Where do I store internal state? - elm

I have a record where two fields should be 0 when the record is initialized, and only updated by the internal functions.
How can I accomplish this? Where do I keep internal state? Ask the user to please supply 0 as the arguments and not touch those fields?

You can limit the types and functions a module exposes by using the exposing keyword on the module. However, you cannot hide individual fields of a record type. Let's first define the record alias that you want to keep private:
type alias InternalModel =
{ foo : Int
, bar : Int
First off, we need a way to hide the internals of a value. This is typically done by exposing a type but no constructors.
module MyModule exposing (Model)
type Model = Model InternalModel
The above code will not let external modules see or interact with the InternalModel type parameter at all. You can't even create a Model outside of this module. This is where we can define a function that creates a new Model and sets those initial values to zero. You will also have to adjust the module exposing list (here I'll let the external module set bar on creation, while defaulting foo to zero):
module MyModule exposing (Model, newModel)
newModel : Int -> Model
newModel bar =
Model { foo = 0, bar = bar }
If you want to expose "getters" and "setters" for fields, you can do so like this:
module MyModule exposing (Model, newModel, getFoo, setFoo)
getFoo : Model -> Int
getFoo (Model {foo}) =
setFoo : Int -> Model -> Model
setFoo foo (Model model) =
Model { model | foo = foo }


Why does `BUILD` not see attribute from parent class?

class A { has $.name; };
class B is A { submethod BUILD { $!name = 'foo' } };
This code looks natural but throws error.
Attribute $!name not declared in class B
Yes, it is not declared in class B, but we are in the partially constructed object during B::BUILD and documentation says that bless creates the new object, and then walks all subclasses in reverse method resolution order. So $!name attribute should be known for class B in this phase, right?
Is there any way to set parent class attributes during object construction without using new method? I know that new will do the trick here, but BUILD has a lot of syntactic sugar and BUILD / TWEAK feel more DWIMy and straightforward than resolving to low-level blessing in new.
Private attribute syntax ($!foo) is only available for attributes that are lexically visible. That's why they're private :-)
If class A would want other classes be able to change, it would need to provide a mutator method explicitely or implicitely (with is rw).
Or you could let class A trust class B as described at https://docs.raku.org/routine/trusts#(Type_system)_trait_trusts .
Still it feels you would do better using roles:
role A {
has $.name is rw;
class B does A {
submethod BUILD { $!name = 'foo' }
The other option is to use the is built trait on attributes that you would like the default constructor to initialize.
Consider the following:
class A {
has $.name is built
class B is A { }
B.new(name => "Foo").gist.say; # B.new(name => "Foo")
This allows descendend classes to use the named parameter matching the attribute in .new to initialize the value at object creation time. Please note that this will work whether the attribute is public "$." or private "$!".
Hope that helps!
TL;DR All attributes are technically private. This design is a good one. You could just call a method in A from B. There are, of course, other options too.
Why doesn't BUILD see parent class attributes?
Quoting Wikipedia Fragile base class page problem:
One possible solution is to make instance variables private to their defining class and force subclasses to use accessors to modify superclass states.¹
Hence, per Raku Attributes doc:
In Raku, all attributes are private, which means they can be accessed directly only by the class instance itself.
B can call a method in A
This code looks natural:
class A { has $.name }
class B is A { submethod BUILD { $!name = 'foo' } }
Quoting again from Raku doc section linked above:
While there is no such thing as a public (or even protected) attribute, there is a way to have accessor methods generated automatically: replace the ! twigil with the . twigil (the . should remind you of a method call).
Your code generates a $!name attribute (private to A) plus a public .name method. Any code that uses the A class can call its public methods.
Your code hasn't used the autogenerated accessor method. But it could have done so with a couple small changes:
class A { has $.name is rw } # Add `is rw`
class B is A { submethod BUILD { self.name = 'foo' } } # s/$!name/self.name/²
say B.new # B.new(name => "foo")
is rw makes the public .name accessor method a read/write one instead of the default read only one.
Not using is rw
As I now understand from your first comment below, an is rw accessor is disallowed given your requirements. You can achieve any effect that a class supports via its public interface.
Let's first consider a silly example so it's clear you can do anything that any methods can do. Using, say, self.name, in A or B, might actually run one or more methods in A that make a cup of tea and return 'oolong' rather than doing anything with A's $!name:
class A {
has $.name = 'fred'; # Autogenerates a `method name` unless it's defined.
method name { 'oolong' } # Defines a `method name` (so it isn't generated).
my \a = A.new;
say a; # A.new(name => "fred")
say a.name; # oolong
Conversely, if an A object changes its $!name, doing so might have no effect whatsoever on the name of the next cup of tea:
class A {
has $.name = 'fred';
method name { 'rooibos' } # ignores `$!name`
method rename { $!name = 'jane' }
my \a = A.new;
say a; # A.new(name => "fred")
say a.name; # rooibos
To recap, you can (albeit indirectly) do anything with private state of a class that that class allows via its public API.
For your scenario, perhaps the following would work?:
class A {
has $.name;
multi method name { $!name }
multi method name (\val) { once $!name = val }
class B is A {
submethod BUILD { self.name: 42 }
my \a = B.new;
say a; # B.new(name => 42)
say a.name; # 42
a.name: 99; # Does nothing
say a.name; # 42
¹ Continuing to quote solutions listed by Wikipedia:
A language could also make it so that subclasses can control which inherited methods are exposed publicly.
Raku allows this.
Another alternative solution could be to have an interface instead of superclass.
Raku also supports this (via roles).
² self.name works where $!name does not. $.name throws a different compiler error with an LTA error message. See Using %.foo in places throws, but changing it to self.foo works.
Sorry that my answer is late in the day, but I feel that your original question is very well pitched and would like to add my variation.
class A {
has $!name;
submethod BUILD( :$!name ) {}
multi method name { $!name }
multi method name(\v) { $!name := v }
method gist(::T:) { "{::T.^name}.new( name => $!name )" }
class B is A {
submethod BUILD( :$name ) { self.name: $name // 'foo' }
say B.new; #B.new( name => foo )
say A.new(name => 'bar'); #A.new( name => bar )
say B.new(name => 'baz'); #B.new( name => baz )
Raku OO tries to do two mutually incompatible things:
provide a deep OO (similar to C++ / Java)
provide a lightweight OO (similar to Python / Ruby)
This is done by having a core that does #1 and then adding some sugar to it to do #2. The core gives you stuff like encapsulation, multiple inheritance, delegation, trust relationships, role based composition, delegation, MOP, etc. The sugar is all the boilerplate that Raku gives you when you write $. instead of $! so that you can just throw together classes to be lightweight datatypes for loosely structured data.
Many of the answers here bring suggestions from mode #2, but I think that your needs are slightly too specific for that and so my answer tilts towards mode #1.
Some notes to elaborate why I think this is a good solution:
you state that you cannot use is rw - this avoids traits
with proper method accessors, you have control over initialization
BUILD() is not constrained by the public accessor phasing
no need to go to roles here (that's orthogonal)
And some drawbacks:
you have to write your own accessors
you have to write your own .gist method [used by say()]
It is attributed to Larry that "everyone wants the colon(:)". Well, he had the last say, and that the Raku method call syntax self.name: 'foo' echos assignment self.name= 'foo' is, in my view, no accident and meant to ease the mental switch from mode #2 to #1. ;-)
Does Raku succeed to reconcile the irreconcilable? - I think so ... but it does still leave an awkward gear shift.
EDITED to add submethod BUILD to class A
Thanks everyone for great discussion and solution suggestions. Unfortunately there is no simple solution and it became obvious once I understood how Raku constructs object instances.
class A {
has $.name is rw;
class B is A {
submethod BUILD {
self.A::name = 123; # accessor method is already here
B.new.name.say; # will print 123
So if inheritance is used Raku works from parent class to child class fully constructing each class along the way. A is constructed first, $.name param is initialized, public attribute accessor methods are installed. This A instance become available for B construction, but we are not in A build phase anymore. That initialization is finished. My code example shows what is happening with syntactic sugar removed.
The fact that
submethod BUILD {
self.name = 123;
is available in class B during BUILD phase does not mean that we (as class B) have this attribute still available for construction. We are only calling write method on already constructed class A. So self.name = 123 really means self.A::name = 123.
TL;DR: Attributes are not collected from parent classes and presented to BUILD in child class to be set at the same time. Parent classes are constructed sequentially and only their method interfaces are available in child BUILD submethod.
class A {
has $.name; # no rw
class B is A {
submethod BUILD {
$!name = 123;
will not work because once we reach submethod BUILD in B class attribute $.name is already constructed and it is read only.
Solution for shallow inheritance:
Roles are the way to go.
role A {
has $.name;
class B does A {
submethod BUILD {
$!name = 123;
Roles are copied to class composing them, so class B sees this $.name param as their own and can initialize it. At the same time roles autopun to classes in Raku and standalone my $a = A.new( name => 123 ) can be used as a class.
However roles overdose can lead to orthogonal pattern issues.
Solution for deep inheritance:
There is none. You cannot have secure parent classes with read-only attribute behavior and initialize this attribute in child class builder, because at this moment parent class portion of self will be already constructed and attribute will be already read-only. Best you can do is to wrap attribute of parent class in private method (may be Proxy) and make it write-once this way.
Sad conclusion:
Raku needs improvement in this area. It is not convenient to use it for deep inheritance projects. Maybe new phaser is needed that will mash every attribute from parent classes in role-style and present them to BUILD at the same time. Or some auto-trust mechanism during BUILD. Or anything that will save user from introducing role inheritance and orthogonal role layout (this is doing stuff like class Cro::CompositeConnector does Cro::Connector when class Cro::Connector::Composite is Cro::Connector is really needed) to deep OO code because roles are not golden hammer that is suitable for every data domain.

Tornadofx - Keeping globally accessed properties in a ViewModel?

Hello guys. I'm building an evolution simulator as personal project. I have a few parameters set on textfields, such as the speed of the simulation and the number of "organisms". These are going to be accessed by multiple components of the application. Because i would also like to use validation on a few parameters, I set up a ViewModel like such:
class ParametersModel: ViewModel() {
// These properties would likely be DoubleProperty, but for simplicity lets pretend they are strings
val simulationSpeed = bind { SimpleStringProperty() }
val organismsGenerated = bind { SimpleStringProperty() }
... and then perform the validation tests on the textfields:
val model = ParametersModel()
This works alright, but the issue with it is that I'm defining the model properties as a bind to an empty SimpleDoubleProperty, which is redundant since I'm never commiting this model (the program should always read changes as they are typed). At the same time, I cant define the model properties as simply:
class ParametersModel: ViewModel() {
val simulationSpeed = SimpleStringProperty()
val organismsGenerated = SimpleStringProperty()
Because I then get an error about the validation:
The addValidator extension can only be used on inputs that are already bound bidirectionally to a property in a Viewmodel. Use validator.addValidator() instead or make the property's bean field point to a ViewModel.
The other option I could take would be to make a class named something like GlobalProperties, which would keep my properties and also a ValidationContext. I could then add validators by using validationContext.addValidator and pass the textfields. But at this point I feel I'm just coding a ViewModel equivalent.
Is ViewModel the correct way of keeping "globally" accessed parameters set by textfields? If so, is there a way to not have to set the model properties as a bind of an empty one, since i dont ever need to commit anything?
Usually you would use a ViewModel with some sort of model. Then you can use the ViewModel to handle user input, which stores the current state of the user input, and the backing model will only be update when the ViewModel is committed, assuming validation passes (which seems at odds with your claim that you "dont ever need to commit anything").
Something like this:
class Parameters {
val simulationSpeedProperty = SimpleStringProperty(...)
var simulationSpeed by simulationSpeedProperty
val organismsGeneratedProperty = SimpleStringProperty(...)
var organismsGenerated by organismsGeneratedProperty
class ParametersModel(parameters: Parameters): ItemViewModel<Parameters>(parameters) {
val simulationSpeed = bind(Parameters::simulationSpeedProperty)
val organismsGenerated = bind(Parameters::organismsGeneratedProperty)
Then you can be sure that the Parameters backing the ParametersModel always has valid values in it (assuming of course it was initialized with valid values).

Specifying a function with templates that takes and returns an arbitrary class

I'm interested in defining a function that given a class variable, generates and a new instance of the class object with a randomly selected member attribute mutated.
Context: Consider an instance, circle1, of some class, Circle, has attributes color and radius. These attributes are assigned values of red and 5, respectively. The function in question, mutate, must accept circle1 as an argument, but reject non-class arguments.
For other data types, templates provide an answer in this context. That is, templates may be used to specify generic instances of functions that can accept arguments of multiple types.
How can a generic function that accepts (and returns) an instance of any class be defined using templates?
In general, if you need to restrict what a template can take, you use template constraints. e.g.
import std.traits : isIntegral;
auto foo(T)(T t)
import std.functional : binaryFun;
auto foo(alias pred, T, U)(T t, U u)
if(is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(t, u.bar())) == bool)
As long the condition can be checked at compile time, you can test pretty much anything. And it can be used for function overloading as well (e.g. std.algorithm.searching.find has quite a few overloads all of which are differentiated by template constraint). The built-in __traits, the eponymous templates in std.traits, and is expressions provide quite a few tools for testing stuff at compile time and then using that information in template constraints or static if conditions.
If you specifically want to test whether something is a class, then use an is expression with == class. e.g.
auto foo(T)(T t)
if(is(T == class))
In general though, you'll probably want to use more specific conditions such as __traits(compiles, MyType result = t.foo(22)) or is(typeof(t.foo(22)) == MyType). So, you could have something like
auto mutate(T)(T t)
if(is(T == class) &&
__traits(compiles, t.color = red) &&
__traits(compiles, t.radius = 5))
If the condition is something that you want to reuse, then it can make sense to create an eponymous template - which is what's done in Phobos in places like std.range.primitives and std.range.traits. For instance, to test for an input range, std.range.primitives.isInputRange looks something like
template isInputRange(R)
enum bool isInputRange = is(typeof(
R r = R.init; // can define a range object
if (r.empty) {} // can test for empty
r.popFront(); // can invoke popFront()
auto h = r.front; // can get the front of the range
Then code that requires an input range can use that. So, lots of functions in Phobos have stuff like
auto foo(R)(R range)
A more concrete example would be this overload of find:
InputRange find(alias pred = "a == b", InputRange, Element)
(InputRange haystack, Element needle)
if(isInputRange!InputRange &&
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle)) : bool))
Ali Çehreli's book, Programming in D, has several relevant chapters, including:

Ensuring embedded structs implement interface without introducing ambiguity

I'm trying to clean up my code base by doing a better job defining interfaces and using embedded structs to reuse functionality. In my case I have many entity types that can be linked to various objects. I want to define interfaces that capture the requirements and structs that implement the interfaces which can then be embedded into the entities.
// All entities implement this interface
type Entity interface {
// Interface for entities that can link Foos
type FooLinker interface {
type FooLinkerEntity struct {
Foo []*Foo
func (f *FooLinkerEntity) LinkFoo() {
// Issue: Need to access Identifier() and Type() here
// but FooLinkerEntity doesn't implement Entity
// Interface for entities that can link Bars
type BarLinker interface {
type BarLinkerEntity struct {
Bar []*Bar
func (b *BarLinkerEntity) LinkBar() {
// Issues: Need to access Identifier() and Type() here
// but BarLinkerEntity doesn't implement Entity
So my first thought was to have FooLinkerEntity and BarLinkerEntity just implement the Entity interface.
// Implementation of Entity interface
type EntityModel struct {
Id string
Object string
func (e *EntityModel) Identifier() { return e.Id }
func (e *EntityModel) Type() { return e.Type }
type FooLinkerEntity struct {
Foo []*Foo
type BarLinkerEntity struct {
Bar []*Bar
However, this ends up with an ambiguity error for any types that can link both Foos and Bars.
// Baz.Identifier() is ambiguous between EntityModel, FooLinkerEntity,
// and BarLinkerEntity.
type Baz struct {
What's the correct Go way to structure this type of code? Do I just do a type assertion in LinkFoo() and LinkBar() to get to Identifier() and Type()? Is there any way to get this check at compile time instead of runtime?
Go is not (quite) an object oriented language: it does not have classes and it does not have type inheritance; but it supports a similar construct called embedding both on struct level and on interface level, and it does have methods.
So you should stop thinking in OOP and start thinking in composition. Since you said in your comments that FooLinkerEntity will never be used on its own, that helps us achieve what you want in a clean way.
I will use new names and less functionality to concentrate on the problem and solution, which results in shorter code and which is also easier to understand.
The full code can be viewed and tested on the Go Playground.
The simple Entity and its implementation will look like this:
type Entity interface {
Id() int
type EntityImpl struct{ id int }
func (e *EntityImpl) Id() int { return e.id }
Foo and Bar
In your example FooLinkerEntity and BarLinkerEntity are just decorators, so they don't need to embed (extend in OOP) Entity, and their implementations don't need to embed EntityImpl. However, since we want to use the Entity.Id() method, we need an Entity value, which may or may not be EntityImpl, but let's not restrict their implementation. Also we may choose to embed it or make it a "regular" struct field, it doesn't matter (both works):
type Foo interface {
type FooImpl struct {
func (f *FooImpl) SayFoo() { fmt.Println("Foo", f.Id()) }
type Bar interface {
type BarImpl struct {
func (b *BarImpl) SayBar() { fmt.Println("Bar", b.Id()) }
Using Foo and Bar:
f := FooImpl{&EntityImpl{1}}
b := BarImpl{&EntityImpl{2}}
Foo 1
Bar 2
Now let's see a "real" entity which is an Entity (implements Entity) and has both the features provided by Foo and Bar:
type FooBarEntity interface {
type FooBarEntityImpl struct {
func (x *FooBarEntityImpl) SayFooBar() {
fmt.Println("FooBar", x.Id(), x.FooImpl.Id(), x.BarImpl.Id())
Using FooBarEntity:
e := &EntityImpl{3}
x := FooBarEntityImpl{e, FooImpl{e}, BarImpl{e}}
Foo 3
Bar 3
FooBar 3 3 3
FooBarEntity round #2
If the FooBarEntityImpl does not need to know (does not use) the internals of the Entity, Foo and Bar implementations (EntityImpl, FooImpl and BarImpl in our cases), we may choose to embed only the interfaces and not the implementations (but in this case we can't call x.FooImpl.Id() because Foo does not implement Entity - that is an implementation detail which was our initial statement that we don't need / use it):
type FooBarEntityImpl struct {
func (x *FooBarEntityImpl) SayFooBar() { fmt.Println("FooBar", x.Id()) }
Its usage is the same:
e := &EntityImpl{3}
x := FooBarEntityImpl{e, &FooImpl{e}, &BarImpl{e}}
Its output:
Foo 3
Bar 3
FooBar 3
Try this variant on the Go Playground.
FooBarEntity creation
Note that when creating FooBarEntityImpl, a value of Entity is to be used in multiple composite literals. Since we created only one Entity (EntityImpl) and we used this in all places, there is only one id used in different implementation classes, only a "reference" is passed to each structs, not a duplicate / copy. This is also the intended / required usage.
Since FooBarEntityImpl creation is non-trivial and error-prone, it is recommended to create a constructor-like function:
func NewFooBarEntity(id int) FooBarEntity {
e := &EntityImpl{id}
return &FooBarEntityImpl{e, &FooImpl{e}, &BarImpl{e}}
Note that the factory function NewFooBarEntity() returns a value of interface type and not the implementation type (good practice to be followed).
It is also a good practice to make the implementation types un-exported, and only export the interfaces, so implementation names would be entityImpl, fooImpl, barImpl, fooBarEntityImpl.
Some related questions worth checking out
What is the idiomatic way in Go to create a complex hierarchy of structs?
is it possible to call overridden method from parent struct in golang?
Can embedded struct method have knowledge of parent/child?
Go embedded struct call child method instead parent method
Seems to me having three ID in one structure with methods relying on them is even semantically incorrect. To not be ambiguous you should write some more code to my mind. For example something like this
type Baz struct {
Foo []*Foo
Bar []*Bar
func (b Baz) LinkFoo() {
(&FooLinkerEntity{b.EntityModel, b.Foo}).LinkFoo()
func (b Baz) LinkBar() {
(&BarLinkerEntity{b.EntityModel, b.Bar}).LinkBar()

Can I add hooks to database operations in SORM?

In many cases, functions need to be applied before and after database operations. An example is encryption. Data needs to be encrypted before INSERTs and UPDATEs. It needs to be decrypted after SELECTs. Would it be possible to add such hooks with SORM?
Well, theoretically you can hook into SORM by simply overriding it's methods, like so:
case class Thing( normalField : String, encryptedField : String )
object Db extends Instance (...) {
override def save
[ T <: AnyRef : TypeTag ]
( value : T )
: T with Persisted
= value match {
case value : Thing =>
super.save(value.copy(encryptedField = encrypt(value.encryptedField)))
case _ => super.save(value)
But SORM 0.3.* was not designed for customizations like that, and hooking into querying functionality will require quite much more effort and boilerplate. I'm quite unsure whether problems like that are at all of SORM's concern, because you have a rather confusing case.
Anyway, you have other ways to solve your issue on the application side. Here's a couple straight outta head:
1. The classical DAO approach:
object Dao {
def saveA( a : Thing ) =
Db.save(a.copy(encryptedField = encrypt(a.encryptedField)))
def fetchAByNormalField( a : String ) =
Db.query[Thing].whereEqual("normalField", a).fetch()
.map(a => a.copy(encryptedField = decrypt(a.encryptedField)))
The con here is that SORM's API is so simple that creating a DAO over it primarily introduces only a redundant abstraction and boilerplate.
2. The converters approach:
case class Thing( normalField : String, decryptedField : String ){
def encrypted = EncryptedThing( normalField, encrypt(decryptedField) )
case class EncryptedThing( normalField : String, encryptedField : String ){
def decrypted = Thing( normalField, decrypt(encryptedField) )
Note that you should register the EncyptedThing, not the Thing, with SORM:
object Db extends Instance( entities = Set(Entity[EncyptedThing]() ) )
You can use it like so:
val thing = Thing(...)
val thing = Db.query[EncryptedThing].fetch().map(_.decrypted)
SORM will bark at you if you accidentally forget to trigger the conversion, for trying to save a value of a type not registered with it. It should be noted though that the barking will be at runtime.