Why isn't my VB if statement working? - vb.net

I'm working on my first project for my visual basic programming class.
I am trying to have this condition statement say if the discount rate is .1 or (10%), then add to the count of customers who got the discount (msngFrequentFlyers) and add to the accumulator that keeps track of total discounts given (msngTotalDiscounts).
I'm very new to all this- please help! Project is due tonight.
Here's my code:
Public Class frmTaxiConsole
'Modular Variable Declaration Section
'Declares msngDiscountRate and sets inital value to -1 for testing user input
Dim msngDiscountRate As Single = -1
'Declares all counter variables
Dim msngNumberOfRides As Single
Dim msngNumberOfFrequentFlyers As Single
'Declares all accumulator variables
Dim msngRevenue As Single
Dim msngTotalDiscounts As Single
Dim msngBillableMiles As Single
If the radio button for the discount is checked:
Private Sub radFrequentFlyer_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles radFrequentFlyer.CheckedChanged
msngDiscountRate = 0.1 'Sets discount rate to 10% upon selection of radio button
End Sub
This is the if statement that's not working, in the "Process Transaction" click event:
If msngDiscountRate = "0.1" Then 'Checks to see if this transaction had any discount
msngNumberOfFrequentFlyers += 1 'If so, adds 1 to the number of discounts given
msngTotalDiscounts = msngTotalDiscounts + (sngSubTotal * msngDiscountRate) 'Also adds the discount amount to the total discounts accumulator (without making it negative)
End If
Here's the entire code for the "Process Transaction" click event:
Private Sub btnProcessTx_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnProcessTx.Click
'Local Variable Declaration Section
Dim sngMilesDriven As Single
Dim dblOdometerStart As Double
Dim dblOdometerEnd As Double
Dim sngInitialFee As Single
Dim sngPerMileFee As Single
Dim sngMileageCharge As Single
Dim sngSubTotal As Single
Dim sngDiscount As Single
Dim sngTotalDue As Single
'Data Input + Testing Section
'Changes all text box backcolors white, in case they had been turned red due to an error
txtOdometerStart.BackColor = Color.White
txtOdometerEnd.BackColor = Color.White
txtInitialFee.BackColor = Color.White
txtPerMileFee.BackColor = Color.White
'Try/Catch validates user input for Inital Fee
'Attempts to convert user input to Single and store as a local variable
sngInitialFee = CSng(txtInitialFee.Text)
Catch ex As Exception
'If error occurs, displays a messagebox, changes background color of relavent text box, and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid initial fee.", "Invalid Initial Fee", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtInitialFee.BackColor = Color.Red
txtInitialFee.Focus() 'Focuses in text box where error occured so user can fix
Exit Sub
End Try
'Try/Catch validates user input for Per-Mile Fee
'Attempts to convert user input to Single and store as a local variable
sngPerMileFee = CSng(txtPerMileFee.Text)
Catch ex As Exception
'If error occurs, displays a messagebox, changes background color of relavent text box, and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid per-mile fee.", "Invalid Per-Mile Fee", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtPerMileFee.BackColor = Color.Red
txtPerMileFee.Focus() 'Focuses in text box where error occured so user can fix
Exit Sub
End Try
'Try/Catch validates user input for starting milage
'Attempts to convert user input to Double and store as a local variable
dblOdometerStart = CDbl(txtOdometerStart.Text)
Catch ex As Exception
'If error occurs, displays a messagebox, changes background color of relavent text box, and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid starting milage.", "Invalid Odometer Reading", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtOdometerStart.BackColor = Color.Red
txtOdometerStart.Focus() 'Focuses in text box where error occured so user can fix
Exit Sub
End Try
'Try/Catch validates user input for ending milage
'Attempts to convert user input to Double and store as a local variable
dblOdometerEnd = CDbl(txtOdometerEnd.Text)
Catch ex As Exception
'If error occurs, displays a messagebox, changes background color of relavent text box, and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid ending milage.", "Invalid Odometer Reading", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtOdometerEnd.BackColor = Color.Red
txtOdometerEnd.Focus() 'Focuses in text box where error occured so user can fix
Exit Sub
End Try
'If statement ensures Inital Fee is a positive number
If sngInitialFee < 0 Then
'If error occurs, displays a messagebox, changes background color of relavent text box, and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Initial Fee cannot be negative.", "Invalid Inital Fee", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtInitialFee.BackColor = Color.Red
txtInitialFee.Focus() 'Focuses in text box where error occured so user can fix
Exit Sub
End If
'If statement ensures Per-Mile Fee is a positive number
If sngPerMileFee < 0 Then
'If error occurs, displays a messagebox, changes background color of relavent text box, and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Per-Mile Fee cannot be negative.", "Invalid Per-Mile Fee", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtPerMileFee.BackColor = Color.Red
txtPerMileFee.Focus() 'Focuses in text box where error occured so user can fix
Exit Sub
End If
'If statement checks to make sure starting milage is smaller number than ending milage
If dblOdometerEnd <= dblOdometerStart Then
'If ending milage is smaller number than starting milage, displays a messagebox and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Your ending mileage cannot be less than or equal to your starting mileage. Please check your odometer readings.", "Invalid Odometer Reading", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtOdometerStart.Focus() 'Focuses in starting odometer reading text box so user can fix
Exit Sub
End If
'If statement checks to make sure both odometer readings are positive numbers.
If dblOdometerEnd < 0 Or dblOdometerStart < 0 Then
'If either odometer reading is negative, displays a messagebox and exits sub.
MessageBox.Show("Both your odometer readings must be positive numbers. Please check your odometer readings.", "Invalid Odometer Reading", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
txtOdometerStart.Focus() 'Focuses in starting odometer reading text so user can fix
Exit Sub
End If
'If statement checks to ensure user has seleted one of the two radio buttons
If msngDiscountRate = -1 Then
'If msngDiscountRate is the same as the initial value, neither option has been chosen, an error message is shown, and sub exited.
MessageBox.Show("Please choose a frequent flyer status.", "Frequent Flyer?", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
Exit Sub
End If
'Calculations Section
sngMilesDriven = CSng(dblOdometerEnd - dblOdometerStart) 'Subtracts starting mileage from ending mileage, converts to single, stores as var sngMilesDriven
sngMileageCharge = sngMilesDriven * sngPerMileFee 'Multiplies the miles driven by the per-mile fee and stores as var sngMileageCharge
sngSubTotal = sngMileageCharge + sngInitialFee 'Adds the milage charge to the initial fee, stores as var sngSubTotal
sngDiscount = sngSubTotal * msngDiscountRate * -1 'Multiplies subtotal by discount rate, makes negative, stores as var sngDiscount
sngTotalDue = sngSubTotal + sngDiscount 'Subtracts discounts from subtotal, stores as var sngTotalDue
'Counter and Accumulator Operations
msngNumberOfRides += 1 'Adds 1 to the number of rides given
If msngDiscountRate = "0.1" Then 'Checks to see if this transaction had any discount
msngNumberOfFrequentFlyers += 1 'If so, adds 1 to the number of discounts given
msngTotalDiscounts = msngTotalDiscounts + (sngSubTotal * msngDiscountRate) 'Also adds the discount amount to the total discounts accumulator (without making it negative)
End If
msngRevenue = msngRevenue + sngTotalDue 'Adds the total due for current transaction to revenue accumulator
msngBillableMiles = msngBillableMiles + sngMilesDriven 'Adds miles from this transaction to running total
'Output Section
'Displays above calculations in respective labels and formats as currency if neccecary.
lblMilesDrivenOutput.Text = sngMilesDriven
lblSumInitialFeeOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(sngInitialFee) 'Formats sngInitialFee as currency and displays in lblSumInitialFeeOutput
lblSumMilageChargeOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(sngMileageCharge)
lblSumSubTotalOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(sngSubTotal)
lblSumDiscountOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(sngDiscount)
lblSumTotalDueOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(sngTotalDue)
'Displays all counter and accumulator variables after they are updated
lblTotalRidesOutput.Text = msngNumberOfRides
lblFrequentFlyersOutput.Text = msngNumberOfFrequentFlyers
lblRevenueOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(msngRevenue)
lblTotalDiscountsOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(msngTotalDiscounts)
lblBillableMilesOutput.Text = msngBillableMiles
End Sub

Firstly as mentioned above you'll need to remove the quotes around the 0.1 in your if statement, this won't work as it's comparing a number to a string.
I'm no expert on floating-point arithmetic, but as Plutonix alludes to, I think the problem when you tried it without quotes is that the 0.1 you're comparing your msngDiscountRate in the if statement defaults to a Double, whereas you've declared your variable as a Single, so the if statement evaluates to false.
You could either declare your msngDiscountRate variable as Double instead, or cast the 0.1 to a Single to get around it. These simple examples might help -
'Variable declared as a Single, compared to 0.1 (a Double) - If statement evaluates to false
Dim msngDiscountRateExample1 As Single = -1
msngDiscountRateExample1 = 0.1
If msngDiscountRateExample1 = 0.1 Then
End If
'Variable declared as a Double, compared to 0.1 (another Double) - If statement evaluates to true
Dim msngDiscountRateExample2 As Double = -1
msngDiscountRateExample2 = 0.1
If msngDiscountRateExample2 = 0.1 Then
End If
'Variable declared as a Single, compared to 0.1 (a Double) which is *cast* as a Single - If statement evaluates to true
Dim msngDiscountRateExample3 As Single = -1
msngDiscountRateExample3 = 0.1
If msngDiscountRateExample3 = CSng(0.1) Then
End If


Storing string then displaying it with a label box

I am trying to store the string from an input box and then display it with dashes in the lblbox for a hangman game for a class.
These are the tasks that I am struggling with:
edit the program to allow a Secret Word of any length.
the program will allow the ‘guesser’ to guess 2 times the length of the word. As an example, the word ‘code’ will allow 8 total guesses.
As the user guesses at letters contained in the word the program will:
Count the number of attempts the user has completed.
Replace the appropriate dash (-) with the correct letter, if the correct letter has been guessed.
When all the letters have been guessed correctly all the dashes (-) should be replaced with the appropriate letters, and a message box should appear stating “Great Job playing Hangman.!”
If the user is unable to guess the correct word in the amount of guesses allowed; the dashes (-) should be replaced with GAME OVER! and a message box should appear stating “Sorry the correct word was________”
2 bonus points will be awarded for displaying all incorrect letters guess in a 3rd label control.
4 more additional bonus points will be awarded for not allowing, or counting a user who guesses the same incorrect letter twice.
Here is my code:
Dim strSecretWord As String
Dim strLetterGuessed As String
Dim blnDashReplaced As Boolean
Dim intNumberOfRemainingGuesses As Integer = 10
Dim intNumofGuesses As Integer = 0
lblSecretWord.Text = ""
lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
'start game and have 1st user input a 5 letter word that 2nd player needs to guess
strSecretWord = InputBox("Please input a 5 letter word for user to guess:", "Please input secret word.").ToUpper
'displays five dashes for the secret word
lblSecretWord.Text = lblSecretWord.Text & "-----"
'guessing player recieves inputbox to make letter guesses
MessageBox.Show("The length of the word is 5 letters, you will be given 10 guesses", "10 guesses", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
MessageBox.Show("Player who gets to guess, BE READY!", "Good Luck Guessing", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
'Counts number of attempts player gets (10) and replaces dashes with guessed letter if correct
'If guessed letter was incorrect, user loses a turn
For intNumberofGuesses = 1 To 10
strLetterGuessed = InputBox("Please guess a letter:", "Letter Guess").ToUpper
'Uses an IntIndex counter of 0 to 4 to execute 5 times (5 dashes)
'Also uses the value of intIndex to check each of the 5 locations of the strSecretWord
For intIndex As Integer = 0 To 4
'if the user has guessed a correct letter then remove a dash and insert the correct letter guessed
If strSecretWord.Substring(intIndex, 1) = strLetterGuessed Then
lblSecretWord.Text = lblSecretWord.Text.Remove(intIndex, 1)
lblSecretWord.Text = lblSecretWord.Text.Insert(intIndex, strLetterGuessed)
blnDashReplaced = True
End If
Next intIndex
'If the user guessed a correct letter on their last guess the blnDashReplaced is set and the true condition of the If statement is executed
If blnDashReplaced = True Then
'if there are no more dashes, and the game has been solved.
If lblSecretWord.Text.Contains("-") = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Great Job playign Hangman!", "Game Over", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
Exit Sub
blnDashReplaced = False
End If
End If
lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = intNumberofGuesses
intNumberOfRemainingGuesses = intNumberOfRemainingGuesses - 1
lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = intNumberOfRemainingGuesses
lblSecretWord.Text = "GAME OVER!"
MessageBox.Show("Better luck next time. Sorry the correct word was " & strSecretWord & ".", "You Lost", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
I added a list box to keep the guessed letters. Other comments and explanations in line.
Public Class Form3
'Move this to a class level variable so it can be seen by
'all the methods in the class
Private strSecretWord As String
Private Sub btnStartGame_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStartGame.Click
Dim strLetterGuessed As String
Dim blnDashReplaced As Boolean
Dim intNumberOfRemainingGuesses As Integer
Dim intNumofGuesses As Integer = 0
'Display correct number of dashes
Dim numberOfDashes As Integer = strSecretWord.Length
'Create a string with correct number of dashes
'This uses and overload of the String constructor that takes a Char and an integer
'as arguments and returns a string with that character repeated that number
'of times. The lower case c following "-" indicates that - is a Char.
Dim TotalNumofGuesses = numberOfDashes * 2
lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = TotalNumofGuesses.ToString
intNumberOfRemainingGuesses = TotalNumofGuesses
Dim dashString As String = New String("-"c, numberOfDashes)
'displays the dashes
lblSecretWord.Text = dashString
'guessing player recieves inputbox to make letter guesses
'You can use an Interpolated string to display variables in line surrounded by { }.
'In older versions of VB String.Format() will yield the same result.
MessageBox.Show($"The length of the word is {numberOfDashes} letters, you will be given {TotalNumofGuesses} guesses", $"{TotalNumofGuesses} guesses", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
MessageBox.Show("Player who gets to guess, BE READY!", "Good Luck Guessing", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
'Counts number of attempts player gets and replaces dashes with guessed letter if correct
'If guessed letter was incorrect, user loses a turn
For counter = 1 To TotalNumofGuesses
strLetterGuessed = InputBox("Please guess a letter:", "Letter Guess").ToUpper
'If lstLettersGuessed.Contains(strLetterGuessed) Then
If lbxLettersGuessed.Items.Contains(strLetterGuessed) Then
MessageBox.Show($"{strLetterGuessed} has already been guessed.", "Try Again")
'need to do this so they are not cheated out of a guess
TotalNumofGuesses += 1
Continue For 'Moves to the next iteration of the For
End If
'Uses an IntIndex counter of 0 to 4 to execute 5 times (5 dashes)
'Also uses the value of intIndex to check each of the 5 locations of the strSecretWord
For intIndex As Integer = 0 To numberOfDashes - 1
'if the user has guessed a correct letter then remove a dash and insert the correct letter guessed
If strSecretWord.Substring(intIndex, 1) = strLetterGuessed Then
lblSecretWord.Text = lblSecretWord.Text.Remove(intIndex, 1)
lblSecretWord.Text = lblSecretWord.Text.Insert(intIndex, strLetterGuessed)
blnDashReplaced = True
End If
Next intIndex
'If the user guessed a correct letter on their last guess the blnDashReplaced is set and the true condition of the If statement is executed
If blnDashReplaced = True Then
'if there are no more dashes, and the game has been solved.
If lblSecretWord.Text.Contains("-") = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Great Job playing Hangman!", "Game Over", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
'Do this at start of game, player wants to see final score
'lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
'lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
Exit Sub
blnDashReplaced = False
End If
End If
'This is a shorter way of incrementing a variable
intNumofGuesses += 1
'Can't put an integer into a Text property, it needs a string
lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = intNumofGuesses.ToString
'This is a shorter way of decrementing a variable
intNumberOfRemainingGuesses -= 1
'Can't put an integer into a Text property, it needs a string
lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = intNumberOfRemainingGuesses.ToString
lblSecretWord.Text = "GAME OVER!"
MessageBox.Show("Better luck next time. Sorry the correct word was " & strSecretWord & ".", "You Lost", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
'Do this at start of game
'lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
'lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub btnSetUp_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSetUp.Click
lblSecretWord.Text = ""
lblNumberOfAttempts.Text = "0"
lblRemainingNumberOfAttempts.Text = "0"
'start game and have 1st user input a 5 letter word that 2nd player needs to guess
strSecretWord = InputBox("Please input a word for user to guess:", "Please input secret word.").ToUpper
End Sub
End Class

checking data type in VBA

I have a program in VBA in which I'd like the user to only enter a number. I want to be able to catch when they they enter a string and have them try again. This is what I've tried:
Sub getInterest()
annualInterest = InputBox("Please enter your annual interest rate as a decimal. ")
If TypeOf annualInterest Is Double Then
'Continue with program
Call getInterest()
End If
End Sub
But this doesn't work.
IsNumeric returns a boolean & doesn't tell you what the type of data user entered, only if it passed or failed numeric check. And while it may work in your case another option is VarType function.
VarType function returns an Integer indicating the subtype of a variable
Sub getInterest()
annualinterest = InputBox("Please enter your annual interest rate as a decimal. ")
If VarType(annualinterest) = vbDouble OR VarType(annualinterest)=vbSingle Then
'crunch interest
End If
End Sub
Try something like this...
Sub getInterest()
Dim annualInterest As Double
Do While annualInterest = 0
annualInterest = Application.InputBox("Please enter your annual interest rate as a decimal.", "Annual Interest Rate!", Type:=1)
MsgBox annualInterest
End Sub
Your syntax in second row is wrong. please try below code. Code will proceed only if user input is a valid number.
Sub getInterest()
annualinterest = InputBox("Please enter your annual interest rate as a decimal. ")
If IsNumeric(annualinterest) Then
'Continue with program
Call getInterest
End If
End Sub
I think you can simply force a numeric entry in Excel VBA by using the existing parameters.
annualInterest = Application.InputBox("Please enter your annual interest rate as a decimal. ", , , , , , , 1)
It will ensure a valid numeric entry and can save the call.

For loop for bowling score array

I am trying to create a bowling program that will display the scores given in a multi-line text box. I've manage to get the program giving an output, but when it runs it skips asking for new inputs and just gives 5 0s on seperate lines and nothing else. I'm completely lost, any help is very much appreciated
EDIT: Sorry should have changed errors to reflect the programs changes, it looks like this now. It gives 0's instead of using the value I gave it, but it does ask for each input now.
For gameNumber As Integer = 1 To 5 Step 1
lblEnterScore.Text = "Enter Score for game #" & gameNumber
Dim Testint As Integer ' define an Integer for testing
Testint = CInt(txtScoreInput.Text) ' try to convert whatever they entered to Int
MessageBox.Show("Entry is not an Integer") ' If you are here then the CInt failed for some reason, send a message
Exit Sub
End Try
If txtScoreInput.Text.Contains(".") Then
MsgBox("Bowling Score must be a whole number.")
Exit Sub
End If
If txtScoreInput.Text > MAXIMUM_SCORE Or txtScoreInput.Text < MINIMUM_SCORE Then
MsgBox("Bowling Score must be between 1 and 300.")
Exit Sub
End If
scoreInput(gameNumber) = CInt(txtScoreInput.Text)
' and store it in the array
' and increment the gamecounter for the next time through the loop
'btnEnterScore.Enabled = False
' place the good score into the multi-line textbox
txtScoreOutputs.Text = gameScore & vbCrLf & txtScoreOutputs.Text
End Sub
If it was me, here's what I would do... Just a suggestion; I also cut out over half of your code and stopped it from throwing exceptions as well... You can put this in a click event or where ever you need it as well. You can modify this as well to take as many as you want from user input as well not just limit them from entering score's. Your user also has the option to get out of that loop when they choose to do so as well, not keeping them inside the loop...
Private ScoreLists As New List(Of Integer) 'Hold your inputted values
Private Const MAXIMUM_SCORE As Integer = 300 'Max score
Private Const MINIMUM_SCORE As Integer = 1 'Min score
Private blnStop As Boolean = False
For gameNumber As Integer = 1 To 5
Dim intScore As Integer = 0
Do Until (intScore >= MINIMUM_SCORE And intScore <= MAXIMUM_SCORE) OrElse blnStop
If Not Integer.TryParse(InputBox("Please enter a score for game # " & gameNumber.ToString), intScore) Then
If MsgBox("Bowling Score must be a whole number. Stop getting scores?.", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
blnStop = True
Exit For
End If
End If
'Display the results...
For i As Integer = 0 To ScoreLists.Count - 1
txtScoreOutputs.Text &= ScoreLists.Item(i.ToString)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Construct your logic like this (pseudo):
The loop part will control how many scores the user is prompted to enter. The AskUserForInput() function will prompt the user to type in a new score, and the ProcessUserInput() function will get the value and store it in an array or print it to the screen, etc.
Your current logic is not waiting for any new user input before trying to add to the scores. You are also getting zeros because you're setting the txtScoreOutputs with gameScore, which doesn't look like it's been set to the user's input.

VBA 2012 - Need to return an error when a user enters text instead of a numbers

I am taking a VBA class and am completely stuck on this problem. We CANNOT use the masked text box, which would solve this problem. Instead the professor actually wants me to learn the code, can you imagine?
All kidding aside, the user needs to enter a gas price into a text box, then hit calculate to receive the total cost of the trip. There is much more to the interface but will spare you the details. If a user enters anything else number than a positive number with one decimal place, it should return an error. I have figured out 0 or 0000 as well as a negative number such as -3.45. Now I have to get any text or special characters to give me an error as well as something like You never know, a user may feel the need to type in their IP address. The key to the assignment is that I catch all probable user errors.
Here is what I've written for the calculation as well as catch the errors. I have tried the Try/Catch statements as well. Nothing worked but I got the first two parts of the IF statement to work yet always failing on the last IF part until it gets to the calculation.
Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim Mileage As Decimal
Dim Miles As Decimal
Dim GasPrice As Decimal
Dim Cost As Decimal
If CDec(txtbxGasPrice.Text) = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive dollar amount")
txtbxGasPrice.Text = String.Empty
End If
If CDec(txtbxGasPrice.Text) < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive dollar amount")
txtbxGasPrice.Text = String.Empty
End If
If Cost = CDec((Miles / Mileage) * GasPrice) Then
Miles = CDec(lblTMiles.Text)
Mileage = CDec(lblMileage.Text)
GasPrice = CDec(txtbxGasPrice.Text)
lblTotalCost.Text = Cost.ToString("C2")
End If
If CBool(txtbxGasPrice.Text = "") Then
MsgBox("You must enter a dollar amount")
End If
*If Not IsNumeric(txtbxGasPrice.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive dollar amount")
txtbxGasPrice.Text = String.Empty*
End If
End Sub
'I have placed this at the top, in the middle, at the bottom but no luck. What am I missing?
Appreciate your thoughts - Lauren
This one seems to meet your criteria and pass David's tests:
Function IsValid(txt As String) As Boolean
If Not IsNumeric(txt) Then
Exit Function
End If
If Len(txt) < 2 Then
Exit Function
End If
If Not Mid(txt, Len(txt) - 1, 1) = "." Then
Exit Function
End If
If Not txt > 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
IsValid = True
End Function
This seems like a perfect application of regular expressions, but could be out of scope for this problem, maybe even better though vb has a Decimal.TryParse(or parse) that will take a string and try to parse it to a decimal.
on a side not I'm not 100% sure how it acts with xx.xx.xx but I'm betting it will fail and help your problem
I'm going to expand on CSgoose's idea to use RegEx, it seems a lot more reliable. I am very, very green when it comes to using RegEx but I try to work on Q's here at SO, so this may not be the optimal pattern to match, but a function like this seems to do the trick when I test a few value.
0/0.0/0.00 = False
-1.5 = False
1.5 = True
5.45 = False
Steve = False
Steve.6 = False
Steve6.58 = False
6.574.2 = False
A value that evaluates to 0 will return false. Negative values return false. Value must have a decimal component, be comprised of any # of digits (this can be tweaked if you want to limit it, eg., to ##.# format, etc.). Matches full text only, so things like IP addresses won't return true, etc.
NOTE This is VBA, but should be easily adaptable for your purposes)
Sub YourSub()
If Not IsMatch(CStr(txtbxGasPrice.Text)) Then
MsgBox "Please ensure that the value you enter is a positive dollar amount, to 1 decimal place!", vbCritical, "Invalid Gas Price Value!"
End IF
End Sub
This function requires enabling reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5, or you could use late-binding.
Function IsMatch(str As String) As Boolean
'Tests for a positive numeric value, formatted 0.0 with a mandatory decimal component
' exact match only
Dim re As RegExp
Dim allMatches As MatchCollection
Dim retVal As Boolean
retVal = False 'by default
If Not IsNumeric(str) Then GoTo EarlyExit 'ignore any non-numeric value
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\d*\.[0-9]"
Set allMatches = re.Execute(str)
If allMatches.Count = 1 Then
'If there are multiple matches, then I think safe to say it's not a match,
' make sure it's a full string match
If str > 0 Then
retVal = (allMatches(0) = str)
End If
End If
Set re = Nothing
IsMatch = retVal
End Function
Update to force, for example, ##.# format, you could do
re.Pattern = "[1-9]?\d\.\d"

How to insert letter "N" and have followed by 4 digits. The 4 digits is entered by the user in to the text box

NOTE: I tried using concat() method, join method and even tried to
insert just text(which turned out editable) but none of them worked as
I wanted. I was thinking if substring method will work but I only have
basic idea of how substring works. I want the letter "N" to be
inserted into the text box when form loads and when the user enters
4digits(OrderNo2.text) which should be joined so that it can be saved
together when I clicked on save button.
Please help guys. Thanks
Private Sub btnAddOrder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddOrder.Click
isNewRow = True
Dim newRow As DataRow = dsOrders.Tables("Orders").NewRow
If txtOrderNo2.Text.Length = 5 Then
newRow.Item("OrderNo") = txtOrderNo2.Text
If cbo_Product.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
newRow.Item("Product") = cbo_Product.Text
newRow.Item("Price") = txtPrice2.Text
If txtQuantity.Text <> "" Then
newRow.Item("Quantity") = txtQuantity.Text
newRow.Item("CustomerNo") = txtCustomerNo2.Text
'determine row index of new row
rowIndex = dsOrders.Tables("Orders").Rows.Count - 1
'save changes back to the database
daOrders.Update(dsOrders, "Orders")
MessageBox.Show("Please enter the quantity", "Missing Quantity", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
MessageBox.Show("Please choose the product", "Missing Price", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
MessageBox.Show("Order Number must be 5 digits long!", "Missing Order Number", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Used a MaskedTextBox instead of a regular TextBox. You can then set the Mask property to "N0000", which will only allow the user to enter 4 digits following the 'N', and will not let the user edit the 'N'. The Text property will give you the displayed text, including the 'N'.
Try just allowing only digits in the textbox with a max lenght of 4.
Then if the user clicks on the submit button just get the value of the input and place the N infront of it.
You will always have a length of 4 + your character("N") is 5.
That way you should be able to fix it.
You can also try using a regex. to see if it contains the N and numbers from 0-9.
only if it starts with the character N followed by 4 numberic characters it will be a valid input.
This would be your regex then.
Hope this can be of any use to you