Range.Formula error with user defined functions - vba

Hello guy I have a user defined function inside VBA
Function clean(word As String, ParamArray characters() As Variant) As String
For i = 0 To UBound(characters)
word = Replace(word, characters(i), "")
Next i
clean = word
End Function
whenever I try to use it in another subroutine like that
Sub prova()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim wsB As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set wsB = wb.Sheets("Bond Holdings")
wsB.Range("R3").Formula = "=clean(""dfsduuu"",""u"")"
End Sub
I get runtime error 1004. Could you guys help me figure out why? this is driving me crazy.
Thank you

Excel has a built-in function called CLEAN. You have a name-clash. If you call your function e.g. cleaner, it will work as expected.


Opening Range from a different workbook

I'm writing some VBA to check for changes to a spreadsheet when a button is clicked. The spreadsheet makes a copy of itself in the temp directory as determined by the environment variable on Workbook_Open(). This is all working fine, but the problem is with my button_click sub.
Following advice from this question, I'm trying to read the range of interest into an array. The problem is, my array is coming up empty. Is there something stupid that I'm forgetting to do here?
Dim wsOriginalWS As Worksheet
Dim varOriginalSheet As Variant
Dim wbkOrig As Workbook
Dim strRangeToCheck As String
Dim varOriginalSheet As Variant
'... some other non-relevant things
strRangeToCheck = "A5:HC231"
Set wbkOrig = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FileStr)
Set wsOriginalWS = wbkOrig.Worksheets("Sheet1")
With wsOriginalWS
Set varOriginalSheet = Range(strRangeToCheck)
End With
'... some other non-relevant things. At this point,
'... wbkOrig is still open, and I can see it with all of its data
'... while debugging.
itemp = getDimension(varOriginalSheet)
I have verified that everything up to Set varOriginalSheet = Range(strRangeToCheck) is working. The spreadsheet in the temp directory opens and is not empty. For some reason varOriginalSheet is empty.
Here's getDimensions:
Function getDimension(var As Variant) As Long
On Error GoTo Err
Dim i As Long
Dim tmp As Long
i = 0
Do While True
i = i + 1
tmp = UBound(var, i)
getDimension = i - 1
End Function

How To Develop My Own Excel Add-in in VB.Net

I am trying to create an Excel Add-in using Vb.Net. I've started an Excel 2007 Add-in Project in VS2010. Sadly, I am not good with vb.net; I am more a VB6 developer in this regard, and my ThisAddin.vb code is:
Public Class ThisAddin
Private Sub ThisAddIn_Startup() Handles Me.Startup
End Sub
Private Sub ThisAddIn_Shutdown() Handles Me.Shutdown
End Sub
' test function; simple
Public Function getRowCount() As Long
Dim thisWB As Workbook = Me.Application.ThisWorkbook
Dim activWS As Worksheet
activWS = thisWB.ActiveSheet
Return activWS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Function
End Class
I've also added a Ribbon item (via Add New Item... menu option) in designer mode (not xml) - and then add a button. Then I go to code and try to call the function and I get this error when using:
Which I got from this link: Calling a procedure within another class
To be honest, I've been trying a myriad things and I've been getting so many errors. I've been looking online as well for a tutorial on creating my own Excel Addin from scratch with no real luck. I would like not to use Add-In-Express since that's a third party app and I have to create an Excel add-in for my company from scratch.
Does anyone have an idea on how I can create a vb.net coded Excel Addin (2007) that I can use as a template or guide? I've tried several and many rely on Add-In-express and I really cannot go that way. I have a lot of VBA code (natural VBA so it's in a module in an my excel files' VBA/Developer section) and I think I can translate those from VBA/VB6 to VB.Net format so that's not my concern. It is really about getting to code my own Excel Addin in VB.Net. Any help would really be great. Thank you.
*note: I would also like not to have to ask coworkers (or do myself) to just add to the quick access toolbar the functions and subs I've created since that's really not a solution, considering that those buttons will be there when they create or open another workbook. Essentially, I've got to create my own excel addin in vb.net. Thank you once again.
The issue has to do with the definitions in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel. To code an "Interop" version you could use this:
Public Function getRowCount() As Long
Dim thisWB As Excel.Workbook = Application.ActiveWorkbook
Dim activWS As Excel.Worksheet = CType(thisWB.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
Return activWS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Function
To extend the functionality of the Native objects and use VSTO, you could do it like this:
Public Function getRowCount() As Long
Dim NativeWorkbook As Excel.Workbook = Application.ActiveWorkbook
Dim NativeWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet = CType(NativeWorkbook.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
Dim thisWB As Workbook = Nothing
Dim activWS As Worksheet = Nothing
If NativeWorkbook IsNot Nothing Then
thisWB = Globals.Factory.GetVstoObject(NativeWorkbook)
End If
If NativeWorksheet IsNot Nothing Then
activWS = Globals.Factory.GetVstoObject(NativeWorksheet)
End If
Return activWS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Function
This is a function you can put in ThisAddin.vb that will create a new Worksheet. Note that this function names the Worksheet and adds it to the end.
Public Function AddWorkSheet(sheetName As String) As Worksheet
Dim wk = Application.ActiveWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet = Nothing
ws = CType(wk.Sheets.Add(, wk.Sheets(wk.Sheets.Count)), Worksheet)
ws.Name = sheetName
Catch ex As Exception
AddWorkSheet = ws
End Try
End Function
To use this outside of ThisAddin.vb you could do something like this:
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim newSheetName As String
ws = Globals.ThisAddIn.AddWorkSheet(newSheetName)

Declare a Workbook as a Global variable

I am starting to write a code that will become applicable to multiple workbooks, but always uses the same reference workbook. The code will have many subs, and as I am trying to avoid to dim a variable to the reference workbook in every sub I would like to declare them Global.
First I had:
Global Locations As Excel.Workbook
Set Locations = Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx")
Which gave me:
"Compile error: Invalid outside procedure"
After some googling I found the following bit of code somewhere:
Public Const Locations As Excel.Workbook = "Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx")"
Which gave me:
"Compile error: Expected: type name"
Public Const Locations As Excel.Workbook = "Workbooks.Open('M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx')"
(Single quotation marks within the Workbooks.Open statement) results as the same error as when using double quotation marks.
Who knows what I am doing wrong?
I also tried to declare the variables in the "ThisWorkbook", following this answer using:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Locations As Excel.Workbook
Dim MergeBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim TotalRowsMerged As String
Locations = Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx")
MergeBook = Workbooks.Open("M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm")
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Sub
But then it returns an
"Object Required"
within my module.
I now have this which works, but has the downside of having to copy the SET lines into every Sub, there has to be a better way to do this?
Global Locations As Workbook
Global MergeBook As Workbook
Global TotalRowsMerged As String
Sub Fill_CZ_Array()
Set Locations = Application.Workbooks("locXws.xlsx")
Set MergeBook = Application.Workbooks("DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm")
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
I think the most universal way for workbook global variable would be creating a module with a Public Property Get procedure. You can refer to it without calling any code first, and you don't have to worry if the file is open or not.
Here is the sample module code for one of the variables:
Private wLocations As Workbook
Public Property Get Locations() As Workbook
Const sPath As String = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx"
Dim sFile As String
If wLocations Is Nothing Then
'extract file name from full path
sFile = Dir(sPath)
On Error Resume Next
'check if the file is already open
Set wLocations = Workbooks(sFile)
If wLocations Is Nothing Then
Set wLocations = Workbooks.Open(sPath)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Set Locations = wLocations
End Property
You can use it anywhere in the code as a global variable:
Sub Test()
Debug.Print Locations.Worksheets.Count
End Sub
Your question implies that you want a global workbook constant, not a variable. Because VBA doesn't allow objects to be initialised outside of a procedure, you can't have an object constant. The best you can do is have a public workbook variable that's initialised in an event.
You can declare a global variable, but you can't execute code to assign a value outside of a procedure:
Public myBook As Excel.Workbook
Sub AssignWorkbook()
Set myBook = Workbooks.Open("C:\SomeBook.xlsx") '// <~~ valid, inside sub
End Sub
Sub TestItWorked()
MsgBox myBook.Name
End Sub
So in a normal module you could have:
Public myBook As Excel.Workbook
And in your Workbook_Open() event:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set myBook = Workbooks.Open("C:\SomeOtherBook.xlsx")
End Sub
Then you can use myBook elsewhere in your code without having to re-assign it.
It might be worth having a look at Chip Pearson's article about variable scope in VBA here
what you want is some sort of Factory with static properties, for example in a separate module
Private m_WkbLocations As Workbook
Private m_WkbMergeBook As Workbook
Public Property Get LOCATIONS() As Workbook
If m_WkbLocations Is Nothing Then
Set m_WkbLocations= Workbooks.Open("wherever")
End If
Set LOCATIONS = m_WkbLocations
End Property
Public Property Get MERGEBOOK () As Workbook
If m_WkbMergeBook Is Nothing Then
Set m_WkbMergeBook = Workbooks.Open("wherever")
End If
Set MERGEBOOK = m_WkbMergeBook
End Property
To use, just call the property where & when you need it, no extra variables (or Sets for them) required.
TotalRowsMerged = MERGEBOOK.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
This is the best I can come up with until now. The result is that there is now only one place to change the name of the file, however I still need to copy the SET function within every subroutine. Not completely ideal yet, but better then nothing.
Public Const DESTBOOK = "DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm"
Global Locations As Workbook
Global MergeBook As Workbook
Global TotalRowsMerged As String
Sub Fill_CZ_Array()
Set Locations = Application.Workbooks("locXws.xlsx")
Set MergeBook = Application.Workbooks(DESTBOOK)
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Whenever I run into this, I declare wb as a public constant string:
public wb as string = "c:\location"
Then, throughout the code in the project, you can refer to
This is the sort of thing I usually do when I have global variables that need to be properly initialized:
In a general code module put the following code:
Public Initialized As Boolean
Public Locations As Workbook
Sub Initialize()
If Initialized Then Exit Sub
Const fname As String = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx"
On Error Resume Next
Set Locations = Workbooks(Dir(fname))
On Error GoTo 0
If Locations Is Nothing Then
Set Locations = Workbooks.Open(fname)
End If
Initialized = True
End Sub
Then in the workbook's code module put:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Furthermore, in any "gateway" sub or function (e.g. event-handlers, UDFs, etc.) which might launch your code, put Initialize (or maybe: If Not Initialized Then Initialize) as the first line. Typically most subs won't be directly launched and can rely on Locations being properly set by the caller. If you need to test something which won't run properly if the variable isn't set then you can just type initialize directly in the Immediate Window.
You could also do it with a class module and rely on the class initialiser to do the work for you when it gets used in the module:
Class module called cLocations:
Public Workbook As Workbook
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Workbook = Workbooks.Open("C:\Temp\temp.xlsx")
End Sub
And where you like in your module, or anywhere for that matter:
Dim Locations As New cLocations
Sub dosomething()
Locations.Workbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = "Hello World"
End Sub
And then, you can just use Locations.Workbook to refer to the locations workbook, and ThisWorkbook to refer to the workbook the code is running in and ActiveWorkbook to refer to the workbook that has focus. This way you could run your code from one workbook (ThisWorkbook), using the locations workbook (Locations.Workbook) as a reference and iterate over other workbooks (ActiveWorkbook) to add another level of automation.
If you step through the code, you will see that the class is only initialised when you hit a line of code that requires it, not when the workbook is loaded.
I must add though, in this case I think if you give us a slightly bigger picture of what you are trying to achieve we might be able to give you a solution to a better problem than the one you have hit while coding.
You could also take this a step further, and abstract to the application level, keep the locations workbook hidden, and even provide intellisense for named sheets if you know their position or their name explicitly:
Class module:
Private App As Application
Public Workbook As Workbook
Public NamedSheet As Worksheet
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set App = New Application
App.Visible = False
App.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Workbook = App.Workbooks.Open("C:\Temp\temp.xlsx") 'maybe open read only too?
Set NamedSheet = Workbook.Sheets("SomethingIKnowTheNameOfExplicitly")
End Sub
Public Sub DoSomeWork()
'ThisWorkbook refers to the one the code is running in, not the one we opened in the initialise
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = Wb.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value
End Sub
Public Function GetSomeInfo() As String
GetSomeInfo = NamedSheet.Range("RangeIKnowTheNameOfExplicitly")
End Function
And then in your module, the first time you use the variable it will be initialised in one line of code:
Dim Locations As New cLocations
Dim SomeInfo
Sub DoSomething()
SomeInfo = Locations.GetSomeInfo 'Initialised here, other subs wont re-initialise
Locations.Workbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value
Locations.NamedSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "Hello World!"
End Sub
This solution will work only if you know the numbers and names of all the worksheets that you will use from referenced workbook.
In your module, declare worksheet public variable for all your worksheets as follows:
Public sht1 As Worksheet
Public sht2 As Worksheet
Public sht3 As Worksheet
Instantiate these public variables in the application load event.
Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open ("your referenced workbook")
'Instantiate the public variables
Set sht1 = Workbooks("Test.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1")
Set sht2 = Workbooks("Test.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet2")
Set sht3 = Workbooks("Test.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet3")
End Sub
Now you can refer these global worksheets in your sub.
For example:
Sub test()
MsgBox sht1.Range("A1").Value
MsgBox sht2.Range("A1").Value
MsgBox sht3.Range("A1").Value
End Sub
If you create a Module say ExcelMod and within that Module you have a public function or subroutine Initialize() and another one called Terminate() you can initialize and terminate Module level variables using those routines. For example I have used this before: (Note that module variables are the first thing declared at the top of the module.)
Dim excelApp As Object, wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Sub Initialize()
Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:\SomeOtherBook.xlsx")
End Sub
Sub Terminate()
Set excelApp = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
End Sub
The variables are part of the entire module and only get initialized and terminated with these subroutines. You can pass the variables in and out of the module as you wish and use them in ALL of this modules subroutines without having to set again. If you need to use in another module you will need to pass it to that module as you normally would.
Also as others have mentioned you can use the workbook_Open event to call the initialization sub to create the objects and set them only once if needed.
Is this what you are after?
If I understand your question correctly, you are creating a code that should work on the application level and not on workbook level. In this case why don't you create an add-in.
All the code inside the add-in will have access to all the open workbooks at application level.
You might want to create an Add-In, or use a Class module to work with properties, ...
But I'm not sure it'll be that cleaner than a simple declaration in a regular module and a call to that procedure at workbook's open will do the trick just fine too .
(I have been using this method for quite some times and haven't been bothered)
So you can use this in a (dedicated or not) regular module :
'Set the path to your files
Public Const DESTBOOK = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\DURUM IT yields merged.xlsm"
Public Const LOCBOOK = "M:\My Documents\MSC Thesis\Italy\Merged\locXws.xlsx"
'Declare all global and public variables
Global Locations As Workbook
Global MergeBook As Workbook
Global TotalRowsMerged As String
'Set all variable (Procedure call from Workbook_Open)
Sub Set_All_Global_Variables()
Set Locations = Set_Wbk(LOCBOOK)
Set MergeBook = Set_Wbk(DESTBOOK)
TotalRowsMerged = MergeBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
End Sub
'Function to check if the workbook is already open or not
Function Set_Wbk(ByVal Wbk_Path As String) As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set Set_Wbk = Workbooks(Dir(Wbk_Path))
On Error GoTo 0
If Set_Wbk Is Nothing Then
Set Set_Wbk = Workbooks.Open(Wbk_Path)
End If
End Function
And call the procedure setting all the variables in the ThisWorkbook module :
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

Workbook not found when trying to call function from Excel-add in

I'm trying to call a function from a 3rd party Excel-add in a VBA-sub. The function loads data from a database into specified cells in the Excel workbook.The function I'm calling is huge and unfortunaly I can't post it in its entirety, but here are the first two lines:
Public Function loadFromDatabase(ByVal XLname As String, ByVal sMark As String)
Dim xlWB As Workbook
Then it declares a bunch of variables before running the following tests:
' Get the excel book and check if it is run in compatibility mode
Set xlWB = getXLBook(XLname)
If xlWB Is Nothing Then
loadFromDatabase = "Workbook '" + XLname + "' not found!"
Exit Function
End If
bExcel8Limits = True
If isExcel2007orLater Then
bExcel8Limits = bCheckCompMode(xlWB)
End If
Here I get this message: "Workbook " not found!" http://imgur.com/HQFAzoC .
The getXLBook function looks like this:
' Routine to get a specified Workbook
Function getXLBook(sName As String) As Workbook
Dim xlWB As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set xlWB = Nothing
Set xlWB = Application.Workbooks(sName)
On Error GoTo 0
Set getXLBook = xlWB
End Function
A hint here may be that I'm able to call the function from a Private Sub place in a worksheet like this...
Private Sub loadFromDB()
Dim res As Variant
res = Application.Run("loadFromDatabase", Me.Parent.Name, "")
If res <> "OK" Then
MsgBox res
End If
End Sub
...but not from a module in the same workbook like this
Sub loadFromDB_test()
Dim res As Variant
res = Application.Run("loadFromDatabase", XLname, sMark)
If res <> "OK" Then
MsgBox res
End If
End Sub
Any suggestions?
Edit: To clarify, it's when running loadFromDB_test the "Workbook not found" message pops up.
Edit 2: An obvious hotfix (that I didnt think of) is to just call the Private Sub in the worksheet from the Sub in the module.
Sub load_test_new()
Application.Run "Sheet1.loadFromDB"
End Sub
From a learning point of view this is clearly not a good solution as it is inefficient coding.
Based on the msgbox you display, you're passing an empty string to the function getXLBook. (within the scope of getXLBook this value is stored as sName, but the cause of the error is before you call this function).
So, somewhere in your code, before this:
Set xlWB = getXLBook(XLname)
You should have a line like this, where the right side of the statement assigns a string representing a full, valid filepath:
XLName = "C:\filename.xlsx"
I suspect that your code does not contain this assignment statement, so that should explain the error.

Setting value of named range in Excel

I apologize if this is a total noob question. I'm in the process of writing an addin for Excel. I have a sub inside class1 that opens an excel file, in this sub I have a reference to sub2 which is below. All I am looking to do is hook into the active instance of Excel, change a named range value and exit. But I keep getting errors no matter which way that I try. Here is what I have. Tell me where I have gone wrong. Forgot to mention, this is in VB.NET.
Private Sub SetRangeValue(ByVal RangeName As String, ByVal RangeValue As String)
Dim ExcelApp As Excel.Application
Dim TheRange As Excel.Range
Dim TheRangeName As String = ""
'Hook into running excel instance
ExcelApp = CType(Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application)
'First Attempt Here
TheRange = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.Names.Item(RangeName)
TheRange.Value = RangeValue
'Second Attempt
TheRange = ExcelApp.Range(RangeName)
TheRange.Value = RangeValue
End Sub
I can't get either one to work. Any help is appreciated.
Finally I got this to work properly. This is how it needed to work. Thanks for all the help.
Private Sub SetRangeValue(ByVal RangeName As String, ByVal RangeValue As String)
Dim ExcelApp As Excel.Application
'Dim TheRangeObj As Excel.Range
Dim TheRange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Name
Dim TheRangeName As String = ""
'Hook into running excel instance
ExcelApp = CType(Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application)
TheRange = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.Names.Item(RangeName)
TheRange.RefersToRange.Value = RangeValue
End Sub
'First Attempt Here
TheRange = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.Names.Item(RangeName)
TheRange.Value = RangeValue
According to Names.Item Method (Excel), this function returns a single Name object from a Names collection. In this case TheRange is not valid name for this variable, it should be TheName. Then
TheName.Value = RangeValue
is not right assignment; According to Name.Value Property (Excel) this property - Returns or sets a String value that represents the formula that the name is defined to refer to.
Error 0x800A03EC, there are a number of reasons this error is returned from Excel - the most common is when attempts to write data larger than Excel can handle. For example, you try to write a string longer than 1024 characters to a cell in Excel
I just made a sub that would make it easier me to find & replace using my named ranges:
Private Sub XlFindReplace(ByRef xSheet As Excel.Worksheet, ByVal cellName As String, ByVal NewText As String)
xSheet.Range(cellName).Value = NewText
End Sub
then T'd call it like this in order to replace stuff:
XlFindReplace(xlC1Sheet, "client1Co1Tax", client1Co1Tax)
where the xlC1Sheet is the sheet I'm currently
the "client1Co1Tax"is the name of the range in excel
and client1Co1Tax is the string variable I'm replacing it
Thanks to everyone for their input.