Need to find commits on a specific branch - branch

Can someone please share a code snippet that shows how I can pick out commits on only ONE branch using the JGit API.
If I use RevWalk, I get the entire tree, including sub-branches that have been merged into the specified branch.
How can I get JUST the commits on the specified branch without picking up parent commits of branches that may have been merged into the specified branch?
What may also help is to find out what branch a certain commit is sitting on.
Adding some more info:
How can I get all commits along the develop branch?
So based on the image above, I need SHAs:
but NOT:

In order to traverse the history of a Git repository, starting at a certain branch, you can use the LogCommand as described here: JGit: How to get all commits of a branch? (Without changes to the working directory ...)
The command's addFilter() method can be used to install a RevFilter to exclude certain commits.


Git. How to update feature branch withour merging unneccessary commits?

Im a bit confused about these scenarios:
I have a task.
I create feature branch, make work here.
And then I create Pull Request to release-test branch.
In order to avoid conflicts, first I have to update my feature branch. So I have to merge release-test into feature.
But in this case, in my Pull Request I will have a lot of merged commits which I don't want to have. I want only my feature branch commits in PR.
What should I do in this situation?
I pushed my feature branch and then conflict appears in PR. What are my next steps?
I tried to revert to the last commit, made compare with release-test branch, then force push. Is this a good practice?
P.S. I'm using Intellij Idea if this would help
In order to avoid conflicts, first I have to update my feature branch. So I have to merge release-test into feature.
Don't: you should always merge from specific to integration branches, not the reverse.
Your feature branch is a specific branch (specific for a given task you are isolating in its own branch)
release-test is an integration branch (where multiple branches come to be merged)
If you need to update your feature branch compared to release-test, rebase it:
cd /path/to/local/repo
git switch feature
git fetch
git rebase origin/release-test
# resolve potential conflict there
git push --force
That will guarantee there won't be any conflict in your PR (automatically updated after the push --force), since your feature branch will only add new commits on top of the most recent remote release-test branch.

Updating branch in Fossil

I am working on a project, using Fossil for version controlling and organizing it. I have some branches other than my main trunk branch, and want to update (commit) only a single branch. Doing commit will push my changes on a branch to the main Files (i am hosting my project on Chiselapp)
. How is it possible to update or commit only a single branch without affecting the main files?
A commit only ever affects a single branch. Except perhaps after merging two branches, but I'm assuming you haven't been doing that.
The only thing I can think of is that the skin you're using has a "Files" menu item that links to dir?ci=tip. The tip is a special name for the most recent commit. Which means that, if you make a commit in a different branch than trunk, that "Files" menu item will now show you the files of that other branch.
The hackish temporary way to fix that is to make a commit in trunk afterwards, so that tip refers to trunk again. But that's not ideal.
The easiest way to permanently fix this, is by choosing a different skin which doesn't do that, or by editing your skin's header, and replacing the link to dir?ci=tip by another link, dir?ci=trunk for example. That way, that menu item will always show the files in the trunk branch.
Fossil unlike Git pushes/pulls all branches and tags at once*. The reason (apart from being by design) is that Fossil repository is a database, push/full synchronizes the database in the respective direction.
This means if you committed changes on several branches then all of them will be pushed to the remote.
*UNLESS, the changes are done on private branches (see fossil help for fossil commit --branch --private, fossil branch new --private).
Private commits/branches by default are excluded from push/pull. To also include these use --private option (see fossil help for fossil push --private).
Once the changes have been pushed, they are integrated in the remote repo and can be viewed in the remote repo's web-GUI as individual commits or via the branch to which they belong. The view includes the Files section that reflects the repo contents (snapshot) at the commit's version.
To answer your question: if you committed changes to existing trunk branch, they will be pushed to the remote trunk as well. If you don't want to make changes to the remote trunk, then make your changes in your new branch (to be pushed as a new branch) or in your private branch (will NOT be pushed by default).

How can I track git cherry-pick commits between branches

I have a long standing patch branch and a develop branch. I want to cherry-pick specific changes from develop to the patch branch.
When I do, I get new commits with no link to the old commit.
Is there a way to cherry pick and maintain the parental link to the branch for that commit?
is adding "-x" the best I can do?
Yes, -x is really the only way to reference the commit that you cherry-picked.
If you want to maintain the parent relationship of your commits, you would need to merge the branches. My guess would be that you would want to merge the patch branch with the develop branch so that you keep your work properly segregated.
Though based on the way you phrased the question, I think that you might have a misconception about commits. They don't have a "link" to a branch. Rather each commit has a single parent commit that they point to. Merge commits have multiple parents to show which commits they are merging together. A branch is really just a pointer to a commit. A commit can exist on multiple branches either because it was merged or you created a new branch based from it or a later commit.
What git cherry-pick does is make a copy of the changes that you made on one branch and apply them to a different location. You do this because you don't want the rest of the history coming along with this particular change. If you want to maintain a history, you would git merge or git rebase the changes from one branch to another.

Create a bzr branch that selectively omits some commits from parent branch

Is it possible to create a branch of a bzr repository that selects omits certain changes? For example, let's say my repository is at revision 354, and I want to branch it, but I don't want to include the changes that were done in revision 247.
Note that I plan to merge in the changes from revision 247 at some point in the future. So I don't want to just make changes to the code that undo what revision 247 did, otherwise there will be a conflict later when I try to do the merge.
Is this type of selective branching possible with bzr?
I think you're looking to Reverse Cherrypick. This will let you remove a single revision from a branch.
A revision always guarantees all of it's parent revisions.
I don't think you will have too many conflicts if you first undo and commit that revision and then later re-apply it.
If you are unsure branch into a temp directory and try it out.

How do I prevent a branch from being pushed to another branch in BZR?

We use a dev-test-prod branching scheme with bzr 2. I'd like to setup a bzr hook on the prod branch that will reject a push from the test branch. Looking at the bzr docs, this looks doable, but I'm kinda surprised that my searches don't turn up any one having done it, at least not via any of the keywords I've thought to search by. I'm hoping someone has already gotten this working and can share their path to success.
My current thought is to use the pre_change_branch_tip hook to check for the presence of a file on the test branch. If it's present, fail the commit.
You may ask, why test for a file, why not just test the branch name? Because I actually need to handle the case where our developers have branched their devel branch, pulled in the shared test branch and are now (erroneously) pushing that test branch to production instead of pushing their feature branch to production. And it seems a billion times easier to look for a file in the new branch than to try to interrogate the sending branch's lineage.
So has someone done this? seen it done? or do I get to venture out into the uncharted wasteland that is hook development with bzr? :)
your approach should work and the plugin will be quite simple: just raise an exception if the file is present.
(For some sample code you can look at a plugin I wrote that can prevent commits on some conditions