Symfony2: Pass a second object to a Voter - symfony-2.8

I'm using a voter to determine whether or not the logged in user can edit a given object. One of the criteria requires a comparison with another object but I'm not sure how to pass this into the voter. I cannot use the constructor arguments as it is not a predefined value.
Basically I would like to do something like this:
protected function voteOnAttribute($attribute, $subject, TokenInterface $token, $comparedObject)
{ if ($subject->getProperty1 == $comparedObject)
{return true;}
Any help would be appreciated.

It's a bit late but maybe this answer is going to be helpfull for someone.
One thing that you can do is pass an array of values instance of a single $subject object.
For example, from Twig you use your function as:
{% set data = { 'subject': yourRealSubject, 'compared_object': comparedObject } %}
{% if is_granted('can_edit', data) %}
{% endif %}
(You can do the same from PHP code).
So then in your Voter:
class MyVoter extends Voter{
// ...
protected function voteOnAttribute($attribute, $data, TokenInterface $token) {
$subject = isset($data['subject']) ? $data['subject'] : null;
$comparedObject = isset($data['compared_object']) ? $data['compared_object'] : null;
if(!$subject || !$subject instanceof \Namespace\To\Subject){
throw new Exception('Missing or invalid subject!!!'');
// do whatever you want ...

My suggestion is to create additional property of "subject" where you can put "compared object".
// Inside action.
public function myBestAction(Request $request)
// My super code... e.g. we have received from ORM a $post.
// Create property on the fly to put $comparedObject.
// Perhaps creating property dynamically is not good practice, therefore you can create permanent with getter and setter.
$post->comparedObject = $comparedObject;
$this->isGranted('can_edit', $post);
// Now inside voter.
private function canEdit($subject)
$comparedObject = $subject->comparedObject;
// Compare $subject(post) with $comparedObject and return true or false...


Problems on testing middleware in Laravel with Clousure $next

I have this middleware on my app that checks the user role for a route:
public function handle($request, Closure $next, ...$roles)
if (in_array($request->user()->rol, $roles)) {
return $next($request);
} else {
return redirect()->action('SecurityController#noAutorizado');
And I'm triying to make a test for this middleware (phpUnit):
public function testUsuarioLogadoPuedeAccederAPantallaUsuarios()
$user = UsuariosTestFixtures::unAsignador();
$request = Request::create('/usuarios', 'GET');
$middleware = new CheckRole();
$response = $middleware->handle($request,Closure $next,$user->getRole(), function () {});
$this->assertEquals($response, true);
But i'm retreiving this error: Argument 2 passed to App\Http\Middleware\CheckRole::handle() must be an instance of Closure, null given
I don't know how I have to pass the "Closure $next" on the $middleware->handle
I've tryed this:
public function testUsuarioLogadoPuedeAccederAPantallaUsuarios(Closure $next){...}
But It returns an error: Too few arguments to function UsuarioControllerTest::testUsuarioLogadoPuedeAccederAPantallaUsuarios(), 0 passed in C:\www\APPS\catsa\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\Framework\TestCase.php
What's the solution?
Thanks a lot!
A Closure in PHP is simply a function, so you need to pass a function as the second argument of your handle method.
In the context of Laravel middleware, the $next function represent the full pipeline of steps that the request goes through.
Obviously you can't (and don't need to) execute this pipeline during a test. What you need is just a function that return some values that your can test in an assertion.
What you can do is something like this:
//... setup code here
$middleware = new CheckRole();
$roles = ['role1', 'role2']; // change this with the desired roles
$result = $middleware->handle($request,function($request) {
return 'success';
$this->assertEquals('success', $result);
So, what is happening here?
If everything goes as planned (the user has the required role), the $next closure is executed and it returns success; on the other hand, if the user doesn't have the required role, the code takes the other path and it returns a RedirectResponse.
Finally, the assertion checks if success is returned, and it reports a failure if that doesn't happen.

Yii2 - filter strtolower, but save the without lowering characters

I have this rule:
['name', 'filter', 'filter'=>'strtolower'],
is it possible to use the rule only for validation, but to save the normal string (without the filter)?
Yes it is:
you add a property to your model call it whatever
public $notFiltered;
add beforeValidate method
protected function beforeValidate()
$this->notFiltered = $this->yourPropertyToValidate;
return parent::beforeValidate();
then add before save to the model
protected function beforeSave()
$this->yourPropertyToValidate = $this->notFiltered;
return parent::beforeSave()
That should bypass it.

Can you use RequestFactory's .with() method with named queries?

I'm trying to make a call to a database using RequestFactory with Hibernate/JPA, and I want to retrieve a list of entities with embedded entities returned as well. I know that the .with() method works for methods like .find(), but it doesn't seem to work with custom queries.
The current way I'm doing it is as follows:
I used a named query in the entity class for the query. (Primary Entity is Name, embedded entity is a Suffix entity called nameSuffix)
#NamedQueries({ #NamedQuery(name = "", query = "select * from NameTable") })
Then in the service class, the .list() method, which is what I'd like to call with RequestFactory, is as follows.
public List<Name> list() {
return emp.get().createNamedQuery("").getResultList();
Finally, this is how I make the call in my client side code:
NameRequest context = requestFactory.createNameRequest();
context.list().with("nameSuffix").fire(new Receiver<List<NameProxy>>(){
public void onSuccess(List<NameProxy> response) {
String suff = response.get(0).getNameSuffix().getText();
In the above code, it says that getNameSuffix() returns null, which would imply that .with("nameSuffix") does not work with the .list() call like it does with the standard .find() method.
Is there a way to build a call that would return a list of entities and their embedded entities using .with(), or do I need to do it another way? If I need to do it another way, has anyone figured out a good way of doing it?
I think you misunderstood what the method with() is thought for, unless you had a method getNameSuffix which returns the NameSuffixentity. This is what the documentation says about it:
When querying the server, RequestFactory does not automatically populate relations in the object graph. To do this, use the with() method on a request and specify the related property name as a String
So, what you have to pass to the method is a list of the name of the child entities you want to retrieve. I hope this example could be helpful:
class A {
String getS(){return "s-a"}
B getB(){return new B();}
class B {
String getS(){return "s-b";}
C getC(){return new C();}
class C {
String getS(){return "s-c";}
context.getA().fire(new Receiver<A>(){
public void onSuccess(A response) {
// return 's-a'
// trhows a NPE
context.getA().with("b").fire(new Receiver<A>(){
public void onSuccess(A response) {
// return 's-a'
// return 's-b'
// trhows a NPE
context.getA().with("b.c").fire(new Receiver<A>(){
public void onSuccess(A response) {
// return 's-a'
// return 's-b'
// return 's-c'

Yii Behaviors and scenario

i have a behavior for my models, the behavior has beforeFind, beforeSave, in methods i override user_id, something like:
public functio beforeSave() {
$this->owner->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id
I have model User, how can i disable behavior for registration new user?
Saving code:
$user = new User();
$user->id = 1332;
$user->field1 = 'data';
but on save i have null in $user->id (because work behavior).
i tried
Without result.
Maybe its not right way? I create behaviors for identify users in system (find only user something, save only with user id...), but that if i have new user with full previegies, i should again detach behaviors?
If condition can be changed in future I just pass it as callback parameter into behavior from model.
This give you a bit more control over the condition. Hence, behavior becomes more reusable - if it is used by several models this condition can be unique for each.
Example below is a bit simplified, but you should get the idea.
class SomeBehavior extends CActiveRecordBehavior
public $trigger;
public function beforeSave($event)
// do what you need
$this->owner->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
class SomeModel extends CActiveRecord
public function behaviors()
return array(
'trigger'=>function() use($me){
return $me->scenario=='some-scenario';
Also I use PHP 5.3. So, I use closure for trigger callback.
If your PHP version is less than 5.3 - anything callable can be used instead. Check here
Because of behavior is a method, you can declare your own logic inside.
The model knows about its scenario, so there is no problem to return different arrays for different conditions:)
Hope it be helpful for somebody.
You can check Yii::app()-user->isGuest to determine if the user is logged in or not. or you can just try looking for the null. Like this:
if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest)
$this->owner->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
if (null !== Yii::app()->user->id)
$this->owner->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;

Saving data with cakephp won't work

I'm trying to load, edit and save a record with CakePHP 2.0 but I get a generic error during the save method that don't help me to understand where is the problem.
if I try with debug($this->User->invalidFields()); I get an empty array, but I get false from $this->User->save() condition.
Here is the controller action where I get the error:
public function activate ($code = false) {
if (!empty ($code)) {
// if I printr $user I get the right user
$user = $this->User->find('first', array('activation_key' => $code));
if (!empty($user)) {
$this->User->set(array (
'activation_key' => null,
'active' => 1
if ($this->User->save()) {
} else {
// I get this error
$this->set('status', 'Save error message');
$this->set('user_data', $user);
} else {
$this->set('status', 'Account not found for this key');
} else {
$this->set('status', 'Empty key');
When I try the action I get the activation_fail template page with Save error message message.
If I printr the $user var I get the right user from cake's find method.
Where I'm wrong?
I think the problem may be in the way you're querying for the User record. When you do this:
$user = $this->User->find('first', array('activation_key' => $code));
The variable $user is populated with the User record as an array. You check to ensure it's not empty, then proceed; but the problem is that $this->User hasn't been populated. I think if you tried debug($this->User->id) it would be empty. The read() method works the way you're thinking.
You could try using the ID from that $user array to set the Model ID first, like so:
if (!empty($user)) {
$this->User->id = $user['User']['id']; // ensure the Model has the ID to use
$this->User->set(array (
'activation_key' => null,
'active' => 1
if ($this->User->save()) {
Edit: Well another possible approach is to use the $user array instead of modifying the current model. You said that you get back a valid user if you debug($user), so if that's true you can do something like this:
if (!empty($user)) {
$user['User']['activation_key'] = null;
$user['User']['active'] = 1;
if ($this->User->save($user)) {
This method works in the same way as receiving form data from $this->request->data, and is described on the Saving Your Data part of the book.
I'm curious though if there's another part of your setup that's getting in the way. Can other parts of your app write to the database properly? You should also check to make sure you aren't having validation errors, like their example:
if ($this->Recipe->save($this->request->data)) {
// handle the success.