Twitter API update_profile_banner - api

Can anyone help with using the Twitter API to upload a profile banner using the account/update_profile_banner? I have been searching on Google for so long and can't find any solution, thanks in advance

Based on
It looks like the docs are misleading, unless you are uploading a really small image, I expect it is critical to use multi part form data instead of encoding data in the query params.
Post your example code though, it's bad stackoverflow form to just say it doesn't work without showing the code and errors you are getting.


Imgur API. Can't post image to album

I've been learning postman for a few days and now I'm training my little knowledge about this topic while building my own collection using Imgur API. Everything works according to plan except for one thing.
I want to transfer an existing image using the POST method to an existing album, but all the time what I get in the response body is a meme - "nobody expects the cr/lf". I know something is wrong but can't figure out what. I do exactly what is written in the documentation.
so this is what I have:
and this is what the documentation says:
I would be very grateful if someone help me :)

How to use exactTerms and excludeTerms with Google Custom Search JSON API

I've been working with Google Custom Search API and faced some inconveniences I hope you can help me with.
Google Custom Search API offers as a parameter in its call the possibility to search by an exact text as well as exclude it from results: exactTerms and excludeTerms. However, the q parameter is mandatory and cannot be ignored, so if I want to search only by an specific text I just can't.
So how can I do a query using JSON API that contains specifically the text I want? Does the q parameter work as the search form in Google?
If I want results including 'foo', should I do this:
service.cse().list(cx=const.SEARCH_ENGINE_KEY, q='"foo"').execute()
or this?:
service.cse().list(cx=const.SEARCH_ENGINE_KEY, q=None, exactTerms='foo').execute()
Thank you in advance for your time.
Due to the success on the answers (hehe) I'm posting my own conclusions. Please, if you've any facts regarding the original question, please post it.
I've been testing with some calls to Google CSE API and looks like you can pass to q parameter the same query you'd do in Google's main page textfield. So (at least for my needs), you don't need exactTerms and excludeTerms to get what I was trying to achieve.
Anyway, as I said before, if you know how to work with these parameters I'm sure everybody will thank you.

Splash issue with

I'm attempting a scrapy-with-splash project to get a few fields off the website "". This site uses java to retrieve and delete listings as you scroll.
I've not had any luck getting the splash server to give me the whole set of data, or any of the detailed listings for that mater.
My first question is can splash even do this?
I really don't care how I get this data. I would prefer doing it with a program but any tool that can get me fields from this site in an .csv file would do the job. Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for any advice
Why do you want render it? They have pretty good API, check So you can iterate, increasing skip argument and parsing json each time.
Looks like very promising way.

Google Custom Search API curl trouble

I'm a newbie at stackoverflow so please be patient with me :)
I'm trying to get access with the Google Custom Search API.
But I get return that I can't understand.
My query is like this:********&q=red%2Bsox&cx=**********&start=0&num=10&cr=countryCA&lr=lang_fr&client=google-csbe&output=xml_no_dtd
And the result I get is this?
string '{"error": {"errors": [{"domain": "global","reason": "invalid","message": "Invalid Value"}],"code": 400,"message": "Invalid Value"}}' (length=172)
What am I doing wrong?
I want the result from Google to appear.
Thanks in advance :)
You don't have a cx.
Take a look at this answer
What happens is because this api is used mostly for adding a search option
for your site you have to specify you custom search engine (e.g. search only your site).
When you want this to search the web by code you need to do the above. Add a fake
site (where you would add your search textbox), configure it (search the web, or your site, or whatever else) and then delete the fake site
Oh god, i just saw that. Sorry. Well the problem is that you start with 0. Valid is 1. Change start=0 with start=1 and i think you would be good to go. Take a look at this for valid values for the start parameter official page

Download JSON data from a web form

I am writing an app that asks for some data from a web-based form and then displays the returned JSON data. But I can't seem to get a handle on how "fill in" the form and get the data returned. The website developer has made a development form for testing this so I can see how it works. If I go to that website and enter data into the fields and press "Submit", it returns JSON-formatted text and displays it in the web browser's window.
What I need to do is have my app populate those fields with data and submit them to the server. The server returns the JSON data and I capture and process it in my app.
I would appreciate any advice on how to do this. As you may have guessed, I am a very new to iOS development. Thanks in advance.
Firstly, you'll need to know what form data you're going to send in a POST request. If you don't know where to find that, take a look at this.
Consider using AFNetworking to make that POST request with JSON feedback. Here's a good example.
Good luck!
This walkthrough by Matt Long is particularly good:
Essentially, you just need your fields in the post data to match the fields that are present in the html form. Those fields should be evident by posting the form in chrome and watching the request in the network tab in developer tools.