> additionalInitAction,
IEnumerable<Assembly> assembliesToScan)
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
foreach (var profile in profiles)
I’m getting the following exception:
An exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in
AutoMapper.dll but was not handled in user code
Q - Is this due to the profile calling Mapper.Configuration.FindTypeMapFor() during Mapper.Initialization()?
Q - Is it possible to test for an existing mapping configuration before adding one during initialzation?
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code
HResult=-2146233079 Message=Mapper not initialized. Call Initialize
with appropriate configuration. If you are trying to use mapper
instances through a container or otherwise, make sure you do not have
any calls to the static Mapper.Map methods, and if you're using
ProjectTo or UseAsDataSource extension methods, make sure you pass in
the appropriate IConfigurationProvider instance. Source=AutoMapper
at AutoMapper.Mapper.get_Configuration()
at Dna.NetCore.Core.BLL.Mappers.AutoMapperProfile_NetCore_DtoFromDao.CreateMaps()
at Dna.NetCore.Core.BLL.Mappers.AutoMapperProfile_NetCore_DtoFromDao..ctor()
13 InnerException:
OK. A few things here. Your AutoMapper config, the easiest way to build this is just:
That scans the assembly from the Startup class for Profiles, and automatically adds them using Mapper.Initialize. DO NOT call Mapper.Initialize after this.
Next, your profile. You're doing a lot of things you shouldn't. First, your profile is calling AssertConfigurationIsValid - don't. Next, it's checking for existing TypeMaps - don't. Just call the base CreateMap method, that's it.
Finally, you've got an extra AddAutoMapperClasses call. Don't use that. Get rid of it. You just need the "services.AddAutoMapper". The AddAutoMapper method calls Mapper.Initialize, with the Profile classes found in the assembly you've passed in.
To implement a plug-in system in a AspNet Core Mvc app, I would like a non-generic method to add a data context from a list of assemblies loaded dynamically at runtime, taking a Type parameter like this:
foreach(Type tp in pluginContexts)
services.AddDbContext(tp, options => ...);
instead of the usual
services.AddDbContext<PluginDataContext>(options => ...);
That's because for dynamically loaded assemblies, I can not provide the TContext type parameter to the AddDbContextPool method, since that's statically compiled and not available at compile time.
This is for a larger Asp.Net Core MVC app. The plugins must be able to both access the main database of the overall app and a separate database of their own.
Plugin assemblies, containing domain code and their private database context are to be dropped in a specified directory.
The main app loads the plugin assembly dynamically upon startup.
The way I am solving this now is to have each controller get the IConfiguration instance injected, obtain the appropriate connection string from the config, and the database context is instantiated in the controller. Not so nice but does work.
One can easily inject a general class into the Services collection with AddScoped<>, and then use it as a sort of ServiceLocator - however, that is considered an antipattern.
I looked into the source code for AddDbContext but honestly I am lost.
Is there any simple way to achieve this?
Solved it by creating an extensibility point in the plugin assembly.
Define an interface in the main app, which all plugins must implement.
public interface IPluginContextRegistration
void RegisterContext(ref IServiceCollection services, Action<DbContextOptionsBuilder> optionsAction);
String GetDatabaseName();
Create a class implementing this interface (in the plugin). It has access to the type of its private database context, thus can use the generic AddDbContext method:
public class DatabaseRegistration : IPluginContextRegistration
public void RegisterContext(ref IServiceCollection services, Action<DbContextOptionsBuilder> optionsAction)
public String GetDatabaseName()
return "test-plugin-db";
Then in the main app ASP.Net Startup.cs file, add following code, which calls the RegisterContext() method for each plugin. For example, if you want to use Sql Server:
void RegisterPluginDbContexts(ref IServiceCollection services, List<Assembly> assemblyList)
IEnumerable<IPluginContextRegistration> registrars = new List<IPluginContextRegistration>();
foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblyList)
registrars = registrars.Concat(GetClassInstances<IPluginContextRegistration>(assembly));
foreach (var reg in registrars)
String name = reg.GetDatabaseName();
String connStr = Configuration.GetConnectionString(name);
reg.RegisterContext(ref services, options => options.UseSqlServer(connStr));
For completeness - the method "GetClassInstances" is just a helper method using Reflection to obtain an instance of classes implementing the specified interface.
So it's simple after all - no need for re-writing framework code .
I have Web API in ASP .NET Core. When I add a db context in Startup.ConfigureServices:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("FixturesDatabase")));
I see the number of services in the "services" container raises by three, I think those are:
I am curious what is "DbContextOptions1"? Does anyone know? I have tried googling it but not satysfying result. My goal is to replace original context with in-memory (to run integration tests without original database), so I'm deleting db context and its options and adding in-memory context instead of them.
The third service you are getting is a generic version of the DbContextOptions. When calling .ToString() on a generic type it often looks like this.
The reason why there are three instances is that EF adds a general DbContextOptions object and a more specific one for your defined context.
If you inspect the calls of the third service you should find the type of your DbContext as a generic parameter.
DbContextOptions'1 would be the generic DbContextOptions<FixturesContext> registered to be injected into the context when being initialized.
Reference Configuring DbContextOptions
public class FixturesContext : DbContext
public FixturesContext(DbContextOptions<FixturesContext> options)
: base(options)
{ }
I'm in the process of upgrading a Multitenant dotnet core solution which utilises the Autofac.Multitenant framework. I'm not having a lot of luck getting tenancy resolution working correctly. I've created a simple demonstration of the problem here: https://github.com/SaltyDH/AutofacMultitenancy1
This repo demonstrates registering a InstancePerTenant scoped dependency TestMultitenancyContext which is resolved in the Home Controller. Due to issues with using IHttpContextAccessor, I'm using a custom RequestMiddleware class to capture the current HttpContext object so that I can perform logic on the current HttpContext request object in the MultitenantIdentificationStrategy.
Finally, TestFixture provides a simple xUnit test which, at least on my machine returns "tenant1" for both tenants.
Is there something I've missed here or is this just not currently working?
UPDATE 10/6/2017: We released Autofac.AspNetCore.Multitenant to wrap up the solution to this in a more easy to consume package. I'll leave the original answer/explanation here for posterity, but if you're hitting this you can go grab that package and move on.
I think you're running into a timing issue.
If you pop open the debugger on the HttpContext in the middleware you can see that there's a RequestServicesFeature object on a property called ServiceProvidersFeature. That's what's responsible for creating the per-request scope. The scope gets created the first time it's accessed.
It appears that the order goes roughly like this:
The WebHostBuilder adds a startup filter to enable request services to be added to the pipeline.
The startup filter, AutoRequestServicesStartupFilter, adds middleware to the very beginning of the pipeline to trigger the creation of request services.
The middleware that gets added, RequestServicesContainerMiddleware, basically just invokes the RequestServices property from the ServiceProvidersFeature to trigger creation of the per-request lifetime scope. However, in its constructor is where it gets the IServiceScopeFactory that it uses to create the request scope, which isn't so great because it'll be created from the root container before a tenant can be established.
All that yields a situation where the per-request scope has already been determined to be for the default tenant and you can't really change it.
To work around this, you need to set up request services yourself such that they account for multitenancy.
It sounds worse than it is.
First, we need a reference to the application container. We need the ability to resolve something from application-level services rather than request services. I did that by adding a static property to your Startup class and keeping the container there.
public static IContainer ApplicationContainer { get; private set; }
Next, we're going to change your middleware to look more like the RequestServicesContainerMiddleware. You need to set the HttpContext first so your tenant ID strategy works. After that, you can get an IServiceScopeFactory and follow the same pattern they do in RequestServicesContainerMiddleware.
public class RequestMiddleware
private static readonly AsyncLocal<HttpContext> _context = new AsyncLocal<HttpContext>();
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public RequestMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
this._next = next;
public static HttpContext Context => _context.Value;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
_context.Value = context;
var existingFeature = context.Features.Get<IServiceProvidersFeature>();
using (var feature = new RequestServicesFeature(Startup.ApplicationContainer.Resolve<IServiceScopeFactory>()))
await this._next.Invoke(context);
_context.Value = null;
Now you need a startup filter to get your middleware in there. You need a startup filter because otherwise the RequestServicesContainerMiddleware will run too early in the pipeline and things will already start resolving from the wrong tenant scope.
public class RequestStartupFilter : IStartupFilter
public Action<IApplicationBuilder> Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> next)
return builder =>
Add the startup filter to the very start of the services collection. You need your startup filter to run before AutoRequestServicesStartupFilter.
The ConfigureServices ends up looking like this:
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Insert(0, new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(IStartupFilter), typeof(RequestStartupFilter), ServiceLifetime.Transient));
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = new MultitenantContainer(new MultitenantIdentificationStrategy(), builder.Build());
ApplicationContainer = container;
return new AutofacServiceProvider(container);
Note the Insert call in there to jam your service registration at the top, before their startup filter.
The new order of operations will be:
At app startup...
Your startup filter will add your custom request services middleware to the pipeline.
The AutoRequestServicesStartupFilter will add the RequestServicesContainerMiddleware to the pipeline.
During a request...
Your custom request middleware will set up request services based on the inbound request information.
The RequestServicesContainerMiddleware will see that request services are already set up and will do nothing.
When services are resolved, the request service scope will already be the tenant scope as set up by your custom request middleware and the correct thing will show up.
I tested this locally by switching the tenant ID to come from querystring rather than host name (so I didn't have to set up hosts file entries and all that jazz) and I was able to switch tenant by switching querystring parameters.
Now, you may be able to simplify this a bit. For example, you may be able to get away without a startup filter by doing something directly to the web host builder in the Program class. You may be able to register your startup filter right with the ContainerBuilder before calling builder.Populate and skip that Insert call. You may be able to store the IServiceProvider in the Startup class property if you don't like having Autofac spread through the system. You may be able to get away without a static container property if you create the middleware instance and pass the container in as a constructor parameter yourself. Unfortunately, I already spent a loooot of time trying to figure out the workaround so I'm going to have to leave "optimize it" as an exercise for the reader.
Again, sorry this wasn't clear. I've filed an issue on your behalf to get the docs updated and maybe figure out a better way to do this that's a little more straightforward.
I have an alternate solution, related to work I've done on a pending PR on the Autofac DI extension. The solution there can't be used exactly, because it depends on classes that are (rightly) internal. It can be adapted by providing shims that reproduce the functionality in those classes. Since they are compact, this doesn't require the addition of a lot of code. Until the functionality is fixed, this is the solution I'm using.
The other aspect of the solution is to eschew the custom middleware and instead make the ITenantIdentificationStrategy a service that can take any dependency required to do what it needs to.
Fixing the DI
The "DI" side of the problem is that the Autofac DI extension uses resolution to supply IServiceProvider and IServiceScopeFactory implementations. This is possible, because under the hood these are IComponentContext and ILifetimeScope (which are themselves different interfaces for the same thing). In most cases this works fine, but ASP.NET Core proceeds by resolving a singleton IServiceScopeFactory very early in the application cycle. In a multi-tenant scenario this resolution will return the ILifetimeScope for either the first tenant requested, or for the "default" tenant, and that will be the root scope (as far as MS DI is concerned) for the application lifetime. (See the PR for further discussion.)
The classes below implement an alternate behavior: instead of resolving the DI interfaces, it builds (news-up) the initially-requested ones from the IContainer directly. With the initial IServiceScopeFactory based directly on IContainer, further scope requests will resolve correctly.
public class ContainerServiceProvider : IServiceProvider, ISupportRequiredService
private readonly IContainer container;
public ContainerServiceProvider(IContainer container)
this.container = container;
public object GetRequiredService(Type serviceType)
if (TryGetContainer(serviceType, out object containerSvc)) return containerSvc;
else return container.Resolve(serviceType);
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
if (TryGetContainer(serviceType, out object containerSvc)) return containerSvc;
else return container.ResolveOptional(serviceType);
bool TryGetContainer(Type serviceType, out object containerSvc)
if (serviceType == typeof(IServiceProvider)) { containerSvc = this; return true; }
if (serviceType == typeof(IServiceScopeFactory)) { containerSvc = new ContainerServiceScopeFactory(container); return true; }
else { containerSvc = null; return false; }
// uses IContainer, but could use copy of AutofacServiceScopeFactory
internal class ContainerServiceScopeFactory : IServiceScopeFactory
private IContainer container;
public ContainerServiceScopeFactory(IContainer container)
this.container = container;
public IServiceScope CreateScope()
return new BecauseAutofacsIsInternalServiceScope(container.BeginLifetimeScope());
// direct copy of AutofacServiceScope
internal class BecauseAutofacsIsInternalServiceScope : IServiceScope
private readonly ILifetimeScope _lifetimeScope;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AutofacServiceScope"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lifetimeScope">
/// The lifetime scope from which services should be resolved for this service scope.
/// </param>
public BecauseAutofacsIsInternalServiceScope(ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
this._lifetimeScope = lifetimeScope;
this.ServiceProvider = this._lifetimeScope.Resolve<IServiceProvider>();
/// <summary>
/// Gets an <see cref="IServiceProvider" /> corresponding to this service scope.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// An <see cref="IServiceProvider" /> that can be used to resolve dependencies from the scope.
/// </value>
public IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Disposes of the lifetime scope and resolved disposable services.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
Fixing Identification Strategy
As for making the identification-strategy a service, I would rework your implementation like so:
public class MultitenantIdentificationStrategy : ITenantIdentificationStrategy
public const string DefaultTenantId = null;
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor contextaccessor;
public MultitenantTenantIdentificationStrategy(IHttpContextAccessor contextaccessor)
this.contextaccessor = contextaccessor;
public bool TryIdentifyTenant(out object tenantId)
var context = contextaccessor.HttpContext;
// after this is unchanged
Use in Startup.ConfigureServices
This shows the fragment of how these last few pieces are registered and fed to MS DI for ASP.NET.
. . .
builder.RegisterType<MultitenantIdentificationStrategy>().AsImplementedInterfaces(); // tenant identification
// register do Autofac DI integration
var underlyingcontainer = builder.Build();
ApplicationContainer = new MultitenantContainer(underlyingcontainer.Resolve<ITenantIdentificationStrategy>(), underlyingContainer);
return new ContainerServiceProvider(ApplicationContainer);
If you find this solution workable, please give a thumbs up to DI PR 10--or PR 11, if after reviewing you think that is the better/more elegant solution. Either will save having to add the "shim" code above.
I need to access the Server.MapPath(virtualPath) method in a controller in an MVC 4 ApiController.
The answer is usually to access it from ControllerContext.HttpContext.Server. However, unlike MvcControllers, the ControlerContext for an ApiController has no HttpContext.
The WebApiAppication that is instantiated in Global.asax.cs has an HttpContext element (Context). However, unlike MVC 3 and earlier, I can't find a way to access the WebApiApplication from a controller. (Earlier generations stored a reference to it in a static Instance variable. MVC 4 removes that.)
Also, I'm trying to find something that will also work without a ton of extra scaffolding when I call the controller methods from a unit Test. I think I could access it, even in a WebApi Controller, using HttpContext.Current (at least it compiles), but I can't mock that for testing. (I'm talking unit testing here, where you call directly to the Controller methods. I've seen some recent tutorials where you unit test with a thin HttpClient, and thus test the whole stack. That seems more like low-level integration testing to me.)
This doesn't seem like it should be that difficult, but I've spent several hours googling it and trying things, and my head's getting bloody from beating it against the wall.
I'd recommend you abstracting this functionality:
public interface IMyDependency
string MapPath(string path);
and then have an implementation:
public class MyConcreteDependency: IMyDependency
public string MapPath(string path)
return HostingEnvironment.MapPath(path);
and finally your ApiController is completely independent on all static method calls making it unit test friendly:
public class MyController: ApiController
private readonly IMyDependency dependency;
public MyController(IMyDependency dependency)
this.dependency = dependency;
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
var path = this.dependency.MapPath("~/App_Data");
For ApiControllers, build yourself a DelegatingHandler and push all of your goodies onto request.Properties. You can then retrieve them from your request whether you are testing or running live. The benefit is that you then have zero dependency on Session in your Controller.
public class ContextHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// get the goodies to add onto the request
var goodies = /* call to goodieGoodieYumYum */
// add our goodies onto the request
request.Properties.Add(Constants.RequestKey_Goodies, goodies);
// pass along to the next handler
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
Controller Action
var goodies = (List<Goodie>)Request.Properties[Constants.RequestKey_Goodies];
Previously i managed to setup my unity to provide a new DataContext each time to my Repository project. It works great.
But for example, I am in a WCF method which opens up 2 services which in turn opens up 2 repositories (repository pattern).. i was hoping to be able to reuse the same datacontext within the same wcf method.
So i have been looking at RegisterInstance but i check the GetHashCode of the datacontext and its different each time. i thought unity will check the child container first every time which i presume i have an instance setup - see below
Here is my unity that executes once!
container.RegisterType<MyDataContext>(new TransientLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionConstructor())
And then i try and configure in global.asax under Application_BeginRequest - but maybe this is not ideal as it seems to enter multiple times.. even when running the wcf service before someone calls a wcf method
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
And here is my configureDataContextContainer
public static void ConfigureDataContextContainer()
if (childContainer == null) // I have to do this otherwise it executes multiple times.
childContainer = Bootstrapper.Container.CreateChildContainer();
(container.Resolve<MyDataContext>()); // I Presume i create an instance here
As i say in my WCF method i am opening 2 services which in turn opens up "THEIR OWN" Respository which takes in a DataContext - MyDataContext
To fix the problem with the BeginRequest i could register the datacontext as an instance (if it worked :-) ) on every WCF method i have but it seems a bit of a long way round.
Of course its very imported that each connection (not sessions) gets its own DataContext.
I was disposing the datacontext when when i disposed of my repository ... now (if i can get it working) i presume i will need to dispose of this in EndRequest.. otherwise if one service completes and disposes of the DataContext and the other service hasn't finsihed then i am going to get issues.
I hope i have explained this well, :-)
Summary is that each WCF method must use its own datacontext , a web method can call more than 1 service (repository pattern) which in turn will call its repository which expects a datacontext on the constuctor which unity Registers - but currently when in the same WCF method, multiple services call there repositories and they get there own DataContext.
If i can clarify anything please let me know
Forgot to mention how i am getting unity to resolve things ... I simple call this on the container (not child container) to the service which in turn calls the respository
using (IOfficeService officeService = Bootstrapper.Container.Resolve<IOfficeService >())
You are registering the instance in the child container, so you have to use the child container when resolving your service (Also, you should be disposing of your child container on Application_EndRequest):
using (var service = childContainer.Resolve<IOfficeService >())
However, using a PerRequestLifetimeManager should accomplish the same thing:
Container.RegisterType<MyDataContext>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager());
Here's how I implement it:
public class PerRequestLifetimeManager : LifetimeManager {
private Guid key;
public PerRequestLifetimeManager() {
key = Guid.NewGuid();
public override object GetValue() {
if (HttpContext.Current == null) {
return null;
} else {
return HttpContext.Current.Items[key];
public override void RemoveValue() {
if (HttpContext.Current != null) {
public override void SetValue(object newValue) {
if (HttpContext.Current != null) {
HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(key, newValue);