Retrieve information about all european countries - sparql

What I want from my sparql query is to not only get a list of all the European countries, but I want all the info they have. For instance, their capital, currency, areaKM and so on. The end goal is to use the datasets I aquired in protege. The query I have tried looked like this:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX yago: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX db: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?country ?capital ?area ?currency ?wealth
?country rdf:type yago:EuropeanCountries;
dbo:capital ?capital;
dbp:areaKm ?area;
dbp:currencyCode ?currency;
dbp:gdpPppPerCapita ?wealth .
This seemed to work at first, but as of yesterday it won't anymore. So my question is, how do i get all european countries and their properties given by dbpedia using sparql.
Thanks in advance!

Since yesterday, DBpedia 2016-04 is loaded into and as far as I can see, the YAGO data isn't loaded (yet?)
At least, this simplified query already doesn't return any result:
PREFIX yago: <>
?country a yago:EuropeanCountries
Alternative query using the DBpedia categories (and your YAGO type is more or less the same):
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX yago: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
{ ?country dct:subject <> ;
dbo:capital ?capital
{ ?country dbp:areaKm ?area }
{ ?country dbp:currencyCode ?currency }
{ ?country dbp:gdpPppPerCapita ?wealth }
Note, that I put some properties into an OPTIONAL as at least for dbp:currencyCode and dbp:gdpPppPerCapita there is no data (anymore?).


Sparql in combination with DBpedia

i want to display the countries with their net value/income or something similiar through accessing the data through DBPedia. and further insert them into an already created table.
Unfortunately i dont get any results with my code.
Try the following query to list the type of entities that has a dbp:income as a property. you will notice that dbo:Country is not the list, that's why the result you got was empty.
prefix dbp: <>
select distinct ?type
where {
?s a ?type.
?s dbp:income ?income
My suggestion is to use dbp:gdpNominal instead of the dbp:income property in your query :
prefix dbp: <>
prefix dbo: <>
select distinct ?country_name ?income
where {
?country a dbo:Country.
?country rdfs:label ?country_name. FILTER (lang(?country_name) = 'en')
?country dbp:gdpNominal ?income.

Querying dbpedia, not getting expected result not sure what's the mistake

My query is
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT ?craft where
?craft <> ?v.
Now this returning lot of results,
but nothing related to Steve Jobs or Tim Cook, even though in their page there is a property named title.
dbp:title dbr:List_of_Apple_Computer_CEOs
The query:
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?nb_result)
?craft dbp:title ?v .
The public query endpoint for DBpedia limits the number of results to 10,000, among other restrictions. So your chances of retrieving any specific statement there are very small. If you worry that the data at the query endpoint is different than at the front end, you can check that the data is there with the query:
PREFIX dbp: <>
PREFIX dbr: <>
SELECT ?prop ?value
dbr:Steve_Jobs ?prop ?value .
and compare with what's displayed at

How to gracefully handle dbpedia queries of birthDate in different ontologies

I'm trying to extract the date of birth of a number of people from However some queries fail because the data is in a different attribute. For example:
PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
select ?birthDate where {
dbr:Alan_Turing dbo:birthDate ?birthDate
returns 1912-06-23 as it should but:
PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
select ?birthDate where {
dbr:Grace_Hopper dbo:birthDate ?birthDate
returns an empty result.
The original problem was confused by the disparity between the and, meaning despite the non-live version having dbo:birthDate in both this wasn't the same on If you compare Alan Turing with Grace Hopper you see they have their birthDates in two different ontologies. So the problem is now how to handle those gracefully.
The answer is to use the UNION operator to find an answer from whichever ontology has it:
PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
select ?birthDate where {
{ dbr:Alan_Turing dbo:birthDate ?birthDate }
{ dbr:Alan_Turing dbp:birthDate ?birthDate }
Gives us two results, both the same. And for Grace Hopper:
PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
select ?birthDate where {
{ dbr:Grace_Hopper dbo:birthDate ?birthDate }
{ dbr:Grace_Hopper dbp:birthDate ?birthDate }
We only get one result
As already has a bunch of namespace prefixes defined and as suggested by #AKSW we can simplify the call even further. The distinct keyword means identical results from different taxonomies are merged together:
select distinct ?birthDate {
dbr:Grace_Hopper dbo:birthDate|dbp:birthDate ?birthDate
Giving this result.

SPARQL query does not give all the results that are on dbpedia

I'm executing this query in
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
SELECT ?country_name ?population
?country a type:LandlockedCountries ;
rdfs:label ?country_name ;
prop:populationEstimate ?population .
The query looks for all land looked countries.
I don't understand why in the results there are not some countries which are classified on
"/". For example, Paraguay (/ is classified but does not appear in the query result set. Can somebody explain me why?
Unfortunately, there are a small number of landlocked countries that do not have values for at least one of the country_name and populationEstimate properties. This is why they will not be returned in your query. If you run the following query, those countries will come up (those two attributes are set as OPTIONAL).
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
SELECT ?country ?country_name ?population
?country a type:LandlockedCountries .
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_name Filter(lang(?country_name) = 'en')} .
OPTIONAL {?country prop:populationEstimate ?population} .
run query
For (slightly) better results, since some countries seem to be duplicated with erroneous capitalization (e.g. ParaguAy and Paraguay), the following query uses ?country dcterms:subject category:Landlocked_countries instead of the yago class.
run query

Getting a list of American physicists from DBpedia using SPARQL

I want to query the American Physicsts and get the list of physicists. How can I do this?
The SPARQL you need would look like this ....
PREFIX category: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
?s dcterms:subject category:American_physicists .
see results here
If you want the list with some extra predicates you need to join more triple patterns using the variable ?s. For instance, to retrieve the birthdate for each physicist ...
PREFIX category: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
?s dcterms:subject category:American_physicists .
?s dbpedia:birthDate ?bithdate .
results here