Publish type declarations outside #types - npm

I have created an npm library but I don't want to publish it in the public repository (So I cannot use #typings npm package to put my typings there). On the other side, I don't want to put .d.ts file into that package but wanted to publish another package called lib-typings.
Is it possible to consume lib-typings for a library called lib in Typescript 2?

As cartant said, property typeRoots in tsconfig.json is for addressing this problem.


NPM module (handontable) not installing sub-dependency(numbro) as project dependencies

What I am trying to do:
So, I am installing a package which has a dependency numbro (another package). For my use case, I need to use that package and initialize it with some value. (set default currency)
However, I am not able to use that package in my code. As from inspecting package-json.lock, I can see that the package isn't there as direct project dependency but is present inside handontable's dependencies.
I thought, I can add numbro directly inside my package.json file to initialize some values but from what it seems, adding it direct and setting default value there doesn't solves the issue.
To check further, I created a dummy angular project with only handontable and handontable/angular to see, if I can reproduce the issue there. However, after npm install, I could use numbro package in the dummy project and the reason being it was present as direct project dependency in package-json.lock file.
The versions of numbro, handontable, handontable/angular and angular are all same in both projects but why is it that in one project I can use the the sub-dependency in my angular project but in another I cannot ?
Original Project:
Dummy Fiddle project:
(installed as direct project dependency)
So, I fixed it with some help from handsontable support team. I deleted node_modules folder and package-json.lock file both.
After which npm install did the trick.
I had tried deleting node_modules folder earlier but doing that alone doesn't resolved the issue.

What is the difference between plugins and dependencies in the Vue.js UI?

When using the ui you have the option of installing dependencies and plugins.
I am confused about the difference between both of these.
For instance, I can install axios as a dependency and a plugin.
Do I need to do both? Why do one over the other?
My current understanding is that dependency is just that, it adds a package to your project while a plugin will add configuration as well.
Am I correct in thinking that?
A plugin is exactly what you described. It 'plugs into' another piece of software and adds functionality. A dependency on the other hand means that your software simply depends on something to function correctly - usually code.
In your axios example:
The axios plugin installs another prototype property on your Vue instance (this.$axios.. or whatever it is called) so it definitely adds a feature to Vue.
You could also only use Axios by itself and import it in the files you need
import axios from 'axios'. You don't add any feature to Vue itself - you just use another software within your app. Axios here is a dependency.
I will probably not be completely correct, but my understanding is
Plugins vs Dependencies
Command line
dependencies are installed via the command line as npm install <name> or npm install --save <name> to add the dependency to package.json
plugins are installed via the command line as vue add #scope/vue-cli-plugin-<name> or with the shorthand vue add #scope/<name>
dependencies are placed into your projects node_modules folder
plugins will invoke the generator.js script of the plugin being installed. This generator.js may add dependencies to package.json, add import statements to files in your project, add/alter existing components, or any of the various things listed under the generator api docs
dependencies will need to be imported into any file you use them in, or imported globally, before they are able to be used
plugins often will have already set up global imports, making them available in every file. Plugins will also often add additional scripts to package.json (which show up as tasks in the vue ui)

How to handle chained dependencies in Sass projects with npm?

I have two Sass projects which I'm working on. Let's call them ProjectBase and ProjectExtended. ProjectExtended depends on ProjectBase, and the ProjectBase depends on a third party node module, namely Bootstrap.
ProjectBase should be independent but also work when used as a dependency.
ProjectBase has this include in it's Sass file:
#import '../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';
ProjectExtended then has this include:
#import '../node_modules/ProjectBase/scss/ProjectBase';
ProjectBase can build this without issues after running npm install because the included file is in that path under node_modules.
The problem arises in ProjectExtended because now after running npm install, the Bootstrap source is not in the same relative location anymore from the point of view of ProjectBase:
As you see in this case Bootstrap is suddenly a sibling instead of a dependency like so:
As a workaround, I manually go into node_modules/ProjectBase and then run npm install in there, which installs those dependencies a second time under that folder.
Is there a better way to handle this?
This problem can be solved by providing custom importer to node-sass. I have simple implementation of such importer that you can try to use, it will allow you to configure all necessary paths and rules to resolve imports inside your .scss files.
In your case configuration may look like {roots: ['node_modules','../node_modules']} if I understand your directories structure properly.

Why doesn't Yarn install all executables in .bin folder?

I've just started using the Yarn package manager and I downloaded a starter Ionic 2 project.
In this project, we have a lot of help from scripts that compile, minify, lint and bundle our code. All of this is provided by ionic-app-scripts, which has several dependencies which it uses to run commands.
The problem is when I use Yarn to install, the node_modules/.bin/ folder does not contain all the necessary executables, like tslint, which is a dependency of ionic-app-scripts, so it is not directly in my package.json.
The result is that when I use Yarn, ionic-app-scripts doesn't work because it expects that the .bin folder contains a tslint executable!
What can I do? Are the ionic-app-scripts's definitions a problem?
[note]: npm install works, but Yarn is much faster!
This is a known issue, and there's a pull request with more information.
In short, if you want to fix this now, you'll have to explicitly include the packages from which you need binaries in your dependencies.
I had this issue but a different solution.
The solution was from this ticket
... my workaround is going to file manager, right click on /node_modules main folder, selecting properties, and check-uncheck "read-only". You can do it also using attrib in command line. Then you retry installation and it works.

Change entry point to npm dependency

I'm dependending on a library that publishes different module packages to npm (commonjs, ES2015, UMD bundles..) and specifies commonjs/index.js as the main point of the application.
However, I need my app to use the UMD bundle instead so I would need it to be bundles/index.umd.js instead.
I figured I could do this by looking into installed 'node_modules' and changing it directly in the package.json of downloaded library, but thats a very hacky thing to do.
Is there some other way of chanding the main file for the dependency?