How to update Saved Document Extra data in GridFS - pymongo

I have stored files on gridFS that has extra information stored on them - it is not set on the metadata otherwise I would use this
For Pymongo 3.2.2 we stored information on the same level as the actual data in fs.files (not using the metadata)
so for example we have:
fs.files = [ {
_id, description, title, ...
When I call GridFS.put like so and nothing happens
FS = GridFS(mongo_,)
file.description = request_data.get('description', None)
How can I update that file extra information such as description?

What is file in your code example? That is, what are you passing to GridFS.put?
To add metadata to a GridFS file, pass additional keyword arguments to put, as it shows in the PyMongo tutorial:
>>> fs.put(b'data', filename='foo', description='my description')
Now the metadata is stored along with your data in GridFS:
>>> gridout = fs.get(ObjectId('5825ea8ea08bff9df5059099'))
>>> gridout.description
u'my description'
Under the hood, you can see that PyMongo stored the metadata in the fs.files collection in MongoDB:
>>> for doc in db.fs.files.find()
... print(doc.get('description'))
my description
But the better way to access GridFS data is with PyMongo's GridFS API, not by directly querying the collections.
Another way to store metadata is to create a GridIn, set a field, and call close:
>>> gridin = fs.new_file()
>>> gridin.filename = 'foo'
>>> gridin.description = 'my description'
>>> gridin.write(b'data')
>>> gridin.close()
This is a good option if you need to call write multiple times with chunks of data.

Manually update those extra fields without using GridFS:
file = mongo_.fs.files.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(fileId)})
file['description'] = request_data.get('description', None)


How i can read files from s3 using pyspark which is created after a particular time

I need to read json files from s3 using pyspark. The S3 location may contain hundreds of thousands of files. and every file have same metdata. But each time i need to read only the files that is created after a particular time. How i can do this?
If you have access to the system that creates these files, the simplest way to approach this would be to add a date partition when you write them:
And then you can read them with a filter; Pyspark will then only load the files that it needs into memory.
start_dt = '20210831'
end_dt = '20210901'
df = (
.filter(F.col("date").between(start_dt, end_dt))
Note that I have not explicitly tested this with JSON files, just with Parquet, so this method may need to be adapted.
If you don't have access to change how the files are written, I don't think Pyspark has direct access to the metadata of the files. Instead, you will want to query S3 directly using boto3 to generate a list of files, filter them using boto3 meta data, and then pass the list of files into the read method:
# generate this by querying via boto3
recent_files = ['s3://mybucket/file1.json', 's3://mybucket/file2.json']
df =*recent_files)
Info about listing files from boto3.
You can provide modifiedAfter and modifiedBefore parameters to DataFrameReader.json function.
modifiedBefore an optional timestamp to only include files with
modification times occurring before the specified time. The provided timestamp must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss (e.g. 2020-06-01T13:00:00)
modifiedAfter an optional timestamp to only include files with
modification times occurring after the specified time. The provided timestamp must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss (e.g. 2020-06-01T13:00:00)
from datetime import datetime
# Fill this variable with your last date
lowerbound = datetime(2021, 9, 1, 13, 0, 0)
# Current execution
upperbound =
df =,
As noted in the discussion on Kafels' answer, modifiedBefore and modifiedAfter don't work with S3 as a data source. This is a real shame!
The next best alternative is to use boto3 to list all objects in the partition, and then filter the results on the lastModified element in the results. The results don't contain a creation timestamp so lastModified is the best you can do. You also need to be careful to handle pagination given the large number of objects.
Something like this should work to retrieve the matching keys:
import boto3
def get_matching_s3_keys(bucket, prefix="", after_date=None):
List keys in an S3 bucket that match specified criteria.
:param bucket: Name of the S3 bucket.
:param prefix: Only get objects whose key starts with
this prefix
:param after_date: Only get objects that were last modified
after this date. Note: this needs to be a timezone-aware date
paginator = s3.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")
kwargs = {'Bucket': bucket, 'Prefix': prefix}
for page in paginator.paginate(**kwargs):
contents = page["Contents"]
except KeyError:
for obj in contents:
last_modified = obj["LastModified"]
if after_date is None or last_modified > after_date:
yield obj["Key"]

dask read parquet and specify schema

Is there a dask equivalent of spark's ability to specify a schema when reading in a parquet file? Possibly using kwargs passed to pyarrow?
I have a bunch of parquet files in a bucket but some of the fields have slightly inconsistent names. I could create a custom delayed function to handle these cases after reading them but I'm hoping I could specify the schema when opening them via globing. Maybe not though as I guess opening then via globing is going to try and concatenate them. This currently fails because of the inconsistent field names.
Create a parquet file:
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.demo.make_timeseries(
dtypes={"id": int, "z": int},
df.to_parquet("df.parquet", engine="pyarrow", overwrite=True)
Read it in via dask and specify the schema after reading:
df = dd.read_parquet("df.parquet", engine="pyarrow")
df["z"] = df["z"].astype("float")
df = df.rename(columns={"z": "a"})
Read it in via spark and specify the schema:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pyspark.sql.types as T
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('App').getOrCreate()
schema = T.StructType(
T.StructField("id", T.IntegerType()),
T.StructField("a", T.FloatType()),
T.StructField("timestamp", T.TimestampType()),
df ="parquet").schema(schema).load("df.parquet")
Some of the options are:
Specify dtypes after loading (requires consistent column names):
custom_dtypes = {"a": float, "id": int, "timestamp": pd.datetime}
df = dd.read_parquet("df.parquet", engine="pyarrow").astype(custom_dtypes)
This currently fails because of the inconsistent field names.
If the column names are not the same across files, you might want to use a custom delayed before loading:
def custom_load(path):
df = pd.read_parquet(path)
# some logic to ensure consistent columns
# for example:
if "z" in df.columns:
df = df.rename(columns={"z": "a"}).astype(custom_dtypes)
return df
dask_df = dd.from_delayed([custom_load(path) for path in glob.glob("some_path/*parquet")])

Prepare a csv file for process mining

hope you are doing well !
I was following tutorials for process mining using 'PM4PY', but I found difficulties in the csv file ,
in my csv file I have this columns : 'id', 'status', 'mailID', 'date'.... ('status' is same as 'activity' that contain some specific choises )
my csv file contains a lot of data.
to follow process mining tutorial I must have in my columns something like 'case:concept:name' ... but I don't know how can I make it
In your case, I assume 'id' would be the same as the Case ID in normal process mining terminology. Similarly, 'status' corresponds to Activity ID and 'date' would correspond to the timestamp.
The best option is to first read into a pandas dataframe before feeding into PM4Py.
For a detailed understanding of how to do this, here is an example below. As you have not mentioned all the columns that you have in your csv file, let us assume that currently you only have [ 'id', 'status', 'date' ] as your column list. The following code can be adapted to any number of columns you have (by adding them to the list named cols) :
import pandas as pd
from pm4py.objects.conversion.log import converter as log_converter
path = '' # Enter path to the csv file
data = pd.read_csv(path)
cols = ['case:concept:name','concept:name','time:timestamp']
data.columns = cols
data['time:timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(data['time:timestamp'])
data['concept:name'] = data['concept:name'].astype(str)
log = log_converter.apply(data, variant=log_converter.Variants.TO_EVENT_LOG)
Here we have changed the column names and their datatypes as required by the PM4Py package. Convert this dataframe into an event log using the log_converter function. Now you can perform your regular process mining tasks on this event log object. For instance, if you wish to create a Directly-Follows Graph from the event log, you can use the following line of code :
from pm4py.algo.discovery.dfg import algorithm as dfg_algorithm
dfg = dfg_algorithm.apply(log)
first you need import your csv file using pandas, then convert to an event log object, finally you can use in pm4py.

Can't figure out how to insert keys and values of nested JSON data into SQL rows with NiFi

I'm working on a personal project and very new (learning as I go) to JSON, NiFi, SQL, etc., so forgive any confusing language used here or a potentially really obvious solution. I can clarify as needed.
I need to take the JSON output from a website's API call and insert it into a table in my MariaDB local server that I've set up. The issue is that the JSON data is nested, and two of the key pieces of data that I need to insert are used as variable key objects rather than values, so I don't know how to extract it and put it in the database table. Essentially, I think I need to identify different pieces of the JSON expression and insert them as values, but I'm clueless how to do so.
I've played around with the EvaluateJSON, SplitJSON, and FlattenJSON processors in particular, but I can't make it work. All I can ever do is get the result of the whole expression, rather than each piece of it.
This is a snapshot of an output with a couple thousand lines. Each of the numeric keys that you see above (5381, 1023, 5300, etc) are player IDs for the following stats. I have a table set up with three columns: Player ID, Stat ID, and Stat Value. For example, I need that first snippet to be inserted into my table as such:
Player ID Stat ID Stat Value
5381 wind_speed 4.0
5381 tm_st_snp 26.0
5381 tm_off_snp 74.0
And so on, for each piece of data. But I don't know how to have NiFi select the right pieces of data to insert in the right columns.
I believe that it's possible to use jolt to transform your json into a format:
{"playerId":"5381", "statId":"wind_speed", "statValue": 0.123},
{"playerId":"5381", "statId":"tm_st_snp", "statValue": 0.456},
then use PutDatabaseRecord with json reader.
Another approach is to use ExecuteGroovyScript processor.
Add new parameter to it with name SQL.mydb and link it to your DBCP controller service
And use the following script as Script Body parameter:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
def ff=session.get()
//read flow file content and parse it
def body ="UTF-8"){reader->
new JsonSlurper().parse(reader)
def results = []
//use defined sql connection to create a batch
def cmd = 'insert into mytable(playerId, statId, statValue) values(?,?,?)'
results = SQL.mydb.withBatch(100, cmd){statement->
//run through all keys/subkeys in flow file body
//write results as a new flow file content
new JsonBuilder(results).writeTo(writer)
//transfer to success

Trying to load an hdf5 table with dataframe.to_hdf before I die of old age

This sounds like it should be REALLY easy to answer with Google but I'm finding it impossible to answer the majority of my nontrivial pandas/pytables questions this way. All I'm trying to do is to load about 3 billion records from about 6000 different CSV files into a single table in a single HDF5 file. It's a simple table, 26 fields, mixture of strings, floats and ints. I'm loading the CSVs with df = pandas.read_csv() and appending them to my hdf5 file with df.to_hdf(). I really don't want to use df.to_hdf(data_columns = True) because it looks like that will take about 20 days versus about 4 days for df.to_hdf(data_columns = False). But apparently when you use df.to_hdf(data_columns = False) you end up with some pile of junk that you can't even recover the table structure from (or so it appears to my uneducated eye). Only the columns that were identified in the min_itemsize list (the 4 string columns) are identifiable in the hdf5 table, the rest are being dumped by data type into values_block_0 through values_block_4:
table = h5file.get_node('/tbl_main/table')
['index', 'values_block_0', 'values_block_1', 'values_block_2', 'values_block_3', 'values_block_4', 'str_col1', 'str_col2', 'str_col3', 'str_col4']
And any query like df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(table.read_where(condition)) fails with error "Exception: Data must be 1-dimensional"
So my questions are: (1) Do I really have to use data_columns = True which takes 5x as long? I was expecting to do a fast load and then index just a few columns after loading the table. (2) What exactly is this pile of garbage I get using data_columns = False? Is it good for anything if I need my table back with query-able columns? Is it good for anything at all?
This is how you can create an HDF5 file from CSV data using pytables. You could also use a similar process to create the HDF5 file with h5py.
Use a loop to read the CSV files with np.genfromtxt into a np array.
After reading the first CSV file, write the data with .create_table() method, referencing the np array created in Step 1.
For additional CSV files, write the data with .append() method, referencing the np array created in Step 1
End of loop
Updated on 6/2/2019 to read a date field (mm/dd/YYY) and convert to datetime object. Note changes to genfromtxt() arguments! Data used is added below the updated code.
import numpy as np
import tables as tb
from datetime import datetime
csv_list = ['SO_56387241_1.csv', 'SO_56387241_2.csv' ]
my_dtype= np.dtype([ ('a',int),('b','S20'),('c',float),('d',float),('e','S20') ])
with tb.open_file('SO_56387241.h5', mode='w') as h5f:
for PATH_csv in csv_list:
csv_data = np.genfromtxt(PATH_csv, names=True, dtype=my_dtype, delimiter=',', encoding=None)
# modify date in fifth field 'e'
for row in csv_data :
datetime_object = datetime.strptime(row['my_date'].decode('UTF-8'), '%m/%d/%Y' )
row['my_date'] = datetime_object
if h5f.__contains__('/CSV_Data') :
dset = h5f.root.CSV_Data
dset = h5f.create_table('/','CSV_Data', obj=csv_data)
Data for testing: